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Ep 897[Ep 898] Completely Flummoxed [2:06:10]
Recorded: Sat, 2024-Aug-24 UTC
Published: Sun, 2024-Aug-25 02:56 UTC
Ep 899
This week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about all the goings on and implications of the DNC in Chicago. So lots about vibes and how they were different than the RNC, the approach and strategy of the campaign. All that kind of stuff. But before that, repairing glasses, the sinking of the Bayesian, dinosaur movies, and even fried chicken! Oh, and RFK Jr is done. But does anyone care?
  • 0:00:00 - Cold Open
  • 0:02:37 - But First
    • Glasses Repair Travails
    • Sinking of the Bayesian
    • Movie: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
    • Fried Chicken
  • 0:49:16 - DNC
    • Convention Vibes
    • Tear Down and Belittle
    • Freedom and Patriotism
    • RNC Comparison
  • 1:27:48 - Everything Else
    • Gambling
    • Talking about Policy
    • Family Values
    • RFK Jr Out

Automated Transcript

Okey dokey sorry about the delay can you hear me.

I can hear you.

Okay good good good good good good good good good okay hold on let's get hold on one minute we don't have video yet, my my internet is sucking right now hold on oh Oh, it was just my internet being stupid.

My internet is being stupid. Here's a new song. We will make a doobity. Bill, the bubble. The bubble. The bubble. The bubble. The bubble. The bubble.

Very. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Come on. Stop being a little circle loadie thing. and actually do something.

Come on, I'm tired. What's wrong? I'm really tired. I'm tired. Show on the road.

There's a road? There's a road? Oh my God, there's a road.

There's a road. Roads. Roads.

Where we're going, we don't need roads.

That's for sure.

Uh let me click one thing from here just to make sure because that's stupid looks like things are going but it's my internet is like dying but you know i guess if it's working it's working uh let's try this yeah it looks fine on here it's just it's just my computer and it's just safari Safari to be specific.

Like, well, then we'll Safari and open it again.

Oh, that's an idea.


Cause like we're talking in Chrome and Chrome's working fine. See if this fixes it. Yes, it did. Well, you are so smart, Yvonne. You, you, you, it's, it's amazing. Okay. I, in that case, uh, shall we go?


Here comes. Yes. Welcome to Curmudgeon's Corner for August 24th. That's Saturday, August 24th, 2024. It is just before 3 UTC as we're starting to record. I'm Sam Minter, Yvonne Bo is here. Hello, Yvonne.

Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. I'm here. Hello. Hello. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. You know, we don't have the same production values as a DNC. We have about the same production values, I think, as the RNC. Actually, I think our production values may be a little bit better than the RNC. I think we're probably more entertaining than the RNC was. The RNC, let's see you look at it again.

Everybody, consider the rules and the quorum as you announce the votes for your state.

I mean you must be.

Quiet so that people can hear you properly am i doing it.

Right you did great yes if we have more entertainment value and production value than these guys i mean i realize that you know we we didn't have a convention in 2020 so now we got one in 2024 I think there was a lot of pent-up energy for a Democratic convention. Not so much for a Republican one, it seemed.

Well, and I think, like, I guess we're jumping right into it. We're going to do a but first, and then we'll do, like, newsy stuff afterwards. But jumping right into the convention stuff, I guess, you know?

Yeah, well, I mean, I'm not talking about the newsy stuff about the convention. I'm just talking about, you know, the production values. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But that is kind of newsy. Because I think, like, I also think that even though they only had a few weeks... I'm very, very sure the Harris campaign put a distinct stamp on this, not just in terms of the speakers and stuff, but in terms of the tone it was going to take. I don't know. Would the Biden folks really have gone for that musical roll call of the states?

I don't know.

Well, here's the thing.

Well, I will say this. I would think that probably maybe the staff was up to it. But maybe Biden was like, nah, let's do something a little bit more, you know, by tradition. Biden, yeah, exactly. You know, because it's Joe. You know, that's not, you know, I love Joe, but, you know, Joe. There was a different energy. There was a different energy.

And I think they leaned into it across the board. word it was intentionally very youthful in a way that if biden had tried to do it i don't know that it would have pulled it off the same way.

No no no and that's i think and it's probably the right call i don't think it would have worked for joe it's you know it's a different candidate right but anyway going not jumping into that going back to my first.

But you know.

You know i did i got two Two things on my butt first, like right now. Okay.

Oh, excellent.

First one's pretty short.


One thing is, last week, right before I, I mean, not right before, on Saturday. Okay. I'm going on a business trip Monday, Saturday. I went to wipe my glasses clean and I broke one of the lenses.

Oh, that's like popped it out of the frame or like cracked.

No, no, no, no, no. It cracked. Okay.

How exactly were you cleaning your glasses? With a hammer?

No, like normal. No, no, no. There had been... So I use these frameless glasses that are just really held by a little wire.

The ones I'm wearing are the same way.

No, no, no. There's no wires in them. These are not in. Okay? The ones that I typically use have no wires at all. the lenses only held in the middle it's only held actually from both sides on the frame and of course i'm showing this to salmon you guys can't see it i'm sorry it's on both sides to through two little tiny holes and then there are two tiny holes in the middle that hold the the the nose thingies you know okay that's it nothing else okay it's it's completely completely frameless and I had noticed for a while that there had been like a hairline crack, developing on one of the lenses where they had punched a hole where the little thing that goes on the nose what the hell is it? I don't know what the hell that thing is called the nose thingy the little.

Pads are you talking.

The little pads? yeah where the little pads are held yeah so the nose pads yeah exactly so I noticed there was a hairline crack developing, And I'm like, you know, well, it's a little crack, but you can't really see it. And then all of a sudden I went to wipe my glasses and I bumped that and the piece of lens towards the edge there just broke off. It just broke. So, okay. I have my spare glasses because I had made a pair of spare glasses when I went there.

I go to grab the bear what i what i have going is i always keep the previous pair as a spare and like well what happened was.

That i normally did that what happened was that my prescription changed enough.

That you wanted my previous i.

Wanted them both with the same.

Yeah and so mine usually don't change like the last time so that like yeah the current pair is better but if If I had to flip to the older pair, it would be okay.

No, the last time, the prescription change was enough that it was really annoying to not have a separate spare pair. So I went and I had that pair made. And so I went to grab it. I went to grab it. And this one pair, which is very similar to the one I'm wearing right now, it's not this one. Because these are only used to be on the computer, okay? See the distance. And so once you're, you, Sam is seeing on the thing, I have a pair, I have a set of glasses that I use only in the computer. Okay.

I do too. Um, I got that for the first time a couple of years ago and yeah, I use it all the time now.

Yeah. And, um, yeah. And so I went and I'm like, I want to grab it. And I had barely used them since I got, I got them. I only used them for a few days. The little, the little nylon string, it snapped on those two on one of them. And I'm like, oh, come on. You have to be kidding me. I mean, and so actually the lens was still kind of being held there. But if you went and accidentally touched, Tugged at it a little bit too much, it would pop off.


So I am like, what the fuck am I doing? So first thing I did is my flight was in the afternoon on Monday. So I dropped off Manu at school. I checked out what time the store where I got my glasses done is open, which was 9 a.m. The store is like less than a mile and a half from my house. So I just went, I just dropped them off. Went straight there, and I said, okay, two big problems. This one's broken. That was my spare. And oh, by the way, this one broke. Thankfully, they said, well, we can fix this one with a nylon string. No problem. Boom. And so they went and they five minutes and they fixed that one. So they were able to give me those back immediately. So that was good. And then the other ones, actually, they looked at the warranty and they looked at what happened. And they definitely said, oh, yeah, this is not your fault. And they said, no, we'll, we'll, we'll make new lenses for you. We'll have them ready for you. And we'll call you. You know, the last.

The last time I got new glasses, uh, I think it was the last time like I got them, I brought them home. And then like a few days to a week later, there was a little chip in the corner right next to the nose. And I'm like, what the hell? And so like, like you, you, I called him up and they were like, well, it's clearly literally under warranty, you've been gone like a week. So I gave him back. I went back to my spares, the older pair and, you know, waited for the new ones to come in. I got the new pair.


About a week later, same damn thing again.

Oh, what the hell?

And I took him back, waited for a new pair, got it back. Few days later, same damn thing again.

Oh God.

They got it right on the fourth try. Like, I don't know what was wrong.

That the other ones, those had been problematic as well. The thing is that the little thing that held the nose in, it's supposed to be glued in there or whatever. It kept popping out.


They have to fix it several times. And I think that's partly what caused that lens to crack. But they had to reinsert that in there several times. times and so that's why i think they weren't they weren't arguing about it they were like no no it's so whatever you're.

All set you're all set.

Well i i have i don't well i have i'm using the spares which is fine i'm waiting for the other one to come i'm waiting for the other ones but i have you know i have those and you know i don't i don't think i'll break those right now, i'm not one that i mean i think that's only like, I don't know why the hell I like these frameless ones. I, the last time I broke a pair, it was exactly like these. It was, uh, it was a different brand, but, but I, I, I broke them similar. I mean, they broke in a similar way, but I mean, those are the only two glasses I've, I think I've ever broken. Yeah.

So like the, the main pair I have and like my spares are identical. Like I got the same frame, you know, they're, they're, they're rimless, but with the little nylon cord, like that you're not like the pure room. but the the main thing about the frames themselves is they're like out of one of these like really flexible bendy materials that's kind of well the frame themselves are super tough yeah the ones that i got i mean i i picked this specifically so like i could roll on top of this thing and while i'm in my sleep i could step on them whatever and they'd be fine so look.

I that The frames themselves.

And I've done all those.

On the other ones are very tougher for a different reason. They're made out of titanium. Okay. They're stupidly expensive. I mean, I will freely admit that when I went, I bought them. I did not look at the price.

Okay. Of course not.

And when they rang them up.

And you're like, what?

