Curmudgeon's Corner is a weekly current events podcast

Automated transcripts available on episode detail pages starting with Ep 836

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Most Recent Episodes


January 2014

[Ep 343] 2014 Predictions Show [1:45:24]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Jan-08 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jan-10 23:43 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about
* Introduction
* 2014 Politics
* 2014 Politics Continued
* 2014 Economy
* 2014 Tech
* 2014 International
* 2014 Hodgepodge / Wrapup

[Ep 344] Doing it in the Dark [1:21:14]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Jan-15 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-Jan-18 00:07 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Intro and Microphone
* Christie and his Bridge
* Iran Sanctions
* Net Neutrality
* Google and Nest
* More Google and Nest
* 4K TV / Listener Predictions

[Ep 345] Except When You Do [1:36:13]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Jan-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jan-24 21:21 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam, Ivan and Alex talk about:
* Facebook Ads / Weather / Locks / Low End Android / Unreliable Software
* Things we aren’t talking about / Media Realignment
* anti-Snowden Campaign
* Obama NSA Reforms / Trains

[Ep 346] Stupid and Uninformed [1:11:03]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Jan-29 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jan-31 20:40 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* State of the Union
* Ukraine
* Awards / Apple Earnings / Social Tech Norms / 30 Years of Mac
* NSA App Leakage / Rand Paul Week / 2016

February 2014

[Ep 347] Fundamental Differences Apply [1:08:42]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Feb-05 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Feb-07 03:01 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Google and Motorola
* New Microsoft CEO
* Debt Limit Again
* Lottocracy

[Ep 348] Apple Juice in the Champagne Glasses [1:15:40]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Feb-14 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Feb-14 19:12 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan Forgot / Beeps and Ladders / Debt Limit
* Anti-Clinton Tactics
* Flappy Bird
* AOL's Distressed Babies

[Ep 349] It is too hot! [1:25:00]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Feb-21 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Feb-21 23:19 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Volumes / Screens / Delivery
* Mergers / Acquisitions / Regulation
* WhatsApp / International Context
* Late Night TV / 2016 Stuff

[Ep 350] Off the Back of the Boat [1:35:09]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Feb-26 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Feb-28 04:12 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Zoos and Aquariums / Anti-anti-discrimination laws
* Bitcoin Woes
* Miles O'Brien's Arm / WhatsApp
* Venezuela

March 2014

[Ep 351] They Have to Talk to Each Other [1:13:25]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Mar-05 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Mar-07 21:28 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Appliances
* Apple Carplay
* Ukraine

[Ep 352] Not Recording from a Boat [1:12:40]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Mar-14 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-Mar-15 05:10 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Time Change / Malaysia Airlines MH370 Lost
* Senate vs CIA
* Ukraine
* Cord Cutting / Background Noise

[Ep 353] It was just... no. [1:23:04]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Mar-19 UTC
Published: Thu, 2014-Mar-20 07:56 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about
* Random Stuff / Billion Dollar Bracket
* Missing Malaysia Flight MH370
* Missing Malaysia Flight MH370 Continued
* Ukraine

[Ep 354] Everybody Is Out [1:28:17]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Mar-26 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Mar-28 10:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Expensive Egg / Ukraine
* Reading Hotmail / NSA Changes
* MH370 Again
* 530 Landslide

April 2014

[Ep 355] Killed the Website [1:10:33]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Apr-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Apr-04 20:48 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Tesla in New Jersey
* The Plane / Chile Earthquake
* Obamacare
* Campaign Finance

[Ep 356] A Town that Sucks [1:08:28]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Apr-10 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Apr-11 22:57 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Letterman / TV Habits
* Cuban Twitter
* Heartbleed

[Ep 357] Just a Stranger on the Bus [1:38:04]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Apr-17 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Apr-18 16:47 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Mozilla CEO / Rice and Dropbox
* Taking the Bus and Train
* San Francisco Class War
* Ukraine Again / Google / Solar Power

[Ep 358] An Interesting Locale [1:28:59]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Apr-25 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Apr-25 19:46 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Small Towns
* Bundy Ranch
* 2016 Stuff
* Apple
* Google+
* Putin

May 2014

[Ep 359] This is the time to stand up! [1:18:35]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-May-02 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-May-02 20:46 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Kerry and Israel
* Ukraine
* Benghazi
* Death Penalty

[Ep 360] Like a 2400 Baud Modem [1:22:02]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-May-09 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-May-09 23:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan in Nebraska / Wrong Gift
* Nigerian Kidnapping
* Net Neutrality
* Election 2014
* Monica Lewinsky

