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Ep 900[Ep 901] Confirmed! [2:18:11]
Recorded: Sat, 2024-Sep-14 UTC
Published: Sun, 2024-Sep-15 07:55 UTC
Ep 902
On this week's Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan eventually get to talking about the Harris vs Trump debate and all developments cascading from that, but first they cover difficult sleeping arrangements, the difficulties of flat tires, Donald's pet public stock, and the difficulty of knowing what is true. So packed show!
  • 0:01:02 - But First
    • Sleep Arrangements
    • Changing Tires
  • 0:24:58 - Ivan Stuff
    • DJT Shenanigans
    • Flooding the Zone
  • 1:01:06 - Sam Stuff
    • Polling Update
    • The Debate
    • Nuggets of Truth
    • Laura Loomer

Automated Transcript



Let me turn your volume up. There we go. Are you feeling better this week? Okay, hold on. There we go. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, nice. I'll have to fix that on the others later. Okay. okay anything that we need to go over before we start or shall i just hit the button and go.

Buttoning it buttoning it.

Here we go I don't know. Welcome to Curmudgeon's Corner for Saturday, September 14th, 2024. It is 1733 UTC as we're starting to record. I'm Sam Mentor, Yvonne Bowes here. Hello, Yvonne.


So I think as usual, we're going to do our but first, where we talk about non-newsy stuff for a little bit, And then two segments of newsy stuff, one picked by Yvonne, one picked by me. That's the plan.

That's the plan.

I was just telling Yvonne, he seems much more with it today than either of the last two weeks that we did this show. The first one, he was sick. The second one, he had just done a crazy night in Vegas and not slept. And so now you look refreshed.

I, I, I, uh, I look refreshed for those of you who are seeing this, not, not, not many. Yeah. I, uh, to Sam that's looking at me, I look refreshed. I, I, I did, uh, have a nice night of sleep. Uh, I also exercised this morning and so, yeah, you know, this is, oh, pretty, pretty good.

Meanwhile, I'm kind of tired because last night, like I fell asleep on the couch. I was the first one in the family to fall asleep. I fell asleep on the couch.

How often do you fall asleep on the couch?

Maybe a third of the time.

Okay. So a lot. Okay. I never do.

I always, maybe not quite.

But like, but, but okay. It's a lot. It's, it's, it's definitely not, uh, it's not an unusual occurrence. Okay.

Yeah. Okay. But, but like, you know, one of the reasons why is like my son, Alex, like, likes to stay downstairs late and doesn't like everybody else to leave. I mean, he'll, he'll, if everyone else leaves, it'll, He will deal, but like he prefers if somebody stays downstairs with him while he is on his like all night bender of watching YouTube, whatever that he's doing, you know? And so like more often than not, one or the other of us will give in and like, you know, stay on the couch and typically we will fall asleep first because we're old, you know? Yep.

And that's what happens.

And he is yes he is completely nocturnal right now his his sleep schedules are screwed up so in any case i fell asleep on the couch i woke up again middle of the night you know had to go to bathroom blah blah blah again old but you know and he he was gone like the tv was still on but he was gone no one was there i i remember like when i first fell asleep like my my my wife was Actually, I think the same thing you were, not the same one, but she was at a birthday party. And so I had no idea. I was like, did she come back? What's going on? Blah, blah, blah. And so I decided, okay, I'm going to go up to bed. I get up to bed. My wife is in bed.


My son is in bed at a right angle to my wife. So like, not, not like, you know.

So you can't get into bed.

Well, and then the dog is in the remaining space.

Oh, for God's sake.

Okay. So, so, and, and, and, you know, keep in mind the dog is a huge dog too. So it's take.

And you don't do what I, what I do because I have.

Just shove them out of the way.

Oh, oh, oh. So if Manu, listen, I, I, uh, before whatever, blah, blah, blah, let him be, you know, love, love, you know, that I'll be nice to the little boy. Now I'm like, if he is in my side of the damn bed, get the fuck up, go to your bed, get out of here.

So I don't care what I tried to do. I tried first to find a way to contort myself into the small amounts of empty space left on the bed.


So that doesn't work.

So already try this is, you know, I tried that once or twice. I said, screw this.

I was like twisted around so that like I had my feet under the kid's back. I had my face up against the dog's face in between. I was bent into a weird angle. And so I tried like for a while I tried to sleep and I, I did not get back to sleep that way. Like I, I, I kept trying slightly different positions, you know, I, I, it just was not working. I probably like tossed and turned trying to do that. Well, I say tossed and turned, but I was very constrained in my tossing and turning based on where everyone else was. And so I eventually was like, okay, I give up. I'm going back downstairs. But like, you know, I've mentioned before we have, I've mentioned before the dilapidated of our couches that they, my intention is to replace them this year. I have not yet replaced them. They are not particularly comfortable for sleeping. Okay. And, and so like, I, I tried again to sleep. I slept a little, I did fall asleep for a little while again, but not very much. I woke up, I tried to get back to sleep and it was like, and so, and then eventually I'm like, okay, I'll try sleeping on the floor I put like a pillow down on the floor I tried to sleep on the floor I did not get back to sleep and then it was time to do this so I was like, you know so yeah so you're exhausted but not you know I had a.

Not completely. Like I probably still got.

But you're not rested. But you're not rested.

I'm not rested as much as I would like to be. Let's say, let's put it that way. And it's not like, because what sleep I did have was uncomfortable sleep. And I would have liked to get more sleep, but I, I tried multiple times to fall back asleep and I couldn't. And then boom, it was daytime. So, you know, there.

No, no, I, I get that. You know, but I, listen, I, I have been, look, I don't, you know, I know you say, well, your son's gotten big, so my son's gotten a lot bigger. He's not weighing more than one. He's about weighing the same as one. He's 140 pounds right now. So he's not small. I don't give a fuck. Okay. You know, I'm sorry. Get the fuck off my bed. Okay. Go to your damn bed. Okay. I want my bed. I have to say that I have to get Manu a new mattress as well. That mattress is now like, I guess, is getting like eight years old, nine, whatever. It's not particularly comfortable right now, at least to me. My wife has said the same. Manu hasn't complained about it. But because I tried like once, okay, he stayed in bed in my bed. I'll go sleep in his bed. And I was like, oh, fuck, this mattress is shit. i'm like i can't no i can't i can't sleep in this now i will say that that hasn't happened in a while because he kind of got the he got the picture so he doesn't do that anymore okay he doesn't want me you know basically just waking his ass up in the middle of the night to go to go to his bed so so he's not doing that because that happened a lot sometimes when i was recording the podcast i was recording it late on friday sometimes i get in there and i'm like what the.

You know so but i will say that you know you mentioned about the couches and you know we replaced our our like i mentioned our couch this year and that old couch that we had same problem as with yours had gotten uncomfortable you know it was it had gotten to the point where it was just not comfortable to lie on you don't have to go to bed but the new couches that we have, are yes extremely comfortable okay so if if it was that bad and and one of them because we didn't have this before does turn into a bed right okay so if it was that bad it does even turn into a bed and it's a nice comfortable bed so now i have that option but i haven't had to use it because you know what i laid down the law on this and basically just said get the fuck off my bed, and you know the thing is that in his bedroom he he does play in the living room got big tv but But the TV that I put in his bedroom is almost the same size as the one in the living room. Yeah. That, that, that, that far. So he will go do that in his bedroom. So we'll be in bed and you know, a whole bunch of times he'll fall asleep with a remote in his hand completely. Just yeah. It'll, it'll be watching shit on YouTube or whatever and movies until he falls asleep. I find him with a remote in hand and I'm like, okay, here we go. Take the remote out of his hands. Turn off the TV. Let him go to sleep. Okay, got it. So we'll do, we'll do that. So, but yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, so anyway, fun stuff. And yeah, and I have on occasion, like, pushed and made space. I didn't feel like it last night. But yeah, again, like, but the contorting doesn't work.

Is he one of these guys? Is he one of these people that, like, rotates, flips, and kicks at night? Or is he, you know, if you move him, he'll stay still.

Uh, he'll move. He'll move. Okay.

So I, you know, I had this like where my sister, many years ago, I went on a trip to Orlando with my, with my sister and they had rented a house. We're all sharing this house.

So when you were an adult, not when you were kids.

When I was an adult with my nephews, okay. That were younger, which my nephews are now adults. Okay. Okay. And so I have to wind up sharing a bed with my two of my nieces. Okay. All right. It's a sofa bed. It's the only place to sleep. And I'm like, okay, listen, these two, there was no way to sleep with them in a bed. Listen, I would shove them all the way to the other side of the bed. In minutes, they would be perpendicular to me, kicking me, shoving me, pushing me off the bed, asleep, just completely asleep. Right. They're doing all of this in their sleep. And it's like, I'm like, fuck me. I mean, I'm literally dragging them all the way to the other side of the damn bed. And then minutes later, they're just kicking my ass.

Oh, yeah.

While asleep. And they don't even notice it. Wake up in the morning. It's like, what happened? what do you mean what happened yeah let me sleep oh yes yes fuck hey well the.

Joy of having the young ones around.

Oh i love it but you know come on it's a little bit oh i listen don't get me wrong i wouldn't change it for a world but it is not conducive to good sleep yeah.

No no and yeah so anyway i hijacked like that part of the but first did you have another but firsty thing.

That you wanted to talk about first he think first he think what was i doing this week i don't know i went to vegas yeah.

We heard about.

That last week and i and i you know i got back you know i i uh the hell's been going on you know i don't have much to talk about is like talking you know it doesn't make it vegas it.

Just has to be not newsy stuff it doesn't even have to to be like.

No well i'm personal story.

You know you could be like hey there's this you know.

Well i here here okay here's something that happened yes we can put some of the tech.

News stuff in this segment.

No no here's something that happened yesterday yeah okay all right i i left for lunch i had been you know working from home a lot and i'm like look let me go get you know i got back the whole week and i'm like let me go let me go grab some lunch okay so i go i went i drove out to grab some lunch. When I came back, there's a few teenagers sitting with a Tesla near the entrance at a condo. And I didn't think much of it because sometimes people, for whatever the hell reason, are waiting for somebody there. It's not common. It's not really a proper place to do it. But anyway, whatever. Then my wife says, hey, honey, have you noticed that that car's been sitting there for hours?

What do you mean? Yeah. Did you see the white Tesla at the entrance? And I'm like, well, I, I saw it, but I didn't think much of it. So I go and I look at the surveillance cameras and look at it and I see that this is a used, well, these people, there's no way they bought it. Is it, this is like three teenagers driving around in a model three, which there's a lot of cheap model threes now to be had. Okay. This is a car now that there are a lot of used examples around. Okay. and that that can be had for, you know, 10,000, 15,000, you know, the price of a used car because, you know, Tesla drop prices so much that there's a lot around. And I looked at, it's got what looks like, it looked like two flat tires on the right side, but then I realized only one and it's crashed on the front right.

And I'm like, what the, but, but wait, but even more, no beyond the flat tire no when i was leaving i know that i looked at what i first saw it it had no right rear tire and it was on the ground not on a jack okay and i'm like wait how the fuck is this car on the ground with no tire how did they make it here how the hell they get here okay okay so i i I went back, you know, because I'm the president of the association. We pulled the surveillance cameras. Let me see what the fuck happened. Well, look, apparently sometime like at noon, these guys are driving around for whatever the hell reason when they went and they realized that they had a flat tire. OK, apparently I thought maybe the crash had something to do with a flat tire. No, the crash. Apparently they had crashed. They just know it is that they had a flat tire. They pulled in front. They looked at it. Oh, yeah, we got a flat tire. And then somehow they crawled to the entrance of the condo and they couldn't leave.