I wasn't, what? but i was a little bit like whoa that's that's that's a lot of money they were like they were like close to two thousand dollars yeah okay like uh and my and it's not because i have complex lenses it's the frames yeah.

Well the frames are.

Well i it was the frame was like fifteen hundred dollars and literally and it and it and it's made out of titanium now but here's the one thing yeah Look, those frames don't break. Listen, the thing you're talking about, that frame... It won't break. And those, that's the one feature about it. Yeah, they won't break, but yeah, they're.

Yeah, I don't, I don't.

It was an eye-watering price. Listen, I freely admit, I would not, listen, if they had had the price tag on there, I am sure I would have picked something else.


Now, what I will say is after owning those for a while, and I've had those frames that I actually replaced. listen those are so expensive that when i got my prescription yes i kept the fucking frames because they were that expensive that i will i will freely admit that the one thing about those classes specifically that is a really cool thing is that they feel like you're not really wearing anything you don't notice them at all it's and and that is a sensation i'm like i've had all these other glasses where you always constantly feel like something here whatever and with those glasses You literally feel like you have nothing on your face. And that's the one thing that I realized that I'm like, okay, I really like this and I will withstand issues with them. So, you know, but yeah, but if I, I will freely admit that if I, if they had to price things on them, I'm like, eh, do you have something else that looks like this, but it's not, you know?

Yeah. Yeah. No, I I'll say like my, my, my tastes aren't quite as expensive as yours. Mine are less than half the cost of yours, but like they, they were to me, they were still, still price on the pricey end, but most of my cost, like, okay, my, my, I like my frames. my frames are decent they're like bendy they're tough they're very light like you know ones you're talking about although not quite as fancy but i i still i go for all of the options on the lenses like i i like max out the lenses everything yeah like i i get every single option that they offer on the lenses themselves especially like i mean there's like anti-scratch coatings and stuff like that but also the the big one that i've had ever since i'm a teenager the the darkening kind yeah yeah yeah and i hate those i don't get that and that's expensive and that's expensive i cannot live without those like the the ones i i switched to while we were recording that are my computer glasses don't have that because they're computer glasses they're for inside and a couple of times i've accidentally done something like go walk the dog wearing these you.

Realize whoa what happened What the.

Hell is wrong with this world? I know. Everything's so damn bright. I can't stand it. My eyes hurt.

Everything's so bright and it's blurry because they're not meant for you to look at a distance anyway. So the world is bright and blurry at the same time. It's like a terrible combination.

Yeah, yeah.

But look, listen, the one thing that I will say also that I recall why I didn't bitch as much to pay for that is that I had made a mistake. i forgot about the fact that i had made a mistake in my health plan and i had wound up accidentally putting 2500 in a spending account oh that you had that could only be used for no yeah but it was only for glasses right right and and and i think it was glasses and dental things and i'm like, It was near the end of the year, and I'm like realizing, and I went and I said, I'm going to get expensive lenses. Now, I didn't realize it at that point. I thought, whoa, I really went, Jesus. But I probably may have gone and said, no, no, no, find me some of the lenses. But I realized, fuck, I put $2,500 in the stupid spending accounts, use it or lose it, and I got to use it on fucking glasses.

Yeah. Now, the other thing I've done, like I have, like you, I've reused the same frames. Like I have the, I have two pairs of identical frames. One has my previous prescription. One has my current prescription. But when, and for the last couple cycles now, whenever I get a new one, I'm just like, put the new lenses in my old spares.

In my old, right.

And then, so I have the same two actual frames that I've kept for several glasses cycles now. So.

No, I get that. So, okay. So enough about the glasses. There's another thing.

Oh, there's one more thing. Oh, my.

Yes, there's one more thing. Look, I have to admit that I have been obsessing over details and news about this yacht that had Mike Lynch that sank and put Mediterranean.

Okay. Now, I have followed this only very slightly. Like, I have not looked at the details. I know that it happened. I know that a few people died.

I know look there's multiple angles why i am obsessing about this okay it's it aside i i probably would be obsessing over it and i and i can tell you that the one youtuber that i follow that does yacht news it has been obsessing over it as well and i probably i would have been regardless of the angle that it was mike lynch who was the owner of the yacht okay and so mike Mike Lynch was the guy that was the CEO of Autonomy. Autonomy was a software company that Hewlett Packard bought. Sometime in the early 2010s, okay, that later on, because of a massive write-off that they had to do due to the acquisition of this thing, I basically had been, I had passed all interviews. This was about to receive a job offer to return to Hewlett Packard.

Oh, okay. Yeah.

Sometime in May of 2012. And what happened was that that month they had announced a massive write-down from the acquisition. I'm pretty sure this was one of the reasons, the massive write-down due to this acquisition because of alleged financial fraud by Mike Lynch. And the offer was not tendered.


So I did not go back to HP because of this guy, basically, who later on was accused of fraud criminally. He was arrested and extradited to the U.S. He was pretty much thinking that he was not going to win the case, and he wound up getting acquitted recently.


Him and his CFO. somehow the week before this accident happened where his yacht sank and he died his cfo was i think in a some kind of accident where he he died so that was his co-defendant died about a week or two ago oh then he was anchored on his yacht which was a very large yacht, okay, over 200 feet, is one of the biggest. The only sailing yacht that has exceeded that one in size is Jeff Bezos' new sailing yacht. Okay? Just to give you an idea how expensive it is.

Is that the one they had to dismantle the bridge to get it out?

Yes, correct. Well, they didn't wind up dismantling the bridge. They did something else because everybody was pissed off about dismantling the bridge. Yes. But anyway, wait so this one is was is basically second largest to that one as a sailing yacht okay the second highest mast a freak storm during the night hit them while they were at an anchor okay.

Now, look, I've been hit by freak storms. Other yachts were hit by freak storms. This yacht should have sustained this. Shouldn't have. But in less than 15 minutes, the yacht went down and six people died. There were 20 people on board. The ones that died look like they were the ones that were in the master staterooms and cabins. the master stateroom was the one furthest inward in town and then there was another cabin where his attorney and his wife were sleeping his daughter was there I understood like it was the guys that died were Mike Lynch his wife survived most of the crew survived except the chef.

His lawyer and his wife his daughter died was 18, yeah and they found their bodies the bodies were inside the yacht they actually divers went down and recovered the bodies were about 100 feet deep around there, where it happened but it was really just there wasn't a sailing vessel that was very large it was anchored like very nearby and and they you know they just they were like stunned they're the ones that picked up all the rescued all the people that were in it they were uh they found them in a life raft now usually you know a ship boat of that size and even not not that size i've I've had one of these on a couple of boats I've had. They have these canisters that are up front. They sense that you're underwater and they will self-deploy, okay, in order for you to be able to get on there and be rescued.

Okay, so it seems that the people that were in the main cabins were ones that, Got stuck inside. Right. And they had to be rescued. So it was.

So basically it was laid out so that these were interior rooms that you couldn't get. You couldn't get straight to the outside from these rooms. You had to go like some route.

You could. Well, it was a longer. It was. Well, they're probably. They do it usually. Actually, they have emergency hatches, but they are not the ones nearest to the main entrances, okay? And the reality is they're saying that the boat was like either might have capsized temporarily or shipped or been listing heavily. If it capsized temporarily, even though they found it at the bottom of the sea on its side, but that doesn't mean anything. It means it could have rolled, okay? You know, look, you're sleeping, boat goes upside down, you're in the water, don't know where the fuck you need to go. Right. How to get out. Okay. You know, it, it, it, and I, and it.

And, and frankly, if you were sound asleep when it happened, by the time you were fully awake, it might be too late anyway. way.

And that's the thing, and I'm like, you know, on our Slack, I'm mentioning that the crew probably may have wanted to, would have gotten people ready because a storm was approaching. And look, it seems, look, the crew survived. The crew had to, listen, the crew must have known that something was up. And they were up, and they were up and out of the cabins, which is why they were able to be rescued. Okay. And I guess the owner's wife.

Also survived and and i gotta guess it's because if there's a storm and stuff it's like going like that even in a in a yacht that big you're you're probably all of a sudden going hey what the heck is going on let me let me go check and and i i have a i have i have anchored where it's turned into bad weather okay and i will say that me as the person responsible for the other people sleeping on on the boat i will say that the the other people everybody was sleeping soundly no problem but i couldn't sleep because i was just like look winds are strong i don't we're anchored i don't want this anchor to drag wind up into rocks or something i don't know i i i was just i really could not sleep until the weather died down okay and and i'm sure that that's what happened with But the crew, the crew were like, OK, look, there's bad weather. I got to go check it out now. You know, I'm going to guess that the owner being how big and how a reputation for a seaworthy yacht this was probably may have been like, eh, whatever. We'll be fine. You know, no problem. You know, the crew will take care of it. OK, so he probably wasn't thinking that that was going to be a problem. You may have been overly confident. And I can't blame him for being overly confident, given the reputation for that boat.

And so a lot of people have been trying to figure out what happened. There's been a whole bunch of rumors and speculation.

One thing is the crew hasn't spoken, other than about five words from the captain that basically said he didn't see it coming. He didn't see it coming. But I don't know. I, I just, they're both boats have especially larger boats have like airplanes have ADS B, which is like flight, what flight radar 24 uses in order to track positions of positions of ships, of aircraft. There is some, there is a similar system for, for larger vessels, which is AIS. Okay. And, you know, they, they had AIS and the AIS data showed, that definitely their anchor must have been dragging. The wind got whipped up so big, so what happens is you put the anchor down and the anchor goes in and it's stuffed in the usually sandy bottom. And usually anchors hold pretty well, but a wind that stiff, it was making the anchor drag. It wasn't being able to hold the ship in place.

