Curmudgeon's Corner is a weekly current events podcast

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Ep 591[Ep 592] Better than Garbage [2:26:27]
Recorded: Sat, 2018-Oct-13 UTC
Published: Sun, 2018-Oct-14 14:58 UTC
Ep 593

This week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan talk the most about voter suppression and Jamal Khashoggi. But they also talk about movies, climate change, that Alpha Bank thing, TV, the space program, using airline miles, upgrading home broadband, and Rosenstein... You know, the usual hodgepodge. They kind of couldn't stop talking this week. Long show warning!

  • (0:00:20-0:35:00) But First
    • Agenda
    • Miles and points
    • Broadband upgrade
    • TV: Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-1974)
    • Sam Movie: The Blair Witch Project (1999)
    • Bad Movies
  • (0:35:40-1:04:46) Voter Suppression
    • VRA Background
    • Georgia
    • Texas
    • North Dakota
    • Florida
  • (1:07:21-1:28:35) Jamal Khashoggi
    • Background
    • Trump reaction
    • Financial connections?
    • Congressional reaction
    • Saudi reputation
    • MBS backlash?
  • (1:29:14-2:26:07) Lightning Round
    • Ivan: Soyuz Emergency Landing
    • Sam: What the hell is going on with Rosenstein?
    • Ivan: Alpha Bank and Trump
    • Sam: IPCC Climate Report

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The Curmudgeon's Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.
Our intro is "The Oh of Pleasure" (Amazon MP3 link)
Our outro is "Celestial Soda Pop" (Amazon MP3 link)
Both are from the album "Deep Breakfast" (iTunes link)
Please buy his music!

These podcasts are produced by Abulsme Productions.
They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License

Abulsme Productions also produces the Wiki of the Day family of podcasts.
Check those out too!

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