Curmudgeon's Corner is a weekly current events podcast

Automated transcripts available on episode detail pages starting with Ep 836

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Most Recent Episodes


January 2013

[Ep 292] We Sure Prattle On [1:08:37]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jan-15 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jan-18 18:44 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Feedback / Email Signatures / Mandatory Training
* Debt Limit Options
* SuperHD Televisions
* Death Star Petition

[Ep 293] Dude, I'm Going to Jail [1:05:53]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jan-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jan-25 21:22 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Update Cycles / Algeria & Mali
* Debt Ceiling Cave
* Obama's 2nd Inauguration
* Aaron Swartz

[Ep 294] Repel the Satan [1:05:15]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-Jan-30 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Feb-01 17:28 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Training / Feedback / North Africa
* Immigration Reform
* Second Tier Mobile OSes
* Names / Neighborhood Bedtimes

February 2013

[Ep 295] Hodgepodge [1:00:36]
Recorded: Thu, 2013-Feb-07 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Feb-08 16:23 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Uncaffeinated Year
* Google Reader Roulette / Defense Sequester
* Post Office Saturday Deliveries
* Obama Drone Procedures

[Ep 296] Just Dragging [1:02:18]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Feb-11 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Feb-15 21:14 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sick / Facebook / Snapchat
* NYT Tesla Story / Electric Cars
* Apple Rumors / Google Glass

[Ep 297] I Would Choose to Know [1:08:14]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Feb-18 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Feb-22 21:18 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Tesla Followup
* Resigning Pope
* Hacking AppleTV
* Russian Meteorite

[Ep 298] People are Going to Leave [48:34]
Recorded: Thu, 2013-Feb-28 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Mar-01 19:50 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Work from Home / Yahoo
* Pipl / Sequester

March 2013

[Ep 299] Mostly Private Traffic [1:05:21]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Mar-04 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Mar-08 22:14 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sequester Again
* Apple Stuff Again / Stock Market
* Groupon CEO / Windfalls
* Iraq Anniversary / Iran / North Korea

[Ep 300] Too Much Negative Baggage [1:05:49]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Mar-11 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Mar-15 17:54 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Daylight Saving Time / Venezuela
* Drone Policy
* Rand Paul 2016
* Nuclear Proliferation / Stock Markets

[Ep 301] Bye Bye Reader [27:40]
Recorded: Fri, 2013-Mar-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Mar-22 13:05 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Google Reader

[Ep 302] You Can't Save the Bug [1:01:01]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Mar-25 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Mar-29 20:48 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Cyprus
* Sequestration Effects
* Samsung Galaxy S4 / Google Glass
* Android Future / Obama Trip / Pope Francis

April 2013

[Ep 303] Six Chickens [1:20:11]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Apr-01 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Apr-05 21:59 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* April Fools / Viral Stuff
* Chickens / North Korea
* Gay Marriage at SCOTUS
* Holiday Greetings / Google Cool

[Ep 304] The Big However [1:07:20]
Recorded: Fri, 2013-Apr-12 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Apr-12 16:01 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Facebook Home
* Gun Control
* North Korea

[Ep 305] Before Boston So Who Cares? [1:06:41]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Apr-15 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Apr-19 22:43 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about
* Taxes / Bitcoin
* More Bitcoin
* North Korea
* PC Sales
* More PC Stuff

[Ep 306] Boston, Boston, Boston [1:02:34]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Apr-23 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Apr-26 18:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Boston (International / Response)
* Boston (Reddit / Police Scanner / Media)
* Boston (Miranda / Enemy Combatant / Motives)

[Ep 307] Middle Priced [1:03:55]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Apr-29 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-May-03 15:47 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Reading Habits / Boston Update
* Jury Duty / Sequester
* Bangladesh / Ricin / WHCD / Bush Library

May 2013

[Ep 308] Just Throw It In [1:07:24]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-May-08 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-May-10 18:23 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Hodgepodge
* Feedback!
* Naked CMU Pope Chick
* Kids and Guns

[Ep 309] Scandalicious [1:17:20]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-May-15 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-May-17 18:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Exponential Notation / Nest Thermostats
* AP Scandal
* IRS Scandal
* Bengazi Scandal