And so instead of calling a tow truck, for whatever reason, these geniuses decided to call a friend, okay, with another car. They decided to take the tire off, drop the car to the ground, which, by the way, for those of you who don't know, is a horrible idea because it will most likely damage your dumbass car, you idiots. Okay. Because there's no graceful way to get it to fall on the ground. If you have it on the fucking jack, okay?

You can let it down gently.

No, but you'll let it down to a level, but then you have to rip out the jack.

Right, right, right, right.

The thing will just drop on the fucking ground because you don't have the tire. Because the tire usually holds it above the jack. At some point, when the tire is not there, it will slam to the ground.

Right, okay, yes.

OK, and so and then they they apparently decided, oh, well, just now we won't call a tow truck. We will have somebody take the tire to a shop, put on a tire, bring it back and then put it on the fucking car because the car obviously does not have a spare. And one of the fucking things that I've realized right now is that everybody ignores their goddamn TPMS warnings because all these cars have tire modern cars. have tire pressure monitoring and they will fucking put a light on your dashboard hey your air pressure is low maybe you should check that out and i the a large portion of the driving population ignores the fucking warning until they get a fucking flat and they're stranded it for like five hours and then i realized that this teenager generation has no idea i've noticed it's not just the teenagers i've noticed that nobody knows how to fucking change a flat anymore they have no clue i wouldn't know how to do.

It right now i mean i think i did.

But you've done it i.

Think i did it once or at least was there when somebody else was doing it when i was a teenager major but not i haven't had any need or experience since then and if if i had a flat.

Tire do you have triple a oh.

Yeah i would call it.

Okay but you okay i would call triple a and call triple a but that's the thing these morons i would not make any attempt to deal with myself exactly but at least you would do the smart thing which is okay great too complicated for me called fucking triple a so no they don't have triple a they don't have fucking anything they get a fucking flat they They drop the car on the ground. They call some bozo to go pick up the tire, take it to a shop, bring it back, which, by the way, not for nothing. It's not like that's really that cheap either to do. Right. And I'm like, and I'm like looking at this and I'm like. People don't know how to do shit anymore. They don't know how to do anything, Sam. Nobody knows how to fucking do anything anymore. If they're under 40, they have no clue how to fucking do anything. They can't fix anything.

Well, like I said, I can't fix anything either, so I can't.

No, but you see, you know.

I know who to call.

Well, fuck, they don't even know that.

Well, there's also, well, like you said, there's a money factor there too, right? Like.

AAA is cheap. What the fuck? Listen, if you, listen, if you know you're a clown with a car. But I mean, sign up for AAA. Hell, I think even Tesla has roadside anyway to come and help you with a fucking thing anyway.

Right, right. It's all, but always.

My wife was like, well, they're young. Don't be so harsh. I'm like, yeah, yeah.

Well, see, the thing is, like, with things like AAA, that it's essentially insurance, except you're not required to have it, like regular, like, car insurance. You're required by law to have. AAA, you are not required by law to have. So the normal thing, and this goes to the mindset we've talked about in terms of, like, you know, computer security stuff, too, at corporations and stuff. It's like, you know, why spend money on prevention? You just deal with the problem once it happens.

Yeah, once you deal with, yeah, exactly. Right. I know.

You know, so, and, and, you know, I'll, I'll fully admit to myself, like there's, you know, there's some things that I, you know, like I have AAA, like we just talked about, but there are other things that I would have to be proactive about. out like triple a i said you know i i have had.

Triple your credit card it just bills you and you got it period that yeah i don't have to.

Do anything i don't have to remember anything but like if it's maintenance on crap that i have to like schedule like every every once in a while to have somebody come in and do something how that that that stuff's not gonna get done until something breaks.

Oh man you know you know but well i can't people one well one other problem is you know and i've experienced this is that auto manufacturers also are not putting spare tires in a lot of cars yeah you've you've complained.

About this before they're.

Which is a problem yeah which is a problem okay and you know they they send these fix a flat kits that But in my experience when I tried them, they don't fucking work. Okay. So you're basically at the mercy of getting the car towed to a tire shop. Okay. Yeah. And that's, you know, and that's, and that's an issue. I have to say that, you know.

You know, BMW for a while had been taking away spare tires, but for the most part, if they did that, they had put run flat tires on the cars. And I am, by the way, pro run flat tires. Okay. And, and I find it now really irritating that so many manufacturers have taken a route of getting rid of the spare tire, but not include run flat tires with the car as a fault, which is, I think that is, is, is, is ridiculous. Because when I had run flat tires on the cars that I had with that and there was an issue with the tire, all you saw, oh, I got the warning. Oh, OK, I'll go to the repair shop and whatever. You can drive a good amount with the tire, you know, flat without an issue. It's not, you know, and so I so fuck my auto manufacturers just fucking go with a goddamn run flat tires. All the fucking tires should be run flat tires, period.

That's my that. So that's my conclusion. from this because if we're creating a generation of morons that can't do anything mechanically unfortunately okay you know for whatever reason just because there aren't that the number of mechanical things that people have to do have been reduced so their mechanical skills are down to nothing well then you need to compensate and it's not you know having to call a tow truck to take the car to the damn dealer. That's really just preposterous. So anyway, anyway, all right, moving on, moving on. Okay. Yeah.

Should we just move on or do you want a movie?

Are you going to do a movie?

I don't know. I talked about sleeping and all that kind of stuff at the beginning. So that was kind of my thing. Like we can save the movie for next time.

Let's save the movie for next time. So we don't, we don't want to make a three hour show.

Exactly. You know, the last couple shows, you not feeling great has contributed to them. actually being a reasonable length.

Well, yeah, yes. As I am there, like just, just, you know, like just, just, just struggling to record a show. Yes, it definitely, you know, has contributed to a shorter show time. Yes.

Okay. Anyway, we'll take a break and then we will do the first of our newsy segments where Yvonne will pick some exciting stuff to talk about.


Exiting. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go. Okay, here we go. So, Yvonne, what do you want to talk about? Talk about, talk about.

You know what? I'm going to start because I know the big thing this week was the debate. Okay. And everything that came out of it. And everything that came out of it. But that happened, like, it seemed like already like a decade ago. Yeah.

Okay. So, I'll pick up that topic in the next segment if you go with something.

But what I'm going to talk about is something that happened later in the week. Okay. Related to DJT stock. Okay.

All right. Okay. Okay.

Okay. so the the lock-up period for trump to sell his shares ends very spire no it already expired oh i fired this week oh i thought it was like.

Coming soon but not.

Yeah i think it okay so i think it expired on friday i think it was something okay okay all right so let me look okay well let me double check because okay let me double check okay i'm on it i'm on it i'm on it the stock orchestrated by buyer beware, represent a loan and watch it. Oh God. But while I look, while I find this out, but the main thing is that the stock had been plummeting, okay, and falling and falling and falling and falling and falling. And obviously, you know, Donald has the lockup, okay, which I don't, I can't find the exact date right now. I thought on, I thought he said that it was like expiring, like last week, but it could be early next week. It's really irrelevant when the lockup expires right now at this point for the purposes of what I'm trying to explain. But it's like, it's in the coming days. The problem is that it's next week. Okay. So the problem is that, you know the stock is very thinly traded okay and so one of the things with thinly traded stock is that when it's thinly traded like that it's very easy easy to manipulate the price of the stock okay donald.

Would never do that even.

You know maybe not dot well well uh nobody would ever do.

That for the pure and.

Oh i don't know djt stock so look early in this there was very clearly a big pump and dump of, of shares. Okay. A lot of people talked it up. Uh, just a whole bunch of fools.

Just fundamentally.

They bit up the, yeah.

Before you go anywhere else, just fundamentally, like the market cap of this thing is like $6 billion or something. And it has, and it's losing money. No, It's down less than that. But my point is, whatever it's billions. No, no.

It's shed $6 billion in the last few months. Yes.

But, But I thought it still was at $6 billion. It started at $12 or something.

It's his. Let's see.

But regardless.

No, no, no. No, no, no. It's worth, to be precise, $3 billion right now.

Okay. It's worth $3 billion right now.

And his stake is worth $2.1 billion.

Okay. Fine. The point is, it's got billions of dollars of market cap, but it is just continuously losing money, and its actual revenue is tiny. Tiny. Tiny, tiny, tiny. It's nothing. I've heard people multiple times make the comparison that says this entire company makes less money than one single McDonald's franchise.

Basically, yes.

That's correct. Not McDonald's, the corporation. One single McDonald's.

One store. One store.

Yes. And so like anything that has this thing being worth pretty much anything. Billions. Certainly billions, but like a fair value. 50 million.

100 million. Yeah.

That is ridiculous. Right. So what would be a fair value for this thing.


Like nothing? I mean, it's like losing money. It's like, is it worth anything?

I don't even know what the fucking business, I don't, I think it's worthless. I mean, I don't know what the hell, there is no practical business plan.

So anyway.

To make this, but profit make it.

But yet it has a huge value and the huge value is clearly just people doing manipulation, pump and jump.

Yes, a lot of people, you know, and that's the thing. Initially, the reason why it went up is a lot of people talked it up.

I will add one more thing. Wait, one more thing that's important that people have talked about. It also provides a vehicle to buy, buying the stock and pumping it up. You are effectively giving money to Donald Trump. Yeah, giving money to Donald Trump.

Correct. That's right. But well, in the short term, here's the problem here. But here's the big problem that that they're that Donald's facing. This isn't liquid. Nobody's loaning him money against these shares. The shares are not marginable. And so that's why, for example, when he was trying to secure money for the bonds, OK, that he needed to post, OK, for the lawsuits, nobody would take these shares, OK? Because everybody because one of the problems with these shares is that because he owns 60% of the shares, if he were to sell a substantial number of the shares, the stock would just collapse. Right. I mean, it would collapse like, you know, there is not enough demand on the other side to prop up that price.

And people have been speculating for a long time that basically as soon as he was able to, he would just completely rug pull and take out everything he could.

Everything he could. Right. And so one of the things... So one of the things that happened is that as the lockup approached, okay, he went publicly and made a fucking public statement.

That he would not sell.

That he would not sell. Okay. Which is another way to try to pump up the fucking price of this shit box. Okay. And it did. Okay. It had an immediate effect of like pumping up the price like 20%, you know, 20% on that one day. Okay.

But then it fell back down.

No, no, no, no. It stayed up somewhat.

It stayed up a little bit, but there was a spike, and then it went down most of the spike, but it's still higher than it was.

It's still higher, bottom line. It's still higher. So it got the effect of pushing the price up to a certain way. But again, I just feel this entire maneuver right now.

Just to be clear on, higher than it started, but it was back to where it was three days earlier. As you said, it had been falling.

Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but it had the effect of pumping it from the low, because it reached like an all-time low, okay, at that moment. But here's the interesting thing, that Trump went and sent out a message, okay? He sent out some message saying that the stock was under investigation for manipulation.


Okay, and here is the thing. This was September 13th, so this was yesterday at 6, okay? Okay, why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What's going on? Are they taking orders from the SEC, which for political reasons, the latest for an inordinate amount of time, therefore hurting the stock very badly. I'm going to hold NASDAQ and maybe the SEC live before they are doing. They do it again. We will move the stock to New York Stock Exchange. They won't touch the fucking stock. It is my intention to own the stock for a long period of time. Time! In my opinion, it is the real voice of America! But it's definitely my voice! And it will be for a long time to come. So, you know, as with every statement that Donald Trump says, I'm sure that everything that he just said in there is a complete lie. He probably intends to... cash this thing out as quickly as he is able to, as he has done with everything else for that matter. I think about what happened, like why the hell is he, isn't he really a really solid billionaire is because he, he liquidated all his dad's real estate properties that actually had the cashflow because he needed the fucking money. So now the interesting thing is that sec is investigating this because as I've mentioned before, this fucking stock, there's been.

