Automated Transcript
Sam: [0:00]
| Hello.
Ivan: [0:02]
| Hello.
Sam: [0:03]
| Let's get the streamy going. Hold on. You look upset. Is everything okay? You don't have to. Okay.
Ivan: [0:30]
| All right. Okay.
Sam: [0:31]
| You okay?
Ivan: [0:32]
| Let's try this again.
Sam: [0:34]
| Okay. Shall we just go ahead and start? Okay. Here it goes. I'll wait just a second.
Ivan: [0:50]
| What are you doing? What are you doing? okay what is that can you explain to me what that is t-rex.
Sam: [1:05]
| I was gonna say dinosaur i was gonna say dinosaur i was okay you you okay yeah i didn't say it before he said it but i was thinking it.
Ivan: [1:12]
| Okay all right okay t-rex okay go play.
Sam: [1:19]
| Okay acting.
Ivan: [1:20]
| Out of t-rex damn no idea what.
Sam: [1:22]
| Oh okay here we go here comes the song is it a song it's instrumental is that still it is a song yeah it's a song okay here we go oh.
Ivan: [1:34]
| How else would you call it.
Sam: [1:35]
| A tune it's a song okay yeah like to me song sort of implies vocals no okay anyway here here it comes, Welcome to Curmudgeon's Corner for Saturday, March 15th, 2025. It is just after two UTC as we're starting to record. I'm Sam Menter, Yvonne Bowes here. Hello, Yvonne.
Ivan: [2:27]
| Hello. So, yes, it's an instrumental song.
Sam: [2:31]
| It's an instrumental song.
Ivan: [2:33]
| And I see that the number, the best-selling instrumental song of all time.
Sam: [2:40]
| Axel F.
Ivan: [2:41]
| No.
Sam: [2:42]
| No? Crazy Frog?
Ivan: [2:44]
| Nope.
Sam: [2:45]
| Beethoven's Fifth?
Ivan: [2:46]
| Nope. Star Wars theme and cantina band by record producer Miko, also known as Domenico Monardo. In 1977, Remens, the only instrumental single to reach platinum status by the Recording Industry Association of America.
Sam: [3:02]
| Nice. And that would be the original cantina song from the original Star Wars.
Ivan: [3:06]
| Correct.
Sam: [3:07]
| Because George Lucas messed around a little afterwards and there were other versions and whatever. But yeah.
Ivan: [3:13]
| Yeah so i think i think the.
Sam: [3:15]
| Original stayed in but he added something and then there was a new one for return of the i don't know like.
Ivan: [3:19]
| But everyone knows the original, yeah so yeah so that is the best selling instrumental song of all time amazingly i mean that's like 1977 so yeah it's been it's been a minute it.
Sam: [3:39]
| Has been You know, instrumentals, like, it's actually relatively rare that an instrumental, like, hits, like, number one in the charts or whatever. Like, it's only happened a few times. There have been a few that have gotten really popular, but it's rare. Which, you know, and I almost like reposted something on the curmudgeons course, because of course, we're going on a tangent here.
Sam: [4:04]
| I almost posted something on the curmudgeons course Slack yesterday, because I noticed it again. We talked about it a few months ago. But, you know, when I listen to music, I randomly choose which of a whole bunch of playlists I listen to, because of course, I'm me. One of them is I pick like the top 100 songs from either Apple Music USA or Apple Music Global. but on either one of them the percentage that is explicit is like insanely high and i know we talked about it before but it's still like every time i see it like like just strikes me like i'm looking right now at the usa top 100 number one nokia by drake explicit number two luther by kendrick lamar not explicit number three 30 30 for 30 by sizza explicit number four not like us by kendrick lamar explicit number five somebody loves me by party next door explicit number six tv off by kendrick lamar explicit number seven die with a smile by lady gaga not explicit number eight anxiety by do sheki i think you say explicit number not good song though number nine i'm the problem by morgan wallen not explicit and number 10 give me a hug by drake explicit so that means seven out of the top 10 at the moment are explicit and like if you go down further on the list it's a similar ratio it's just it's just like.
Ivan: [5:30]
| Well that well the thing is that that's also because of you know how commercial radio isn't like the top place where you know people listen to music so that's you know that that's pretty much eliminated the the the the need for people to like do like clean versions of a lot of songs.
Sam: [5:47]
| Yeah well and even when there is a clean version it's not the popular version no that's right you know they're they do make clean versions of a lot of these but like people aren't going to bother streaming the clean version for the most part no no even you know even if that gets played on radio i was listening to an interview the other day i think it probably just came up on tiktok or whatever but it was some artist i don't even remember who the artist was but like the they played the interviewer played the artist and the clean version of one of their songs. And the artist cracks up and is like, this is the first time I've ever heard that. That's ridiculous. She's like, I'm going to have to go back into the studio and actually intentionally record a clean version with alternate lyrics or something. Because this was one of the ones that just sort of blanked out the curse words.
Ivan: [6:39]
| Oh, so that wasn't like one that they recorded a different one. This was one where they basically bleeped him.
Sam: [6:47]
| Yes.
Ivan: [6:48]
| Oh, God.
Sam: [6:50]
| And so, yeah, so she was, she was like, this is ridiculous. I have to, I have to go make a clean one. This is stupid.
Ivan: [6:59]
| Yeah. I can see how in a song that would, that would make it sound just awful. That has to be.
Sam: [7:07]
| Now the producers are able to like, you know, they, they have all the tracks so they can bleep the vocal without making an actual silence.
Ivan: [7:15]
| No, no, no. I, I know. No, I know, because, you know, it's a multi-track recording. I get it, but still, but if you, as the artist, know that you went through that and you spoke a word and all of a sudden the word is gone, right?
Sam: [7:29]
| Yes.
Ivan: [7:30]
| It's got to sound really like weird to you, okay? When you're listening to this back. I mean, you know, it's like all of a sudden you taking this back and I don't know, just eliminating a whole bunch of the words I say, if I hear it back, I'm going to be like, what the fuck is this?
Sam: [7:46]
| Yeah.
Ivan: [7:47]
| And then all of a sudden I'm hearing, what the is this? I would be like, oh.
Sam: [7:51]
| Exactly. Just like our show, this was like a song that had like swearing every couple seconds, you know?
Ivan: [7:57]
| Right.
Sam: [7:57]
| So, you know. Anyway. So, our agenda for today is as usual. We're going to do our but first, where we talk about less newsy stuff like what we just did. And then after that, we're going to have two segments each of like more news related stuff. One picked by Yvonne, one picked by me. That's the plan for today. My, but first is going to be media again, Yvonne. So what, what's yours? No, we could do the twice annual daylight savings time rant. It just happened last weekend. I'm kind of bored of that though. We say the same thing and we, you know, but you know, it sucks.
Ivan: [8:33]
| I mean, I was sleeping. I was very, I was very exhausted the next day, you know, because obviously because I'm waking up. Yeah. Like not at the right time.
Sam: [8:47]
| Uh huh.
Ivan: [8:47]
| It's just, it's just fucking bullshit. anyway yes we hate it okay next all right okay yeah we we've ranted about this already on the on this on this medium for what 20 years almost getting close getting.
Sam: [9:04]
| Close we started in 2007.
Ivan: [9:07]
| Right june 2007 so almost so we're at we're almost at 18 years yes i'm just like i don't know but i'm like i got to today i was tired i mean i i went to puerto rico i i came back as you do every week.
Sam: [9:26]
| At this point.
Ivan: [9:26]
| Yeah i took a 7 a.m flight yesterday because one of my meetings got changed i i went to another meeting that was here in fort lauderdale right after i landed i got home i'm fucking tired i don't you know like it every i'll tell you what i'll talk about i'll talk about because it's not news okay i didn't make a note about this so there's one of the things that happened is that i went to lunch after that you.
Sam: [9:59]
| You you went to lunch that's got to be a rarity.
Ivan: [10:03]
| I actually here's the thing during the business trips i i noticed that i skipped lunch a lot okay yeah okay i wind up not not going to lunch very often i get really busy i might just grab a coffee and some snack just keep plowing through and i i just regularly don't go to lunch on on my business trips and so it's all that's a lunch we were talking about, the discussion was turning around into what the hell is going on like right now every fucking day right because yeah and everybody at my table is like just mortified about the current the.
Sam: [10:40]
| Stuff that is in the news.
Ivan: [10:41]
| The stuff that's the yeah and the the one thing that that was relevant is that, most of the people there are immigrants i think i'm the only one that was a native-born U.S. citizen that was at the table. I'm pretty sure, yeah. Everybody there was an educated, professional immigrant. Okay?
Sam: [11:07]
| Okay.
Ivan: [11:08]
| Now, from different countries, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Argentina, they had a lot of different ones. The one that that stuck with me more, we're talking about, you know, how the hell are we in this situation? Two things that that that struck one thing that struck me was a discussion that said and he said, listen, I'm going to tell you what the fuck it is. It's basically because people are very low information because we're talking about stuff and just how how just nobody. I think is that very few people can discern what the hell is real and what isn't anymore.
Sam: [11:48]
| OK, yeah.
Ivan: [11:50]
| It's just it's too much out there. I think that even a lot of very educated people on a regular basis, I don't I don't think I know a lot of very educated people right now on a regular basis can't fucking know what the hell is real or not anymore at this point. And right. And just that is that it just everything boils down right now.
Sam: [12:14]
| Yes.
Ivan: [12:14]
| What he said. Well, he said because he's not not born in the US race in Argentina. He said, look, it boils down to the one square meter. Okay.
Sam: [12:24]
| One square meter.
Ivan: [12:25]
| One square meter. And I'm like, well, what do you mean by the one square meter? He said, look, you're this person. This is your space.
Sam: [12:33]
| Right.
Ivan: [12:33]
| Okay. And what they thought in their head is, well, I look at my life right now and buying a house is more expensive than... You know, stuff is more expensive. A lot of people in especially middle income and down are struggling. And they just said, look, I'm worse. I'm going to vote for a change. That's it. Simple as that. No, not that not a lot more thought, not looking into dictator to tell you what, whatever are the things that we know you are really worried about.
Sam: [13:11]
| Absolutely. Well, and in this particular election, Kamala actually made a point of not having a gap between her and Biden. Like a lot of people were like.
Ivan: [13:23]
| You need to matter.
Sam: [13:24]
| Well, it would have been hard anyway, but she made a specific point. Like even when there were opportunities to differentiate, she actually refused. And there were interviews after with our campaign staff saying that they had specific advice that they would do better in the polls if they made sure to differentiate. And instead, it would have mattered.
Ivan: [13:43]
| I don't think even even even that. I don't think it would have mattered. Look, if you look at what happened across the world.
Sam: [13:50]
| It was close, but it was close enough. Anything could have made a difference. But I think you're right that like over that wasn't.
Ivan: [13:57]
| Something that really resonated. I just don't think it is.
Sam: [14:01]
| I agree with the general point that is most people, it ends up being, quite frankly, just what you said. Am I happy with how my life is going? If so, then I will say thumbs up, let's continue what we're doing. If not, I'll say thumbs down, let's change. Now, wait, let me revise that because this is an important thing. 90% of the public is partisan and will be always Democrat, always Republican, no matter what is going on. But that middle part, the low information voters who don't have enough, like, alignment to which side they're on they make decisions the way you.
Ivan: [14:48]
| Just but here's the thing but but a lot of those people over history if you go back to obama election they have flipped when things are bad things are good whatever whatnot it goes back to that there is a central group.
Sam: [15:02]
| That switches back and forth but there is.
Ivan: [15:04]
| A large but i and back economic crises well right Back in the old days, too.
Sam: [15:10]
| If you look back older elections, like if you look back in the 30s and 40s and 50s.
Ivan: [15:15]
| Well, hell, 80s.
Sam: [15:17]
| Yeah, well, yeah. Over time, if you go back looking at the last 100 years, the amount that elections swing back and forth has been less and less and less. It used to be you'd get major swings that we just don't see anymore.
Ivan: [15:30]
| But I just but it's just I still think that it boiled down a lot to that in it in what determines the people that really either show up or don't show up to vote. OK, or change their votes. OK, and we definitely had a lot of people that just didn't show up to vote. And I think that it's one of those things where you can vary. The facts don't matter because. Because you show them that, hey, Trump caused a lot of what's happening. Biden was trying to fix it. The GOP went. And even specifically after Biden made certain things that in 2021, 2022 improved people's pocketbooks, the GOP actively killed them. But it doesn't matter. You're going to vote. You said Biden was the president. I'm not better off right now. It doesn't matter. They're going to vote the other guy. And I think it really boils.