[Ep 310] Smokes and Ladders [1:01:22]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-May-21 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-May-24 19:08 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ladders / Google / Tumblr
* Apple Taxes
* Jury Duty / Proportionality / Planes

[Ep 311] Stick a knife in it! [1:03:22]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-May-29 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-May-31 22:53 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Video Formats / Obama Speech
* More Obama Speech / Terror Definition
* Mayor Ford of Toronto / Syria
* IDC Tablet Report

June 2013

[Ep 312] That Kind of Smell [1:11:26]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Jun-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jun-07 18:08 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Travel Planning
* Phone Safety
* Bachmann Retirement
* Photo Journalists / Channel Drift

[Ep 313] Party Like It's 2007 [1:49:36]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jun-11 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jun-14 19:47 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* NSA Scandal
* Snowden / More NSA Scandal
* WWDC 2013
* Retro Show

[Ep 314] Out of Control in Some Way [1:25:12]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jun-18 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jun-21 09:01 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Photo Management
* Distracted Driving (Again)
* NSA Scandal (Again)
* Google Buys Waze / Syria

[Ep 315] Won't Take Six Years [1:13:03]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Jun-24 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jun-28 20:53 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* NSA Feedback
* Snowden Chase
* Brazil/Turkey Protests

July 2013

[Ep 316] Smarter and Wiser [1:20:06]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jul-02 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jul-05 19:39 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Snowden / EU Spying
* SCOTUS Decisions
* Egypt

[Ep 317] No, No, No, It's Not Working! [1:06:08]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jul-09 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jul-12 20:02 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Adoption / Groundings
* Coffee / Snowden
* Egypt / SFO Crash / Lac Megantic

[Ep 318] The Dumber You Are, The More I Want to Eat You [1:06:30]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jul-16 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jul-19 18:22 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Robin Thicke Video
* Final 2012 Wrapup / 2016 Preview / Watermelons / Eating Animals
* Martin / Zimmerman
* Snowden Update

[Ep 319] Anything Anyone Wants It To Be [1:03:38]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Jul-23 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Jul-26 07:57 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Bruce talk about:
* 3 Degrees of NSA
* Filibuster Non-Reform
* Genealogy is Fun

[Ep 320] No, Not Really, No [1:02:44]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-Jul-31 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Aug-02 14:00 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Bradley Manning
* NSA Debate
* UK Censorship

August 2013

[Ep 321] The Samulstan Times [1:14:00]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Aug-06 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Aug-09 15:34 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Our Kids / This Week's NSA Stuff
* Bezos buys the Post / 2016 Republicans
* Terror Alert / Moto X

[Ep 322] Kids, They Want to have Fun [1:32:33]
Recorded: Fri, 2013-Aug-16 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Aug-16 18:00 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Amy talk about:
* NSA Correction / Little Kids and Tech
* Bigger Kids and Tech
* Evolution of Language
* Anti-Gay Russian Olympic Rules / Rave Culture

[Ep 323] Live from New York! [1:33:42]
Recorded: Thu, 2013-Aug-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Aug-23 15:29 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Car Stories
* Egypt
* Manning

[Ep 324] But Talk Quietly! [1:16:41]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Aug-27 UTC
Published: Thu, 2013-Aug-29 05:52 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* AT&T Reliability
* Ballmer / Microsoft
* Syria

September 2013

[Ep 325] Tolerate the Volume [1:09:19]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Sep-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Sep-06 19:21 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Bumbershoot / Hard Drives / NSA Spying on Governments
* NSA Snowden Files Spreading / Cyberwarfare
* Going to Congress on Syria

[Ep 326] Your Kid's Foot [1:30:30]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-Sep-11 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Sep-13 23:40 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Kid Things / Backups / Computer Issues
* NSA This Week
* Apple's new iPhones
* Developments on Syria

[Ep 327] Ivan Cooks! [1:38:14]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-Sep-18 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Sep-20 07:30 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Long Podcasts / Megapixels / Calorie Counts
* NSA This Week / Syria This Week
* Naval Yard Shooting / Latin American Cyber Defense / Government Shutdown / Twitter IPO / Amriki / iPhones

[Ep 328] The Shuterdown [1:29:07]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Sep-24 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Sep-27 08:00 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Twitter and Facebook / Hodgepodge
* Cameraphone Redux / iPhone Redux / iOS 7
* Microsoft and Nokia / Blackberry
* Iran Overtures / Government Shutdown