The other vessel that was nearby had started their engines in order to be able to stop that effect and you know it was a sailboat even a small they all have engines now there's that big engines on it they have engines but i yeah i it's just one of these things where it's i mean i've you know i don't know i remember but you know i had you at an anchorage you know overnight when you visited okay you know it's It's not something that's abnormal to do, to go out and find a nice, safe anchorage and sleep overnight. And I've done that many times in my life. And I've been experienced at it. It's why I was able to take you guys to do that. Because, I mean, I know where to find a safe spot, how to drop the anchor, and how to monitor it. And, you know, it's like, why, when I, and I, I usually, I will admit that being the one, whenever I've had other people, whenever I've had people period on the boat and it's my, you know, and I'm the one that brought them out. I'm, I'm usually, I will freely admit that I am.

Way more cautious than probably anybody else where I'm just making sure for everybody's safety that that that that, you know, nothing's happening. So if I if there is bad weather, I won't sleep. I mean, I will not, you know, I won't sleep. I won't drink. I want anything until we are back on safe harbor. I that's that's my thing. And I, it's just that I found it just so stunning that the vessel, you know, there was some surveillance video to show the ship there. And it was just right out there in the anchorage. Then all of a sudden in a flash disappeared. And you're like, wow. So, so anyway, so I've been obsessed by that because I, you know, as I maybe mentioned, I like boats. And so, and it's just my thing. So I just, I, I just been, well, it's just the fact that understand that I, this guy is the reason why I did not go back to work at HP in 2012. Okay. I mean, talk about the, I mean, this, this, you know, this guy, this thing, the sale or whatever. And when that right off happened, it's why I never went back to work at Hewlett Packard, which is probably maybe a good, which is probably a good thing. by the way. So, okay. So probably one reason I had more interest in this story. So anyway, so that's it. That's all I had for.

Given, given how long it's taken to be there. Do you want a movie from me or shall we just move on? I can, the movie will save for next week.

What movie is it?

The second Jurassic park movie.

I know I want to listen to this.

You will listen to this. Okay. Yes. It is the lost world. World, Jurassic Park from 1997.

97, okay. Yeah.

I'll start out. It's a thought.

I'm not even sure if, I don't even sure. Wait, I was going to say, I'm not even sure if I watched it.

Okay. Now, we've all seen the first one.

Of course. Yes, yes, yes. The first one, yeah, of course. Yes. But I'm not sure if I watched this one.

This is one where, as I was watching it, I recognized bits and pieces of it. because I realized, I'm pretty sure what had happened was that my wife and my son had watched it at some point in the last few years and I'd been like in and out of the room. So little bits and pieces of it were familiar, but the whole thing was not. I had definitely never seen this whole thing from beginning to end before. And I'll tell you, in getting ready for this episode, and, you know, I was like, Okay. The summary of the movie. What, what, what happened in this movie? And like the, the timing of this, let's see, I, I watched this in March, March. I could not for the life of me. Remember the plot of the damn movie. Other than of course it contained dinosaurs. I, I, I've brought up the Wikipedia page and reminded myself, but before I did that.

I don't, I remember. Okay. Okay, obviously, not very memorable movie. I don't remember it. I just did exactly. I pulled up the Wikipedia page.


And I'm reading it, and I'm like, I don't remember any of this shit.

Right. But maybe you never saw it. Because you said you weren't sure if you'd ever seen it.

It's possible.

But, like, I had seen it in March, and I did not remember the plot points. Like, maybe if you...

Obviously not very memorable.

No. No, I mean, and look, I'm giving it a thumb sideways. It wasn't bad. You know, I've said before, I reserved the thumbs down for truly awful movies. This was not that. And when I, when I read the description, I now remember the bits of it and it was fine. It was, it was an entertaining couple of hours. It was okay. It just wasn't anything like super special.

I am pretty sure that I probably watched at least parts of it.


Because there's only one reason.


It's a stupid reason, but it's the reason, okay?


So in the original movie, there were these Jeeps that they drove in.

Yes, yes.

Mercedes had launched her first SUV.

Okay, yes.

And they had done a product placement for this in the thing. In this movie that we're talking about. In this movie, yes. Yes. And that's why I remember, because I remember that I saw the stupid cars in the movie that they did as a product placement to promote the launch of their first light. Well, I will say it's their second SUV because they always had an SUV, but it's kind of like a military vehicle kind of a thing. It wasn't. Okay.


So, so yeah. And they never sold it in the U S but it was the first SUV they sold in the U S. Okay. And, and I, and, and yeah, so that's the reason why, but man, I don't remember any of the details. This movie was Matt must've been really mediocre.

Yeah. I mean, the thing is it was like, it was clearly just trying to build off the success of the first one. now apparently like the first one this was also based on michael crichton novel um so like there was work i i mean it i was gonna say it's not like completely like they were just flailing about for something they still had something they were basing it off of but you know it was it's just sort of like okay yeah you you made a lot of money off a dinosaur movie so you decided to make another one i mean you know and yeah and i guess there's a whole bunch more after this one, which yeah it's what i just said to the next level and the level after that and the level after that because i mean yeah at a certain point you're you're no longer the.

Last one was two years ago.

Yeah i mean like at a certain point like the first one oh okay this is creative this is new this is different we haven't seen this in quite this form before although there had been movies with dinosaurs before but you know but like all of this seems godzilla well godzilla but like yeah king kong had dinosaurs you know god dinosaurs yeah wait king.

Kong had dinosaurs.

Yes yes what do you mean the original king kong when they went they they found the island where they found king kong they also found dinosaurs on that island.

I don't remember that.

I went you know well.

I don't i don't i i don't know well you mean the first one that's all right well you mean the first one you mean the black and white first one.

Yeah the ones from the 1930s yeah i.

Don't i'm pretty sure i did not watch that.

So i watched the one that's like a remake the remake in the 70s i will tell you because i i remember exactly when this happened when we did the swearing back in 1939 when we did the swearing supercut of curmudgeon's corner like on the episode that i took that supercut of, I reviewed the original King Kong. Because one of the swears I said in there was something along the lines of, If you go to an island and find fucking dinosaurs, you don't fucking shoot them.

That's right. I'm with you on this. Yes. Sound like, you know, I remember the one. I mean, the one that was later, were they on some kind of oil super tanker or something? And then they brought King Kong to the US. And of course, in the other one, he climbed like the World Trade Center. Yeah. Now on the other one, the old one, 1930s.


It was on the Empire State, I think.

Yes, correct. Now, here the thing is, since you brought up bringing King Kong to the States on the tanker, that happened in this movie, too. That's right. In the Lost World Jurassic Park.

I have a vague thing.

They were taking the Tyrannosaurus and they were going to start a new like Jurassic Park theme theme park, but on the mainland, because, of course, it had gone so well on the isolated island, you know, and so and of course, spoilers, it escapes or it tries to escape. I think, you know, whatever chaos ensues and that chaos ensues. That's sort of like the final battle. always part of always part.

Of a good movie chaos ensues.

Anyway again like i i don't remember like i wasn't not entertained it was entertaining enough there were you know running around there were dinosaurs there was suspense and there was you know the there were the the variety of characters interacting with it some of whom got eaten by dinosaurs and some of whom lived you know and it is is fine it is fine there are a couple places where i was like that's not realistic but you know hey there are dinosaurs running around so what there's dinosaurs.

Running around so you know what the hell.

Come on, But yeah, so it was fine. It was fine. It's a thumb sideways, but it was clearly derivative of the first one. I assume every other Jurassic park in this series is also incredibly derivative and a lot of repeat stuff, even though I haven't seen them yet. I think that's a fairly safe assumption. And yeah, so thumb sideways is fine.

So you're saying that the subsequent sequels yes of jurassic park you're sure they have dinosaurs i.

Think that's a safe bet.

Look that's not always a safe bet i don't know if i i think i may have mentioned this at some point here where there was a thing where this is something that in our international business class and cardigan mellon we're talking about franchisees going overseas Seas. And that one of the guys that had taken the KFC franchise, I can't remember in what geography.

Oh, it didn't have chicken.

They didn't have chicken!

Right, right. I think you mentioned this, yes.

Yes. They didn't have chicken! They paid the money to sell Kentucky Fried Chicken, but not have chicken.

Well, for a while they stopped being Kentucky Fried Chicken and were just KFC. I think they now mentioned...

Are they back?

I think they've got... I think they admit to being Kentucky Fried Chicken, but most of the branding is still KFC.

I will say that I love that food, and I never eat it. Because it's so bad for you. It's addictive, and it's bad for me.

And so therefore, I won't do it. As we have covered on this show, you like Popeye's even better.

I will say I like Popeye's even better. However, I will tell you, confess that last week I stopped at something at Miami International Airport and had this southern fried chicken.

Okay. Thing.

Yes. That was absolutely spectacular. Okay. And I'm trying to figure out what the hell.

There are a couple of fried chicken chains around here that like apparently like it was like a husband wife team and then they got divorced and now they're two chains or something. but like apparently apparently it's really good but i've never tried it i.

Think i'm trying to see what's like a local chain.

Like just a few restaurants i.

Think it's called spring chicken okay is that what it is spring chicken yes i i am pretty sure yeah i i think that is what But yes, that is what it is. And I will tell you those chicken tenders that they make there. Holy smokes. Are they good?


So if you got a chance to try that.

I don't think they have that around here, but now, now you've got me thinking that this weekend I'm going to have to pick up some Popeye's or something. I had, I had, let me tell you.

Like yum, yum. Okay. Uh, God, no, I mean, that's like, I w I will, I'm pretty confident. That is the only fried chicken I've eaten all year. Yeah, man, but it's worth it. And by the way, here's the one thing.


Because a couple of times that I've eaten it, hadn't sent well with my stomach, the fried chicken. I'm not sure what oil they use, but I will tell you that if they use a high quality oil. It'll and whatever the ingredients they use. Yeah, exactly. You know, like, you know, but basically, you know, yeah, that's the kind of stuff you want. You want the synthetic oil. You don't want the regular one. But I use that kind of, you know, high quality vegetable oil or probably peanut, whatever, something that's probably allergic to a lot of people. And it really makes it that it's my stomach. Well, this I was not having like any heartburn or anything afterwards. This was like delicious and it sat on my stomach very well.