Sam: [16:24]
| And I think that was the critical low information swing voters. Absolutely. absolutely because it just comes down to that and and there's also no understanding or no desire to understand no they don't have the time yeah you.
Ivan: [16:40]
| Know they're they're so big you know that they don't have the time so they don't want the time they don't have the damn time.
Sam: [16:47]
| Well and i think what you've said about how this aligns worldwide is 100 support for that because it's not about not Biden and Trump.
Ivan: [16:56]
| No, it was worldwide. Worldwide.
Sam: [16:59]
| Every single in power party.
Ivan: [17:03]
| Lost.
Sam: [17:04]
| Lost ground.
Ivan: [17:05]
| Lost.
Sam: [17:05]
| Now, they sometimes didn't lose completely. They sometimes went from six.
Ivan: [17:08]
| But they lost ground big.
Sam: [17:09]
| They lost ground significantly. They lost five to 10% or whatever.
Ivan: [17:14]
| So that was one thing.
Sam: [17:15]
| Yes.
Ivan: [17:15]
| The other thing that I think that was more poignant, and some of us were talking about which ones have dual citizenship or not. a number at the table did, I don't think I've mentioned on the on the show that I did figure out that I am eligible for EU citizenship through Spain.
Sam: [17:37]
| Because like your grandparent or my my.
Ivan: [17:39]
| Yes, I realize that through my mom, that our family relationship is close enough that that is that that is correct. I did, you know, I'm kicking myself about this because if I had known that there were job opportunities I wanted to take to move to Europe in the early 2000s. And they told me that because I didn't have an EU passport, I couldn't. And now I'm kicking myself because I didn't actually dig into it.
Sam: [18:06]
| So what's the rule here? It's like you need one grandparent?
Ivan: [18:11]
| My great grandfather was a Spanish citizen.
Sam: [18:15]
| Oh, so great grandfather counts. So you need only like one out of 16.
Ivan: [18:20]
| Right?
Sam: [18:20]
| Correct. Because you're, wait, no.
Ivan: [18:22]
| So, and the one thing is.
Sam: [18:24]
| One out of eight. You're, you're.
Ivan: [18:25]
| Yeah. So my mom's, so my mom's. Grandfather. Yeah.
Sam: [18:30]
| Okay.
Ivan: [18:30]
| He used a Spanish citizenship. So that made her eligible. The one thing is that I understood is that I have to, and she was fine with it. I said, well, you need to claim me. Get my, my, you know, get my citizenship. And apparently she knew this. I'm like, wait, you knew this? tell me this i'm like yeah so you need to you need to claim mine i'll i'm cool i'm down with that okay and then you can claim yours okay so she.
Sam: [18:56]
| Has to claim hers and then you can claim your like it has to go down.
Ivan: [18:58]
| Yeah yeah i have to do yeah i i think i i think i may be able to do both i actually found a law firm that specializes in it so i don't know i am i haven't had the time but i did get to the point where i i know what i got to do and then.
Sam: [19:12]
| Yvonne after that you can adopt me so.
Ivan: [19:16]
| That i can also get you.
Sam: [19:17]
| Know a citizenship.
Ivan: [19:18]
| We'll work on that okay uh so that's uh so so no i i got i got the i got the paperwork somewhere already i gotta i gotta deal with that but but you know a lot of you know we're talking about a lot of people why they came to the united states and one of the things that is their epic frustration right now.
Ivan: [19:38]
| It's like literally we brought the worst shit. No, no, no. The worst qualities of what government in Latin America is what Trump brings to the presidency of the United States.
Ivan: [19:55]
| It's that brazen cronyism. It's that brazen taking of money. It's just that entire the laws be damn cow de your bullshit. Okay. this is exactly what they were they they were like trying to get away from yeah and this son of a bitch has brought that like you know to the u.s there was a bloomberg columnist the other day that was talking specifically look man trump's like presidency is like some latin american you know populist and it's the populism specifically we're talking about it says but some latin american populism takes takes power and starts like just ignoring every law and starts you know this entire you know enriches every single one of his cronies that's exactly what they've done through history and what the u.s you know to a certain extent listen i know that people say well you know people they haven't gotten rich or whatever it's not been like this level okay it's not been it's not been like this. And not this blatant either. And not this blatant. And not this flaunting of the law either.
Sam: [21:09]
| Yes. Even when people did bad things, they realized they were doing bad things and tried to keep it secret.
Ivan: [21:15]
| Right.
Sam: [21:15]
| And if they got caught, it would be a big deal.
Ivan: [21:18]
| Right. These guys don't care.
Sam: [21:21]
| They're just like... And it ties to like, you know, we've talked before like, people have a really hard time Like, like if, if somebody does think something openly, well, it can't be a big deal, right? It can't be, they're just doing it. If it was illegal, they wouldn't do that. And, and even the people who were like, theoretically would go after them for stuff are like, well, he's not even denying it. He's just out there doing it. What, what the hell do we do? Yeah.
Ivan: [21:52]
| So I think that was my key takeaway. It's just being, we've imported the worst of, and, uh.
Sam: [22:03]
| You know, Yvonne? I will say, but on the flip side. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Yvonne, Yvonne, this is important. We've imported the worst. It must have been all those damn immigrants we let in. Yes, of course. That have brought this culture up here.
Ivan: [22:14]
| Well, like Elon Musk, yes.
Sam: [22:15]
| So, so we have to.
Ivan: [22:17]
| And Melania and Elon.
Sam: [22:18]
| So we have to deport all these people, just like Donald Trump says, to fix all the corruption.
Ivan: [22:26]
| Yes, that's the solution. And, you know, it's just.
Sam: [22:33]
| Obviously, I'm being sarcastic and joking, just to be clear.
Ivan: [22:36]
| Yeah, it's just so let's see if you get one of those TikTok clips, you know, just a clip. But it's just that that'll be your that'll be your like, you know, your Waterloo. um you know it's just, it's just very frustrating to see this at this level and i i guess that was what they saw as their frustration it's like what the fuck man this is what we've been running trying to run away from, and it's just what what they've been running away from and now all of a sudden it's like here yeah and and.
Sam: [23:12]
| It's one of those things too like once it's ingrained it's really hard to get out of it i'm not saying it's.
Ivan: [23:19]
| Impossible but it's hard there is a flip side there is a flip side to it i i will say that the one thing is that i i realized a little bit that even though sam was like i i read some i i re you know i don't i'm not getting as angry about stuff but i read something a little bit before and sam was like why are you looking bad i'm like i can't remember what the fuck story. I saw it. I was just like, again fucking people so but i'm not getting as bad about it anymore i i will admit that me spending several years in argentina seeing this firsthand and how somehow people in society were still resilient and came out ahead even through all this muck, is the one thing that just keeps you like, okay, you know, I mean.
Sam: [24:13]
| I, it takes a while though. Right. You know?
Ivan: [24:16]
| Yeah. Yeah.
Sam: [24:18]
| I mean, it takes a while.
Ivan: [24:19]
| But, but, but what I say is that, you know, look, we, you know, somehow battle through it in one way or another.
Sam: [24:27]
| You know, um, the problem with a lot of this stuff is and people have characterized it as societies that are strong on trust versus weak on trust like what are the assumptions about like can you feel trustful that your neighbor will do the right thing that politicians will do the right thing that whatever well i think that's the biggest thing that's been eroded.
Ivan: [24:50]
| In america over.
Sam: [24:51]
| The last 30 40 50 years and that's a that's the point is it's it's a lot easier to break trust than it is to build it back up it just it takes it takes a lot of time to build it back up like it takes one or two incidents of like people trying to tear everything down like trump is right now to really erode trust and erode it quickly because you get the mindset that you know it's everybody okay now.
Ivan: [25:20]
| From one but yeah but but but.
Sam: [25:21]
| From one but to build you need a history of like lots of people doing the right thing over an extended length of time which.
Ivan: [25:28]
| May be the one advantage that we have on trump is that so many people really even though they say they wouldn't change their boat right now are repeatedly have said that oh my god we voted for him and this is not what we voted for he he lied to us and survey after survey keeps finding this over and over, like right now, you know, so, so, but, but, you know, not, my whole thing that I was getting more was just, I had been talking that, you know, we've been sharing some articles about how people are just not as social anymore. And so I had been like mentioning the opposite where I have, I have gone back to, levels of socialization that predate the pandemic at this point okay in large part because i've been having to fucking travel like crazy and another part because i i did make a conservative effort at changing that especially it seems some people i know i'm actually seeing sam i say i told sam that because my wife wanted to go to vancouver i'm gonna make it that we go to seattle first and then so we'll have a i guess we'll announce the curmudgeon's corner meetup oh yeah yeah i.
Sam: [26:43]
| I remember you mentioning it.
Ivan: [26:45]
| Yeah, it's the week of the 4th of July.
Sam: [26:47]
| Oh, the 4th of July. Okay.
Ivan: [26:49]
| Yeah. Okay.
Sam: [26:50]
| We can do fireworks.
Ivan: [26:52]
| Well, I think I'm going to be on the 4th of July in Vancouver.
Sam: [26:55]
| Oh, okay. The week of. The week of.
Ivan: [26:57]
| Right. I don't think the Canadians are going to be celebrating our independence this year very much.
Sam: [27:04]
| No. No.
Ivan: [27:06]
| I have the strange feeling. They're not going to be very excited.
Sam: [27:09]
| We'll be lucky if we're not at war by that point. You know? Basically. With Canada?
Ivan: [27:13]
| Yes.
Sam: [27:14]
| With Canada, yes.
Ivan: [27:15]
| You know, that's that movie, did you ever watch the movie, I should put it on your list if you have Canadian bacon.
Sam: [27:21]
| I have not watched Canadian bacon. I have heard of it.
Ivan: [27:24]
| Okay, so you need to watch Canadian bacon.
Sam: [27:26]
| I'm going to add it to the stupid list.
Ivan: [27:28]
| Basically, a president is unpopular and he decides that, well, the Soviet Union had fallen, so they decided that, well, we'll just make our straw man, we'll make it Canada.
Sam: [27:40]
| Right.
Ivan: [27:40]
| So Americans can hate Canada. We're going to go to war against Canada or at least make everybody hate Canada.
Sam: [27:47]
| Well, the scenario I was figuring would play out is if Ford in Ontario actually did like cut off electricity to New York or whatever, I could see Donald Trump responding by like, well, we're going to go take over to power plants in Canada. You know, and there you go.
Ivan: [28:05]
| That'll be something.
Sam: [28:08]
| Anyway, anyway.
Ivan: [28:10]
| So, so, so, so yeah. So I've been making this, the, the, the, so I've been, so I've been seeing more people. So that's one of the things that I've been, some of the conversations that have been coming up and like actually, uh, sitting down with lunch with people for two and a half hours.
Sam: [28:24]
| That's a nice lunch.
Ivan: [28:26]
| Yeah, we did. We, we had our quarterly results and we had a very good quarter. And so we, uh, our boss decided that we, uh, deserved a nice lunch. Can't complain about that.
Sam: [28:37]
| There you go. Nice. Yeah. Now I can say my socialization levels have never been high and they're still not high. I, I avoid it whenever possible for the most part.
Ivan: [28:48]
| Like the thing is I'm in fucking sales. I gotta go fucking talk to people, man. Look, I, I don't, I don't, I, I will admit that I, I, but I fall into the, uh, for example, I'll go and I'll visit my customers. I'll go to a lunch. But for example, there, somebody was asking me like, how many times are you dying alone on like a business trip? And I say a lot. I'm like, why? Because look, I already met people at the office. I went and talked to customers. I did all of this. By the end of the night, I'm like, look, I don't want, I don't want to be on at dinner too. I'm like, okay, that I like my socialization. I got it. I'm good. Let me, let me sit and have dinner by myself. Thank you.
Sam: [29:27]
| Yes. Yeah. Okay.
Ivan: [29:28]
| Yeah.
Sam: [29:29]
| Okay. My turn?
Ivan: [29:31]
| Yes.
Sam: [29:32]
| Okay. Hold on. What, Alex? Okay. This is too long. I'm not going to read all of this. Tell you what. I will, as the first break, I will insert it reading this. Okay? Instead of the break I had picked. Okay. Okay. Okay, so as you heard, Alex has requested a thing that I will include as the first break. He has some stuff that he has had an AI generate regarding to an educational show we watched together recently. But I will have Siri read that out loud or something as our first break. Okay. Instead of whatever I had determined previously. Now, and yeah, whatever. Okay, but the one I had in place was a TV show this time.