[Ep 329] Fingerprints of the Shutdown [1:15:42]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Sep-30 UTC
Published: Tue, 2013-Oct-01 09:10 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Timeliness / NSA Stuff
* Govt Shutdown / Obamacare
* Fingerprint Security
* Talking to Iran / Syria

October 2013

[Ep 330] Stronger Duct Tape [1:22:52]
Recorded: Mon, 2013-Oct-07 UTC
Published: Wed, 2013-Oct-09 05:19 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Banking Woes
* NSA Feedback
* Govt Shutdown and Debt Limit Standoffs
* Twitter IPO / Samsung Watch
* DC Car Shooting Incident

[Ep 331] You Got Played [1:33:00]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Oct-15 UTC
Published: Wed, 2013-Oct-16 07:57 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Work-Life Balance / iPhone 5s / iPhone 5c / Phablets
* Innovative Dicks and Assholes
* Shutdown / Debt Limit

[Ep 332] Foofarah [1:00:54]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Oct-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Oct-25 17:17 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Shutdown Over and Debt Limit Resolution
* Shutdown Aftermath / Political Science Stuff
* Obamacare Launch Fail

[Ep 333] The usual stuff, you know [1:39:28]
Recorded: Wed, 2013-Oct-30 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Nov-01 22:30 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Feedback Stuff
* Spying Stuff
* Obamacare Stuff
* Apple Stuff

November 2013

[Ep 334] The Kids are Alright [1:09:36]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Nov-05 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Nov-08 16:32 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam, Ivan and Alex talk about:
* Daylight Saving Time
* Devices on Planes / Climate Change
* Alex Train Interlude
* Climate Change Continued
* Kids and Tech

[Ep 335] Chomping at the Bit [1:31:54]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Nov-12 UTC
Published: Thu, 2013-Nov-14 08:03 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Local Elections / Alex PreK
* Iran Negotiations
* Arafat Poisoning
* 2016 preview

[Ep 336] The Continuing Debacle [1:07:39]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Nov-19 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Nov-22 21:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Hodgepodge
* Obamacare
* JP Morgan Twitterfail
* Bitcoin

[Ep 337] Seven Minutes of Nothing [57:26]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Nov-26 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Nov-29 21:51 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Doctor Who Anniversary / New Schools
* Filibuster Nuked
* Iran Developments / Healthcare Surcharges
* Typhoon Haiyan

December 2013

[Ep 338] Just Sprayed All Over the Place [1:15:33]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Dec-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Dec-06 17:41 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan’s Day / Sam’s Night
* Bitcoins Again
* Christmas Shopping
* Delivery Drones / Automated Everything

[Ep 339] French Fries and Chicken [1:15:30]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Dec-10 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Dec-13 13:46 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam, Ivan and Alex talk about:
* Behind the Scenes
* In App Purchases / Quick Updates
* Automation Revisited / Social Engineering
* Nelson Mandela

[Ep 340] Something to Contribute [1:17:52]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Dec-17 UTC
Published: Fri, 2013-Dec-20 20:30 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Feedback / iPad Smash / Bitcoin Update
* Budget Deal
* Some NSA Stuff
* Beyonce Ramifications

[Ep 341] Popping into my Head [1:23:37]
Recorded: Fri, 2013-Dec-27 UTC
Published: Sat, 2013-Dec-28 03:13 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Alex talk about:
* Holidays
* Political Tenets
* Thoughts on 2013 / Trains and Portal

[Ep 342] 2013 Retrospective Show [1:10:41]
Recorded: Tue, 2013-Dec-31 UTC
Published: Thu, 2014-Jan-02 08:07 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* 2013 Politics
* 2013 Econ
* 2013 Tech
* 2013 International
* 2013 Hodgepodge
* 2013 Results


The Curmudgeon's Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
Our intro is "The Oh of Pleasure" (Amazon MP3 link)
Our outro is "Celestial Soda Pop" (Amazon MP3 link)
Both are from the album "Deep Breakfast" (iTunes link)
Please buy his music!

These podcasts are produced by Abulsme Productions.
They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License

Abulsme Productions also produces the Wiki of the Day family of podcasts.
Check those out too!

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