Curmudgeon's Corner is a weekly current events podcast

Automated transcripts available on episode detail pages starting with Ep 836

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Most Recent Episodes


January 2012

[Ep 238] 2011-2012 Prediction Show, Part 1 [1:01:33]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-01 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Jan-02 23:50 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Review of 2011 Predictions
* 2011 Scorecard
* 2012 Election Predictions

[Ep 239] 2011-2012 Prediction Show, Part 2 [1:03:18]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-08 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Jan-10 10:01 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Iowa / New Hampshire / South Carolina
* 2012 Economic Predictions
* 2012 Tech Predictions and Other Predictions

[Ep 240] My Bed of Diamonds [1:08:24]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-15 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Jan-19 20:45 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Weather and Climate / Costa Concordia
* Election 2012
* Iranian Scientists and Nukes
* Robotic Vacuums / Truth Vigilante

[Ep 241] Spinning Wheels! [1:06:01]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jan-27 06:06 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Spam Fighting
* Newt and Romney South Carolina
* Newt and Romney Florida / General Election 2012

[Ep 242] Putting the Time into It [1:03:09]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-29 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Jan-31 17:17 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Republicans
* Twitter Censorship
* MegaUpload
* Electronics Manufacturing

February 2012

[Ep 243] From the Road Again [52:21]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Feb-06 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Feb-08 18:14 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Republicans after Nevada
* Commuting / Syria
* Targeting Killings
* Online Privacy

[Ep 244] All Whitney... or Not [55:59]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Feb-12 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Feb-17 17:23 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Republicans
* Econ Update
* iPad 3 Rumors
* Data Throttles

[Ep 245] Descent into Chaos [1:07:03]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Feb-19 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Feb-22 01:22 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Texas / Illegal Immigration
* Mountain Lion / Useful Apps
* Obama Frustration / Tea Party Frustration / Arizona and Michigan
* Santorum on Contraception, Sex and Religion / Gaming the Race

[Ep 246] A Lot of People Were Confused [1:08:42]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Feb-26 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Feb-28 09:39 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Michigan and Arizona / Stupid things Candidates Say
* Decline of the PC / Windows 8
* Google and Privacy

March 2012

[Ep 247] Did You Get Him a Drum Set? [54:53]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Mar-04 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Mar-06 15:43 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* WA Caucuses
* Super Tuesday Predictions
* Human Computer Interactions / Data Speeds and Usage

[Ep 248] Stupid Dog! [42:28]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Mar-11 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Mar-12 01:22 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Daylight Savings Time / Election 2012
* New iPad / Apple Competition / HD Downloads

[Ep 249] Oops a Daisey [1:10:49]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Mar-18 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Mar-19 08:03 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Election 2012
* New iPad Launch
* Iran / Syria
* TAL Retraction

[Ep 250] Please Don't Die in a Fire [1:06:36]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Mar-25 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Mar-26 14:46 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Election 2012
* Delegate Prep
* Trayvon Martin
* Flash Crashes / Cheney

April 2012

[Ep 251] Enter the Doldrums [1:01:25]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Apr-01 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Apr-03 16:17 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Election 2012
* Snohomish County Republican Convention
* Car Scratch / RIM Results
* Megamillions / April Fools

[Ep 252] Talking to Myself [53:40]
Recorded: Tue, 2012-Apr-10 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Apr-11 08:52 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Car GPSes
* Goodbye Santorum
* General Election 2012
* Interpreting Election Coverage

[Ep 253] Some Major Disaster [1:00:04]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Apr-15 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Apr-17 16:36 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Condo Flooding / Taxes
* iPhone Data
* Election 2012
* Secret Service Hookers

[Ep 254] This Show Sucks. We're Sorry. [33:52]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Apr-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Apr-27 15:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Computer Problems / Election 2012
* Walmart Mexican Scandal / No Big News

[Ep 255] 51.6 Miles at 1776 Feet [1:03:14]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Apr-29 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-May-02 16:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Slow Days
* Google / Information Silos / Privacy
* Post Cash World
* Election 2012 / Third Parties / Veeps

May 2012

[Ep 256] An Umbrella over your Head [1:15:47]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-May-06 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-May-11 16:41 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Computer Problems / Assistants
* Yahoo Resume Padding / Instagram / Facebook
* Obama-Biden on Gay Marriage / Ron Paul / Gary Johnson
* Military Tribunals / Torture Accountability / Routine Surveillance

[Ep 257] Driving and Walking [1:32:40]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-May-14 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-May-18 18:33 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:

[Ep 258] Multiple Ditchings [33:55]
Recorded: Wed, 2012-May-23 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-May-23 06:55 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Scheduling / Hot Water / Wendy's
* Precinct Commitee Officer
* Cory Booker Comments
* Obama in Kentucky / Quick Hits

[Ep 259] Three with Me [53:32]
Recorded: Thu, 2012-May-31 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jun-01 18:31 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Graduation/Travel
* Syria Intervention
* Romney 1144 / Pivot / Close?
* Large Sugary Drinks

June 2012

[Ep 260] Together Again [1:08:49]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jun-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jun-08 18:07 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Travel Travails / Econ Update
* Election 2012 / More Euro Stuff
* State Transfers / Stuxnet
* Obama's Kill Lists / More Election Stuff / Celeb Deaths

[Ep 261] Alternates Sinusoidally [1:11:24]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jun-10 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jun-15 14:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Confused Computer / Gaffes / Economy / Spain / Federal Employment
* Government Growth / Wisconsin
* National Security Leaks / Presidential Scandals
* Lost Passwords / Private Information / Credit Card Security / Tax Fraud

[Ep 262] Five Years? Wow! [53:06]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jun-17 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Jun-20 09:09 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Retina Macbook Pro / Happy Anniversary
* iOS 6 / GPS Navigation / Fender Benders
* Obama Immigration Actions

[Ep 263] Inauspicious Start [49:49]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Jun-25 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jun-29 16:26 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Impending Fatherhood / Dual Monitors / Clothes
* Microsoft Surface
* Syria & Turkey
* Egypt

July 2012

[Ep 264] Stretched Way Too Much [53:29]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jul-01 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jul-06 17:19 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Leap Second / Baby Stuff / SCOTUS on Obamacare
* SCOTUS Directions / SCOTUS on Immigration / Stolen Valor / Health Care Politics
* Concentrations of Power

[Ep 265] A Show About Nothing [1:01:52]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jul-08 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jul-13 14:37 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Slow Summer / Baby Prep / Latch Key Kids / Higgs Boson / Lost Knowledge
* Mac Switchers / Old Computers / New Computer Setup
* iPad Mini Rumors

[Ep 266] The Summer of Boredom [58:49]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jul-15 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Jul-18 11:08 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Congressional Deadlock
* 2012 Election Analysis Update
* Romney, Bain and Taxes
* LIBOR Scandal

[Ep 267] Instinct to React [54:46]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jul-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Jul-27 16:32 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Aurora Shooting
* 2012 Election Update
* Syria

[Ep 268] Give Me a Goat! [1:23:52]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jul-29 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Aug-03 03:11 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ready for Baby / New Computer
* Electoral College Update
* RomneyShambles
* High School Algebra / Too Big To Fail / Feedback

August 2012

[Ep 269] You Can Control the World by Blinking [1:13:30]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Aug-06 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Aug-09 13:47 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Parenthood
* Curiosity Landing
* Election 2012
* More Election 2012 / Mountain Lion

[Ep 270] Come and Go Quickly [1:03:57]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Aug-12 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Aug-16 13:16 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* A Little Ramble about Nothing
* Paul Ryan for Veep / Electoral College Update
* #NBCFail Olympics / More Ryan / Romney Taxes
* Mat Honan Epic Hack
* Goodbyes

[Ep 271] The Circle of Life [1:08:23]
Recorded: Fri, 2012-Aug-24 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Aug-24 16:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan Baby News
* "Legitimate Rape"
* Election 2012

[Ep 272] They have your Eyeball [1:07:44]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Aug-27 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Aug-31 20:39 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Electoral College Update
* Twitter Rule Changes
* Paulites at the RNC
* Condi / Ryan Speeches

September 2012

[Ep 273] Into the Bad Zone [1:05:18]
Recorded: Wed, 2012-Sep-05 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Sep-06 09:30 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Crazy Times / Polling Update
* Republican Convention
* Are You Better Off?
* Apple vs Samsung

[Ep 274] Fairly Obvious [1:05:28]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Sep-09 UTC
Published: Wed, 2012-Sep-12 16:22 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Democratic Convention
* Electoral College Update / Convention Bounces? / Policy Questions
* iPhone 5 Speculation / Automated Content Removal

[Ep 275] Absolutely Ga Ga [1:20:22]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Sep-16 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Sep-20 05:03 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Small Talk
* Gaffes
* More Gaffes / Middle East Blow Up / Management Styles
* Electoral College Update / QE3 / iPhone 5

[Ep 276] A Bizarre Person who is not Mainstream [1:16:02]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Sep-23 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Sep-27 15:52 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Dumb Phones / iPhone 5
* iOS 6 / Apple Maps / YouTube App / Podcast App
* Child Wrangling / Election Update / 47% / Romney Taxes