[Ep 361] Bouncing Around [55:38]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-May-15 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-May-16 05:20 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* The Present / Garage Stuff
* Election Site Update / Random Stuff
* Right to be Forgotten
* Apple Beats / Google Glass

[Ep 362] Embarrassing Math Error [1:15:11]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-May-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-May-23 18:55 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Disney / Vacations / Reunions
* Election 2016, Election 2014
* Surface 3 / Phablets
* Bitcoin Pizza Day / Troops to Chad / DirectTV and AT&T

[Ep 363] That's Just How It Goes [1:08:44]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-May-30 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-May-31 02:06 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Housekeeping
* Feedback / Isla Vista Shootings
* #YesAllWomen
* Snowden Boredom
* Google Car
* SpaceX Dragon V2

June 2014

[Ep 364] Special Paper [1:07:29]
Recorded: Tue, 2014-Jun-03 UTC
Published: Thu, 2014-Jun-05 16:06 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Bruce talk about:
* The Beep / Self-Driving Car Followup
* Lifelogging Hardware
* Bergdahl / Seattle Minimum Wage

[Ep 365] Full Circle [1:25:20]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jun-12 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jun-13 17:25 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Jon talk about:
* Escaped Child / Free Range Kids
* Eric Cantor / Republicans
* Apple Stuff

[Ep 366] Too Old for This [1:29:11]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jun-19 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jun-20 02:03 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan's House
* All Nighters / Iraq / ISIS
* Benghazi Capture / Cantor Loss / Hillary
* Ivan iPad Upgrade
* Apple Stuff / Appliances / Redskins

[Ep 367] Multi-Night Over-Night [1:07:32]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Jun-27 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jun-27 23:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* First Outing / Computer Migrations / Pictures
* SCOTUS on Smartphones
* SCOTUS on Aereo
* Yo / Washboard
* SCOTUS on Recess Appointments

July 2014

[Ep 368] The World is Spinning [1:31:10]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jul-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jul-04 16:28 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Noises / Glasses
* Ivan's Beep / Glasses / Rats
* Iraq Discussion
* Facebook Mood Experiment
* Hobby Lobby
* More Hobby Lobby

[Ep 369] What did you break? [1:21:07]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jul-10 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-Jul-12 05:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* POP and IMAP Email / Tech Support
* In App Purchases / Potato Salad Guy / Cleaning Glass
* Alex and Juana Interlude
* Ivan, Brandy and Brownies Interlude
* Funding CC / Latest on NSA / Profiling / Spying on Germany
* TSA on Devices / Immigration
* Washington State Marijuana / Israel

[Ep 370] Got the House to Myself [1:16:14]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jul-17 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jul-18 17:23 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Gaza
* Boehner Lawsuit / Impeachment / Republicans / Election 2016
* Comcast / Customer Service

[Ep 371] These Look Disgusting [1:43:37]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Jul-24 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Jul-25 22:12 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Obamacare Rulings / Mayflies / Smartwatches / Fitness Trackers / Sapphire Glass / Social Privacy / Secret / Kids in Parks / Gaza Analogy / Tech Support / Help for Billionaires
* MH17 Shootdown
* Israel / Gaza

August 2014

[Ep 372] Hitting the Wall [1:03:14]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Aug-01 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Aug-01 17:08 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Productivity / Sony / Gaming / Warmth
* Argentinian Default
* Feedback / Sanctions on Russia and Elsewhere
* Impeachment Ruckus / Election 2014

[Ep 373] Snuffleupasam [1:11:09]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Aug-08 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Aug-08 18:48 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Stuff / Torture Report and Secrecy
* Iraq Airdrops and Airstrikes
* Google Scanning for Child Porn
* Clinton and Bin Laden

[Ep 374] Driving down I-95 [1:49:27]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Aug-14 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-Aug-16 08:44 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan's Racing Vacation
* Iraq Deteriorating
* Election 2016
* Brazil Plane Crash / James Brady / Anti-Meat Tick
* Police Shootings

[Ep 375] Don't Unplug Me! [1:11:25]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Aug-22 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Aug-22 20:26 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Ferguson
* Smoking / Twitter Censorship / ISIS

[Ep 376] Lets Get this Sucker Started! [1:29:27]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Aug-28 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Aug-29 10:05 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* The Middle-East
* Children and Guns
* 2018 Mindset List
* Reclining Seats

September 2014

[Ep 377] It would be perfect if I hadn't gotten caught! [1:31:13]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Sep-04 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Sep-05 19:32 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Kids / Bikes
* No Strategy / ISIS / 2nd terms
* Romney 2016 / Election 2016
* Nude Picture Leak
* Oculus / 3D