Ivan: [30:35]
| A TV show?
Sam: [30:36]
| A TV show that I finished in June of last year. And again, I talk about TV shows when I actually finished them, so I can talk about all the seasons and everything else. Well, I'm not going to talk about all the seasons. Anyway, the show was Stargate SG-1. okay for those of you who don't remember this this was on from 1997 i was gonna say in the 90s right yeah it's well 1997 to 2007 okay so the first thing i'll mention about it yeah.
Ivan: [31:07]
| I will say that i i don't think i've ever watched one episode of stargate sg1.
Sam: [31:12]
| Okay so i'll get to it in a second but the first thing i wanted to mention about it was okay the show was on 10 seasons 1997 to 2007 when we watch 10 seasons 1997 to 2007 that's not counting spinoffs and this is like.
Ivan: [31:30]
| The right the the are these like the conventional regular uh seasons 24 episodes so you're talking about 200.
Sam: [31:36]
| Episodes around there i think that's approximately correct let me i mean i will double check it for you and make sure i have the numbers yeah the the first seven seasons were 22 episodes, the last three were 20.
Ivan: [31:51]
| Okay, so yeah, close.
Sam: [31:52]
| So that's a total of, scrolling down real quick, 214 episodes of the series. That was close. Now, it also had spinoff series, and there were also three made-for-TV movies that were after the series. I haven't watched the made-for-TV movies yet, only the series itself. And of course, it was the whole series was a sequel to Stargate the movie... Which was by, let's see. Menem? Which was a 1994 movie with a different cast. So they recast it for the TV show.
Ivan: [32:33]
| Wait, what year was the movie?
Sam: [32:35]
| 1994.
Ivan: [32:36]
| There was a movie? It started as a movie?
Sam: [32:39]
| Yes, there was a Stargate movie, which I have also watched. It was like years ago. Let me check. When did I watch the Stargate movie? Now I have to check that too, because you brought it up. here we go okay i.
Ivan: [33:00]
| Watched the original feature film here it is star i watched i do remember this i it's just i never associated stargate sg1 with the movie stargate for whatever reason now i don't think i've watched the film either.
Sam: [33:14]
| Yeah so i watched the movie in 2014 okay but but Yes. So, and I keep trying to make this one point that I thought was really cool and you keep distracting me from it.
Ivan: [33:26]
| Sorry.
Sam: [33:26]
| Okay. It's 10 seasons, 1997 to 2007. But when we watched it this time, this is actually one that I started after I was logging everything properly. So I know when I started it and we watched it from 2014 to 2024. So it was originally 10 years and 10 seasons and it took me 10 years to watch it. when I watched it now. So I was essentially rewatching it in real time or, you know, with, I mean, it wasn't the same like spacing, right? Like I didn't like do a season and then take the summer off or whatever they did in the original, but yeah, it took me 10 years to rewatch the show that was originally on the air for 10 years. so okay so because because you know because i'm not binge watching in the way that you know instead, i am wrote i'm watching a whole bunch of different shows and we watch one episode every once in a while and as it turns out it took 10 years to watch 10 years of this show so so that you know that tells you how fast i'm gonna catch up on law and order as well yes jesus which which by the way we just started season three. Like, uh...
Ivan: [34:40]
| Okay, well, you're not moving as... You're moving faster on Law & Order, it seems.
Sam: [34:45]
| Maybe a little bit. Like, season one took me almost a year. So...
Ivan: [34:49]
| Okay.
Sam: [34:49]
| But, anyway, we're not talking about Law & Order. We're talking about Stargate SG-1. Anyway, I give it a thumbs up. I really enjoyed Stargate SG-1 as a show. I watched it... I did watch it when it was originally on TV, but sort of spotty. It wasn't necessarily one that I saw every episode all the time. I think it was only partway through the original run that I got like a TiVo, you know, so that I was more likely to hit every episode.
Sam: [35:18]
| But I enjoyed the show. The basic premise, for anybody who doesn't know, is that, well, in the movie, originally, they dig up a Stargate in Egypt. Like it's underneath in some archaeological thing. I forget if it was under a pyramid or nearby or whatever. But they dig up this thing and then they figure out how to activate it. And it turns out like it's a portal that you can walk through and go to other planets. You know, so instead of space travel through spaceships, it's space travel through portals that you can activate and as a thing you can dial to pick where you're going and blah, blah, blah. And so they start exploring, exploring the universe with this thing, or at least the galaxy in the, in the original movie that it's basically all an adventure to the first planet. They figure out how to get to, and it ties into the whole Egyptian theme and all that. the movie picks up, or sorry, the TV show picks up after the movie. So it is, they make, there are some subtle differences, like the lead character's name is spelled differently. A few little things like that to sort of hint that maybe it's not exactly the same, because of course they recast everybody. So they, you know, it's the same characters plus some new ones, but it's, you know, it's unclear Is it actually exactly the same universe or is it like a subtly different universe from the movie? It doesn't matter. It effectively acts as a sequel to the movie.
Sam: [36:47]
| And then, of course, as they start exploring the galaxy, they find enemies that, you know, don't like the fact that they're there. And, oh, like we'll go after the Earth and blah, blah, blah. Adventures ensue. over the course of the ten seasons there are.
Sam: [37:03]
| They change sort of the villains up a few times because like they sort of have done everything they could do with the first set of villains and so then they bring in new ones and then they bring in new ones again and there were a few times where cast members, you know came and went and so there were sort of replacement characters a few times but I will say one thing that this series did, that i think is better than what some have done is like first of all aside from the switch from the movie to the tv show they didn't just flat out recast people like if the actor was not available then the character went away in some way you know um you know and and so.
Ivan: [37:49]
| The character you know god it's gone.
Sam: [37:51]
| Yeah and the thing is they they also were fairly good with a couple notable exceptions they didn't like kill them off either like something happened to them because in many cases they came back like you know they would come back for guest appearances in some cases they were gone for a season and then came back for real or even the season they were gone they made cameos occasionally so it's not like.
Ivan: [38:15]
| We talked about with spike not spike uh with uh buffy but.
Sam: [38:19]
| Buffy were.
Ivan: [38:20]
| All of a sudden sister popped up.
Sam: [38:22]
| Right. And they did bring in new people, but like they were, they were new characters. Now you could tell that they were kind of the replacement for the character who left, but then they'd have episodes where they were like together with the old person because the old person came for a cameo and there were subtle differences. So they weren't exact clones. You could tell they were sort of filling that spot, but they didn't pretend like for anybody who remembers the Dukes of Hazzard. There were there was one season where Bo and Luke Duke, the actors who played them, like wanted more money and they didn't want to give it to them. So there was a season with a replacement Bo and Luke.
Ivan: [39:05]
| Oh, my God. I remember this. And I remember being very confused by it.
Sam: [39:11]
| It was like their cousins or something. So it wasn't Bo and Luke. They did make them new characters, but they essentially played the same characters. They had a different name. They looked like Luke.
Ivan: [39:22]
| I'm like, where are they? What the hell's going on? Why are these two guys in the fucking, you know, General Lee? What the hell is this shit?
Sam: [39:32]
| Yes. And then they brought him back the next season. And I think they did have one crossover episode where they were both there. But like, anyway, this has done better than that. And it is kind of weird as you go on towards the end when like, it's like, okay, well, we've defeated that enemy. So here's a new enemy, you know, you know, and, and one interesting part for the last couple of seasons, they brought in a couple new characters that were just happened to be.
Sam: [40:04]
| They were characters from another sci-fi series called Farscape. They weren't brought in as their Farscape characters, but like they were so strongly associated with that other series that it was interesting. They brought in both of them and they were interacting with each other as new characters. And they, they made jokes about it on the show because like, you know, anybody watching the show probably was familiar with the other show too. So there was like one dream sequence where everybody in stargate played characters from farscape essentially with different names but they switched it up so it wasn't the same actors and actresses playing the same roles that they actually played on the other it was funny anyway and there there are a few like self-referential anniversary episodes and stuff that are cool anyway bottom line thumbs up to Stargate, if you like your sort of sci-fi shows, you know, if, if, if you like, you know, your, your Star Treks and, um, you know, other, other of these kinds of shows, you're going to like Stargate too. So if you haven't checked it out, go check it out. Like I said, it has a number of spinoff series too. We have, we have not watched the spinoff series yet. Like, like Stargate at itself. I watched a lot of them when they were originally on TV.
Ivan: [41:29]
| Okay.
Sam: [41:31]
| Anyway, thumbs up for Stargate if you like those kinds of sci-fi shows. The other spinoff shows I watched when they were originally on TV, again, sort of in a spotty way. Can't guarantee I watched every episode. I might eventually watch them again. I might eventually watch the TV movies that occurred after the main Stargate series because I have not seen those. And I want to. Cause like they sort of, there's some loose ends from the end of the series that are apparently wrapped up in those made for TV movies.
Ivan: [42:03]
| Okay.
Sam: [42:04]
| So anyway, a lot of fun. Thumbs up. Stargate SG one. There you go. That's it.
Ivan: [42:10]
| By the way, I was checking on this whole thing because I, you know what? I didn't realize that's what happened with Dukes of Hasbro.
Sam: [42:18]
| Okay.
Ivan: [42:18]
| You see, I did, I did. I, you know, I know that all.
Sam: [42:21]
| Cause you were a kid.
Ivan: [42:22]
| There were a whole bunch of episodes. well yeah i realized a whole bunch of episodes that they weren't there and i'm like who the fuck are these guys i remember you know what was i right was.
Sam: [42:31]
| It a money dispute.
Ivan: [42:33]
| No no you were you were absolutely correct about it and and so but what happened was you know they held out they they cast these two guys that looked looked a lot like them then they said that the duke boys went to race in nascar somehow yep for a while and what happened was that the ratings, like, crashed. And so, you know, so they were like, you know, I think it was Warner Brothers was like, ah, shit. You know, we got to...
Sam: [43:03]
| You can have your money.
Ivan: [43:04]
| Yeah, we'll give you the money. We need you guys back because the ratings got hammered. So, yeah. But they did come back and it was for a couple of more seasons. I'm looking at it here. Hang on. They had a chart, but, but I think the damage is kind of like, actually it, yeah, it, it, it only lasted two seasons.
Sam: [43:28]
| It never recovered.
Ivan: [43:29]
| It never really fully recovered from that. So the bottom line is that you should have just given them the fucking money.
Sam: [43:37]
| Yep.
Ivan: [43:39]
| So anyway.
Sam: [43:40]
| Well, on the Stargate one, there was one actor who was like, you know, I'm kind of, he wanted more money too, but also he was like, I want to explore other things, blah, blah, blah. And so he went into just doing those cameos for a season. And then they were like, here's your money. Come back, please. He was like, oh, okay, I'll come back. And there's another character, Colonel Jack O'Neill, who was the head of the team the whole time, also kept trying to say he was retired from acting and done. And so he left the show a couple times, but they kept convincing him to come back for cameos to the point where they made jokes about it on the show. I thought you were retired. Why are you here? Things like that. So anyway. Anyway, we're done. It's time for a break. And I promised this thing. So just so Yvonne can hear here, I'm going to, I'm going to play it into the microphone. Okay. So there, there are several of these, he sent me three segments, each of which have a bunch of words. So we'll see how long this takes a few minutes, probably. Here we go.
Siri: [44:52]
| I don't have the exact transcript of Sam's, but first on that Nova episode, but I can summarize the key points for you. Sam starts by mentioning how he was watching the Nova episode about dino birds, and got curious about the coordinates they flashed on screen. They showed a full 12-digit latitude longitude, and a shorter 6-digit one, which immediately made him suspicious. Why the inconsistency? He went down a rabbit hole, checking Wikipedia, of course, and even pulling up Google Earth to see if they matched any known dig sites. The best part? He gets so caught up in it that he debates messaging the Nova producers directly, just to ask if the numbers were real are just placeholders. He knows it's a long shot, but the inconsistency is bothering him too much to let it go. Classic Sam, getting fixated on details no one else notices, and then almost emailing PBS about it.
Sam: [45:41]
| Okay, next.