I mean, way, way.

Way too many, any.

Well like outside trades just start statements yeah pumps well and even from the beginning like supposedly like if i understand correctly these spacks aren't supposed to approach whoever they're intended to buy until they have the funds and blah blah blah and there's evidence that there was back and forth with this company before they even did the acquisition and you know in improper Proper contacts. And so from the very, very beginning, I mean, haven't some people already been charged based on?

There have been charges. Some settled. Digital World Acquisition, the SPAC that was founded and backed by Orlando, one of the guys involved, settled fraud charges with the SEC last year. Then the regulator sued Orlando this summer, accusing of misleading investors. Gee, what a shocker. You know, so those cases are separate from a series of lawsuits related to Trump, the stakes of Orlando's ARC, his partners, and, you know, and rules surrounding restrictions of sales. There's just, this thing is just, it's not just that it's a hypervalued thing of something that makes no money, okay? It's also an entire cesspool of investigations, fraudsters, hucksters, lawsuits. I mean, you know, even the people themselves. I mean, Donald tried to pull the rug out from his partners and take away their shares. I mean, it's just, you know, it's the ultimate shit show. It really is. And well, but he is screaming, Yvonne.

If you're casting doubt on this one, at least you can have confidence in the Donald Trump NFTs.

All the NFTs. Yes, of course. Yeah, those are. And the thing is, as I saw on the cover of Bloomberg today, the first thing is, first story, Trump can only watch this as media stake takes a $4 billion dive. Buyer beware, said Paul Krager, co-founder. And then right under that, talking about the NFTs, beyond the Trump crypto project, there's a self-described dirtbag of the internet.

Oh, yeah. The new Trump crypto project that's about to launch, by the way. Not the NFTs from before.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, it's amazing. You know, it's like, I mean, the guy, you know, I always love to make sure that my investments are directly tied to somebody that is called the dirtbag of the internet. I know that that, that, that gives me, you know, that, that totally gives me the warm and fuzzies about where my money is. I don't know about you.

Of course.

That's, that's just, that, that's just the way I like my, well, that's where I like to park my money for sure.

So, so really, if you look, if you look at all the stuff surrounding this company, the DJT company.

Listen, a whole bunch of morons, fraudsters and hucksters are in this damn thing. Nobody else can.

Well, right. Yeah. Yeah, and true believers who believe it's the way to support Donald Trump.

Oh, those are the morons. Oh, those are the morons.

Okay. And also people who are using it as a mechanism for bribery as well.

Oh, and yes, absolutely. Yes.

You know, someone pointed out that if Donald Trump wins, like, you know, if you thought you had emoluments issues before, having a publicly traded company where he has majority ownership is just an open door to.

It's just hyper, you know, inflate the stock to the moon. Hey, Donald, we're buying, you know, we're going to make a huge buy.


A huge buy. We're going to buy, you know, whatever. We're going to pump that price to the moon.

And, you know, as far as I can tell, you know, SCOTUS would be fine with it too. They, their only problem is they weren't in on it.

Basically. Only some of them.

No, but my, my question to you was, is there enough here that we're talking a serious chance of more criminal charges against either Trump or the people around him?

For sure. For sure.

Do you think Trump is Trump himself exposed?

I'm sure he is because he's made, listen, making all these public statements about a stock that are fraudulent is, is, is a crime. Well, but I mean.

But let's keep in mind, like, didn't Elon get in trouble for this over and over and over again, but never really pay a million.

No, he got, he got fined a lot of money. Okay. Now, you know, he's money. No, no, by the way, but, but here's the one thing. i don't know if you've noticed you know what i don't know if you've noticed that he's actually cut back on the stupid bullshit he says about his about about about stock yeah yeah because it did get him into a whole bunch of trouble it did enforce a monitor to people they did force them to do a whole bunch of things so even as if you haven't noticed when it comes to like saying stuff that like like you said before like funding secured or that kind of crap or whatever ever he hasn't been doing that and it's because i know his board basically said stop fucking with the goddamn stock okay right and so so he has been avoiding that okay of the few things that he's avoiding getting into trouble about which apparently he's just i i you know i will tell you that elon so he's been banned in brazil you know x has been banned in brazil yep man i'm i'm I'm looking at that's going to embolden other countries to say, fuck you, you're, you're, you're banned. You're done. You know, I, I think that the rate is going. I saw that he's getting into trouble with Australia where he also called them fascists. I'm sure that then I'm sure the regular just really love that have, have him saying that.

So, okay. You got more on this?

No, no, no.

Shall we take a break and then do politics?

Well, it was only one subject. We can jump straight into politics and then we take a break. You know, one and one. I picked one. You picked one. You want to take a break? Okay, take a break.

Well, what we've been doing lately, we could alternate like that. What we've been doing is the whole first segment is stuff you pick. And then the whole second segment is stuff I pick. So do you have more to pick in your segment since it isn't that long?

Oh, you want me to pick something else? sure pick.

Something else all.

Right also let's pick something else that's going on okay hold on and.

I mean if you want to jump right into the politics we can it's your choice and then i'll pick something else later which might be more politics depending on.

What we do well okay i'm gonna talk about okay there's a second thing i posted in here before we're talking to politics it's politics adjacent but it really isn't and so i posted this thing about flood the zone with shit which is steve bannon's thing and this will.

Relate to lots of the other stuff but yes go ahead.

It relates to it but it's it's i'm talking more a little bit of uh i had an interaction this week with a 25 year old okay who college educated and whatnot and she seriously asked me is michael jackson really dead and i'm like yeah and i'm like.

Yeah that michael jackson's really dead yeah and i can't remember something else that she asked about earth is flat have we landed on the not not that bad not not not that bad but it was stuff like a little bit more and you know i will say that what i what i did tell her and when i told her it did turn a light bulb on her head and she realized oh shit you're right is i said look let me tell you something i've been around for a while and worked at executive positions a number We work with companies, work with executives and all this stuff. And also with, I mean, you know, we're talking with political figures, you know, and stuff and other things that I've had direct relationships with. And what I said is that, look, let me tell you something.

Everybody says, like, all these companies and whatever, we're having all these conspiracies, we're hiding the murders and things and stuff and whatever. Let me tell you something. Most of these big organizations are so fucking disorganized. It's amazing that we even do what the fuck we're supposed to be doing, let alone, let alone hide such a fucking conspiracy. And also, and she thought she, where she's working at, she said, holy shit, you're right. Yeah. So, you know what? Don't listen to that shit because it's just people like just trying to manipulate and confuse you. So at least I did my good deed and tried to finally put in her head, oh yeah, what the fuck am I talking about? These people can't organize a trip to the bathroom. How the fuck are they going to hide, you know, this shit? Come on, people. I mean, and, and, but, but what, what it does.

And by the way, I realize. I don't think this is specific to the places you've worked. I mean, it applies to like everywhere.

Every place I've ever worked.

I mean, it's just everywhere. I mean, you put it well, it's a miracle. anything ever happens if you look at the minutiae of what's going on day to day it's just like people are disorganized there's people like working at odds with each other there's miscommunication all over the place all the time all the time and i mean you know people are trying not to i mean it's not intentional usually but like it's just it's just the nature of large organizations hell even of small organizations that you know it it's human nature it's like heart and like all of these conspiracy things the people that point out like all the people who are like they're.

So organized that hermetically they were able to create the synthetic being that made us believe that and then every single person organized it so perfectly and maintained in a perfect secret.

Well are you insane i mean people bring this talking about all the we can't even.

Get two damn.

Astronauts back.

Down from the.

Fucking space station.

Right now for god's sakes and they've been trying to organize that for five years how the fuck you think we we would fake a moon mission when for real we can't we got these two assholes stuck in there until next year.

Right well and look you people say this about all these old conspiracy theories as well i mean i mentioned the moon landing this is the jfk assassination There's this, there's that, there's this. And it's like, do you realize how many people who would have to have kept their mouths shut for decades? In order to like keep the truth from coming out, you know, it's like, sorry, like there's, you know, okay, there, I fully admit there are some secrets that end up never being exposed because only a very small number of people knew them and they all die taking it to their grave. But like for something big where you have like, you know, you had to organize a conspiracy and lots of people working together and blah, blah, blah.

Of thousands of people.

Of thousands of people i mean you know like oh they faked the moon landing do you know how many people worked on that shit over the course of like decades oh yeah it was all fake all nobody noticed.

None of those people noticed.

You know god almighty.

So but what it what it highlights to me is in this day and age still how the strategy the band is strategy and how it's really undermined our.

Discourse everything in general everything the fundamental issue is forget forget about the massive conspiracies the the fundamental problem is that for the normal person at all, even for people with lots of time, you know, how do you know who to trust, when the zone is being flooded with shit, you know?

Well, the one thing is that they've also misplayed, you know, and I, and I blame also, I blame Democrats and some other people for some of this in terms of all the people that like, I hate the New York times. I'm going to, I'm going to cancel a subscription. And the reason why they're pissed off is because they hate what's being published for the most part in the opinion page. and for sometimes for being selective in what stories they covered. And for headlines, right. Because the reality is that most of the facts, the facts that they are mostly presenting are as accurate as they have been able to gather them. There may be, you know, you can nitpick the headlines, you can nitpick the story selection, but they are not creating fake stories. And to nitpick also the opinion page is ridiculous Because it's a fucking opinion page! You know, unfortunately... Oh, well, I don't want to hear those opinions. Well, fuck.

Look, those opinions are the reality that we live in right now, okay? And yes, I disagree with them, but that's the fucking reality of it right now. Even on the opposite side of Wall Street Journal, as much as, you know, the Wall Street Journal opinion page is a bunch of psychopaths, okay, in many cases, the reality is that the newsroom is completely separate from that, and they try to cover news as they cover news, with facts, with figures, and things, and checking, and whatever the fuck and whatnot. But the reality is that they've made everybody question everything. And when people don't understand the difference between, say, some fucking shitty website, whatever, that does no fact checking that just like right now, because what happens is you post whatever the fuck it is versus a news organization that for all its foibles is actually when they are posting a fact, they're trying to check if it is a fact.

Um well and and but part part of like part of the misinformation techniques that have been going on lately and you know even the the the russian influence thing indictments that we talked briefly about last week they create places that.

Look like real or.

New yeah they create fake websites that are like you know instead of the new york times it's the new york news or something and it looks legit because at this point like to spin up a website that looks Oh.

It's the thing.

It's trivial. It's trivial. It's trivial. You know, like anybody can do it. Anybody. And then you start pushing social media stories at it. And the first person who, you know, if you just casually look at it and you're like, oh, the, the, the, the San Diego Herald. Okay. I don't know if the San Diego Herald is a real thing or not. I see the story. I read it. It looks legit. And what am I, you know? And so like, and I see this all the time now, and I've admitted before, I've occasionally fallen for them, right? But like, when you see a link to like a story or a quote or a whatever, and you do not immediately recognize the source and recognize- Well.

But here's the thing.

It's also to be like- doubting it. But here's the thing. Like, you know, we, you and I are news junkies. We pay attention to all this all the time. If we see a link and it's like, wait a second, like that's not the paper in San Diego. Oh, I don't even know.

You remember that we shared that we shared that somebody had like edited that that Fox News page where they showed, you know, like Donald Trump with no military support. And, you know, yes. And I think that so many people would fall for it. And, you know, it was like reality that I shared it. I'm like, this has to be. But actually, I shared it. I say this has to be fake. Right. Right. OK, well, you know. Yeah. And I was like, and then we looked and we said, yep, there's no such bolt.

I'll give you another example. Just from earlier today on the curmudgeons corner slack, one of the people on our slack, it was Pete posted a screenshot of what I believe is a Twitter post, confirmed Laura Loomer banned from the president's plane. Won't be allowed physical access to him. Again, physical access is being stressed, perhaps related to Laura's repeated reference to her intimate relationship with DJT. Laura's demented lies may cost Trump his election. Now, we're probably going to talk about Loomer in the next segment, but the point related to you is this is from some guy named Nero.