Excellent. Well, you know, here's the one other thing. You know, if people ever actually succeeded in cloning dinosaurs, like you start Jurassic Park.

They taste like chicken?

Well, this is what I was going to say. They're not going to open a damn theme park for you to go see it. They're going to open a restaurant.

We're going to cook the dinosaurs.

That's right.

The dinosaur, you know.

Kentucky Fried Pterosaur. Yeah.

There you go.


Tastes like chicken.

Tastes like chicken. One last note before we take the break. I just want to update folks. I mentioned last week I had COVID. I'm still testing positive. I still have mild symptoms. It's been a freaking week now. The symptoms never got really bad. I've mainly had a headache and really low energy. And just in the last few days.


Jeb? Oh yeah, low energy. And just in the last few days, I've started to get a little bit of a cough, but you know, I guess like, and for the most part, I've been like, I've been being good. I didn't like, I haven't gone into the office where I could get anybody else sick. They're conflicting reports about how contagious you are as far along as I am, but I'm being safe and not being contagious to others. I did attend one work call on Wednesday that was like a two-hour call. And then on Friday, I called in to like a 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. meeting. And I was actually annoyed because this is one that people had flown into town for and was like a big in-person brainstorming kind of session and review of like things. And I actually would have liked to have been there in person for this one. But like, even my boss was like, you know, even if you could come in, don't.

No, no, don't do it.

Don't do it.

Yeah, don't do it.

Just dial it.

Yeah. It's a fair. Yeah. Good call.

And so like, and I'll, I'll be absolutely honest here. Like I did not contribute as much or pay attention as much as I would have if I was there in person. I was one of only two people who were on, who were remote instead of actually in the room. And like, I, I chimed in a couple of times, but like for the most part, I was just listening. And also like by like, you know, 9am to 4pm with a few breaks, that's a long meeting anyway. And I'm still not feeling super great. By the time we got to the halfway point, like my mind was done. I was just sort of like I just want to lie down again you know I don't want to be paying attention and I did my best but like the second half I was just sort of, kind of sort of listening and trying to keep an idea of what was going on but, my my mind was no longer really having it it was sort of like you're kidding me right you're still not feeling great you're trying to pay attention to something for eight hours fuck that you know well.

But by the way they saw the news this week new new covid boosters authorized they should be.

Oh, just in time, assholes.


You know, I, you know, and now when I go in next time I see my doctor, they're going to be like, no, you just had COVID. You want to wait for the shot anyway. So, you know, they could have authorized the damn thing a couple of weeks ago. And then, you know, maybe I wouldn't even got it.


So, I mean, I'm sorry. I'm glad the symptoms never got really bad, but it's still like this low level, you know, and like, I sound fine now. Right. I, you know, I'm, I'm feeling okay, but it's like, you know, if I'm up and active and doing things for half an hour, I'm just like, I'm done for a long time. And just, it's just, and just constant sort of low grade headache and stuff, but it could be a lot worse. I mean, of the possible COVID symptoms, this is not bad. So anyway.

Yeah, these are not bad. So, okay.

All right.

Break, break.

And then we'll do like, what are we, are we doing DNC first?


Okay. So here's a break. Okay, so we kind of started on this at the very beginning of the show. We had the DNC.

We had the DNC.

We had the DNC. My wife did try to get in to go there, but did not get picked. There were other local people that ended up ahead of her for that. and she she by the way had had originally decided not to try and then at the very last minute like two weeks ago there was an extra opening and i actually convinced her to like come on and a couple other people were encouraging her to to throw her out in the ring for that last spot but somebody else got it some yeah some asshole i don't know somebody got but but she still she she knew lots of people that were there and were texting people who were on the floor during the of stuff so so so i got a few reports of like okay the washington delegation's got these like cowboy hats you know whatever anyway yeah they were wearing like light up cowboy hats because of course washington is known for being like a big cowboy place i guess.

Anyway whatever they i don't it was a massive party they were having fun we started talking at the beginning of the show, how just the mood like at the, at the DNC was just so like for all four days of this thing, the level of excitement was just through the roof. Now I've watched a lot of these conventions over the years. Back in the day, I used to try to watch them gavel to gavel. I haven't done that in a long, long time, but I've watched the major speeches in the evening, the roll call vote, those kinds of things. I watch part of the Republican one this time around, but not a lot of it. But and, you know, like they're always parties. The Trump Republican ones have been a little bit less of parties, to be honest, than even the Republican ones in the past.

Well, let's see. I'm trying to remember because I don't remember 2016 for either side. For either of them.


I do remember. Wasn't the 2021 where they still had it in person anyway, and that's how they managed to kill Herman Cain and a few other people?

They did a hybrid. They did part of it in person and part of it not. They did part of the convention from the White House, which isn't technically allowed, but they did it anyway. way you know that 2020 was really weird because of the pandemic on both sides the democratic one was completely virtual the republican one was a weird hybrid and in multiple locations you know so 2020 is not a real good comparison for anything but like in that in in previous years i mean both I mean, the conventions are two things. The conventions are a massive party for people who are heavily involved with that party. I'm using party in two ways there. Party in terms of celebration, people getting, you know, and party as in political party. But they're a massive party for people who are involved. And then they're an infomercial. That is the two purposes of these, you know, at least since they stopped mattering to pick the candidates. Now, there was some talk that this time around on the Democratic side, maybe this should be an actual open convention. I'm just I'll just say right now, thank fucking God that was not what was happening here.

We have a dodge to bullet.

Like, I mean, as much as for years and years and years, it's been like, maybe this time we'll have like the contested convention. Wouldn't that be so much fun? No, not this year. Thank you. No.

Like, like we, if, if that had been going on, if we truly had multiple candidates vying for the nomination at the convention, several of which had a real chance. Yeah. Instead of having four days of really inspirational speeches, we might well have had four days of ballots where just like, you know, when the when the Republicans were trying to pick a goddamn speaker, we might have had that at the DNC. It would have been ridiculous. So I am very, very glad that when Joe Biden dropped out, he immediately endorsed Kamala Harris and that whole thought of there being anybody else died within hours. If it had gone any other way, it would have been nuts. Now, I suppose even if there had been an open process, they would have tried to actually have picked somebody before the convention already started, but it would have been a mess. Instead, we had four days of a party that is so clearly reinvigorated, excited, fired up in a way that they have not been for a long, long time.

I was going to say since 2016, but not even. Like, people were excited about Hillary, but there was a lot of lingering tension with Bernie Sanders, you know? And if you go back further, you know, 2012 was an incumbent, so it's a whole different vibe there. And in 2008, there was lingering tension between Obama and Hillary.


Hillary, you know, so I can't even remember for sure, like the first Clinton. I don't know.

No, like shit. That race, there was a whole bunch of problems with Clinton. There were all the accusations and of course against them during the campaign. It was, it was, I mean, there were, there was a dog fight in that, in that campaign. I mean, it was definitely not a slam dunk.

And in between, like, Carrie? No.


We didn't have this.

No, we were not that. I mean, yeah, we didn't. I mean, we liked Carrie. We weren't that excited about Carrie.

No. And, yeah, who am I missing? There's one more, right?


No, I'm talking after. I mean, Dukakis as well, but, like.


Gore. Yes, Gore. Yes.

Well, we people kept making fun of Gore because he was boring.

Yeah. Yeah.

And I mean, he was my kind of boring. I love fucking Al Gore. Okay. All right. You know, he would have made. Look, if we had had eight years of Al Gore instead of W. Bush. And, you know, that stupid fucking show for all mankind did that as a fake lot timeline there. And they actually have his pictures hanging at NASA as the president. And I literally almost started crying seeing that. I'm like, you fuckers.

Yes. Well, that didn't happen. We've gone all the way back to Mondale and Dukakis. Marcus and before that Carter, like, I, I don't know that have any of them had this level of excitement or on for that matter on the Republican side too. Like, I mean, I know people were, like I said, people were excited about Hillary. There was a lot of hype there too, but it feel there were always these other things going on. Whereas this time I feel like it's really like Like there's this massive catharsis going on because people were all in just a month ago, a little bit more than a month ago. We're all in the mood to like, we're doing this death march where Biden's way behind and maybe he can win and we're going to try, but we're going to do our best, damn it. And that gave way to actual like excitement.

And well, look, I will say that the difference, I think, boils down a little bit to what's been happening with undecided voters and even give all the shit that you want to. I shared this clip and people have been also sharing it and criticizing this clip of the CNN little thing that they had with the eight undecided, the panel with the eight undecided voters were all but one of which decided to go.

For Harris afterwards.


Well, I think there was one or two that were still undecided. There was one that went to Trump.

No, there was one undecided. There was one undecided.

That stayed undecided.

That stayed undecided. The other six went for Harris. And there was one guy that snuck in that apparently was a MAGA Trumper, but somehow snuck in saying he was undecided.


And there is plenty of evidence to show that he was a very, very MAGA Trumper, that this was just bullshit. And I have to say.

If they'd spent 10 seconds Googling him, they would have known.

They would have known, no, this guy's not an undecided voter. Definitely not. You know, and hell, I spent 10 seconds listening to him and I'm like, oh, fuck this. This guy's not an undecided voter. You're fucking kidding me. I'm like, it is so. So, but you saw how they, I mean, they were, they broke, like, very decisively in that way. And the polling data shows that we finally have gotten this situation where we're not getting any more of these fucking poll numbers that show, like, The vote for the top two leading candidates being like 88% of the total.


Or shit like that. Now we're finally into high 90s. Okay. You know, it's falling.

Frank Luntz, who's a Republican leading pollster slash focus group person. Some of his commentary, like I think it was like a week ago. he basically said that from what he is seeing, not just polls, but also in his focus groups, basically what we've seen is the undecideds are all breaking to Harris and some of the weak Trump voters are flipping to undecided. I've also seen plenty of, plenty of analysis also Also of the double haters that we've talked about before. Basically.