Siri: [45:44]
| Ivan, you ever have one of those moments where you're watching something completely normal, just enjoying yourself, and then suddenly boom, you're spiraling down a research hole you didn't even know existed? Sam, every day of my life. Ivan, right? So I'm watching this Nova episode about dino birds, feathered dinosaurs, fossilized impressions, the whole deal. And then they throw up some coordinates on the screen. Just numbers, right? But something feels off. Sam, oh no. No. Ivan? Yeah. One of them is a full 12-digit latitude and longitude. The kind that gets you down to a square meter. The other? Just six digits. That's not right. I paused the episode, rewound, checked again. And then, obviously, I had to open Google Earth. Sam, of course. You had no choice. Ivan? Exactly. And then I thought, well, maybe they rounded one for some reason, but why would they? It's Nova, not some History Channel nonsense. So I start looking up known dig sites, trying to match locations, but nothing quite fits. Sam, you're going to email them, aren't you? Ivan, I'm thinking about it, just a polite message to the producers, asking if those numbers are real or placeholders. For science, Sam, this is why I love and fear you.
Sam: [47:00]
| Okay, last one.
Siri: [47:02]
| Sam, but first, you ever be watching something totally normal, just a casual educational program, and then suddenly you're deep in coordinates. Checking decimal places like your life depends on it, because that's where I was with this Nova episode about dino birds. They throw up a set of latitude and longitude coordinates, one of them a full 12-digit precision point, the other just six digits. And immediately, I'm like, hold on, that's weird. So I pause, rewind, check again. that's what they showed now i could have just let it go but obviously i didn't next thing i know i've got google earth open i'm checking known dig sites i'm cross-referencing wikipedia and none of it is adding up so now i'm at the point where i might actually email the nova producers and ask hey what's going on with these coordinates are these real or did someone just make up some numbers because i need to know okay.
Sam: [47:56]
| Alex just sent more but that's not happening today we've already done three he's fighting me over it maybe more some other time anyway that was based on a true story we were actually watching the nova episode on dino birds which is a the most well not the most recent it's a recent nova episode from this year.
Siri: [48:18]
| Ivan you ever just be watching nova thinking it's going to be a nice relaxing time and then suddenly you're in no.
Sam: [48:26]
| Quiet series And anyway, this is, uh, it actually did happen. They had, they had coordinates on the screen. Like when they were talking to people at a new place, they'd put coordinates in the bottom left hand of the thing. And there'd be a little animation. And I noticed that they had like, it was like the degrees period. And then like 12, 14 digits. I, so I had to pause it. I worked it out. That locates your position on the planet down to a nanometer.
Sam: [48:56]
| Oh, wow. There's no reason to locate you down to a nanometer when you're just showing that you're at some building where they're doing something. And then I tried to look up some of these coordinates to like, like they showed like the person in front of the building talking about whatever. I looked up the coordinates. There was one that was in the suburbs of Beijing and it was in the suburbs of Beijing, but it was not in front of the building that they were showing on the thing. I looked at like the satellite view and stuff. It was in a field, not at the building. so i'm like getting upset by this you know and like what are they doing and i'm like they probably rounded and then added extra digits but what's up with the extra digits are they random are they inserting some sort of code is it like a secret message that producers have to like put in their kid's name and code or their wife's name or something now of course i did not you know i am ashamed of myself i did not investigate further writing down all the numbers and trying to see if there actually was a code and try to crack it in some way.
Sam: [49:58]
| But the fact that they had these extra digits there, I mean, immediately I was like, hey, just two or three, four or five digits after the decimal point gets you to like within a foot or two. Like, why are there 12? So anyway. Okay, Vaughn, Newsy topic. we've already got an hour on the non-newsy stuff or almost an hour so.
Ivan: [50:25]
| I have to pick a newsy topic son of a bitch okay we're gonna pick well alright, let's shut down did we have a shutdown Sam we.
Sam: [50:40]
| Did not have a shutdown okay You know, maybe, maybe like, let's expand this slightly from shutdown. Like, cause I think there's a big thing here about how the Democrats handled the shutdown versus how Democrats.
Ivan: [50:57]
| Or how Chuck Schumer handled that.
Sam: [51:00]
| Yes. Well, Chuck Schumer and a bunch of people who went along with him, but like, I feel like there's a fundamental contrast here between how certain Democrats like Schumer are handling things versus how.
Ivan: [51:14]
| And Fetterman.
Sam: [51:15]
| And Fetterman. And there were 10 senators who ended up voting for this thing. But like, but like contrasted to like things like, you know, we talked about AOC before. Bernie's doing some stuff. Walls is doing some stuff. and it like one quote that i saw and we will talk more specifically about the shutdown stuff itself i guess but i there was one quote.
Ivan: [51:38]
| Well what shutdown there wasn't a fucking shutdown yeah what the fuck is there to talk about democrats i mean chuck schumer caved again chuck schumer caved let's be clear about this chuck schumer caved while extracting nothing right which that's the thing that really pisses me off because if you're going to do that, you needed to have gotten something out.
Sam: [52:03]
| Now, one quote that I thought was really on point was from Ann Caparra. Capra Ra. Anyway, Anne Capra Ra. She is apparently the chief of staff for Illinois Governor Pritzker. And she posted on Blue Sky, the fight going on in the Democratic Party right now is not between hard left, left, and moderate. Because a lot of people are putting this as sort of progressives versus moderates, but no, that's not. She says, it's between those who want to fight and those who want to cave.
Ivan: [52:46]
| That's right.
Sam: [52:47]
| And team fight stretches across all ideological aspects of the park.
Ivan: [52:53]
| Yes. Yes.
Sam: [52:54]
| Misread this at your own peril.
Ivan: [52:57]
| She's totally right.
Sam: [52:59]
| Yeah. And I think there's a lot of this that's old guard versus new guard, but not even. Like Pelosi. Not even. Pelosi put out a statement that...
Ivan: [53:12]
| Ripping Schumer!
Sam: [53:14]
| Ripping Schumer. Like, she didn't explicitly use his name and stuff, but she made it absolutely clear what she was talking about. And Jeffries, who I've had problems with as well, also is like, the House went on a limb for this.
Ivan: [53:27]
| Yes!
Sam: [53:28]
| We 100% stayed together and voted against this.
Ivan: [53:31]
| Listen, man, after you get the House to be that together.
Sam: [53:37]
| Chuck Schumer can't go...
Ivan: [53:39]
| Yeah, well, OK, but after you get the house to stick together that way, what Chuck Schumer did is is dead right treasonous.
Sam: [53:52]
| I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it's it's definitely like, what the hell are you thinking? And like you said, it's no it no value extracted.
Ivan: [54:01]
| Exactly. No value extracted. it.
Sam: [54:04]
| Nothing. You kind of knew in the end they had to make some sort of deal that would, like, not result in an extended government shutdown. But, To just sort of say, ah, okay. And like, look, the argument was, let's be fair and give the argument. Schumer's argument was basically, look, they kind of want the government shut down and it would empower them even more. Like once we're in a government shutdown, then you sort of even further justify all the cuts that they've been doing because they can be like, hey, we obviously don't need this. We're doing fine with everything shut down. and while they're in government shutdown they have a much more they have much more ability to pick and choose what to shut down and what not to accept okay.
Ivan: [54:51]
| Yeah yes that is the argument but again here's a reality he caved many hours before he didn't even push this to the brink it's not like you know even if you didn't want the damn shutdown and you had your reasons it was the only bargaining chip that you had and you went like well.
Sam: [55:12]
| Before you didn't even try to use it yeah just to just to finish the picture it's because the way that they were pushing to extend with a continuous continuing resolution was subject to the filibuster so they needed 60 votes in order to bring it to the floor for a real vote right which only required 50 but you had that procedural step that did require the 60 votes, which means it did need Democrats. And so the leverage they had was they could have said right up front, no, we're not granting you this. You know, Republicans, you control the House, you control the Senate, you're on your own. But hey, look, you don't have enough to get this done. So you're not getting it done unless you give us something.
Ivan: [56:01]
| Something.
Sam: [56:02]
| Something. You know, and they could have picked whatever. I think in the end, the deal was they could put four amendments on the floor that would all lose. Like, what the fuck?
Ivan: [56:13]
| But no, what the fuck? No.
Sam: [56:14]
| What's the point of that? No.
Ivan: [56:18]
| It's just preposterous.
Sam: [56:21]
| You either hold out for a real deal where you make them back off from some of their own priorities, or at the very least, you end up putting them on the spot, refusing to do things that are popular. Or insisting on doing things that are unpopular. And you make a spectacle out of that. And you force them to be wide open, out there, on the record, about things that would hurt them politically. You at least do something.
Ivan: [56:54]
| You try, you know, to get something out of it. And, you know... I still think here's the reality that the shutdown puts a lot of pressure on everybody. I, even with this thing, well, we could pick, choose whatever they couldn't really just pick and choose whatever you needed the damn filibuster breaker. It's not like they could do something, but you could have said, look, for example, I would, I think one that I would have, I would have said, okay, you guys want the pasta clean CR. Okay, great. Here's one condition. stop firing fucking veterans.
Sam: [57:35]
| How about that that's exactly that's exactly the kind of either they cave on that or you put them on the record not caving on the record.
Ivan: [57:46]
| Basically saying hey you know what they refuse to protect veterans jobs they refuse to protect you had to do you had to use it and you just fucking just frittered it away.
Sam: [57:57]
| And there are a bunch of other things too like you could have them like i think chris hayes on msnbc has been on about this one you could have had them sort of do something to to sort of validate the elon musk stuff just right you know just list out all the stuff that he's doing all the people he's firing all the things he's shutting down and say okay look this stuff is illegal with musk just doing it on his own it would be perfectly legal if, congress passed a law about it so pass the damn law right you know and put them on the record about that. But no, just nothing. And I think this whole thing is, you know, this is once again, this sort of surrendering in advance kind of thing. And look, part of Schumer's argument here was, hey, if we held this up and the government was shut down, in the end, the Democrats would be blamed for it. And, you know, blah.
Ivan: [58:53]
| Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And look, people's short fucking memories right now? Yeah, like all the shutdowns, the other ones that were impending with Biden, did they blame the fucking Republicans? Did they lose anything? Fuck this shit. Stupid thinking. It's just stupid thinking. I'm sorry, but he completely fucked up. He needs to retire. He needs to go home.
Sam: [59:19]
| Yes, he does. I mean, I think it's been past Schumer's time for a long time now.
Ivan: [59:29]
| Yeah, but this is like...
Sam: [59:30]
| This is not an ageism thing per se. It's a...
Ivan: [59:34]
| It's an ideas thing.
Sam: [59:36]
| It's an ideas thing.
Ivan: [59:38]
| And these ideas are wrong.
Sam: [59:39]
| It's a meeting the moment thing. It's like these folks who've been around for a long time are not showing that they have what it takes to react to the new reality of what Republicans are now. There's all these people that are longing for the days when you had sort of everybody was, you know, back to the Reagan days where Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan would go for a drink after work or whatever and, like, be friends. you know, and, and, and even after disagreeing all day and then where that was common and Biden wanted to go back to those days too. And I think a lot.
Ivan: [1:00:19]
| Well, you know what? Those days are long gone.
Sam: [1:00:22]
| It's like acknowledge reality.
Ivan: [1:00:24]
| We acknowledge are fucking long gone. They ain't coming back. They're gone. They may come back. They may come back at some point, but it's not anytime soon.
Sam: [1:00:34]
| It's not anytime soon. And you can't like, I was upset about the, the whole, like, it's not officially a state of the union because it's the first year of a presidency it's an address to congress whatever but like at that speech i was also upset by the the democrats who were like yo i mean the one that 10.
Ivan: [1:00:53]
| Fucking democrats have voted to censure what's this fuck uh the democratic guy that was protesting.
Sam: [1:01:00]
| With his fucking reason he the the people who stayed away and that guy who made a point of demonstrating and being kicked out of the thing. Those are the ones who did the right thing.
Ivan: [1:01:11]
| Right!
Sam: [1:01:12]
| The ones who... sat there politely, fuck them. Even the ones with the stupid little signs. Okay, that's better than nothing, but it's kind of late. I was saying before the speech, they should have either not shown up at all, or they should have shown up and then had an orchestrated thing where every 30 seconds someone got up and left and made some sort of protest statement as they walked in.
Ivan: [1:01:39]
| Right.
Sam: [1:01:40]
| You know, this is not the time for, okay, we're going to sit there and be polite and pretend this is like, okay. No, those days are long gone. And there's a significant portion of Congress who's just not willing to go there yet. And it's like this sort of like, let's try to find places where we can be bipartisan. And, oh, let's treat them like as if this was happening in good faith. No, there is no good faith on the other side anymore.
Ivan: [1:02:11]
| No, there is no good faith.