Well, it's Milo.

I know, it's Milo, but yeah.

Well, of course, who knows if it's really Milo or not.

Who knows if it, like, it's got a little checkmark, but who knows what those mean on Twitter these days. And even if it, was from that guy, Milo Yanan, whatever his name was. That's not exactly a trustworthy source.

No, no.

You know?

But I think, well, I don't know if... To be fair, wait, wait, wait. I don't think that Pete was posting this as some kind of authoritative thing.

No, no, no.

I think he was posting it about the shit that...

No, I know.

The crazy discussion that they're having inside. Here's the point, though.

Here's the point, though.

The Republican circles.

This thing says confirmed colon. I guarantee you... that all sorts of people seeing this are like, oh, it was confirmed.

No, no, no. Yes, correct. That's exactly right.

Confirmed by fucking who?


How was it confirmed? No, no, it was confirmed. It's true.


It's definitely, this is the thing, you know? And this is the kind of stuff you see all the time. And certainly social media is a big conduit for this kind of stuff, but elsewhere as well. And the thing is like, you know, if, if you are a casual consumer who only hears things every once in a while, then you don't like somebody says confirmed, like I, how the fuck do I know? And, and, you know, and if you see a link to an article and it looks like a legitimate site, how do you know that this is actually a bogus site or this is a site with a clear agenda or whatever? And also, by the way, you've been trained not to trust the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN. You don't trust any of those things because you know those are liberal liars.

Right. And that's been the thing that's been going on where it's the flood the ship thing. And it's like, man, I, you know, especially for people who are not. diving into the woods around a lot of this right like you said it's very difficult for them to.

Ascertain what it's hard even for those of us who pay attention a lot it's hard.

For us it takes effort.

It takes a lot and we screw up sometimes and.

We screw up sometimes right yeah.

Absolutely and and a lot of it is well who can you trust who can you not trust and like if you and at this point like it is so easy to create large volumes of content and the AI stuff is not helping this no at all you can create large volumes of content that looks legitimate and and then at a certain point the amount of work it takes to figure out okay I can trust this one I can't trust this one and blah blah blah and then every once in a while the big guys do something that makes you not want to trust them anymore because they screw something up, And of course, like the, the, one of the big tells of like sort of the legitimate places versus the non-legitimate places is the legitimate ones typically admit it when they fuck up. Like if, if, if they, if they get a story wrong and then that is proven to them, a retraction, they will do a retraction. They will post something that has the real story afterwards and say, we're sorry about that one. We got it wrong. whereas like the places that are just trying to manipulate they're they're never going.

No they'll they'll post contradicting stories one day to the next yeah just like donald trump that's because yeah i mean he will double and triple down on it yes absolutely but yeah so but yeah so i i just uh you know but and this is i realized like i i got by the way another youngster another Another youngster this week asked me, and I realize because unions have been demonized so much, especially by Republicans, and you join a union, you're going to get fired or whatever. And I had somebody ask me, hey, because they saw this thing about the Boeing strike. Right. So if you go on strike, so does that mean you get fired? And I'm like, no. I'm like, well, what do you mean? Well, because there is a process to get to a strike. And I realized that she had no idea.

Legal protections, blah, blah, blah. It is possible to eventually fire those people depending.

It is. But if you're following, but if you follow the legal process of negotiation, you know, getting through the bargaining process and doing all those things, you don't get fired. But I realized that that was another thing of misinformation that I'm sure that is out there, which is like this thing about scaring young people into like, oh, you, you joined a union, you're going to get fired. And I'm like, no, no, no. There is a right to strike. There is, you know, you can, if you negotiate and have done these things, you can just, you know... You know, you can, you know, strike and, you know, if you follow the process, it doesn't mean you get fired. But I realize it's another thing that, man, you know, this generation is getting hit by so much shit.

Well, and this is exactly the point. You know, you mentioned Steve Bannon's quote of flood the zone with shit, but it's part of a much older tradition. it's part of an authoritarian slash fascist tradition well it goes back this goes back.

To the era of like complete you know gaslighting.

Gobbles and all those but they.

Controlled all the mediums of communication one.

Thing that's happened of course the key is that I wanted to say though is the whole point is make it so people don't trust anything anything Because then if they don't trust anything, it's very easy to come in and manipulate. Like if there's no sense of, okay, we know this set of things is true. If that is undermined and so lots and lots of people just have no idea what's true, then they're wide open blank slates for you to manipulate and you to push your vision of things. And that's when somebody that's charismatic and sounds good and sounds trustworthy can come in and do whatever they want, you know?

Yeah. Well, I think that. The one thing that it does create is just a situation where, you know, you posted this poll question that they did about the cats and dogs like. Yeah.

And we'll undoubtedly be talking about.

We'll talk about how that and, you know, how.

This was a you.

54. Yeah. 54% said it was false. 26% it was true. I will admit that I feel good about the fact there's only 26% that it was true. But it definitely did make like that. You've got a big percentage of people that that were, again, flood the shit, you know, flood the zone with shit. They were like, oh, I don't know. I don't know. And so and that's and that's and that's what they love to to manipulate. I'm sure that, but I'm also sure that a lot of people in that outside the 54% that know definitively, that answer definitively, I keep saying there's so many of these fucking people that just whatever Trump says, they just want to say yes because to own the libs. The fact, it doesn't matter because they will just say it just to go and say, yeah, I'm going to say yes to my guy.

Right. Because it's not a, do you really believe this? Right. It's a indicator of your tribe. It's like. It's like, you know, and they know the right answer if they're a Trumpy. And yeah, that's absolutely part of it too. Like it's not do they really literally believe this is happening? It's do they believe this is the right thing to say right now?

Because we have to own the libs.

We have to own the libs. We have to support Donald Trump. We have to do this. We have to do that. And so, yeah, but, but still, you know, it's an indication and that, Yeah, like 26% of the population is ready to say yes. They believe that Haitian immigrants are abducting and eating cats and dogs.

All right. And in conclusion, before we take a break, I want to just say one thing.


Fuck you, Pope Francis. Pope Francis. Okay, that didn't work out very well. Fuck you, Pope Francis.

Okay, explain this. Unless you're just randomly saying you want to fuck the Pope.

I don't want to fuck the Pope. Okay. This, you know, he went, he pronounced himself that the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is between two evils. Fuck you, Pope. Fuck you, Pope. I mean, that's just preposterous. You asshole. I had some modicum of respect for him when we said that. I'm like, he completely evaporate. It made it completely evaporate.

So, and just to be clear, his logic is that Trump is evil because he's mean to immigrants and Harris is evil because she supports abortion.

She doesn't support abortion. Okay. She supports a woman's right to decide what the fuck to do with their damn body because they're not a damn vessel to bring in babies. And, you know, and he says, oh, they support abortion. No, a fucking woman isn't a goddamn vessel. And nobody else gets to decide what the fuck they do with their damn body.

So, yes.

Fucking assholes. I'm so sick and tired of them. They want to tell everybody else what the fuck to do. Fuck them all.

Well, there we go. And with that, let's take a break. And then we will come back with debate and politics and all of that stuff. Stuff.


Lots of stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff. there's a noise, Ivan's got such a face on him right now he's mad okay let's do the break, We are back. So I promised politics and I promised debate and all this kind of stuff. And we sort of previewed, we got dogs and cats. We got Laura Loomer. We got all kinds of fun stuff going on. Let's just start with the high level.

Can I start with like, you just mentioned Laura Loomer. I think I saw today. I can't believe she's 31.


I mean, I, I, it's just.

I had no opinion about her age previously.

No, no, no. It's just that. No, no. So the reason I say this is because I feel like she's been around being an asshole for a long time. It feels longer than 10 years. I don't think she was doing it. She was 11.


So it must be like only in the last decade, I assume. Right. And so I'm just a little bit shocked that she's only 31 because, I mean, she, listen, this fucking asshole actually ran for Congress for my fucking district. Oh, that's right.

That's right. Yeah. I knew she ran in Florida. I'd forgotten that it was.

It's in my fucking district. Well, she got crushed.

I presume you voted for her.

Yes, of course. She got crushed, okay? You know, because the one thing about it is, forget about whether she's a Republican. She's unlikable anyway. I mean, it's like, you know, she's a jerk-off. So nobody likes her anyway. It's like Ted Cruz. Well, no, no, she's better than Ted Cruz. Here's the one thing. I think more people like Ted Cruz than they like her, as far as I can tell. So, but, but yeah, I'm just surprised that she's only 31. Okay. I, I didn't realize I'm pretty, let me confirm. Now I said that.

I believe I've seen that as well. You can feel free to confirm her age.

Yeah. 31. Yeah. I, I. Yeah, she was a Republican nominee to represent Florida's 21st congressional district in the 2020 House elections, losing to Democrat Louis Frankel. Thank God. Who is a lovely lady, by the way. I've met her in person, Louis. I mean, it's like literally couldn't be more diametrically opposed difference between Lures.

Louis Frankel. You know, tangent here for just one second, but you mentioned you met them. One of the weird things at this point for me with my wife being in politics is like when I voted in the primaries.

Oh, you knew who you were voting for?

I had personally met almost everybody I voted for. I will say I'm not at that extreme.

But I've met a number of the ones that have been on my ballot. But no, not everybody. but i mean her by the way the reason i met her was because i was on a flight to dc and she wound up sitting right beside me and coach one time and that's how i met her she just sat right beside me by the way she was sitting in coach which i'm like realized okay i love my congresswoman she's sitting right here beside me and coach is not fine whatever she's you know this is cool yeah no.

I mean it's like from local all all the way up like you know i i you know i know a bunch of the local Local people – I've met and talked to the Democratic candidate for governor. Just two weekends ago, like I accompanied my wife to some sort of –, like event for Labor Day. And our congressman, our congresswoman, our congresswoman was there, Del Bene. And, you know, she comes up to me, shakes my hand, recognizes me from having talked to her before from being like Brandy's husband. And it's like, this is weird. I mean, I did not have an in-depth conversation. I have not had in-depth conversations on politics with any of of these people but i've met them i've said hi i've been like introduced and blah blah blah and and like it's just weird because like i don't know it's like these are people that you you're supposed to know about on the news not people that you actually like would recognize you if they saw you that's just weird anyway well.

There you go so that's her so anyway all right so what are we gonna start.

Okay so i don't need us.

On the polls i.

Wasn't going to you want me to I think it.

Merits an update on.

The polls.

Okay, so here's where we're going in the home stretch.

Okay, so first of all, I posted right after our last show. I posted, well, actually a couple days after our last show. Right before the debate, I posted a poll update to If you go to and then click on the blog tab, you can read it. There have been quite a few polls just in the last few days. Things are getting hot and heavy. There are new polls every day. Since we have been recording, there have been new polls. Since we've been recording this show, there's been a new poll in Wisconsin, a new poll in North Carolina, and four new national results since we've been recording.

Okay. Okay.

So I have not put those in. I'm looking at the North Carolina one. The North Carolina one will probably flip North Carolina from Harris back to Trump once I put it in later. But the bottom line remains, oh my God, this is close as fuck.

That's the bottom line. At the moment, my tipping point as of this very second is Harris up by 0.1% in Nevada. I bet you when I put this new North Carolina poll in, it will probably flip to the Trump side because right now, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania is like a dead tie right now. in my average, like literally it says 0.0, which like my, my, I actually have logic to try to prevent an actual tie. It's actually slightly on the Trump side, but so small, it still rounds to 0.0. Anyway, like it is, it is close every like there, there, there, there are tons. Let me finish since you asked for this you know i've said before like it's just amazing how many states are super close so let me let me give you like all of the states right now where the margin in the poll average is under two percent wisconsin michigan north carolina nevada pennsylvania.