There is. I, I, I, I, listen, those people are, uh, listen, there is one. I will tell you that there is one fucking guy that I know. I should have known better. That's a fucking double hater. I got so angry with him. I blocked them on every fucking, I blocked his phone. I blocked his Facebook. I blocked his LinkedIn. I blocked them everywhere. I just said, I never want to fucking speak to you again.

Okay. So the double haters, apparently that didn't like Biden or Trump, a huge portion of them have no issue with Harris. So a bunch of the double haters have gone off and are now Harris supporters. So double haters are now single haters that only hate Trump because it was Biden that they had the problem with. Well, they had a problem with Biden and Trump, but apparently are absolutely fine with Harris.

And also, I know we're probably going to talk about RFK later, his support had been collapsing anyway. And he was also a parking lot, essentially, for the double haters. And so once Biden got out, like... They're like, oh, we like Harris. Never mind then. So a bunch of the people who are parked with RFK left for Harris. The ones who were left were Trump haters. And so we started seeing in the polls, whereas previously, whether RFK took from Biden or Trump had been slightly more from Biden than Trump. But it seemed to vary state by state, and it was inconsistent. Sometimes you'd get a poll one way, sometimes the other. But since Biden dropped out, almost every poll had shown that RFK was hurting Trump more. So anyway, and you're absolutely right, though. Those numbers of the people who are undecided or third party are collapsing dramatically since Harris dropped out. No, not since Harris dropped out. That would be bad. That would be news.

That would be news. Well, Walsh sounds good. I mean, you know, fuck, President Walsh.

Since Biden dropped out. Yeah. Right.


Anyway, but people are super excited. The convention, we had a bunch of speeches. And here's the thing. Different people, including me and Yvonne, had different impressions of whose speech we liked best. But the thing is, they had a variety that appealed to a bunch of different people. Like some people were more excited about one speech. Some people were more excited about another. But there was a parade of really impressive people. You know, even look.

Let's be clear about this. I don't care who the hell spoke. spoke yep there was one decisive mic drop moment of all of these are.

You going to talk about the dick joke.

Yes obama had that one i mean he really really damn it i you know not used to seeing obama on the stump anymore, right? You know? And especially seeing Obama on the stump not being the candidate because...

Obama on the stump as a candidate was you know i was talking about biden being a little bit more conservative probably been a bit a little bit reserved but now he's just a surrogate he's not he's not the candidate right and let's face it obama despises trump okay obama fucking despises Trump.

And I'm with him. Okay. All right. He's my buddy on that one. I got your back, Obama. I mean, I'm with you. Okay. And so when he goes and he threw that entire line where he's saying about this 78 year old guy that ever since he rode down the golden escalator, he's been just, you know, it's been just a barrage of grievances, you know, about all sorts of things, name calling and then obsession with crowd sizes. And he did that ad thing and everybody just do what he meant with ad thing. And the crowd just exploded. Okay. All right. And not just the crowd exploded, the internet exploded because that right now has been such a meme for everything and anything right now on the internet that that was just, that was, yeah. And, and let's be clear about this. As many have said, the most effective tactic against Trump has been this. He was just completely flummoxed. He had no fucking, he tried to do a comeback, do that, and he had nothing. He had nothing. He came out sounding like a bumbling idiot.

Well, just in general, I mean, and I guess, you know, back in 2016, Rubio tried this kind of crap, but just didn't do it well.

Yeah, but Rubio's a fucking moron anyway.

I know, but during the Republican primary process, of course, is when I'm talking. But look, the mockery, the weird stuff, the, this finally, finally, the approach is one of tearing down and belittling Trump and the people who follow him. rather than like making him bigger by talking about how dangerous and scary he is and.

Doing it in a way that is the way that it is it's it's not hey you're a moron no you're stupid no not that way, the weird thing is far more effective than anything else because it's accurate yeah i mean you've got a guy you know i think the other guy was talking about this clinton was did his speech he sounds listen you want to talk about old clinton sounds old yeah okay bill bill clinton, and eddie is younger than biden and he sounds old okay all right but but you know clinton hit this on the head? The hell is this guy obsessing about fucking Hannibal Lecter, for God's sakes? Why? I mean, you want to talk about weird? It's going on the stump and praising, singing the praises of Hannibal Lecter. Of the late, great Hannibal Lecter, which is a fictional character that was not dead in the movies, but he apparently is killing for whatever the hell damn reason.

On the.

Stump what else is weirder than that seriously so so so.

Weird is.

Accurate and powerful at the same time.

Yeah and just real quick to to run down a few of the highlights that were good i mean hillary clinton gave a great speech, joe biden great gave a great speech gave a great speech both joe's speech was really good joe's speech was really good it was one of the best i've ever seen him do i was i was crying by the end you know it was it was like emotional it was it was good you know both obama's michelle and barack gave excellent speeches i actually liked michelle's better than barack's i know I know you like Barack better than Michelle, but like they were.

They were both speaking of Joe, you guys say you got, I got a letter from Joe.


I said, give a shit.

Well, you got a standard form letter for sending something to the White House. You know, exciting.

But it's signed by Joe. I mean, for all you know.

Well, it's signed by, hey, hey, we got Christmas cards from both Kamala and Joe because my wife's an elected official now. And so we got Christmas cards for both of them. A nice little signature, like the White House stationery, blah, blah, blah.

I mean, I got White House stationery with Joe's signature. I mean, you know, hell. hell, I mean, it's a hell of a lot better than, you know, not getting anything.

That's true. That's true. I'm sure if you called up Joe, he'd be like, oh, Yvonne, I sent you that letter.

Yes, of course. How you doing, buddy? Well, for all we, listen, you know what? I know that for, you know, there's one thing that I've heard that some of them do look at some of the letters personally. For all we know, that's the one that he did look at personally.

It could be like, I don't think Donald did this, but the last few presidents other than Donald had a thing where every week they'd get a handful of letters randomly selected from all of those who arrived at the White House that they would be given to read personally and potentially respond personally. And, you know, yes, they do that. So, yeah, it was probably that, Yvonne. It was probably that.

I mean, well, I'm not saying it's probable, but it's possible.

It's possible. It's possible. Yeah. So, my one question, what did you write to Joe that got this response?

I just wanted to thank him for his service.

Nice. Okay.

That's it. I just wrote him a note to thank him for his service. And that's why, you know, that was like at the beginning of the letter, you know, that he said that, you know, that he is, you know, thank you for writing to me. has been an honor of my life to serve you as your president. I have been blessed with the love and support of the American people and I am grateful to know that I have earned yours.

Very nice. Anyway, both Obamas had a great speech. Walls had a great speech. Oh, AOC on the first night had a great speech.

AOC had a great speech.

You know, and of course, Kamala Harris herself did excellent on the...

I have to admit that, look, I watched a number of the speeches, but look, uh that i could not well there was a couple of reasons i was actually flying on thursday night ah right and i i was not able to watch the speech even if i really wanted to but i i will say that look i could not stay up i don't understand why they're playing well i look i know that for the west coast people obviously this was a blessing that it was done at this hour but for me at the the east coast those damn speeches were really damn late yeah i good lord especially.

On the first night they went way over but even on the other it's like and this has happened at other conventions of course like i mean including the famous bill clinton speech but you'd think they'd learn by this time i mean just just start a little bit earlier yeah you guys can do it like You got.

To target for the primetime speech to be at 9.30.

Well, I was going to say between 10 and 11, but you can't go past 11.

You can't go past 11. It's got to end by 11. It's got to start 10, 10.30.

By 11 Eastern. And I know the convention itself was in Chicago, which is in Central Time. And I've heard people saying, well, you can't go too early or you lose the West Coast people. Come on. You got to be done by 11 p.m. Eastern.

I'm sorry i'm okay with being done by 11 30 but some of this shit went way past midnight and i was like holy shit i can't remember which one was the one that went way past midnight i'm like going fuck i can't really stay up watching this yeah now of course here on.

The west coast that was like you're done by 9 30 that's absolutely fine.

I know you were no you were no you guys were no you guys are you guys are great no you guys are this is this is great for us yeah but.

I i as Aside from the speeches, I did want to mention, you know, you had mentioned the weird thing. The other thing that I think is brilliant and way overdue, I think the weird stuff is overdue too. And I think we mentioned in the last couple of weeks, it's the Democrats reclaiming, themselves as normal, as the center of politics. Whereas it seemed, and I've seen some people analyze and say, ever since the 1960s almost, the Democrats have always seemed to be in a little bit of a defensive crouch.

Like when the Republicans accused them of being the liberal elites and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that Democrats have almost been apologetic of saying, oh, yeah, we do believe in civil rights, but we're kind of sorry about it. I mean, not quite, but even more recently, it's just sort of like, whether it's gay rights or on whatever of these social issues, It's sort of like the conservative heartland is normal. And yes, we are deviating from that as liberals. And they always bought into the conservative framing of that. Whereas really, for a while now, the liberal positions on all of these culture war issues have been in the majority. So it's damn right it's time to stop apologizing and own that and love it and be on the offensive with it and know the Republicans are the weirdos. But in addition to that, the other things that the Democrats are reclaiming this time around in a way that they may have tried to before but never really got it to work is patriotism and freedom.

Freedom especially freedom yes you know because this is because that's been the big that and yes because that has been the biggest fuck up that these guys you're talking about freedom these are the guys that are hate freedom the most they don't want people to be free to choose anything.

Right they're all about controlling behavior and if you're not.

Doing what's.

Quote unquote quote unquote normal, you know, like 1950s conservative way is deviant and you shouldn't be doing it and it should be illegal. And if not illegal, then definitely shunned. And, you know, no. And yes. And so the Democrats have been reclaiming that. There were flags everywhere for the patriotism. There was all kinds of places where they were calling on people to, you know, this is the American way. This is the, the true spirit of America, et cetera, et cetera, in ways that like.