Sam: [1:02:12]
| You know? And so pretending that, and like, look, the, and this goes along with the whole thing of like, this, this also this, you know, what's the right way to react to losing? Okay. So first of all, people, the reaction is, oh, my God, the Democrats got crushed because we have a winner-take-all system and lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the presidency. But all three were goddamn close, Senate less so than the others. But all three were close in the end. But it's because things are amplified by the Electoral College, by all of these other factors, and it's winner-take-all. It was like, we got crushed. No, you just barely lost. If you'd done a little bit better, And you would, would have been okay. So like, but there's people reacting. It was like, oh, we have to change absolutely everything. Oh, we have to move to the center. We have to adopt Republican positions. We have to not talk about trans people. We have to do this. We have to do that. No, no, no. Retreating is not the way to win in this kind of situation. It makes you, If it makes you look weak, it makes you look like you have no convictions. You know, no, the thing you've got to do, and I'm not saying that the whole Democratic Party should become Bernie and AOC policy wise. That would be a mistake, too. But you have to show up for your damn conviction.
Ivan: [1:03:42]
| I'll tell you what, hell of a lot better than the current one. I'll fucking sign up for that. I'll sign up for that plan. Better than the current one.
Sam: [1:03:49]
| Yeah, no, I agree. But you don't have to go all the way to where they are position-wise, but I think you do have to go to where they are attitude-wise, where they stand up for what they believe in and are not going to just say, oh, oh, well.
Ivan: [1:04:05]
| We're overplayed.
Sam: [1:04:07]
| And look, I realized, I was first one to admit and say, you know, look, you don't have the presidency, you don't have the House, you don't have the Senate, you don't have the courts.
Ivan: [1:04:16]
| Yeah, but you do have to use the levers that you have.
Sam: [1:04:19]
| You do have to use the levers that you do have, and you do have to communicate clearly about it, and you can't end up looking like you're just giving up. Yes.
Ivan: [1:04:32]
| Losers.
Sam: [1:04:33]
| You did lose, but you don't have to look like losers. And someone pointed out, even when the Republicans were in the minority, they never act like this.
Ivan: [1:04:43]
| No. Never. Never. Never.
Sam: [1:04:46]
| They are always like, obstructing in any possible way they can. They're being vocal about everything. They're talking about how bad the other side is. They're talking up their own plans. They're doing all kinds of stuff. You know, whereas this sort of preemptive capitulation is exactly why people are disillusioned. You know, this is, this is why like one of variety of reasons, but this is one of the reasons why, you know, people weren't all that excited about, well, certainly not about Biden and, and to some extent about a Harris to the fight. I mean, come on, you know, and, and, and, and I, you know, the, the whole, like, again, like you have to moderate to go after the center. I know conventional wisdom is all about, you always have to get the median voter, et cetera, et cetera. But the way to win these things is to differentiate yourself strongly and have actual fucking convictions about things, you know?
Sam: [1:06:02]
| And this is an unmitigated disaster i i agree and schumer specifically here but we've had you know and jeffries was good on this one but jeffries did fine jeffries has been weak on other things and then we had that newsome thing where he was like talking about fans keep on newsome.
Ivan: [1:06:22]
| I mean to me i mean to me right now newsom is dead.
Sam: [1:06:26]
| I mean he not only i mean the conversation i mean newsom.
Ivan: [1:06:30]
| To me is dead period.
Sam: [1:06:32]
| Yeah i mean he's an idiot and look the this is the same like trying to go move to the right or whatever like the first episode of his stupid podcast was not just bring on somebody who disagreed with him it was bring on some guy who's a right-wing fanatic Trumpy.
Ivan: [1:06:48]
| But not just bring on some guy that's a rightful Trumpy.
Sam: [1:06:51]
| And then agree with him.
Ivan: [1:06:52]
| Is be completely unprepared.
Sam: [1:06:55]
| Right.
Ivan: [1:06:56]
| Not know who the fuck the guy is, what his positions is, and not refute the bastard and go like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're gonna, you know, yeah, you're right about those trans people playing sports.
Sam: [1:07:13]
| Right.
Ivan: [1:07:15]
| Fucking wanted to punch him in the face.
Sam: [1:07:18]
| Meanwhile, like, we've talked before about how AOC seems to be communicating well. Bernie has been going on a, basically he's going into red congressional districts where the Republican Congress people are refusing to have town halls.
Ivan: [1:07:36]
| Beautiful.
Sam: [1:07:37]
| And he's like, I'll do town halls.
Ivan: [1:07:39]
| Fuck yeah.
Sam: [1:07:40]
| And, and so he, and, and, and also just to be clear, these are red districts, but often purplish red districts. Although he has, he's done some in deep red districts too, but like the whole point. And you're doing that outreach. You're going into enemy territory. You're giving your story and he's getting huge crowds. He's filling like venues with 10,000 people. It's not even a goddamn election year. He's not running for everything, anything. He's old. He's not going to run for president again, you know, but he's popular.
Ivan: [1:08:11]
| He's got balls! Still!
Sam: [1:08:13]
| Yeah. And like, look, I've never been a fan of Bernie.
Ivan: [1:08:18]
| But- But I am right now.
Sam: [1:08:21]
| Exactly. He's like showing balls. Okay, sure. Good word. And, and, you know, Walls is talking the same way. He's now going on.
Ivan: [1:08:33]
| And so is AOC, too, by the way. Going out there fucking like, you know, carrying water for everybody, showing more balls than all these other fuckers combined.
Sam: [1:08:43]
| Yeah. And not being afraid to have these conversations.
Ivan: [1:08:49]
| And I know she's getting fucking daily death threats and shit like that.
Sam: [1:08:53]
| Oh, of course she is. Of course she is.
Ivan: [1:08:56]
| And she's just going out there, not caring one bit about it.
Sam: [1:08:59]
| So, you know, doing what if you remember, like right after the election, there was a thing where somebody put out an exit poll or something that identified there was actually a large number of people who voted for both AOC and Trump.
Ivan: [1:09:13]
| Oh, yeah, I remember that.
Sam: [1:09:14]
| And so she had a live stream where she was like, hey, if you're one of these people, I want to talk to you. I want to understand.
Ivan: [1:09:22]
| What the fuck? I want to fucking understand. What the hell?
Sam: [1:09:25]
| But the point is she was doing that reach out and she was talking to people and she was engaging with those kinds of voters. And all of.
Ivan: [1:09:33]
| I know. I know.
Sam: [1:09:34]
| And, you know, Walls, AOC, Bernie are doing that. They are going out. They are talking to Republicans. They are talking to Trump voters, but they're not doing so in a manner of, oh, and we're going to give up our principles in order to try to convince you to come over. No, they're sticking by what they believe in, but they're engaging and engaging directly. And they are approaching this correctly. All of these other folks. This is a reality.
Ivan: [1:10:08]
| They don't need to compromise on anything because the fucking reality goes back to what I said in the butt first. And it goes back to what people are seeing right now. These people right now are a lot of people, a lot of people, like a high percentage of fucking people that vote. A large number of the kind of swing people do you expect that voted for Trump right now are in serious buyer's remorse. big time and what you have to do right now is capitalize on that properly okay and yeah if bernie and aoc are going out there and offering you know i tell you guys this is what it is and you give that strong message you know about how we really offered you an alternative and you need to fucking like make sure that the next in the next midterms you vote these fuckers out okay Because we offered you the right way We told you this was going to be And it's exactly Happening right now the way we told you You need to vote him the fuck out Period.
Sam: [1:11:15]
| Yeah. And you don't have to rub their face in it, but you have to make sure you're giving that message anyway.
Ivan: [1:11:23]
| But many of them are already upset.
Sam: [1:11:26]
| Yeah. I mean, and like we said, it's, you know, it's never going to be like 90% of Trump voters are like, oh crap, I should have voted for Kamala. But you don't need that.
Ivan: [1:11:37]
| You don't need 90%.
Sam: [1:11:39]
| It was the freaking closest election, popular vote wise, in a long time.
Ivan: [1:11:44]
| Right.
Sam: [1:11:45]
| You know, this was a close election. You only needed, I think somebody estimated like in the critical key states, you needed to change the mind of like one in 50 people. That's all. Maybe even less.
Ivan: [1:12:00]
| But the one thing, like I said, you know, you only needed to change that few people. And the reality is that what you needed to do is battle the reality they see.
Sam: [1:12:13]
| Or and also not the one.
Ivan: [1:12:16]
| That you see.
Sam: [1:12:16]
| Yes yes you have to you have to recognize what people are seeing what people's experiences are and where they're coming from as low information people and and also the other thing like we kept kept pointing out like the effect diminished as additional votes came in but it was still an issue of like a lot of people who voted for joe biden just stayed home.
Ivan: [1:12:38]
| Yeah.
Sam: [1:12:39]
| So how do you motivate those people? You don't motivate them by capitulating on everything.
Ivan: [1:12:46]
| That's definitely not one way to do it.
Sam: [1:12:49]
| You know, again, if you want to excite those people and get them out, you have to give them a reason to want what you're providing. Get them fucking excited.
Ivan: [1:13:00]
| Damn it.
Sam: [1:13:00]
| Make them excited. And some of that is personalities and like, AOC's got the personality. I think Tim Walls does, too. The second half of the campaign, I keep mentioning that there was a big turnaround in September. Part of that turnaround is they muzzled Walls.
Ivan: [1:13:18]
| Well, yeah.
Sam: [1:13:20]
| The first half, he was out there, he was excited, he was happy, blah, blah, blah. The second half, he screwed up in a debate, he didn't do that great in a debate, and then they were like, okay, you just stay quiet for the rest of the time. That was a mistake. But I think Walls has the personality. AOC definitely has the personality. I don't get Sanders, but a lot of people really love him, so he obviously has some appeal as well. Find those people. Not like Newsom.
Ivan: [1:13:49]
| Oh, God, fuck Newsom.
Sam: [1:13:51]
| Not Jeffreys, not Schumer. Fuck Newsom. Get these people off the stage. Oh, my God.
Ivan: [1:13:59]
| Good Lord.
Sam: [1:14:00]
| And frankly, I would not mind seeing Harris again. She just, but she's been in quiet mode and she's thinking about running for governor in California and blah, blah, blah. But you need to like have the original Harris, not they, they, they bottled everything up in the second half of the campaign and they fucked everything up. whatever okay shall we take a break yvonne then one more thing okay so i will this time oh, fine i i i will play the last thing yvonne sent to continue no not yvonne the last thing alex said i get you two confused all the time you look the same you sound the same yeah you definitely sound.
Ivan: [1:14:46]
| The same i'm sure he talks about as much as i do.
Sam: [1:14:49]
| Yes so eddie and you swear about the same you know oh.
Ivan: [1:14:53]
| Yes he loves the swearing.
Sam: [1:14:54]
| Anyway i'll play the last one he sent me it was it was only one more right yeah here we go this is the last one and that'll be the break here we go.
Siri: [1:15:04]
| Ivan you ever just be watching nova thinking it's going to be a nice relaxing time and then suddenly you're investigating coordinate inconsistencies like you work for some geological survey? Sam. I wasn't planning on it. But then Nova decided to throw up two sets of latitude and longitude. One with a full 12 digits. The other with only six. And immediately, my brain went, wait a second. Ivan, of course it did. Sam, because that doesn't make sense. If you're going to show precise coordinates, you do it consistently. So now I'm pausing, rewinding, double-checking. One of them is hyper-precise. Like you could find a single rock precise. The other? It's vague. Like it could be anywhere in a square kilometer. Ivan. Did you consider just watching the episode? Sam? No. Because by then, I had Google Earth open. I was checking known dig sites. And I was deep in Wikipedia articles about fossil locations. And guess what? The numbers don't match anything I could find. Ivan. So you're going to email Nova, aren't you? Sam. I'm thinking about it. Just a polite, hey, what's up with these coordinates, because either they made a mistake, or they're hiding a secret dig site from the public, and I need to know which.
Sam: [1:16:16]
| There you go. Anyway. Ah. Yes. Okay. So now it's my turn.
Ivan: [1:16:25]
| It's your turn to see what you can say.
Sam: [1:16:30]
| So I was going to pick what we did last segment if you hadn't. But you did pick it. So I think the other thing we need to cover that's, you know, also politics and Trump related and stuff is, how's the stock market and economy doing, Yvonne? Did they like all the tariffs and uncertainty and back and forth? How's that going? It's going through the roof, right?
Ivan: [1:16:56]
| It's going through the roof, depending on which way your roof is.
Sam: [1:17:01]
| Ah, right, right.
Ivan: [1:17:02]
| Okay.
Sam: [1:17:03]
| Well, the roof of your upside down underwater car.
Ivan: [1:17:06]
| Right. If you have like your upside down tree.