Arizona georgia and also i have iowa in that category but that's because there's been no polls in Iowa whatsoever. I don't think I was really that close. And then Maine's second congressional district as well. All of those have averages under 2% right now, which if you like, and maybe you trust the polls, maybe you don't, but assume for the moment you trust the polls, those are all fucking toss-ups. That is a huge number. Any one of those, like I count anything under 5% as toss-ups, but these are all under 2%. These are really all states where to put your money on either candidate winning would be foolish. They could really easily go either way. And that takes you, like, if you do my 5% level, you know, it's all the way, I, look, it's basically from a Harris landslide to a very solid Trump win right now. Like all of those are reasonable possibilities given where polling is right now.

And that's where we are. I mean, now they're in the last two presidential elections, polls have underestimated the Republican. If that's true again, then Harris is behind. mind if on the other hand we have all the indications that we've had in the last two to three years that democrats have been over performing polls and like midterms and special elections and all that kind of stuff then maybe harris is in really awesome shape but we really don't know we don't know we don't know we don't know we don't know now there's.

One thing there is one thing that i don't because you know you usually focus very.

On states on states.

But but But the latest national polls that have.

Come out. She has pulled up a couple percent.

Yeah, she definitely has gotten a bump from that debate. Definitely gotten a bump. So we'll see how that translates into state polling and other things and how lasting it is in part because, you know, because Donald basically made. Look, I will say this. That was because the reason I said I'm not going to talk in general, but what my opinion is, why? Why? the she's gotten that much from the debate look that was the worst perform debate performance by a president since like fucking nixon against kennedy okay well i mean he really i mean let's i don't think you know people like trying to compare it to biden's look biden just sounded old if you read the transcript he didn't give you any means this fucking debate he said so much such stupid shit that your choice of which one of the preposterous idiotic statements that he did, do you want to make the most fun of?

Well, okay. We'll get into all the debate stuff first, but since you mentioned that, I think there is a winner for that question, which one you want to make the most fun of. So here we go. okay well yes.

I i i i mean i i i look no one in the history of a televised debate has ever said something so fucking idiotic ever it made dan quayle look presidential in a fucking debate.


I mean, it's just, I mean, the fact that this guy is still in a close race to the presidency after saying something like that on national television, okay, is bonkers.

So let's, yes, Donald Trump completely, like, did badly, but let's not sleep on the fact that kamala or kamala harris also did incredibly well oh.

Yeah yeah yeah it was both it was both.

Yeah i mean it was like because the.

Thing is that she she really manipulated.

Yeah into a.

Lot of these stupid.

And look what she.

Really and she let him just oh people are saying oh she's talking too much no she's like hey i baited him into it i'm giving him the rope to just fucking like hang himself.

And here's the thing they telegraphed this strategy for like a week or two before the debate as well it's not like they were shy about it walls has spoken about it you know i mean since the debate walls has specifically said look look how easy this guy is to manipulate imagine fucking.

Putin or anybody else how they fucking like blame like a fucking violin.

But this i mean come on but this is the whole thing this is and it was clearly a design strategy in every answer that harris did She did it sort of like as a sandwich. She would talk about her policy stuff. Then she would throw in something to bait Donald Trump. And then she would talk about more policy. And then Donald Trump- He couldn't resist. He couldn't resist. He could not let go a single one of those things. She brings up crowd sizes. She brings up his conviction. She brings up this. She brings up that. And the guy, he could not not respond. He could not, not, not, not, not, not. He couldn't respond.

No, no, no. He couldn't not respond.

Yeah, there you go. Could not not respond. There you go.

Yeah. Yeah. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Yeah. It was like, you know, I mean, it was just like, I mean, it's like fucking trigger words. I mean, just whatever.

And that's the thing too. It's not just that he couldn't respond. It's that he couldn't respond rationally.

Right. He couldn't respond rationally. What he would do is just get emotional and just, you know, start spewing horse shit.

Right. And like, apparently even this cats and dogs thing, which probably is worth more time, But this was a prepared thing that they spent. From one report I read, he was going to use this to pivot onto other immigration problems. And he was actually not going to claim that this was true. He was going to use the conversation about it as something to blame the Democrats for and then pivot to something else immigration related. And they had prepped him on a whole bunch of immigration related stuff. But once he got onto this, he could not let go. And he, of course, did jump to, it's true, it's happening. I heard it on TV. It must be true. You know, and in all of these places where he went off, the problem is he just comes off completely unhinged. And also, it's...

Several of these instances, including the immigrants eating pets, things were related to deeply online conservative rat hole memes. Like you would know what you're there talking about if you spend a lot of time on 4chan and gab and these other places. But like the normies are just like, what the fuck? fuck what is he talking about like i i've seen a number.

Of my listen my wife was watching the debate okay i did not because i and and she was like i don't know if there's a shot of a crowd that heard this yeah that they're watching it that exploded laughter she was the same she was like what the fuck i mean it's like anybody who just was a normal person heard this and just was like Like, what in the hell is he going on about?

Oh, yeah.

It's just so bizarre.

And I've seen a number of those sort of reaction shots of like crowds in various places that were having watch parties or whatever. And yeah, laughter all over the place. Now, to be fair, I don't know what the inclination of people at those watch parties was to start with. I have not seen one that specifically said, here's a crowd of maggots breaking out into laughter.

Yeah, let me tell you something. I guarantee you that from what I saw, from a whole bunch of the Republicans, the moment that they saw that, it was like, oh my God, what the fuck?

Well, and that goes to the immediate Fox News reaction, which was if you see clips of the various people on Fox News reacting within the first hour after the debate, because they got their act together after that. But within the first hour, there's quote after quote of people just going like, Well, he clearly screwed up. This was not a good night for Donald Trump. This was a train wreck, blah, blah, blah. You know, very sad looking people on Fox. They did seemingly get their act together in later days. And so then they sort of got their stories straight where, you know, this was rigged. This was a three against one thing. Right. Fed Kamala, the questions, you know. This was a biased moderator, blah, blah, blah. Kamala, here's a- And given all that, Trump did great.

Listen, there is something to be said for somebody like Kamala.

Oh, and they only fact-checked Donald Trump. They did not fact-check. Yeah, well, because Kamala- Because only one of them was lying.

Well, it was a prosecutor.


And, you know, when you are in that line of work, this kind of stuff comes off naturally to do, you know, you do the same when you're doing a cross-examination, when you're preparing for a trial. And I've done it more from the perspective of being the person that's going to be in the witness stand, but not from from the attorney doing it himself because I'm not an attorney. But I know the kind of preparation and how they go and how they practice and how they, you know, what the questions are not and how to. I mean, you've been you've been training this your whole life as to how to do this discussion. And it's like a little bit like, you know, we make fun of our little like podcast over here. But I remember like a couple of years ago that I got interviewed by some TV stations in Mexico and radio for some stuff related to our company. OK, and the guys that were doing the radio broadcast, they were like, shit, you're like a fucking natural on the radio. What the hell? I'm like, well, you know, doing this, believe it or not, helps you prepare for that kind of like a scenario where you get the questions, you know, respond properly. properly, you know, know when you need to break that kind of stuff, even though we ramble on for hours in here, but it does, it does give you that prep. And so look, she, she's a natural at this Trump. You know, she is great at it. We've seen it before and other debate performances by her. Okay.

And by the way, this is important. This is an area where he actually prides himself on his skills. This is his ability to be a television entertainer. This is, and she smoked him.

Smoked him. Just smoked him.

So this is another one of these narcissistic injuries, which, by the way, just to back up a little bit, she took control from the very first seconds when she went over and shook his hand. She went over, she went over, she went over to, and by the way, when they, when he debated Biden, they never shook hands.

That is such a power move. Let me tell you something. I've done that move to some people. Okay. Where I know that we're adversarial, like in a, in a litigation or something like that, where I've gone and like gone to shake their hands and it throws them off completely. Yeah. They're like, what the fuck? You just came over and shook my hand.

And he was clearly thrown off. Like, oh yeah.

Yeah, he was thrown off.

First of all, she said her name aloud to sort of emphasize, this is how you pronounce it, dumbass. Because he gets it wrong all the time and gets it wrong on purpose, by the way. Like, we screw it up, but we want to get it right.

Well, we're not very good.

But he gets it wrong on purpose, like as a way to try to needle her. And she says her name, shakes his hand. And he tries to do the move where he grabs the other hand and she does not allow that.

No, don't do that.

So she took control of the scenario from that instant and never let go. I will say the first couple of questions, she was a little unsteady. There are a couple of places where I was like, she had a missed opportunity. Like there was an obvious rebuttal that he was going to say, and she should have anticipated it. But like, that was the first couple of questions.

That was just a little bit.

Then she hit her stride and like never looked back. Like, you know, and like completely owned him. Like, oh, was Michael, Michael Steele on MSNBC. Have you heard what he said?

No. What did he say?

His comment, like he was asked for his opinion of the debate on air, like a little bit after the debate ended.

And by the way, for those of you, he was the head of the RNC for a while.

Yeah, he was the head of the RNC for a while, and now he's a commentator on MSNBC. He's one of their token Republicans.


He is one that says, like some of them, like Nicole Wallace and folks like that, say they are ex-Republicans. They are no longer Republicans. They have quit.


Michael Steele actually says he's still a Republican, and he still holds out hope to someday reforming the party and bringing it back from where it was, but he's very anti-Trump. Okay. Anyway, his commentary was, she spanked that ass. That was it. Obviously, he said more after that, but that was his initial comment. Because it really was, you could tell just looking at his face during the thing, he knew it too. He knew he was getting crushed in this thing, you know, and, and like.

But he, and, and he tried as usual, which is the double and triple down. And it just, it was like, I mean, all he did was just bury himself deeper.

Right now he did have one thing I've seen people point out that are defending him is like, well, he, he won. because he had the best closing statement ever because he brought up something that she can't deny, which was like, well, if you have all these good ideas, why haven't you done them in the last three years?

She's not the president of the United States?

Well, A, but also this is like that whole response, which I've heard a lot of people on the right harping on and saying how killer a move that is. one of the reasons it possibly has some effectiveness is just the large percentage of people who have no idea how government works right because on the one hand a yes you're right she's the vice president.

Of the united states but i think it's.

One thing that.

Kamala said kamala said when when she was debating was that basically spent the last three years basically cleaning up the shit that you left behind.

Yes there's no but but it is also Also, just the general like, hey, our system of government is set up with checks and balances. Right. The executive can't just do whatever the hell they want. You have to have, until they get rid of the filibuster, you have to have a super majority in the Senate. You also have to have a majority in the House. They haven't had that. You know, the bottom line is.

Why should she execute any of this? Listen, Mr. Concepts of a plan. Stop it. by this bozo who goes and talks about how still to this day wants to repeal the affordable care act went and tried failed and right now when they ask them well what's your fucking plan well i have the concepts of a plan right like fuck you i mean you never had a plan you haven't had a plan and now you're you're just blustering of the fucking plan yeah listen well and that's another one eight years later he still doesn't have a fucking plan infrastructure week sam Well.

And on the healthcare one specifically, that's one where they did try, right? Like, they could not come up with an alternative plan. The best they came up with was just getting rid of it. Repeal and we'll figure it out later. We don't have a plan for the replace, but let's at least repeal.

Let's just repeal it.

And that was stopped by John McCain. That's it. Otherwise, they would have done that without a replacement because they could not agree on a replacement because fundamentally they don't actually believe in a replacement they don't believe government should be involved in that at all right and that and that's the problem and that's why you get people holding up signs of like keep your government hands off my medicare you know, And stuff like that.