[Ep 277] If Suddenly I Start Screaming [55:51]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Sep-30 UTC
Published: Tue, 2012-Oct-02 16:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Stones! / Cars!
* Call for Romney Supporters / EC Update / Debate Preview / Coattails?
* Apple Maps
* Reading on Paper
* Driverless Cars

October 2012

[Ep 278] It's a Big Barrel [1:01:53]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Oct-07 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Oct-12 14:02 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* First Presidential Debate
* Debate Aftermath
* Smartphones

[Ep 279] Romney/Ryan Robotic Thing? [56:18]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Oct-14 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Oct-19 16:06 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Debate Watching / Poll Update
* Veep Debate
* Smartphones and Tablets
* Boxes / Books / Random Spot

[Ep 280] Rooting vs Voting [1:02:24]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Oct-21 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Oct-22 07:40 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam, Ivan and Bruce talk about:
* Polling Update / Second Debate
* Who is Gary Johnson?
* Third Party Strategy / Electoral College / Weighing Issues

[Ep 281] Gladiatorial Combat [1:28:25]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Oct-28 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Oct-29 09:17 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Mortgage Refinancing / Election Update / EV-PV Split?
* More on Polls / Hurricane Sandy
* Sandy Election Effects / Ballots / Worst Case Scenarios
* Surface / BYODevice / Windows 8 / iPad Mini

November 2012

[Ep 282] The End is Nigh! [1:20:30]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Nov-04 UTC
Published: Mon, 2012-Nov-05 10:26 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan and Michael talk about:
* The Case for Romney
* Electoral College Update / Believing Polls
* Why polls could be wrong
* More on Polling / Popular Vote Split
* Daylight Saving Time / Sandy Fallout
* iPad Mini vs iPad 4

[Ep 283] We're talking about 1996! [1:22:17]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Nov-12 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Nov-16 19:55 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Surprised by the Election? / Demographics / Divided Country
* How the Republicans Evolve (or don't)
* Democrats in 2016 / Bob Dole
* More 2016 Dems / Feedback / Puerto Rico / Petraeus / Referendums

[Ep 284] Even More Stupid People [1:13:03]
Recorded: Wed, 2012-Nov-21 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Nov-23 20:23 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Final Election Stuff / Israel & the Gaza Strip
* Hewlett Packard
* Fiscal Cliff
* Swearing / Twinkies / Android December

[Ep 285] Five Minutes of Peace [1:10:51]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Nov-26 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Nov-30 20:33 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Obama's Drone Policy
* Egypt, Etc.
* The American Dream
* Holiday Shopping

December 2012

[Ep 286] Items in this Mirror are Bigger than they Appear [1:17:44]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Dec-02 UTC
Published: Thu, 2012-Dec-06 07:19 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam, Bruce and Ivan talk about:
* Local Republicans
* Windows 8
* Facebook

[Ep 287] Don't Follow the GPS [1:04:52]
Recorded: Tue, 2012-Dec-11 UTC
Published: Sat, 2012-Dec-15 08:19 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Israel and Gaza
* Stupidity in Polls / Predictions
* iPhone 5 / Siri / Maps / GPS

[Ep 288] Guns and Cliffs [1:13:26]
Recorded: Tue, 2012-Dec-18 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Dec-21 18:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sandy Hook
* More Sandy Hook
* Fiscal Cliff / Map Preview

[Ep 289] Navigating off the Cliff [52:33]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Dec-24 UTC
Published: Fri, 2012-Dec-28 00:32 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Busy Times / Fiscal Cliff
* iPhone Navigation Apps / Touch to Share

[Ep 290] 2012 Retrospective Show [1:06:36]
Recorded: Mon, 2012-Dec-31 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jan-04 18:06 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* 2012 Politics
* 2012 Economy / 2012 Tech
* 2012 International
* 2012 Final Tally

January 2012

[Ep 291] 2013 Predictions Show [1:39:16]
Recorded: Sun, 2012-Jan-08 UTC
Published: Sat, 2013-Jan-12 00:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* 2013 Politics
* 2013 Economy
* 2013 Tech
* 2013 Other


The Curmudgeon's Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
Our intro is "The Oh of Pleasure" (Amazon MP3 link)
Our outro is "Celestial Soda Pop" (Amazon MP3 link)
Both are from the album "Deep Breakfast" (iTunes link)
Please buy his music!

These podcasts are produced by Abulsme Productions.
They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License

Abulsme Productions also produces the Wiki of the Day family of podcasts.
Check those out too!

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