Democrats haven't pulled off in a long time, to be honest. The Republicans have owned the like flag waving and the jingoistic stuff. And not that the Democrats were being super jingoistic, and that might be the wrong word, but they've been holding the like, no, we are patriotic. We don't hate America. America? The Republicans have been going on for decades about how the Democrats are un-American, unpatriotic. No. The Democrats are pushing this time around the idea that no, these ideas, the ideas that they're pushing are in fact the best of America and that this is the right way to go forward for the country. And yes, we're proud of it and blah, blah, blah.

Well, reading from Joe's letter to me, the one line about this that's specific, and I'm reading it because this was part of the stump, but part of what is the character of what you're talking about. This was the message that I saw, which was America remains the most powerful idea, that we're all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. The idea is stronger than any of us. While we've never fully lived up to it, we're never walked away from it either. And I know that we will not walk away from it now. And I think that that's the core of like owning that freedom. What is America? What the heck it is? It's an idea we haven't ever achieved. No. But what it is, is that entire amalgam of all these people instead of a whole bunch of fucking. white racists sitting up there having some idiot like all colgan tear off his shirt and act like an asshole on stage.

Right well and one of the you know i can't remember if it was vance or one of the project 2025 people or somebody but one of these folks that is loosely one of these folks in the orbit of the trump campaign i can't remember which one orbit uh orbit they found they found an, They found an interview where they had specifically like, we're talking about the notion, like what you just said, like, what is America? America is the only country that is fundamentally about an idea. It's not a, it's not a, it's not a people. It's not an ethnicity. It's a whatever. This person, they unearthed an interview of him saying, no, America is not an idea. You know, America is a people, you know? The white people. He didn't explicitly say that, but it was clearly implied. The whole notion of it was it's not an idea. It's about sort of traditional white male Christian culture, Christian conservative culture specifically. There's lots of other kinds of Christian that don't go that way.

But yeah, it's like this is key. And I think that the Democrats are doing a really good job of reclaiming these things and to start and going back to the weird thing to really push the idea that no, it's these jackasses on the other side who are out of step with the reality and the values of America today. day. And we'll see if it works. I mean, so far, so good over the last few weeks, but, you know, we got a long way to go till November still, but yeah. And, and as I talked about last week, you know, we, we Kamala Harris has sort of surged ahead to a tie, you know, where it's, we're not yet at the position where we can say like, oh yeah, she's got this in the bag, not even close i wish we were at that spot but not yet um.

No it's not it's gonna be a fight it's not in the bad until the fat lady sinks is that still a proper slate you know is that an acceptable for say the fat lady sing i.

Don't know it sounds uh.

It sounds.

Like body shaming to me yvonne.

Yeah fuck so what so till the shit now i gotta look there.

There's a website that has like alternative phrases for.

I'm actually problematic yeah i'm gonna look it up inclusive version of.

The fat lady sing.

Yeah you know.

The only other thing, just to circle back around while you're looking that up, is back to where we were at the beginning of the show and the energy levels. Comparing this to the RNC, the RNC sort of dutifully did their thing. There were people who were excited about Trump, to be clear. But the energy levels were night and day.

Oh, God, yes.

And the level of excitement on the democratic side and it is off the charts right now. Will it like, will it be enough to bring things home in November? I don't know, but right now everything's going into right direction. The trends towards Harris and the polls have not yet stopped. If it, you know, if you, if you look week, week over week, my tipping, point is actually a little bit less in Harris's direction this week than last week. But a bunch of other states kept moving in her direction anyway. North Carolina just went to the blue side of the line for the first time. So the trends are still overall heading towards Harris. It's got to flatten out at some point, you'd think, but it hasn't yet.

And not to repeat conversation from last week, but Trump still hasn't figured out how to counter this stuff. After Harris's speech, he got on Fox news seconds later and was so rambly and incoherent. The Fox news hosts tried to like get him off the phone as quickly as they could. Cause he was just like going off on his usual things and not making a lot of sense and saying things that were clearly not true. And so they hung up on him and he immediately called Newsmax and did the same thing he he is he has not found his stride yet and so listen.

Here's a bigger problem.

Yeah about the stride yes he looks bad disheveled.

Yes despondent like incoherent.

Old old.

Really old he looks a complete shambles um.

You'd think he'd got you'd think at the very least you'd have people to fix that up for him before he goes in public but but but he hasn't been looking great he.

Had to look at great but it's just it's beyond that it's just how he's sounding.

He is.

Sounding completely defeated.

Okay yes when.

He's going out there the other day he was talking well all these These people, they just tell me to stick to policy and not go after them. Well, they're going after me. And I mean, who the fuck wants to listen to this shit?

Well, clearly not even his own side, because they've been telling him to stop.

Not just that, but people keep walking out. The fucking crowd's up and thinner and thinner and thinner. So obsessed about the crowd size, I didn't realize that during the attendance season it wasn't even that great.

Someone posted like some pictures of one of his recent rallies where at the beginning of his speech, you know, they pack people in directly behind him in order for all the pictures. While he's giving the speech, they want to look like a big crowd right behind him. And like then there are pictures of, okay, there are people checking their phone immediately behind them. like the people are standing in camera view right behind him checking their phone looking at their watch and then by the end of him talking a whole bunch of them have left from the seats right behind him not even like the high bleachers but like the ones who are on camera they're they're.

Not there the people are not there they're like okay we're done with this shit.

I mean you know get me.

The fuck out of here.

You know like i said like polling wise we've still got a neck and neck race on a country-wide basis like it's you know but well.

Listen sam but the swing has been.

Oh the swing has been absolutely dramatic and and and it's.

A seven point swing right now on the 538 average i mean.

From where it was where it is yeah and and we're we're almost like last i checked you're looking at right now. Last I checked, it was 3.7% Harris lead, something like that.

Yeah, so it was like a 3% the other way, like, you know, for Biden before.

Oh, it has been an absolutely huge swing. At the state level, we've talked before, that lags a little bit, and the motion is still continuing. Right now, I have the tipping point at... Harris ahead by 0.7% in North Carolina now, not in Pennsylvania. Both Pennsylvania and North Carolina are at 0.7%, but if you look at the rounding, North Carolina's a little ahead. So yeah, it's dramatic, but like you said, Trump is now the one that's coming across as low energy. Trump is now the one who's coming across as addled and older and not up to the task. you know harris is like 20 years younger almost.

Okay i finally found a good alternative yeah okay all right after going through a whole bunch of them that were boring this one sounds better than the other ones okay okay don't count your chickens before they hatch okay yeah, yeah there you go that that's a good good.

One it has a slightly different tone to it but in the end it means the same thing yeah.

Yes yes yes so okay and.

We and we don't have to talk about fat ladies.

No no no no don't cut your chickens before they hatch okay so there you go i like that one there you go and.

And we would be and we can't say you know until yvonne sings because you're saying at the beginning of the show.

Exactly i already did so there you go yeah i mean you know yeah yeah so we started it yeah so that way we would have finished this already so anyway okay.

I suggest we take another break real quick and then wrap it up with a few.

Minor things.

Back after this is.

Okay i well since i'm going since i'm going to vegas in two weeks i i thought of another one that i i forgot don't don't don't don't spend the money until you cash in your chips so there you go which is you know very important that the casino people already are like usually at the thing oh look all this money and they're still gambling anyway so then all of a sudden a couple of hours later they're already upside down like whatever and spend everything no don't spend the money until you.

Know all every time i've ever been in an establishment that does that except Except once I have been disciplined and I start out with one pocket with what I want to spend for the night.

And I.

Put my winnings in a separate pocket and.

Never regamble a cent.

So like if I, if I'm like spending, so it's not even, I'll go until I've lost $20. It's, it's, I have $20 and once I've gambled that $20, I'm done no matter how much I have in my pocket or, or whatever, or whatever the amount was. The one time I did not do that was the time I really should have. I, I, okay. I don't, I don't, I've told this story, but it's been a long, long time since I told the story. So I'll mention it again. Again, this was when I was doing my random trips and I had done a random trip to Nevada. I, or maybe this was the one to California, but right in Northern California next. Anyway, I ended up in Reno by the end.

Okay. You ended up in Reno. Okay.

I think, I think this was one where I was in California and I went across the border to Reno, whatever. But here's the thing. I had miscalculated something. I had done something stupid, whatever. I, I ended up when I got to Reno, which was like, I don't know, 48 hours. I was supposed to be heading back soon, but I was out of money and I was out of money in terms of like my, my credit cards and debit cards were all maxed out too. Like I was, I hadn't, I had miscalculated what I was doing on the trip, whatever. I literally had like 20 bucks left to my name in order to finish my vacation, get to the airport and fly back to New Jersey. Okay.

That's really, that's really tight.

Something like that. Anyway.

So, well, I don't recall you asking me to Western Union you money, you know, I saw how you made it back.

I did make it back. I did not. I did not end up having to pull the Yvonne, please help me card because I went into the casino in Reno and I had, I remember at this point I had 75 cents. I, I, I, I may have had, I may have had some bills.

Wait, you were down to 75 cents?

Something like this. I was down to 75 cents.

Okay, I don't revert to this story right now, okay? So I'm perking up, okay?

I paid a quarter in the slot machine.


And I won 300 bucks.

No fucking way.

Get out of here. And I'm like, okay, I'm good. I could get a hotel room for the night. I could do whatever.


But then I, this is the one time I broke my rule. I got excited that I won 300 bucks on the quarter. So I kept going and I re-gambled the 300 bucks until I was down to like 20 bucks again. Okay.

So how did you wait? So how do you make it then?

I i believe i just drove straight to the airport and ended up catching an earlier flight home.