Why don't we, so why don't we start by, you know, repealing Medicare? Oh, wait, keep your eye on that stuff. I'm just, I fucking, you know. Anyway.

Look, but could I make a, since you mentioned John McCain, can I make a specific mention? Because we had this week, like, Dick Cheney saying that he's going to vote for Harris, okay, as well. And a lot of people were like, well, fuck him anyway. away look i i i no i'm not gonna say that because what i will say is that because they're they're he's the same as trump no i'm sorry they're not there's a difference between i think that w and and cheney as misguided and as wrong in how they were trying to do things i think they they thought in their head that that was what was in the best interest of the country i think that for the most part, they weren't doing it for themselves. Right. Whereas Trump is somebody that's just doing everything for himself. And that's the difference between like McCain, Romney, Cheney and W that as much as I disagree with what they want to do, they're not they I think that they believe that they're doing it for the better of the country, even if what they're doing is completely wrong.

And I think that that brings a different mentality to how you approach things. And that's the reason why I think Cheney went and just flat out said, look, I don't give a shit. I don't agree with anything that she's doing. But I know that this other guy is just doing everything for himself. And this other person has interest in protecting the Republic, period. That's it. Anything else about that we can disagree on.

Yeah, so Harris has been saying in her speeches lately that the list of former Republican administration officials going back is up in the 200-something range at this point who have endorsed her publicly.

Even Alberto Gonzalez, for God's sake, just endorsed Kamala for God's sakes.

Holy shit.

I was like, what the fuck? Really?

And this is just the ones who will explicitly say they will vote for her. However, there are others who will say they won't vote for Trump, but are doing some write-in crap or whatever. Pence has said he's not going to vote for Donald Trump, but he's going to write in his wife. I think Romney has said the same kind of thing. W famously is not saying anything. He put out a statement saying he's not going to vote for Trump.

But what I will say is that W has been consistent. He hasn't wanted to mention one talk about one damn thing about politics ever since he left office. And you know what? He has stuck to it and he's stuck to it now. And I'm like, I'm not going to give him shit about it because he's been consistent on it. He's just, you know what? Not my, not my place.

Nah, I don't know. I feel like I can still give a little shit, but you know, whatever.

Well, you can give a little, I mean, you can give him a little shit, but I also understand where he's coming from as well. Well, I, I just, I just doesn't eat just as he wants to avoid it and paintings.

And like be left alone.

No, he's also, you know, to give him credit, he's been also trying to help a lot of one bit warriors like nonstop. That's part of the stuff that he's doing with the paintings. So I don't know if that's just guilt in him or something or whatever.

But that's, that's part of it.

But yeah, I think it is a big part of it, but Hey, it's the look. Look, I disagree with the whole thing. I go back to what I said about Cheney. You know what? He was wrong. He did a whole bunch of shit that hurt the country. But at the same time, I don't think that was his intention. Unfortunately, but he really fucked up.



So enough about the debate itself. Let's hit some of the sidelines. We mentioned the dogs and cats, but I want to get into it a little bit further. because on the one hand it's been like everybody's making fun of him over the dogs and cats and it's funny and it's a joke and they're memes like i played the audio of that song but there are like thousands of videos on so many versions of of you know the of you know people dancing to it people showing that without without the music showing their dog or cat's reaction to hearing Donald Trump say that there's, you know, there's all kinds of really funny memes and it's like a joke and people are clearly making fun of him. But at the same time, people have pointed out like, this is very intentionally just trying to rile up people's fear of immigrants by hitting a, you know, people have like likened this to the blood libel against Jews. It's basically just saying.

Hey, it's a similar lines. Yeah.

It's, it's these folks. You should be scared of them because they're after your children. They're after your kids. They're whatever they're, they're evil. They're alien, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now. And that even by making fun of it, You are putting the thought out there in front of people. And there have been in Springfield, Ohio, where this was, there have been bomb threats happening. They've had to close schools. There's been threatened violence against the Haitian community there. And that you have to be really careful about this because you could unintentionally amplify what they're doing. And I've heard someone say that they have continued to double down on this after the debate. And it is specifically because the Trump campaign feels, and we'll argue in a second about whether this is right or not, but the Trump campaign feels that it doesn't, A, it doesn't matter if it's true. B, it doesn't matter if people are making fun of it. because in the end, it means everybody's talking about immigration, even when people are refuting it and saying there are no immigrants out there eating dogs or cats. It is still pushing the issue and getting it into forefront. And it's like an issue they feel like they're strong on and it'll help them. That's what they bullshit.

Look, I think here, here, the reason why I think that argument is bullshit is because when you want to make these arguments, like when, when Steve the man is talking about, you know, flooding it. You want to make it that it's somewhat credible and people take it seriously and discuss it seriously. When you make it so preposterous that people are just ridiculing it nonstop, okay, it has the opposite effect. All it does is like it riles up, yeah, the 26% of people that said it's true. But the reality is that you're not doing what you were trying to do. When you say these things, they need to sound credible and not, you know, that the primary reaction is laughter. You need to do it that it's subtle. You need to say, well, you know, they've been going in there like, because J.D. Vance was saying this before about Springfield. Well, there's... Surges in crimes and HIV and all of this other stuff and whatever stuff that, you know, sounds like he's informed that he pulled up the information. But when you look at all the data, it's all complete horseshit. But it sounds credible when you take it to the extreme of doing saying something that is just preposterous. It makes it that it that it bounces back. Now, the reason why they're doing this thing with the bomb threats and whatever, I think is more related to the fact that, you know, when he got fact checked on it, that it cited like public officials that said that it's bullshit. And I think that's why they're retaliating against, you know.

Against those public officials in schools. But I really don't think it has anything to do with the people making fun of it afterwards. It has to do with the fact that all these MAGA idiots, every time that they latch onto something like this and they hear that public officials did, this is like the same thing with the lie about the elections, why they've been threatening election officials left and right. And why, for example, over here, My wife was telling me that Palm Beach County is struggling, struggling really hard to recruit people to volunteer for, well, not volunteer, because it's a paid job to work the damn election this cycle. Okay? They are struggling really bad. And so because, and they have heard about all these threats and all this shit, and that's why people are afraid to do it. And so I think that that's what it's got, you know, the making fun of it has nothing to do with it. It has to do with what he said, how he doubled down on it, and how all of a sudden, all of MAGA is offended that they got fact-checked on it by public officials, which they want to go back after.

So let me hit a little bit about the nugget of truth, the nugget of truth that has been distorted to cause all this. So apparently, and it took a couple days for people to sort of suss this stuff out, there was an incident in Ohio. like 150 miles away from Springfield. So not, not even in the town. There was one single incident where a mentally ill woman did attack a cat and did like, I did at least bite the cat. I'm not sure if they ate the whole cat, but they did bite a cat. There's video of it as police were responding to try to get this woman under control. hole. So she was, she did, she did like do something bad to this cat. There are pictures of her with like fur on her mouth or whatever, you know, and the cat was at least injured. If not killed, I forget that level of detail. It was hundreds of miles, 150 or so miles away from Springfield. She was an American citizen. So not, not, she was not Asian at all.

So, listen, Sam, come on, nugget of truth. That goes even beyond the streets. You know how many incidents of animal cruelty happen in the United States?

Every day, every day.

Every fucking day. You might as well just fucking look through a list of animal cruelty incidents and just randomly pick one to do the story.

Well, let me continue.

Come on.

Let me continue. The other thing is there has been a significant wave of Haitian immigrants into Springfield, Ohio. Now, here's the thing. they were invited in. This was part of the, what is it, temporary protective status for Haitian refugees. There's a refugee resettlement program. Springfield, Ohio had been struggling because of loss of population and businesses shutting down, leaving, all this kind of stuff.

A shortage of labor.

So Springfield raised their hand and said, can we have some people, please?

And they welcome.

Them with open arms they are they are legal immigrants not illegal immigrants they are fully.

They've got tps they've.

Got all their papers in order they are working legally that i've heard interviews with people at various companies in town saying i love the haitian immigrants they.

Are they are the hardest fucking working people look i i got you know uh so my my sons like therapists like many of them have been of haitian descent my had an employee that worked in the community over here who's our maintenance employee also haitian descent had i mean i don't know so many people look they're wonderful hard working people and by By the way, in Haiti, they don't eat cats and dogs. Yeah, it's not a thing. And one of our listeners, by the way, Richard, you know, who is one of our listeners, he's a doctor, lives in Columbus, Ohio. He's also Haitian. OK, by the way. And so I know I haven't I know he said that this week he had covid, so I hope he's feeling better. And I know he does listen to the podcast. I haven't heard him specifically address this and how fucking like pissed off he must be about this whole fucking thing because he does live in the state of Ohio. But it's just it's just the most preposterous fucking bullshit fucking story ever, man. And in my experience of, you know, like, listen, it's not just the Haitian immigrants, every fucking immigrant group that we get like right now are some of the hardest fucking working people you will ever meet in your damn life.

This is one of the things that we've mentioned when talking about immigration in the past. Like if you are a person who is willing to rip up your entire life and move halfway around the world, you are an extremely motivated person.


That is willing to make sacrifices and put in work and blah, blah, blah. These are exactly the kind of people you want. And the employers who I heard interviewed were exactly along those lines. They're like, they're good workers. They come on time. They're good family people. They do this. And the one guy I heard was like, I wish my American employees were like this.

Work that hard.

And I would love to have, you know, a lot more of these guys. They're great. And, you know, so.

But the whole thing that this asshole J.D. Vance said, well, because the shooting up crimes and diseases and everything. There is no fucking single stat that says that that's true. It's what pisses. I mean, it's this whole flood the shit thing. He is just completely grossly lying about every damn thing about it. Everything. The crime, the things, the dog, everything is a fucking just racist trope.

Well, and the one thing that is happening is, especially now that they've been working this up, it is increasing tensions. You know, I've heard interviews with like, you know, Haitian people in that town who are afraid to send their kids to school, even if they weren't closed because of the bomb threats, because they're getting harassed on the street. eat now. There are people who are, those same people who are going to work and being appreciated at work are now getting, you know, asked by their coworkers, are you eating cats and dogs? What's going on? You know? And, and, and so like those tensions are being like fanned by this in a place where it wasn't so much of a thing, but now it kind of is because they're doing this stuff. And it's because the whole thing is about fear and generating that fear and getting people riled up. I tend to think you are right in that when it transitions to outright mockery, this is backfiring on them.

Yes, 100%.

I think their idea absolutely was just get people scared of immigrants. And the truth, the specific instance doesn't matter. We're just going to and do all kinds of scary things. Like apparently what Trump was supposed to do about immigration is they'd coached him on a whole list of names of like women who had been sexually assaulted by immigrants, by illegal immigrants specifically. And he was supposed to rattle off the names and say, why don't you care about this person and this person and this person? But he fucked it up. He couldn't even do that. And instead was talking about cats and dogs. But the thing is, even that other pets.

By the way, yes.

And other pets.

Because he said other, they're eating the dog.

Oh, and the geese.

They're eating the pets.

The geese. Yeah, they're stealing the geese from the ponds and eating them as well. But here's the, even if he had said.

People, well, first of all, people don't, geese as pets. It's not common. Okay, I'm sure some people have.

Well, no, he was just talking about the geese at the parks and stuff like that.

Well, okay. Well, but, I mean, people cook geese, right? It's a bird.

Right? It's not a usual. It's not a chicken.

But, I mean, I'm sure that.

Like, geese have been eaten in the past. But it is not considered a thing to do. Not usually. To go to your local park, grab a goose, kill it, and take it home and eat it. I mean, unless you're RFK Jr.

Well, yes. If you're RFK Jr., then that's, you know, that's basically how you make dinner.

Right. But, you know, and look, even the thing, if he had brought up the women and blah, blah, that's another complete bullshit thing, because you can always pull anecdotes of anything because any population has bad folks. All of them.