Sam: [1:17:11]
| Yes, my upside down Christmas tree.
Ivan: [1:17:12]
| Christmas tree then yeah it it would be heading if it's heading towards the roof there then you know that that that it's that you know it's right there was today somebody posted the stock market report card showing the performance of i guess the last 12 presidencies so it wasn't just president, but like the four-year term. Yeah, yeah. The last 12, okay, presidential terms and how their stock market performance.
Sam: [1:17:48]
| Starting from elections, though, not inauguration day.
Ivan: [1:17:51]
| Election, not inauguration, yes. And I think it's important to election because the election day, depending on who wins, does create a stock market inflection.
Sam: [1:18:02]
| Yeah, people start reacting to it, you know, one way or the other.
Ivan: [1:18:06]
| Right and often but by.
Sam: [1:18:09]
| The way often from that i've seen that it's up no matter who wins because you've just eliminated uncertainty.
Ivan: [1:18:17]
| Yeah and so that that is something so like right now and i'm looking at this at why is this chart right now i'm looking at only, it's i'm looking at the eight week chart right now again instead of like the 16 week chart but Bottom line is that.
Sam: [1:18:36]
| You know, every time I've looked at that, I've only looked at that site on my phone, not on my desktop, but there's just weirdness about it.
Ivan: [1:18:42]
| I don't know if I trust. But bottom line, but the data, I checked it. You checked it?
Sam: [1:18:47]
| Okay.
Ivan: [1:18:48]
| It does track. It. Right now, Trump had the second worst ever stock market performance to date of any of those presidential terms. The only one that was worse was Bush Jr. in the face of the dot-com crash.
Sam: [1:19:13]
| Now, just for our listeners, if you want to check this out, it's at
Ivan: [1:19:23]
| Yes.
Sam: [1:19:25]
| So, you can check out these graphs and, yeah.
Ivan: [1:19:28]
| Yeah. And so, right now, it keeps showing me the stupid eight-week chart, but I know that when I was looking at it earlier, it was doing the 16-week chart.
Sam: [1:19:36]
| Yeah, I don't get it. I saw 19-week. So, like, eight weeks would line up with Inauguration Day.
Ivan: [1:19:42]
| Right almost i think we're at seven.
Sam: [1:19:45]
| So i forget but like then i saw another view that was like 19 weeks which is more like election i don't know what's up with this site it's confusing.
Ivan: [1:19:53]
| It's a little bit confusing but but bottom line is that trump is is is heading one of the worst ever stock market performances by any new president and this was when he was handed a strong economy and a strong market, you know.
Sam: [1:20:12]
| Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Yvonne, Yvonne, I have heard repeatedly from administration spokespeople over the last few days.
Ivan: [1:20:18]
| It's a disaster, right? What did he say? The Biden disaster.
Sam: [1:20:22]
| Yes, this was a Biden disaster. He handed over an economy in tatters and that this is all Biden's fault. And, you know, don't worry, Trump will fix it. Now, the administration has also said, hey, we're trying to make some big changes here. Of course, there'll be pain on the way.
Ivan: [1:20:45]
| I, you know, okay, sure. Yeah, whatever. This is the, there are explanations or no, okay, nobody in the stock market is buying their explanations. Okay. All right. This has all been self-inflicted. You know, they are going around and, you know, they keep doing all of this trade wars, changes on policy, all these cuts in government, terminations, you know, firings, they're cutting contracts, they're cutting whatever.
Sam: [1:21:26]
| And they're trying to do things, like, suddenly overnight as well. Like, even if you believe government needs to, like, be smaller than it is, like, if you wanted to be responsible about it, you would do it over some extended period of time. Because guess what? The government is a significant portion of the economy.
Ivan: [1:21:45]
| And that's the thing. That's the big thing. Because, and it's not like, it's not like you are, they said, well, it's to cut the deficit. But here's the rub, okay? They're looking at cutting taxes at the same time.
Sam: [1:22:02]
| Yeah.
Ivan: [1:22:02]
| So therefore, you're going to keep the deficit at the same. There isn't any way that you're going to be able or up. There isn't any way that you're really bringing down the deficit in any meaningful way. So look, the markets have been every day. the president says something that is just bad for business. I mean, there's no other way of putting it. It's just every day it's shit that's bad for business. And there is, you know, the other day he was ripping business people because one of the things when you are, you're a multinational. So you're manufacturing, getting parts and things from many different countries, assembling them and selling them in different countries. And he goes to that and the business roundtable people are going to him and saying, look, we need certainty and understanding.
Ivan: [1:23:07]
| What's our, you know, how we are trading with our partners. And he just dismissed it saying, yeah, these idiots, certainty. They all just want certainty. I'm like, yes, you want fucking certainty because you don't want to be, for example, like one example that I was seeing today, a restaurant or a distributor that imports wines from Europe, okay? And sells them to restaurants. Those wine orders are placed a long time in advance. OK, and so all of a sudden you ordered two hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of wine that you pay for up front, by the way, six months in advance that all of a sudden you're going to have to pay if you're going to take delivery to take delivery of this shit. You have to pay a tariff of $500,000. Okay? That's going to bankrupt people. Literally, there will be people that will have to walk away from shipments and just say, we don't have the money to take the shipment. We can't do it. We can't clear the shipment. Leave it at customs. We're not going to be able to clear it.
Sam: [1:24:18]
| Right.
Ivan: [1:24:19]
| And so, I don't understand. You know, and he thinks this is a joke. he doesn't get it because he doesn't do business like this fucking hotels and real estate you know it's not manufacturing building assembling and selling stuff you don't do any of that shit so you don't get it you.
Sam: [1:24:36]
| Should be using the california wine anyway.
Ivan: [1:24:38]
| Right yeah i mean that that solves the problem i i mean but i well you know but but but but then on another thing Speaking of that thing about the California example, it's like this whole thing about, oh, yeah, we're bringing manufacturing back. Listen, nobody is bringing manufacturing. all the textile and furniture manufacturing that was lost in the last 30 years back to America.
Sam: [1:25:07]
| Well, here's not happening. Well, but here's the whole thing. The scenario where you could make that happen, like let's say you make the tariffs like 500% or hell, you make it illegal to import, period. Just make it illegal to import. Then eventually maybe you do get some domestic production. But here's the thing.
Ivan: [1:25:28]
| You have a great cost it's.
Sam: [1:25:31]
| At a huge cost and you have to sustain that ban or those tariffs for an extended enough period of time that people actually do believe they're permanent and that it's worth doing the investment to do the domestic production and that it's worth the increased cost it's going to be i.
Ivan: [1:25:52]
| Mean the reason these things here but here's a problem with this shit sam yeah look i've seen this done look i'll give the best example that i remember brazil brazil for a long time had these huge import barriers on computing okay and they had these things that if you wanted to to i mean they they basically the tariffs are so great that it forced a lot of computer companies to have to manufacture in brazil because otherwise it was It's just the tariffs, which just made it impossible. So a number of companies did.
Sam: [1:26:28]
| That's exactly the kind of thing Trump wants to happen, right? So a number of companies did.
Ivan: [1:26:32]
| A number of companies did, like IBM and HP. You know, when I worked at HP, HP, and they found a joint venture partner down there called Edisa, which they did these computers, you know, and they were doing some manufacturing. But here's a reality about that. The reality is that it made it that the computers that medium-sized to large businesses were able to get, the only type they were able to get is because IBM manufactured, like, AS400s, System 36s. Those were the only ones that they could get. That meant that computing for middle to big businesses was extremely expensive in Brazil as compared to everybody else, okay? And what you could get was shit as compared to everybody else as well, okay? Because you were so closed off to the rest of the market. So you wound up causing the economy a lot of harm because you closed off yourself to the market so much.
Sam: [1:27:32]
| I don't know the scenario there, but let me predict one additional thing, and you can tell me if I'm right on this or not. Did it also develop a huge black market?
Ivan: [1:27:41]
| Oh, God, yes.
Sam: [1:27:43]
| Of course. Duh.
Ivan: [1:27:45]
| Of course. Duh. I mean, of course it did. But, you know, it developed the black market for certain products and things. But even that black market was problematic. You couldn't get support. You can get certain things. So why not?
Sam: [1:28:00]
| And you also get a premium on that. It's still expensive because now you're doing it illegally.
Ivan: [1:28:07]
| Yes. Yes. It's a disaster. These kind of policies are a fucking disaster, especially for an economy that what is done over the last 30, 40 years is, is, you know, so yes, we did lose a lot of this low cost, you know, this lower cost manufacturing, but we converted it into, you know, quite a lot of more high value added services. Okay. I mean, this is the reason why companies like Apple and, and, you know, and others are so dominant in the world. Okay. Because we're not fucking building, you know, our economy isn't based on building, you know, certain cheap products, okay? It's on the value add, it's on the services, it's on the financial services, it's on this other stuff. You know, and like you said, you know, yeah, in order for those tariffs to work, to some extent, you would have to keep them for an extremely long period of time for some of the manufacturing to come back.
Sam: [1:29:16]
| And even then, it would be much more expensive.
Ivan: [1:29:20]
| It's super expensive. The wages these people are going to get are still shit. Okay? And it's going to be ridiculously expensive on the rest of people. It's going to raise the prices of so many goods. It's just... I don't, you know...
Sam: [1:29:41]
| Okay, so are they intentionally trying to cause a recession? Do you think it's actually their purpose? Do you actually think they want one? Or are they really just like they have no idea and they're going to stumble into it? It feels like they I've heard people speculate. Let me just throw this out there without saying I believe it. But I've heard people speculate that they almost intentionally want to do a recession because the people they care about the most are rich enough that they can survive the recession no problem. people who are not able to survive easily. Lots of companies will go bankrupt. Lots of businesses will have trouble. But then the ones at the top who survive the recession and have enough money that they can sort of weather it will then come in and pick up all that stuff at fire sale prices and make a huge profit of it off it after the recession is over.
Ivan: [1:30:35]
| I mean, that's plausible, okay? That's a plausible train of thought. It certainly is. But, but also the problem is it's one of these things is like letting the genie out of the bottle. You know, this is what they're playing with is the same shit that ate up the rhinos or the so-called right.
Sam: [1:31:02]
| The Republicans in name only.
Ivan: [1:31:04]
| Right. Not like the animal with the horn. Not the animals. Right. Oh, no, no. We'll just, you know, we'll use the racists, you know, to be, you know, whatever. and they'll get us our votes and we'll get our taxes and we'll get our stuff and we'll blah blah blah and we can control them, we can whatever yeah yeah yeah, we can control whatever until we came out of control, it's the same fucking thing with the recession, you know, these are the kind of fucking things, okay, that, you know it's like, you're arsoning the building thinking that you can keep the arson under control, you'll be okay somehow yes, okay, and that's always a bad plan to set your own fucking building on fire. I don't care if you think you got some advantage later.
Sam: [1:31:48]
| It's a bad plan. You're going to collect the insurance money.
Ivan: [1:31:51]
| Not if you burn up in the damn building.
Sam: [1:31:54]
| Yeah.
Ivan: [1:31:56]
| So, you know, where there are some of them that are thinking this, and actually, I do think, look, I'll tell you something. I wonder who the hell's feeding him ideas about what things to talk about one day or the next. So I'll tell you something You want to talk about a way to Easily short stocks And buy stocks Based on whatever the fuck whim He's going to be having like the next day Yeah.
Sam: [1:32:25]
| You think there's some insider trading going on here, Yvonne?
Ivan: [1:32:29]
| Oh, I'm 100% sure there's insider trading going on like we've never seen it before.
Sam: [1:32:35]
| Yeah, absolutely. If you even have like a two-hour head start on like what the fuck Donald Trump's going to be ranting about next.
Ivan: [1:32:44]
| Yeah.
Sam: [1:32:44]
| You can ride these moves up and down.
Ivan: [1:32:48]
| Up and down. Nicely. Yeah, very nicely. Yeah.
Sam: [1:32:51]
| You know? Fuck. And of course, like in... in like the old world, this is one of those things where, you know, stop thinking about how things used to be. There's nobody investigating that.
Ivan: [1:33:03]
| There's no, who's investigating? Who's investigating whom?
Sam: [1:33:06]
| Oh, the SEC is going to look into who's insider trading on this?
Ivan: [1:33:09]
| Funny people.
Sam: [1:33:10]
| No. You know?
Ivan: [1:33:12]
| I do love, by the way, how the Tesla and SpaceX both sent unsigned letters to the government basically pleading against the tariffs. And I'm like, unsigned letters? What? Like, what? Yeah, so Elon had nothing to do with him?
