On this week's Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about the pandemic and Matt Gaetz. Because of course they do. But also an initial discussion on how lame April Fool's Day is goes far afield into a discussion of 1970s calculators. And feedback on the Atlanta killer's religious beliefs leads to a wider ranging discussion of proscriptive and toxic cultures that feed into questions of privilege. They also talk a bit about a couple things they do not talk about. Whatever that means. And Alex promotes the Curmudgeon's Corner crossover episode on his ALeXMXeLA.com YouTube channel. There are bloopers at the end too! You can enjoy all of this... as long as you can get past the first 90 seconds or so of chicken noises. Yeah. Sorry bout that. |
- (0:01:56-0:48:36) Segment 1:
- Ivan: April Fools Week
- Sam: Atlanta killer and religion
- (0:49:26-1:52:33) Segment 2:
- Ivan: Pandemic
- Sam: Matt Gaetz