Every single one. Yeah.

And even the things we were saying before, it's also somewhat like, you know, wrong to say, oh, well, these people are all good workers. No, they're not all good workers that just like any population, they're good and bad and whatever. So we don't want to like stereotype on the good side either. But no, the thing is, yeah, you can always find those. But the actual rates of crime are down.

But wait, to be fair.

And rates of crimes have a lower rate.

Have way lower rates of crime.

Yes, way, like, yes.

Way lower, like way lower.

Yeah, you can always find the bad example. But as a whole, an immigrant is less likely to commit a violent act than an American. Okay, enough about cats and dogs and the stuff related to it. I don't want to let this go without talking about Laura Loomer as well. And part of what was said about the cats and dogs is this is because of her whispering in Trump's ear. Now, I don't entirely buy that excuse because J.D. Vance has been pushing this for the last week as well before.

And he'd been pushing the cats and dogs.

Yes, he had. The breeze.

Okay. Yeah.

All right. Okay. But apparently like a lot of the people in Trump's circles are complaining that Laura Loomer has had too much access to Donald Trump and has been filling his head with nonsense, racist conspiracies, et cetera, et cetera.

I thought there were other holes being filled, but that's my, that's my, that was my, my, my thought. I mean, there is a hole in his head as well.

But you know, here's the thing. Like, so there seem to be two levels of complaints. There's the, there's the first level of complaint is simply like, Hey, she's a nut job extremist. She has too much interaction.

I saw empty, but I saw, I saw MTG complain about that specifically. And I'm like, you're not Jewish space laser woman. Yes. What the fuck are you talking about?

When MTG is calling you out for being too racist.

I mean, exactly. What the fuck? What fucking, you know, level of hell have we descended to?

Yes. Anyway, but of course the second level that started percolating almost instantly after that is people... With various levels of being explicit about it, implying that Donald is actually having an affair with her.

Okay. And let me just say this. From having experience with meeting many people that have had affairs over their life, every fucking signal that he is sending is flashing red. I mean, if you'll look at the checklist of things that make you flash red, is there an affair going on? This dashboard is at full red alert.

So you want to list some of those signs?

Well, look, for example, the fact that all of a sudden he has been completely like at his side, that he has been grabbing her, that he's been very touchy feely with her in like ways that, you know, in public that that that usually you don't do that with somebody who is just a co-worker or something or whatnot or whatever.

He saves that for his daughter.

Her yeah well yeah that's that's another person sending her kisses talking about her lavishly and rabbit ravishingly around her the fact that melania is nowhere to be seen well.

To be fair she hasn't been anywhere to be seen for years.

Yeah yeah yeah but i but listen i i i do listen not even the debate sam look i do think that she obviously is gotten wind that he is doing shit on the side. And this is the kind of shit that normally spouses, when they are disgruntled and this guy is stupid, somebody else, they will go and say, you know, whatever. And so she knows that she needs some kind of payoff to get the fuck out of this marriage. What she's doing is right now, she's not going to file for a divorce right now before this, but you know what? She is just basically ghosting him right now.

Well, to be clear as well. I mean, that's not like new for Donald Trump. I mean, we had this whole damn trial related to a story, Daniel.

And, and, and of course it's like that his history is that he's done this many times before. So fucking fake to everybody in the circle that's been around. It's a fucking woman.

To he he's, he's cheated on every wife he's ever had. He's cheated on every girlfriend he's ever had. You know, so this is, it's not an unusual pattern, so it would not be surprising in any way. but here's the thing I've seen like.

Now is it listen is it ironclad that he's banging her no but is the preponderance of the evidence right, Leaning towards the fact that he's doing so? Yes.

So here's the thing, like the levels of this at the moment, like this sort of, I hadn't heard very much about this before the debate. After the debate, the first thing I started hearing are a whole bunch of finger pointing about it was Laura Loomer's fault that he did badly at the debate. Right. And at first it was all just about because of the things she put in his head. Okay. But then I started hearing the implications of there was something else going on. You know, Drudge, who like I haven't thought about Matt Drudge in years, but like apparently the front of the Drudge report had some stuff about Loomer and a heavy implication without outright saying it, but clearly implying that something was going on there and talking about MTG being jealous.

No, but, but wait, they're not talking about MTG jealous. Look at her tweets. They were full of raging jealousy.

Well, you could interpret them as just being mad that he was screwing up like because of her. No. Or you could interpret it as jealousy over the influence, not jealousy over an affair.


Because, of course, Yvonne thinks that MTG also had an affair with him, by the way, as well as several other people. Yes.

Yes. Well, OK, again, pattern of behavior, preponderance of evidence.


You know, the wife is gone. Well, it all adds up to that. Now, like I said, none of them are smoking guns. I don't have a fucking video. OK, but look, there is a clear pattern here.

Here and you know and what's happening is that he.

Has a predilection for younger women you know.

Yeah like bill bill maher bill maher on his show is like she's his type you know and this is what i'm saying about percolating through the media environment like you got drudge and then you got all kinds of people talking about it on like tiktok and stuff you have bill maher explicitly saying it the on, on like, unlike MSNBC and CNN, the closest I've heard are people saying things like, you know, well, she's got a lot of influence on him and has had a lot of exposure. If that's all it is without saying anything more explicit, because like, like if you're at, if you're at a major news organization, you're not going to go there unless you've got proof.


But like Like all of the people who are at places where they're just like us, like us, you know, we're willing to just spread the rumor, but you know, I have said here.

Wait, here's what I've said. I have not said that I have definitive evidence that Laura Loomer is banging Donald. However, what I have said, and I will repeat again, is that the preponderance of everything Everything surrounding Donald and his track record indicates that that is highly likely.

So, and, and, and here's the thing. like this, this is following whether it's true or not. This, like I could see it being true. It's very plausible that it's true. I could also see it being as somebody planting this idea and pushing it for their own purposes. Like honestly, the trajectory of this, including Laura herself, but all kinds of people might have incentive to do this. Because honestly, this is following the exact same kind of trajectory through social media as the J.D. Vance couch thing, you know, where someone said it.

Well, that was more.

I admit there have not.

In the J.D. Vance case, it's not like we have some kind of documented track record of him.

So, so far there are better memes about the couch than there are about Loomer.

Yes. But like, give it a couple of days.

Give it a couple of days.

That may change.

And the point of that is the, the JD Vance thing, like somebody just made that up, you know, and, and going back to what we were talking about, about flooding the zone with shit and being, and what can you trust? What can you not trust? Like there is a possibility that somebody just made this up and decided that we're going going to push this agenda now and we're going to push this story now here and here's the question about this too is well what's the ultimate what are you trying to get out of that because a like i've heard people say look assume it's true assume the story goes out there mega folks will actually just be like well shows he's a strong virile man virile man yeah he's in he's in his late 70s and look, he's got this 31-year-old on his arm. It's good for him. Good for him.

Listen, there is nothing, like I said, there is nothing that he can do to this. There is this strong sector that everything that he does, they will like, you know, sing the praises of. No matter what.

On the other hand, I could see like, this is the Stormy Daniels thing all over again. The reason he tried to shut that down was he was afraid It would lose him evangelicals, you know, who like him for other reasons, but we're never really happy about his social life. And oh, my God, look what he's doing with the porn star at the same time. If it gets some evangelicals to stay home because they're like, oh, he's cheating on his wife again, I can't support that. Even if most of them do, if a handful you were taught, we talked earlier about how close this damn race is. A few votes in a few critical states can make the difference. So, like, if you can peel off.

I couldn't give. Listen, I couldn't give a fuck if he's fucking the entire fucking campaign staff. I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care.

You know well i'm not i'm not saying i'm not saying it i'm not saying it but i'm not saying it because let me say let me say this some politicians if they were caught in something like this you could at least hang them for being hypocritical and saying like you're you're so sanctimonious but then you're doing this you can't do that for donald trump he's never hide he's never really hidden the fact that he's a playboy i mean yeah he tried to quiet down the stormy daniel such but like during the 80s and 90s mcdougall yes but during the 80s and 90s he was calling up the press with that fake identity to brag about his affairs to try to get them into the paper so like this is not something that like you know donald trump has never claimed to be like, he's never claimed to be anything else other than he is along these lines no.

The one thing thing the only reason i you know i bring it up is well laura laura laura oh fuck this but whatever the fucking name is is it's a fucking racist psycho okay that's one thing oh.

Yeah so that's that's who he's choosing to associate with mtg saying that that her comments were too racist was a direct response to a series of tweets she made with incredibly racist things about kamala Harris, Kamala Harris. And again, MTG is calling you out on that. That tells you something about just how racist she is.

Like I said, you can fuck the whole campaign staff. I don't give a shit about it. I don't care. That's not my thing about it. But the thing is, again, it's like you said, the evangelical support all this shit you know these guys go and prop this guy up as a family man or whatever that is defender of the family you know make america great again and bring back family values fucking family values this son of a bitch will just fuck it you know he's claiming that family values is being with his wife and be with a family when he's just you know fucks whoever the hell he wants and then set goes out to people and says you know and then courts your support and I'm just like you know look you guys are hypocrites either you guys you know basically are okay with the fact that you know people have their choices in their relationships or whatever you don't tell anybody how to live their life yeah like I'm actually.

Sure like from the very beginning you know, She, he and Melania probably, I mean, Melania knew what she was getting into too, but the arrangement probably was keep it quiet.


You know, so I can't imagine she's surprised by him having affairs, but she didn't want to get dragged through the mud about it. Right. And, and, and at this point, there are plenty of reports that like she actually hates him. And so she's just looking for the right payday at this point, I'm sure.

But well, the only thing that I saw Melania do publicly recently was some kind of like, you know, video infomercial for her schlepping some.

And she got paid a significant penny for that.

Yeah. Some fucking like flogging some bullshit, whatever thing, you know, to make money. I think she was selling some. I don't know what the fuck. She was just some other grift, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. What's the specific grift? Not important. Some other fucking grift.

And the handful and the handful of times she actually has showed up to campaign events, she was paid.

Oh, that's right. The payments are on the FEC filings. Yes. This is so fucked up. You know, here's and I will say here is the contrast, right? What I understand is that Doug Emoff, when he got a divorce, I think that, you know, the one reason he was having an affair.

He had an affair with like their nanny.

Yeah. And he wound up getting a divorce. But, you know, at some point in their relationship, but this has been, you know, record, you know, history has showed this, that they, they got past that. They get along well. They're, you know, they, they care of their kids, you know, you know, he got divorced and there, there, there is something that there is a certain level of.

They are still, they are still, they are still friends. The ex wife is doing campaign events for Kamala Harris. Right. Um, as I understand, they are friends to that, the current wife and the ex wife, they, they consider themselves to have a co-parenting relationship with all the kids and they get along well.

And that just shows the, and that shows the respect that there is amongst those people that even though yeah you know he did something that you know you know his wife i'm sure felt betrayed by that that you know somehow they they got past that and that they have a decent sense of respect amongst them to to get along and that's fine i mean people know they talk about their blended.

Family and that you know.

And that's the thing i mean and that's just my contrast with this fucking clown who I go and I see, I mean, my God, there was, there was no more fucking, like, I'm going to say like stomach wrenching moment for me, seeing his entire family, like the one that attended the, all his family members that attended the fucking RNC. And he passed by and it was like, basically like a whole bunch of strangers just filed past them.


And, and I'm like, wow, that's the level of love and care that there is here. Basically zero. You're all just like useful props for me here. The ones that showed up because a few of them didn't even show up. Not his wife, not his daughter, Ivanka. She was like, get me the fuck out. I'm done. I don't want this shit anymore. I can't blame her. I mean, I would be done with it.