Sam: [1:33:37]
| For real? Nothing. Nothing. Well, he did in an interview this week, somebody asked him, so with everything you're doing with the government here, how's managing your companies going? And he's like, I don't know. It's kind of tough.
Ivan: [1:33:53]
| He's such a fucking moron I swear to god.
Sam: [1:33:56]
| He basically said directly that yes he is neglecting his companies because he's concentrating on doge right now.
Ivan: [1:34:03]
| Yeah and uh you know that's.
Sam: [1:34:05]
| All now some people would say that like the best thing you could possibly do for tesla and spacex is keep elon the hell out of them.
Ivan: [1:34:14]
| Well, here, so, you know, after this week, you know, the White House became the, you know, a prominent Tesla car dealership.
Sam: [1:34:25]
| Yes, yes.
Ivan: [1:34:26]
| During the week.
Sam: [1:34:27]
| We saw that.
Ivan: [1:34:27]
| You know.
Sam: [1:34:28]
| He did a little presentation in front of the White House showing off his car.
Ivan: [1:34:33]
| So, you know, one thing is Tesla car sales have been plummeting.
Sam: [1:34:38]
| Also, like, Ted Cruz did, like, a little Tesla thing, too, didn't he?
Ivan: [1:34:42]
| Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sam: [1:34:42]
| Now, of course, that was countered. Now, countered by Mark Kelly.
Ivan: [1:34:46]
| Senator from Arizona, sold it. But here, so Sam, are we going to get the electric car revolution now by Tesla now being the MAGA car? Okay. Oh, that's a rabbit.
Sam: [1:35:03]
| Sorry. I distracted Yvonne with a rabbit on my phone.
Ivan: [1:35:06]
| Okay, well, there's a rabbit. Okay, well, that's good.
Sam: [1:35:09]
| Because i because yvonne reacted verbally i will have to explain the other day we were at the mall we were passing one of these stores that has a whole bunch of like random stuff in it had this giant stuffed creepy looking rabbit and i was like oh my god that thing's disturbing, so alex took a picture of it and it's now then has now made it my phone background that's.
Ivan: [1:35:32]
| That's lovely anyway yeah so.
Sam: [1:35:35]
| Go ahead sorry so.
Ivan: [1:35:37]
| Is is is it listen i've already seen so many teslas with like maga stickers on them recently.
Sam: [1:35:43]
| I'm like.
Ivan: [1:35:44]
| Okay so is this now the okay so are we going to by the way ev cars.
Sam: [1:35:49]
| I saw i saw someone speculating last two months yeah wait wait ev cars the.
Ivan: [1:35:53]
| Last two months in the U S surge 26%. Okay. Even as Tesla dropped. So, but now if, if, if the Tesla is the MAGA vehicle and start, are we going to get the electric car revolution? All the liberals buying all the other brands. And now all the MAGA people buying Teslas.
Sam: [1:36:18]
| It could happen. I did see one. I saw one person on TikTok, I'm pretty sure it was TikTok, talking about how, look, there's a major conflict happening here. Because on the one hand, there's nothing that MAGA folks hate more than electric cars. Because they want to roll coal and stuff to stick it to the libs. But now, now their God is pumping Teslas and saying they're wonderful. So maybe now they have to buy them. and so there's a conflict.
Ivan: [1:36:53]
| I mean, this would be the, the, the, I mean, you know, as much as I want to see Elon Musk bankrupt, the reality is that if we wind up with an electric car revolution, because the Tesla becomes the MAGA vehicle of choice, would be the weirdest thing ever, but in the end, we win.
Sam: [1:37:17]
| Yeah. Oh, come on. Isn't that sticking it to you as a lib? You're Elon's making money.
Ivan: [1:37:23]
| I mean yeah but but but but we're we're killing all these gas burners hey you know i had theorized that this could be a way of doing this like i think at some point in the past i said you know this is this you know this could be the way it's.
Sam: [1:37:44]
| Too bad uh elon doesn't also have major investments in like, you know, solar and... Well, he does.
Ivan: [1:37:51]
| He does? What are you talking about? What are you saying?
Sam: [1:37:54]
| He's got that whole solar thing that emerged into Tesla a few years ago. That's right.
Ivan: [1:37:59]
| He sells the panels, the battery, everything.
Sam: [1:38:03]
| Yeah, that's right. The roof, the solar panel roof. I hadn't heard much about that lately. I heard it wasn't going well.
Ivan: [1:38:09]
| They had issues, but they got them out there, yeah.
Sam: [1:38:13]
| So he needs to, he needs, Elon needs a windmill thing too. And then all of a sudden they won't kill birds anymore because, you know, or cause don't the windmills cause cancer? The windmills cause cancer and kill birds.
Ivan: [1:38:27]
| Of course, you don't, you don't realize the windmills cause cancer. I mean, you know, the wind patterns.
Sam: [1:38:32]
| Well, and that's, that's the thing too. Like, you know, as somebody pointed out, I forget which of the things I was listening to, but they pointed out earlier today, I heard somebody talking about how, like, during Trump won, Elon actually pulled out of some, like, governmental advisory panel because Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement. Because he was such an environmentalist at the time. And now we've got this.
Ivan: [1:39:00]
| Here's the thing. I don't know if he's not an environmentalist anymore. I think he's more, as far as I can tell, his entire transformation to MAGA has been because of COVID and the trans thing.
Sam: [1:39:16]
| Yeah.
Ivan: [1:39:17]
| That's it. Because his daughter basically said that he's trans.
Sam: [1:39:21]
| What you just said, COVID and the trans thing, explains a lot of people.
Ivan: [1:39:28]
| Yeah, I know.
Sam: [1:39:29]
| Not just one. It does. But... Yeah. And, and yeah, what was a, you, you shared on the curmudgeons course slack and I had seen it elsewhere as well that his, his daughter, the trans daughter has also mentioned, uh, who, who, by the way, like if you look at their rants online about him are devastating. like oh yeah oh yeah you know she she has the goods on him in all kinds of different he is an awful i mean one of one of the latest is like he he has fathered like 15 kids now at least that we know of at least that we know of and the latest one was an influencer who apparently like the way he's doing this now is he's like taking applications and like sending them sperm for in vitro fertilization He's not even going out and having sex with these women. But, like, he wants to impregnate as many people as he possibly can. And apparently, his daughter says he is having this go through selection procedures to, like, sort of filter out all the sperm that would result in female babies.
Ivan: [1:40:40]
| Oh, yeah, that's right. Because he doesn't want girls.
Sam: [1:40:43]
| Yeah, and there are ways to do this because it is the sperm that determines the sex of the baby, not the egg. And there are apparently ways that you can tell and do things to dramatically change your chances of getting a girl or a boy. And so he's doing that because he only wants boys.
Ivan: [1:41:01]
| Here it is. Vivian Jenna Wilson, the estranged daughter of Elon Musk, revealed her father pays extra for sex-selective IVF in order to produce male offspring, which is why he's so angry that she's trans.
Sam: [1:41:16]
| Yes. And yeah. Like, and I think this newest influencer was not the first one that was IVF only. Apparently he did this with like several of his subordinates at SpaceX or something.
Ivan: [1:41:29]
| I thought he fucked the subordinates.
Sam: [1:41:32]
| Some of them, but some of them were IVF.
Ivan: [1:41:36]
| You know, I love the story about the one person that said that they voted, you know, going back to my one square meter thing, who said that she voted for, the reason why she voted for Trump was because she had been looking to get IVF treatments. And in one campaign stop somewhere, Trump said that he was going to give, he's going to make IVF free.
Sam: [1:42:01]
| Yes, I remember that.
Ivan: [1:42:02]
| And that's the reason why he voted for it.
Sam: [1:42:04]
| Just in like five minutes. Yes.
Ivan: [1:42:06]
| And that then he realized that she's bamboo. And she had these regrets that she, that she voted for him because she's not getting her IVF and all these horrible things are happening. And it, and, and, you know, it goes back. I'm like, man, I mean, all these fucking lying, fake promises that Trump does. These people eat them up.
Sam: [1:42:27]
| Yeah, it works like for the low interest voter. Who's doing the one square meter with the fucking Palestinians.
Ivan: [1:42:33]
| As he told him that he was going to, you know, he's going to fix that, you know, you know, Gaza is going to be great. And of course now apparently he's planning on a resort casino still in the style of Bif Tannen's empire in Gaza, which totally makes sense.
Sam: [1:42:50]
| Of course. You know, although we haven't heard much about that in a few weeks, so I don't know.
Ivan: [1:42:56]
| Well, I, I, I, you know, yeah, well, I did hear that.
Sam: [1:43:01]
| As he lurches uncontrollably from one subject to another with the attention span of a gnat.
Ivan: [1:43:06]
| Well, I mean, I don't know. This week he was saying he was ordering military options studied for Panama. We're going to bar.
Sam: [1:43:13]
| Yeah.
Ivan: [1:43:14]
| And Panama.
Sam: [1:43:15]
| Sorry, not on Canada. I have not heard that explicitly yet.
Ivan: [1:43:18]
| No, no. Greenland.
Sam: [1:43:19]
| For sure. Oh, Greenland. They're talking about doing basically the Russian playbook with Crimea of like start with the American bases that already exist there and then expand.
Ivan: [1:43:31]
| Ah, always, you know, follow your idols.
Sam: [1:43:35]
| Yeah, so.
Ivan: [1:43:36]
| And, you know, you got that. And then, I don't know, what was the other one? I mean, oh, that he's going to bar all Venezuelans, Cubans, and Haitians from coming into the country. So now it's not a Muslim travel ban.
Sam: [1:43:53]
| The latest list is apparently the draft list for the new Trump travel ban has 43 countries.
Ivan: [1:44:03]
| 43 countries?
Sam: [1:44:05]
| 43 countries on the list.
Ivan: [1:44:07]
| Jesus fucking Christ.
Sam: [1:44:10]
| Exactly. Let's see. Do I have a list here? This is... I'm bringing it up. This is a New York Times article from... from when? From March 14th. The Trump administration is considering targeting the citizens of as many as 43 countries as part of a new ban on travel to the United States that would be broader than the restrictions imposed during President Trump's first term. They want to do it in three different categories, red with all travel banned, orange with sharply restricted visas, and yellow, where 60, I guess they're giving the country 60 days to address concerns before deciding where they're going to be. So the red list, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.
Ivan: [1:45:01]
| Yeah, it just pulled up the article.
Sam: [1:45:03]
| The orange list, Belarus, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan.
Ivan: [1:45:11]
| Oh, so the Russians don't get like open visas?
Sam: [1:45:14]
| Apparently not. And then the list that I guess they're still deciding what to do with, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mardania.
Ivan: [1:45:38]
| St.
Sam: [1:45:39]
| Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Sao Tome and Principe, Vanuatu, and Zimbabwe.
Ivan: [1:45:45]
| Okay. But listen, hey, the Cubans and the Venezuelans are going to be thrilled.
Sam: [1:45:52]
| Well, some of these already have significant restrictions, just to be clear.
Ivan: [1:45:58]
| No, but, well, listen, a ban on Cuban and Venezuelans is not something that exists. I mean, if you're in, you know, you're in any other.
Sam: [1:46:08]
| I said some of these, not all of them.
Ivan: [1:46:09]
| Yeah. The reason why I mentioned that is, look, the Cuban community really turned strongly, you know, anti-Democrat when the whole Elian thing happened in the 90s with Clinton. Okay.
Sam: [1:46:29]
| Where Clinton sent him back.
Ivan: [1:46:30]
| Yeah. Where Clinton sent him back. I think people underestimate how that episode really hardened Cuban attitudes against Democrats. Venezuela was sold this bill of goods like the IVF lady about how they're anti-communist or whatever. But now he's throwing them, he's throwing them all the ones with temporary protection status out and basically wants to bar anybody with a Venezuelan passport doesn't have that. Basically, what's a bar? Anybody with a Venezuelan passport to come into the United States, period. All travel banned, which is quite a lot of people. A lot of the friends and family of these people that voted for him, that he promised this down in South Florida. And I'll tell you that this kind of thing is kind of like that kind of moment in reverse. They're really. And this is Steve Miller, who is just driving this, who is just a rabid, you know, out of control racist drafting this list.
Sam: [1:47:37]
| Mm hmm.
Ivan: [1:47:38]
| And and Trump likes him because he is a rabbit out of control racist.
Sam: [1:47:42]
| Of course.