Okay you know you know what i i will say that there's this one time yeah that i went to a roulette table and i i had my friend that she wanted to go with me to saint thomas yeah and i was like well shit i don't know i i might have been able to get my father to purchase a ticket it at the travel agency but i was like i don't know i don't want to just ask him for the money like that and so i was at roulette table the casino and i went i put twenty dollars on an eight to one bet i said look if we hit i'll buy you the ticket okay should be more than enough to cover it's only about 100 120 bucks in order to to get the ticket and lo and behold on the On the first shot, I hit it. And so I got my $160 and I wound up, but I wound up cashing out immediately and buying her the damn airline ticket. Okay. All right.

Yeah. No, I, I, I want enough money to pay for a hotel and a couple of meals before I had to go home.

And you managed to piss it all away.

I pissed it all away instead.

Well, well, but, but to be fair, you were still ahead.

Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, if you think about it, you were still ahead. You only add 75 cents, net wind up with 20 bucks. It's still a pretty damn hefty return on your money.

That's true. It was enough to get me back to the airport and home, I guess. But yeah. So anyway, no, I was going to start this segment with something that you would put on our list, but I think is, All of the people who are bitching at Kamala Harris to talk more about policy and or that she has to do a sit-down interview with the press. Why hasn't she talked to the New York Times yet or done an interview on TV? And why hasn't she produced detailed policy papers and talked in detail about what she was going to do on X, Y, or Z? and i'm like if she fucking listens to you i will want to strangle her i mean come on the and what a waste.

Of fucking time.

She knows what she is doing she knows that stuff is idiotic like it yes nobody gives.

Two flying fucks right now about this in terms of the electorate that That may be good later when you're president, when you're trying to push certain policies specifically and trying to target certain people to transmit certain messages. Right now, it is a complete utter waste of time.

I'd say worse than waste, worse than a waste of time, because if you come out with a detailed policy position, all you're doing is giving something that people can attack you with. Yes, no matter what you pick.

They can say, oh, you see, they're going to go and do that thing. Hell, I think it was a mistake to start even talking about, even though, you know, she's been accused of saying that she was going to do price controls, which that's not what that's not even what she. I mean, that's the perfect example. Why not to do it?


She was talking about it's not what she said at all. she wasn't saying there anything about price controls what she said was that she wanted to expand current regulations on price gouging to make them national as many states have, certain rules and restrictions about that and they said that she wanted to institute price controls which is nowhere near what she said and it just showed the the fucking pitfall of doing this because they're just using it exactly like you said ammunition in order to start a fight about it no fuck them no no no waste of fucking time waste complete utter fucking time waste.

Of time would not be helpful in any way. And even the interview, like, have you looked at like mainstream press interviews of presidential candidates and such lately? They're, they're worthless too. They're, I mean, like those last couple interviews of Biden, like, did they ask him about anything meaningful? No, they just spent the whole time talking about, well, are you going to drop out are you too old are you this are you that like there was nothing actually valuable about those conversations and let's talk.

About policy for one second you know tonight today there was this when was this this is today donald j trump talking about policy.

11 39 a.m.

On truth social goes and says my administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights, What the, you know.

Look here, here's the thing about policy, what people push, what policy matters. Like we, we are, we are wonks here. If you're listening to the show, you care about policy. You care about the details of policy. But when we're talking a general election race for president here.

That's not going to win.

That's not going to win. Like would people, one of the things people criticized Biden about at the stupid debate bait that he flubbed was he started talking about lists of policy, you know, and trying to get facts and figures out and all this kind of stuff. No, this is about, you set a high level, this is about values, you know, and values and culture, you know, and this is where, you know, one of the criticism of Democrats going back decades was that they have tried to be policy wonks and talked about the details of this policy or that policy or whatever. Whereas really, the Republicans understood for a while that the debate is about values. The debate is about culture. That's what people are making their decisions on. So you set your high-level values. You make sure everybody knows what's important to you and what matters and character.

These are the things like if you trust somebody's character and you trust their values, then you also trust them to work out the details of policy when the time comes. Because the other thing is all of these policy statements that come from candidates, not just president, but also Congress, governor, whatever, none of them survive interaction with reality once they get into office anyway. Because actual Actual policy is the result of politics and negotiation and what's going on at the time. So what you need is not somebody who has the right list of policy statements. You need someone who you trust, who shares your values, and then they'll get the details.

Do Democrats have a platform this year?

I'm sure they do. But it's like the platforms are stupid. Well, yeah.

I don't think the Republicans even bother with a platform this time.

They did. did it was last time they didn't this time there is one it's like all this.

Time they did okay.

It's like a 60 page document it's called instead of project project 2025 no no project 2025 is the heritage group the the the official trump version but.

I probably i.

Know it's called it's called project 47 instead and and it's it's a shorter version of the same shit basically.

And it's the it's the it's the executive summary of Project 2025.

OK, well, and the platform is probably even separate from that. I don't know, because the Project 47 was from the Trump campaign. Anyway, here's the thing, like platform.

But listen, right now, here's a problem that the Republicans.

Bob Dole was asked about the platform. I heard this quote this week. Bob Dole, in the Republican convention the year he was the candidate, was asked about the Republican platform, and he's like, I don't know. I didn't read it.

Well, no, and I get that. That's fair. I'm not disputing that point. But the one thing that I was saying is, oh, yeah, Bob Dole is dead. Okay, just remember, yeah, he did die three years ago. Was it COVID? You know. God. i mean he was also old i mean it was during the year of covid so hold on death death death health death stage four lung cancer okay not covid not not covid but i mean but jesus christ he was 98 for god's sakes and we got lung cancer at 98 i'm not gonna blame the fucking cigarettes it's already a fucking 98 right you know so anyway look the republicans have a big problem anyway right now in terms that they don't really have a party anymore.

Right they have a call.

And i but but it but i'm talking just beyond just the saying about whether they have a cult what i'm saying is trump decides say not to run trump with what he did has completely annihilated the entire party structure.

Oh, right. Yeah.

Everywhere. I mean, if there is no Trump running, there is no party left behind. There is no- Oh.

Right. Yeah. The other thing is he has structured the RNC. So everything's coming to him and not to, for instance, their Senate candidates or their house candidates.


I mean, I'm sure they're getting a little bit, but not, not the, level of concentration they usually have you know he put his daughter-in-law in charge of the rnc and she basically the first thing she said is yeah everything's going to the trump campaign and and his legal fees by the way.

And his legal fees so so yeah i mean like right now they've got this problem that you know look if this thing right now going sideways not not decided, If he loses and he decides that either he gets finally pushed out or or just decides to bow out or dies, they've got nothing behind that. What are you going to do? Run junior? Come on. Fucking junior, for God's sakes. I mean, he literally look, I am. I would bet $1,000 that he is regularly right now high on cocaine from from his appearance almost every time I've seen him lately. That guy has to be snorting cocaine nonstop. So what? That's what you're going to run? You're going to run Mr. Cokehead? Ivanka wants nothing to do with it.

Next time around, it could be Don Jr. versus Hunter.

We're going to do a cocaine off instead of a debate? Is that what we're doing? Fuck. fuck you know oh unlike poor don you know you know don jr who has a dad who couldn't give oh did you see don the other day faking that he cared because he realizes that he's gotten so much shit about it that he that he would like to care for somebody in a crowd and he needed a doctor oh.

Yeah well that was donald don jr did that right.

Yeah don don yeah yeah yeah jr yeah no No, well, I skipped it to Todd that he cared. Well, look, he doesn't give a fuck about any of these kids either. He doesn't care about anybody. He doesn't care about the kids. He doesn't care about the wife. He doesn't care about fucking anybody. It would have been really great if Melania had showed up at the DNC. Now, that would have been funny. But yeah, no, we didn't get that, unfortunately. I mean, given that she hasn't shown up anywhere, anybody know where the fuck Melania is?

Well, I think somebody, I have not verified this, so this may be complete misinformation, but somebody I saw online, and you know how the internet is always trustworthy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You got it from the right place.

Said that in Donald Trump's financial disclosures that he's required to do as a candidate, one of the line items was paying Melania for her appearances for the campaign. yes.

I did see that yes.

Because apparently and and like a decent a decent amount like every time she goes somewhere in public to like actually support donald trump apparently she's getting like 50 grand for it or something like that yeah as i mean we haven't.

But but but okay but even jesus christ but okay well these are like the phantom employee stuff that we talk about uh government employees, I mean, when's the last time you've seen her in public? She wasn't at the RNC, right? And Ivanka wasn't at the RNC.

I guess she did one campaign appearance, I don't know, a month ago or something. I forget what it was. She's done one or two. She's done a few. But less than you would normally expect for a presidential spouse.

But Ivanka has been a no-show. I mean, it's been Don, Eric, Tiffany. I mean, they're like, fuck, we're out. Okay. You know, we got, we want nothing to do with this shit. Nothing.

Tiffany showed up at the trial, didn't she?

No, no.

I thought she did.

No, I don't think so.

It was only Eric. I thought.

Yeah, it was only Eric. Yeah, it was only Eric. Yeah. Tiffany, I didn't know. But she was, Tiffany was at the RNC.


I did see that. But, you know, isn't it great to get such family support when you're running for president?

Oh, and that's one of the things, too, by the way, and we're back to comparing the DNC, the RNC. I mean, Waltz's family and Harris's family are all right there, all super supportive. You know, the Waltz kids were doing rabbit ears behind his head while he was doing an interview on TV. um there was the whole thing about how excited his son was and was saying that's my dad when he was doing his acceptance speech which was awesome and even though there's some people like giving him shit about it which assholes but they and and then like the the hair like like the harris's step kids were there well hell her husband's ex-wife is there wife.

Was there And.

She's completely supportive of all this. I mean, he cheated on her. They got divorced. It was a whole thing. But like she is right there and she's posting about how she's incredibly proud of their blended family. She's 100 percent on board with Kamala and she'll do anything she has to help. And she was there at the convention, too. And it's like, can you even imagine? Like, I mean, Donald Trump's current wife won't even show up, let alone his ex.

Right, you have to pay her to show up for God's sake. Well, we got how many days for this fucking thing?