So one person on TikTok was like, I wonder if the October surprise is going to be Laura Loomer announcing she's pregnant with Trump's baby.

That would be, talk about an October surprise. Holy fucking hell.

Yeah, I don't know. I kind of doubt that. But like, if it did happen.

Doubt it. Doubt it? Why not? Look at Edwards, for God's sakes.

The bigger, the bigger thing, the bigger October surprise would be if she aborts that baby.

Shit. Now that would be an October surprise.

Anyway. Yeah. Like, I kind of feel like chances are this, like, loomer thing will sort of blow over in the next few days. But you never know.

I actually disagree. agree i think that this thing's gonna snowball because oh my god she listen she's not backing down she's been taking it up notches i mean she went like fuck she called lindsey graham flat out you know said he's gay well.

What it was lindsey graham came out with a big denunciation of what she was saying and blah blah blah and she said i believe.

We all know that we we all know that you're the closet gay, something like that.

No, her statement was something along the lines of, get over it, Lindsay, we all know you're gay.


Fuck. You know.

I mean, I don't see, listen, her track record is not one of back and down. So, the thing is, you think that blow over my ass, she's a shit stormer. And she's gotten in there right now and has gotten attention. What she is going to do is stare to shit pot even more i'm telling you that right now no fucking way she's blowing over and just going and hiding not.

Not not.

No way i mean if she did it it'd be a first.

I i guess i guess my question is whether the real media not tiktok and such has the appetite to actually go after a story about trump and boomer in in a way but on the other hand they don't really matter anymore more like the tick tock mattered more does that.

Matter right yeah so what if they if the new york times doesn't expose a on laura loomer and anybody gonna give a shit about that no.

No you're right it's it's it's the mocking on social media that will do it and but but again i don't even know like would the if would there be any effect whatsoever on the election i don't know because there's some people like like we said like well well listen here's the problem no no no but sam damn.

But here's the one thing that she's doing, okay, which is a problem. Look, she's having them, like as happens with so many of these, you know, right wing groups, they're, they're, they're turning on each other at the wrong moment.


They're not, they're not unifying. They're turning on each other.

Well, and this is real. This was starting anyway, just because Trump was not doing as well against Harris as he was against Biden, where there was infighting going on. This is accelerating. And I think you're right that that may be an effect. If the campaign itself and the people immediately surrounding Trump start tearing each other apart and start, like, in advance doing retribution for the loss that they think might be coming. Right. I mean, and honestly, they still have a good shot of winning.

By the way, even Trump thinks he's losing. Didn't you hear that he went on a rally?

The future vice president? Yes. He called Walls the future vice president.

I'm like, what?

Yes. And, and yeah. And so we, we've got another number of things. The thing is time is running out as we were recording, as we were recording 52 days left. Okay. Two days. And so we've got a number of things. We've got this potential, like his campaign spinning out of control and infighting, blah, blah, blah. We've got the continued evidence of Trump, like not being with it. You, you mentioned calling walls, the future vice president. He's also been messing up almost on a daily basis.

Where he is.

Yeah. Yeah. Like he was in California and thought he was in Hawaii. He was in Arizona.

Pennsylvania or North Carolina. I don't know. He was like all, he was all over the fucking.

And look, I understand if you're traveling all over the place i might get confused too but this is one of the things that if you're running for president you make damn sure you get right like you know i you know i've seen videos of people doing concert tours that got the city wrong and stuff oh god yeah so that happened yeah.

Well that happens all the time yeah.

But you know you get this right you know but and then just the, unintelligible string of conversation and stuff like that and i mean even the dogs and cats thing is an example of that right where he's not getting the information right he's off topic he's not really doing what he intended to do and there were multiple examples of that during the debate where she she baited him in she baited him into the topic and then he got into it and then he got sort of lost and rambly and it and so all of this is going on like you know there's a lot of this that, I mean, for all the stuff that people hounded Biden out of the race for, Trump's just as fucking bad. You know, and in some ways worse in.

Many ways worse.

You know, and but, you know, that at this point.

I'm going to say this again. The only listen, Biden was a stutterer, so he did struggle with like speaking for his entire life. So him fucking up things was always something that happened. It's just that his fucking up of things, you know, has combined with him sounding older because he is old.

That's it you know i saw a couple of clips of him from the last week and they were still entirely variable right like there were some where he was okay there were some where it was like oh something's wrong with him right now so like i think that with the pressure of the campaign off he's relaxed a little bit so he's not like trying super hard to look like vigorous every appearance well look he did make that one very funny appearance with the hat yeah.

With the yeah Yeah, and that was hilarious. And, you know, he did that. You know, the guy, you know, asked him, and he's like, okay, fine. You don't fucking put the hat on. And then he told everybody, hey, just no eating cats and dogs.

Yeah, but I've seen others where he's sort of standing there not looking great. But, you know.

I mean, he's eight. Sam.

I know, I know.

I'm going to fucking remember this when you turn 82.

Oh, I'm confused all the time right now.

Exactly. I'm going to see how the fuck you're standing over there, whatever, looking like all fucking beachy king. I mean, come on, man. I mean, no, no.

I know. I, I, all I'm saying is that I'm, I'm glad things turned out how they are at this point. Like, look, I was, I was glad.

I am glad. I am glad that Biden can get a rest. Can I be honest? Because you know what? But the job that he did the last four years, running a fucking election, running again, is fucking hard. And you know what? Right now, everybody, all of us, we need to bring this home for this guy.

Yeah. I was, you know, bringing up the history. I was against the people trying to push him out.

So was I.

And specifically because they were, I felt like, He was behind, but it was possible it would just be a hard slog. But also, they were also very much like, we don't want Harris either, this open convention stuff. I thought the open convention thing would have been an absolute disaster. But the way Biden actually pulled it off by immediately pushing Harris and essentially cutting off any other alternatives off at the knees was perfect. And I think this was the best possible way it could have gone. Obviously, it's still a neck and neck race. Harris is not like yet pulling way ahead or anything like that. I would love it if she did, but I think we're better off than we would have been with Biden at the same point, whether or not he could. I think in the end, the dynamic would be all of those people who were like, I can't vote for Biden because he's old. Most of them in the end, when we got to October.

They would have been like, yeah, they probably would have. But, but in the end, you know, they would have come home. yeah but in the end you know i this is the best other possible outcome alternative outcome i mean we said it before that if biden drops the only real had to be harris it had to be harris it had to be harris there's no other fucking realistic option and so so you know this is where we are with 50 fucking days to this damn thing and i'm just like 52.1.

As of this moment.

Swear to god i I want, as many I have seen publicly express, I want to be able to get to this election win and hopefully fucking not have to talk again about fucking Donald J.

I will predict right now, even if he loses, we will still be talking about Donald Trump for a long time.

But it's going to be from a different perspective. Yes. I don't think that, okay, he lost once, he's trying again. I don't think he could lose twice and fucking go and try for a third. no way i mean i i think that that at that point that that just collapses you can't lose twice and then i mean now i know that he has the republican listen the republican party right now is donald j trump yeah everything else has been eviscerated it's it's pure maga but you know we'll see what we'll see what happens anyway all right let's wrap this puppy up yep we're.

Done wrap the puppy up but don't eat it.

Don't eat it please don't eat the puppy no don't eat the puppy no eating of the puppies right we are we are on this on this program we are against puppy eating and cats or other pets.

Or other pets yeah don't don't eat the pets.

Don't eat the pets okay.

With that we are done you can find all the ways to contact us you can find our a link to the YouTube version of these shows, you can find our Patreon so you can give us money, money, money, money, millions.

Billions, trillions.

Go for the trillions.


Might as well.


And on the Patreon at various levels of monthly contribution, we'll mention you on the show. We'll ring a bell. We'll send you a postcard. We'll send you a mug. Yvonne is confused looking for his bell, there we go there's a bell and importantly, at $2 a month or if you just ask us even not nicely oh that reminds me we had feedback.

Didn't we have feedback.

Oh shit anyway what was I going to say at any of those levels we will invite you to the curmudgeon score slack where we blah blah blah blah blah i will talk but in the meantime i did want to mention we did have a comment on one of our recent youtube videos it was like two shows ago something like that uh the one the one where yvonne was sick oh yes and this was from from sean i'll just say that from sean and they just said i assure you i am not a bot Long time listener. All right.

Way to go, Sean.

Thank you, Sean. Sean not only commented on our Curmudgeon's Corner YouTube channel, he also subscribed. We now have three subscribers to the YouTube channel. Am I subscribed? No, you are not. I was going to say, of the three, I am number one. Number two is also long time listener, John. Yeah, John, who's actually been on the show before and who I used to work with at Merrill Lynch a long time ago. And then Sean. And yeah, so three subscribers. Yeah, so now it looks like each of you are.

Now at four.

Oh, congrats. Oh, I just yelled into the mic. And it looks like, you know, each of our episodes is getting, you know, I don't know, two to five views like on the YouTube. so probably not the whole show but hey that's that's.

How we started on the podcast.

Yeah so that that's fine and anyway and then of course the uh the the youtube for anybody who's curious first of all it has video of yvonne and i not just the audio second of all it's completely unedited so like in the edited version of this there are a few times where i was coughing or clearing my throat you might not get that in the audio version but if you want to hear, sam coughing and clearing his throat you could watch the youtube version wow it also wow i'll also the audio version also cuts out like what what do you call them i can't use the terms because they'll be cut out the the little noises that you make when you're talking and you're if fillers fillers where you're you you use certain sounds that you repeat when you're not quite sure what you say next it cuts those out and it cuts out long long silences so but so the the audio version is different but anyway that's it that's it that's all i got so i mentioned the curmudgeon's core slack that you can get invited to so yvonne how about something from the curmudgeon's core our slack that we have not talked about today well.

I found and i shared this on the slack just the headline and you know the the lead of a new york times opinion piece from december 8 1903 it said man won't fly for a million.

Years yes to build a flying machine.

Would require to combine and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanics for 1 million to 10 million years, so that's how you know the thing i'm thinking about some things in terms of progress and where the hell we are with that now i'm wondering.

Well say so here's the i mean i don't know here's here's the more specific thing that that that comment in the new york times came out in response to the latest in a long string of failures for people to make an airplane that work three days later was the successful Orville and Wilbur Wright flight three days after that editorial.


They, they also, the New York times also published a similar editorial about how going to the moon was impossible. Uh, And not that long after it happened. Obviously, a few decades after the one you did. And speaking of space stuff, I do want to mention one other thing in passing. The SpaceX's Polaris Dawn mission is currently in space. This has gone out further than any manned flight since Apollo. It's like 1,400 kilometers, I think. So higher than the normal low Earth orbit. it is a tourist it is.

A high low earth orbit still yeah.

Well it's well it's under yeah it's not like geosynchronous like all the way out no no.

It's it's relatively.

Low but it's it's significantly higher like the the it's significant it's.

At the high end of what's what what is considered like low earth orbit.

Anyway it's considerably higher than what the normal orbits than the iss and all that kind of stuff or all of those yeah it's considerably higher up and it it's It's a commercial flight, so all of the passengers are paid passengers. They're all like billionaires who wanted to go up on a ride. And it's the first such flight with a spacewalk. So one of the billionaires put on a little spacesuit and got to walk outside the space capsule for like half an hour or something. So there you go. And so we talked about Boeing not being able to get their folks back. At the same time, SpaceX is doing this. So, you know, I presume you've bought your tickets.

Yvonne. Yeah. Yeah. They're ready. I'm waiting for you to come over so we can hitch a ride.

Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, that's it. I think we're done. Are we done, Yvonne? Are we done? Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done.

Very much so.

Did I, did I say done enough?


Done. Done. Done. There we go.

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. Everybody stay safe. Have a good week. We'll talk to you next time. Goodbye. Okay, here comes the stop button.

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