[Ep 378] Eh, Don't Worry About That! [1:46:02]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Sep-11 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Sep-12 23:46 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Obama's ISIS Speech
* Scottish Independence
* Jony Ive / #AppleLiveFail / iPhone 6
* Apple Watch / AppleTV

[Ep 379] Grow your baby in a vat! [1:13:46]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Sep-18 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Sep-19 07:42 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Failing Electronics
* Election 2014
* Head Transplants
* Apple Watch Update / Forced U2 Download

[Ep 380] Nuke the Penguins Again [1:11:53]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Sep-25 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Sep-26 17:03 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Bad Commute
* Bombing Syria
* Money in Politics
* Climate Change / Apple Woes

October 2014

[Ep 381] Because I have a Superbrain! [1:13:23]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Oct-03 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Oct-03 16:55 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Wang/Silver Nerdfight
* Pros vs Amateurs (like me) on Election Models
* Presidential Security
* Ebola Outbreak
* Podcast Speeds

[Ep 382] Hit the Wall [1:18:51]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Oct-09 UTC
Published: Thu, 2014-Oct-09 21:20 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Being sick
* Work Ethic
* Ebola
* Economic Trends / Secret Service

[Ep 383] Turning the Hamster Wheel [1:25:53]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Oct-16 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Oct-17 02:15 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sick / Vacation
* Inappropriate Conversations
* GamerGate
* Ebola
* Economy

[Ep 384] Subdued with Prejudice [1:40:50]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Oct-23 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Oct-24 17:04 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Offices
* Ottawa Attack
* Election 2014
* Market Update / Basic Research
* Apple Stuff

[Ep 385] Vote for Sam! [1:06:36]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Oct-31 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Oct-31 20:44 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about
* Halloween / Marysville School Shooting
* Chickenshit Comment
* Apple Pay / Current C
* Election 2014

November 2014

[Ep 386] They would never do that! [1:31:43]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Nov-06 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Nov-07 17:52 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sick Again / Bring Your Own Device / Yosemite Spam Filtering
* Election 2014
* Next two years / State Races
* Election 2016
* Space Failures

[Ep 387] The Moons of Saturn [1:19:04]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Nov-13 UTC
Published: Thu, 2014-Nov-13 10:20 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Bruce talk about:
* Listenership / Rosetta-Philae / Space Exploration
* Russia and the "New Cold War"
* Net Neutrality / Cord Cutting
* Streaming Video / Interstellar / AFI List / Relative Finder

[Ep 388] Now only 10 years out of date! [1:28:03]
Recorded: Thu, 2014-Nov-20 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Nov-21 09:35 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Iván talk about:
* Uber
* Immigration / Possible Reactions
* Music Streaming / Election 2016 / Senate Votes / New Cover

[Ep 389] Just Not True [1:39:53]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Nov-28 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Nov-28 22:51 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Thanksgiving / iMac / Movies and Books
* Star Wars / Immigration Reaction
* Iran Talks
* Bill Cosby
* Alex Interlude
* Ferguson

December 2014

[Ep 390] Too Many Books [48:29]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Dec-05 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Dec-05 19:24 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam talks about:
* Book and Movie Reviews
* Orion / TNR / Eric Garner / Protests / GettingRacistsFired

[Ep 391] Weasel Word Dictionary Day [1:11:16]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Dec-12 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Dec-12 22:58 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Sick / Wind Storm / Election 2016
* Torture
* Cromnibus / Oil Price Drop Effects

[Ep 392] Bye Bye Forever... Until Next Week [2:00:06]
Recorded: Wed, 2014-Dec-17 UTC
Published: Fri, 2014-Dec-19 18:12 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Ivan Complains about Flying / Book: The Final Days
* Christmas Trees / Russia's Rouble Mess
* Jeb Bush / Election 2016
* Sydney / Peshawar
* Sony Hack

[Ep 393] 2015 Predictions Show [2:10:41]
Recorded: Fri, 2014-Dec-26 UTC
Published: Sat, 2014-Dec-27 04:18 UTC

Show notes prior to Thu, 2017-Aug-03 UTC are wonky.
We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvienience.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Introduction
* Politics Predictions
* Economy Predictions
* Technology Predictions
* International Predictions
* Hodgepodge Predictions


The Curmudgeon's Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
Our intro is "The Oh of Pleasure" (Amazon MP3 link)
Our outro is "Celestial Soda Pop" (Amazon MP3 link)
Both are from the album "Deep Breakfast" (iTunes link)
Please buy his music!

These podcasts are produced by Abulsme Productions.
They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License

Abulsme Productions also produces the Wiki of the Day family of podcasts.
Check those out too!

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