Ivan: [1:47:44]
| And, you know, he he was I mean, if I remember I mean, this Steve Miller's from down here, too, and he has a thing against Latinos. So, um, this has the potential to backfire spectacularly very quickly on them. A lot of these things, I think it's all, listen, Trump's, Trump's approval already is underwater already. That's gotta be a fucking record. Okay. I mean, you know, his honeymoon is already over. It didn't last like two months.
Sam: [1:48:19]
| Which by the way 538 used to have a way you could compare the approval ratings for all the presidents going back to truman but 538 is gone now they got completely torpedoed abc canned the whole part of their company that was 538 fired all the people so maybe somebody else will make that those graphs those comparison graphs eventually but we don't have them now no.
Ivan: [1:48:42]
| No yeah so but yeah But, you know, maybe a website called election graphs.
Sam: [1:48:48]
| You know, I actually had the thought like a little while ago, maybe I could collect that data and do some stuff on it. And then I was like, I don't have time for that shit. Yeah, that could be a problem. You know, there is clearly a need.
Ivan: [1:49:07]
| I mean, they completely wiped any trace of the presence of from the Internet.
Sam: [1:49:14]
| I was like i was like i hope somebody archived that crap like you know or somebody i'm sure has some snapshots but like their database like you know like that they they they had just a database and all kinds of ways to access it that you could get like all kinds of poll information going back a long time was there that you could access you know one of.
Ivan: [1:49:36]
| The things i'm wondering the staff that got let go one thing i i'm wondering if any of them were allowed to take that information because one thing that I, For example, I listened to this podcast, and I like a Levitard show that used to be an ABC property, a Disney property. And when they negotiated the exit, they were able to keep all their archives. They did allow them to do so. So I'm wondering if some of the staff on their exit, they're saying, hey, you know what? We may want to launch. Listen, you're not interested in this shit. We're going to launch a site. Can we back up all this information and take it so we can, if we want to go do something else somewhere.
Sam: [1:50:20]
| And I'm, I'm, I'm guessing like there are people out on the internet who have backed up their database, the, anything that they had public anyway, but we'll see. Like, I'm sure those people will turn up again before too long. Nate Silver has his own thing he's doing there. There are all kinds of ex-538 people that, like, I think G. Eliot Morris ended up working for them for a while. He had been at The Economist before. I'm sure he will land somewhere else and be doing cool stuff. You know, we will hear from this stuff again. There is a demand for it.
Ivan: [1:50:55]
| But like I said.
Sam: [1:50:56]
| Whether it made sense for ABC.
Ivan: [1:50:59]
| Yeah, no, but I'm going back to the reason why we got after this.
Sam: [1:51:03]
| 538 tangent.
Ivan: [1:51:04]
| But, you know, pretty damn impressive how Trump has managed to get his approval rating underwater that fast. I mean, here's the one thing. He could have cruised to a honeymoon.
Sam: [1:51:18]
| Yes.
Ivan: [1:51:19]
| Listen, none of the shit that he is doing. Nobody was clamoring for this.
Sam: [1:51:27]
| Oh, no, no, no. Come on now. He is running the Project 2025 playbook. This was all there. The Heritage Foundation wrote the plan.
Ivan: [1:51:37]
| They are executing the plan. No, no, no. Those people were clamoring for it.
Sam: [1:51:41]
| But yes, the general public was not. The general public wasn't clamoring for this shit. The general public, at least his voters, were convinced that the whole Project 2025 shit was a lie. And that he had nothing to do with that. He didn't want to do this stuff. This is all ridiculous. This is liberals lying about what's happening. And of course, Trump isn't going to do any of this stuff. I mean, they didn't even believe the stuff he said with his own mouth because of like nobody, nobody believes Trump. He's just full of hot air.
Ivan: [1:52:10]
| Right.
Sam: [1:52:11]
| And they wanted him anyway. But it's not that nobody believes Trump. It's that all these people believed the things they wanted to believe and ignored the rest.
Ivan: [1:52:22]
| So, you know. This is pretty amazing work by Donald on that part.
Sam: [1:52:29]
| Shall we be done?
Ivan: [1:52:31]
| Yes.
Sam: [1:52:32]
| Okay. Go to You know the stuff. You'll find our transcripts. You'll find links to how to contact us. You'll find old shows. You can go back and listen to, you know, we mentioned we started in 2007. Those old shows are out there. You can listen to them. I still haven't found the tapes with the college version of the show, maybe someday, but yeah, you can find our archives. You can find our contact information. You can find a link to the YouTube channel where you can see the live streams, the unedited live streams that include video, not just our lovely voices, but also you can see the faces we're making. You can see the trash behind me in my office. you can you can see the non-trash behind yvonne in his office you know yeah all there there is yeah.
Ivan: [1:53:26]
| There isn't yeah there definitely i do not have mountain of trash yeah.
Sam: [1:53:31]
| Definitely is that the new york times from the day you were born yvonne that.
Ivan: [1:53:35]
| Is the new york times front page from the day i was born yes.
Sam: [1:53:38]
| You know i keep thinking like that and pretty cool stuff by the I will say, there is a picture on the bottom of that page that every time I see it in the background, because it's too small to see for real, but every time I see it, yes, yes.
Ivan: [1:53:57]
| It's Jimmy Carter.
Sam: [1:53:58]
| It's Jimmy Carter, and who's the other guy?
Ivan: [1:54:00]
| Let's see. It's David Gambrell, left arriving with Governor Jimmy Carter in Washington last night.
Sam: [1:54:07]
| I knew this was the New York Times from the day Yvonne was born, because he's talked about it before. But that picture in the bottom, when it's at a distance and blurry and you can't see it properly, reminds me of a picture that I have of myself and our friend Rebecca with me taking a shot. Like, me taking a jello shot, like drunk.
Ivan: [1:54:33]
| Oh, yeah, I have that picture, yes.
Sam: [1:54:34]
| And that picture right there reminds me of that picture when it's blurry in the background. Now, I haven't drunk or taken jello shots in decades at this point, but like there was a period of time. We're under the bad influence of Yvonne and Rebecca and some of our other friends.
Ivan: [1:54:50]
| Oh, my God. Yes. The bad.
Sam: [1:54:53]
| I would go drinking and have jello shots at parties and stuff.
Ivan: [1:54:56]
| I know.
Sam: [1:54:57]
| There's a picture of me.
Ivan: [1:54:59]
| Such awful people. Yes.
Sam: [1:55:00]
| There's a picture of me clearly under the influence. Yeah.
Ivan: [1:55:03]
| We made you so miserable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God.
Sam: [1:55:06]
| And anyway, that picture on that newspaper reminds me of it. Every time we record the show, I'm like, did he sneak in and change that picture of that newspaper to actually be the jello shot picker. It's the newspaper from when he was born.
Ivan: [1:55:21]
| Let me read you the headlines. Apollo cleared to make moon landing on Friday. No docking flaws found. That was one of the headlines. Another one asked, Governor asked new taxes of $1.5 billion for crisis refuses more aid to city. This is an issue with New York. New York City was insolvent. New York City was told by Governor Rockefeller today that That no new state aid was available for the coming year beyond increases already mandated. So bond issue urge state can no longer meet its own needs, Rockefeller warns. What else we got over here? U.S. officials say Allied Drive is on an area near Laos. So obviously Vietnam War raging at the same time. Nixon protects cuts in inflation and joblessness. His economic message sees 3% price rises, 72 and 4.5% unemployment. By the way, those are numbers that got Biden fired.
Sam: [1:56:17]
| And last time we talked about this newspaper, I mentioned that I do not have the newspaper from the year I was born. However, what was in the news when I was born was the prison riots in Attica had just ended. Oh, nice. Yeah. Like, I had thought I was born while it was going on.
Ivan: [1:56:37]
| But I looked into it and it ended right before. Here we talk about what's going on and like sometimes blah, blah, blah. Like, you know, it's a worst time ever. You've got a fucking war raging here in South Asia where we had how many troops deployed? Several hundred thousand. You know, we had a ton of troops and military deployed. We had Nixon, for God's sakes, you know, with inflation. New York City was bankrupt. Literally, New York City was bankrupt. okay but we were going to land on the fucking moon again there you go I mean we're going to land people not just not a not a fucking robot that went and like fell fell on its side for the second time in a row for the second time fucking idiots and.
Sam: [1:57:21]
| Elon blew up another spaceship.
Ivan: [1:57:23]
| Too much and Elon blew up another rocket but we were able to launch that okay okay.
Sam: [1:57:27]
| Okay we were wrapping up you can also find a link to our Patreon where of course you can give us money and at various levels we'll send you a postcard We'll send you a mug. We'll talk about you on the show. We'll ring a bell, all that kind of stuff. And yes, I still owe that to Pete, Greg, and Ed. I will deal with it eventually. Sorry. Sorry, people. And yeah. And at $2 a month or more on the Patreon, or if you just ask us, we'll invite you to the Curmudgeon's Corner Slack. We're all week long. Yvonne and I and others are sharing links, chatting about the news, chatting about other things. So Yvonne, one highlight from the Slack, and then we can be done.
Ivan: [1:58:04]
| Uh, oh boy. Uh, uh, oh, this one, this one was good. Developer sabotaged ex-employers, IT systems with kill switch.
Sam: [1:58:18]
| I have to stop you. And I talked about that last week.
Ivan: [1:58:22]
| Huh?
Sam: [1:58:23]
| Because you posted it while we were recording. And so we talked about it.
Ivan: [1:58:29]
| Okay. Okay.
Sam: [1:58:30]
| We actually, we also made fun of you that you couldn't record, but you were well enough to post on the damn Slack while we were recording.
Ivan: [1:58:37]
| Well, I was, like, lagged. I was, like, break. I was, like, real. My cold last week was really, really, really, really bad.
Sam: [1:58:46]
| I understand. We were just teasing you, Yvonne. We were just teasing.
Ivan: [1:58:50]
| Oh, okay. Well, there's a man shot by a dog in Fraser, police say.
Sam: [1:58:56]
| Oh, beautiful.
Ivan: [1:58:56]
| The dog's paw got caught in the trigger, and it shot the man. How's that?
Sam: [1:59:02]
| That's just the dog's excuse. You know, it was on purpose.
Ivan: [1:59:05]
| He really hated that guy.
Sam: [1:59:07]
| Exactly.
Ivan: [1:59:08]
| So, yeah. So, and, oh, and, well, there was stuff on that cyber attack on X.
Sam: [1:59:15]
| Oh, right.
Ivan: [1:59:17]
| Which apparently, like. It was the Ukrainians.
Sam: [1:59:19]
| Right?
Ivan: [1:59:20]
| Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Well, apparently, well, it was a DDoS attack, a distributed denial of service attack, apparently using a whole botnet. And they all always spoof IP addresses anyway. So this is idiotic saying that there's an IP address in Ukraine. But apparently a big problem is that most websites are protected against DDoS like right now.
Sam: [1:59:42]
| There are a variety of services you could use, Cloudflare and others. There are ways to protect.
Ivan: [1:59:48]
| Yeah. And apparently, obviously, as per standard operating procedure at any Elon Musk company, they had that protection misconfigured. So it allowed to be a whole bunch of service exposed, which is why the DDoS worked.
Sam: [2:00:02]
| Nice.
Ivan: [2:00:03]
| So anyway.
Sam: [2:00:05]
| Okay. We are done. Thank you everybody for listening to us yet again on curmudgeon's corner. No, no, no. What's, what's, what's going on? Alex is asking for something again. He has made the background of my phone is no longer the rabbit. It is now a blurry upside down picture of me for some reason. Anyway, we're done. Yes. Oh, and if you actually log into the phone, the background is now a picture of a fish from the TV show Octonauts.
Ivan: [2:00:45]
| Okay.
Sam: [2:00:46]
| There you go.
Ivan: [2:00:47]
| That's helpful.
Sam: [2:00:49]
| Whose name I can't say. It's some long Hawaiian name. Amuamua, Puapuaku, something, something fish.
Ivan: [2:00:55]
| Pukanakua.
Sam: [2:00:56]
| Something like that. Okay, we are done. Thank you, everybody, for listening to yet another Curmudgeon's Corner. Have a great week. Stay safe. And we will be back with you next week. What's this say? Unless the cricks rise or something? Having something cricks rise, something, something, something.
Ivan: [2:01:15]
| Whatever, something.
Sam: [2:01:16]
| We'll be with you absent something disastrous. Okay. Have a great week. We'll see you next time. Goodbye.
Ivan: [2:01:24]
| Bye.
Sam: [2:01:55]
| Thank you. Okay, that's it. I'm hitting stop. Bye, Yvonne.
Ivan: [2:01:59]
| Bye.
| |