I will refresh and give you the current number. Hold on. And I'm going to election graphs for this, which, by the way, since I'm going here anyway, I will mention that I did a new blog post since last week's show on August 19th. I posted 79 days out, Harris surges to a tie. Go to and hit the blog tab in the navigation and read that if you haven't already. Harris's position has actually improved a little bit since then still. But no, as of when we are recording, 73.8 days left until the first polls close and we start getting election results. But I should say, not the first polls close. The first state is closed completely. We'll get Dixville Notch about 24 hours before that. But yeah.

I would really, really, really, really love to switch to the British format of this thing.

Where the candidates have to stand up on stage with all the crazy candidates as well and listen to the votes being read out in real time a couple hours after it closes.

Well, that part too, but also the short campaign part.

Oh, okay. Yeah, no, the short campaign, okay. And we're kind of getting that in a way because of how late Harris is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but still.

But no, the thing I love is the MPs standing on stage together when they hear the official results like read out. None of this results dribbling out over the course of the night and then the next week, blah, blah, blah. No, the official results, final counts, read out in front of the candidates on stage, in public, so you see their reactions live, and the major candidates have to sit there right next to Lord Buckethead and all of those assholes. Yeah. you know you.

Know there is a certain thing about the way that we also do it like in puerto rico that they had this primary in like may for governor okay and the current governor lost okay to he was running for re-election he lost you know the seat to somebody from his party so the this other person is going to be the party's candidate the one thing is they have been organizing to have this party right okay you know you know how you're running the campaign and you have these like media you know you rent the ballroom or the place where you go to have the party whatever you know that has the the place where the guy that thinks is going to win loses, party that has to be the most shittiest fucking place to be at and in elections you know when But you're like there, you're all like at this ballroom and the results come in and you're like, oh, fuck, we lost.


Yeah. Yeah. That has to be. Yeah. And I saw somebody taking some pictures of this as they were trying to organize the party for this Canada, Puerto Rico, and they realized that they lost. And I think they were expecting that they were going to win.


And they had a good reason to see that they were going to win. And then they saw they lost and they were like, oh shit, that was, that was a glum place.

Well, yeah, I'm immediately remembering, you know, what was supposed to be Clinton's victory party. You know, they, they were all talking about like the big, the big ballroom they'd done. And there was, they'd done it at some place that had a glass ceiling so they could do sort of a fake version of the glass ceiling breaking and all this kind of stuff. and then they all just had to go home.

Oh, fuck. Yeah, that night was brutal, I have to say.


I remember that night.

Yeah. We really should wrap it up, but I can't let it go without saying RFK dropped out and endorsed Trump. We talked earlier about how he was pretty much irrelevant anyway, but.

Well, that's pretty much why we left it for now, because he is that fucking irrelevant. All I said was that the way they should have done it was that the woman, the one that shot the dog, she should have been there shooting the dog that then, you know, RFK8 in front of everybody at that Republican event. that would have been made it perfect.

Yeah well there there are a couple things for first of all there was talk they they were both in arizona so there was talk that rfk would actually show up on stage with trump at a trump event later in the day that did not happen oh that didn't happen i don't because.

I kept seeing pictures of of of like supposedly him like like standing by trump but i guess.

They'll learn from that event no that that i've seen posters of the two of them together but not like actual photograph of them two together like i do not somebody i've seen you know so like he rfk gave his own event where he said he was dropping out and endorsing trump but he did not do a joint event with trump and i i think part of that is probably like rfk was shopping around looking for a cabinet spot and i don't think trump gave it to him well.

He was shopping exactly he had been going around i'm like hey hey buddy hey buddy can i have a cabinet spot hey buddy.

Now not not not that it's ever bothered donald trump but i believe it would actually be illegal for him specifically to offer a cabinet spot in in in exchange for an endorsement you know talk about campaign finance laws and bribery and all that kind of stuff but not that like again Why would Trump care? But I don't think, I don't think RFK got the promises from Trump that he wanted.

No, I'm seeing this here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, he's not. Yeah, those pictures are some posters for some other fucking thing.

Whatever. Yeah, they made up some posters. They didn't do a real thing. The other thing, and I spoke about how originally it was unclear who he was taking more from and it sort of- No.

No, no. Here we go. After- They did. No, he did. There it is. After suspending his presidential campaign and endorsing former President Trump election, RFK Jr. joined Trump on stage at a rally Friday in Glendale, Arizona. Can he explain what drove him to enter a race, leave the Democratic Party, and throw my support to Trump? So yeah, no, he did.

I missed the pictures of him. I saw him.

I thought, damn it. I thought I was like.


I was like.

I am wrong. I am stupid. I have misread.

And I fucking believed you. And I'm like, damn it. I thought I saw him.

Well, I believed you that time where you were talking about the borders of that country in South America. And you're talking about how they had to go through Brazil and blah, blah, blah. And none of it was true. So, you know, where are you from? There was that war where the rebels were, was it?

Oh, oh, the Guyana thing.

You were all like, I was like, Ivan knows South America. He would know these details.

Yeah, and I was wrong about that.

Yeah, so anyway, I apologize for the misinformation. Apparently they did appear together. But I still, I don't think, I'm not getting the vibes that RFK got what he wanted from Trump. But he did it anyway. He endorsed him anyway. And here's the thing. Yeah.

Well, I understand that. Was it his like a VP candidate, like a big Trump money person?

She was, she was, she's like the ex-wife of one of the Google founders. Um, right. And so she is a wealthy woman.

Wait, she, wait. Yeah. Wait, wasn't she the one that fucked Elon and the guy?

I don't know. I don't know. She, she, Oh shit.


Was he, was he, uh, was she Sergey Brin's ex?

Oh God. I think it is. Yeah. I think it is. I mean, you know, she do whatever you want.

But look, here's the bottom line. And she's part of it. Cause she, she basically got the VP spot by donating a shit ton of money to pack supporting.

Yeah. So that's, that's what I'm saying. Yeah.

Here's the fundamental reality of the RFK campaign. is it was from the very beginning bankrolled by Trump supporters for the purpose of draining votes from Joe Biden.

And it was doing the opposite. And so first it didn't seem to be working in the primary. Like, so, cause of course, first he was going to run as a Democrat in the primaries that wasn't working. He was being rejected by Democrats outright. So he started running as independent. And like I said earlier, it was unclear, like depending on the poll, sometimes he took from Trump. Sometimes he took from Biden. He probably took more from Biden than Trump, but it was close. And it varied state by state and poll to poll. But then once Biden dropped out, he was 100% taking from Donald Trump. And so- Multiple sources. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me finish. Let me finish. And so his funding dried up because the entire purpose of his funding was to take support from Joe Biden. And once it became absolutely clear that he was only taking support from Donald Trump, all the people who were bankrolling him stopped. And that's why he dropped out. He was running out of money. And he and of course, he endorses Trump because the whole purpose of his damn campaign all along was to help Donald Trump. OK, go ahead. Tell me about the.

Multiple sources that Elon Musk and Nicole Shanahan took ketamine together and had a sexual encounter in 2021. So yes, Sergey Brin's ex-wife, yes. And apparently Elon Musk had an affair with Google co-founder. I mean, he's trying to spread his seed to create this master race, I guess. So I guess he's.

He's almost said as much.

Yeah. I mean, he's literally said this.

Yes. And yeah.

And yeah, so I guess that, yeah. So, so that was, uh, yeah.

And he's, he's impregnated a variety of employees as well, if I remember correctly.

I need to fuck an employee. uh so yeah so so that's you know hey hey vaughn elon is the best.

Humanity has to offer like it would.

Be wrong.

Of him to not father as many children as you possibly could you.

Know look we talked about earlier how they said that apparently doug emoff had an affair and that's you know that's one reason why he divorced or whatever whatnot but the one thing that is that you can see that apparently even though sometimes marriages have these issues that people do things or whatever but not but the one thing that i say if that shows about the character of a person is how they handle it later what they do what happens what the relationship is with people you know whether you know what not look this this woman is like you know i don't know she's back rolling a fucking rfk junior campaign a whole bunch of fucking anti-vaxxers trying to of trying to get fucking Donald Trump get elected with our fucking money and you know, having sex with a moron.

And and me who's an asshole and meanwhile doug m hoff's wife like they the marriage didn't work out they remained friends they co-parented along with his new wife i don't know if she has a new husband or not i i just don't know that detail i don't know either but the the the step kids talk fondly about all of them the ex talks fondly about the a new wife they all get along you know this is like i mean it's it it's mature you know it's mature you know sometimes relationships don't.

Work out it's okay i mean you know it happens but you know when what you're doing is i don't know just.

And look something you're.

Paying your paying your wife to show up at campaign events because she so hates you.

That she.

Won't fucking show up on stage with you you literally have to give her money to do.

It yeah i mean and look at sometimes relationships end in a way that they can't be civil anymore i understand but oh.

Wait let me ask a question is brandy paying you to appear campaign events.

Oh yes i i get i get huge amounts of money from that oh good good and by the way just along those lines like brandy got a phone phone call from her ex last or a text or something this week and like was chatting about something because you know he something was going on in his life and he wanted to talk to somebody and you know and do i care am i threatened no it's fine they they could chat mine it's like things happen you know you talk to your exes does your wife care.

No, she actually is friends with them.

Yeah. Like, I don't know.

She's friends with them. I mean, you know, yeah, my wife is friends with Kathy. I mean, you know, they're, you know, they get along, you know, they talk and shit and whatever. Yeah.

Yeah. Like, I don't know. Sometimes it can't work out. I understand. But like, I, this is just one of those clear differences. Like the Republicans are all like family values and blah, blah, blah. Well, look, here's some goddamn really healthy families, you know?


Showing off. Whereas on, on the, on the stupid Republican side, you've got Donald Trump and then, and then you've got Cy Vance. Like, okay. He's got, he's got a nice little family, but at the same time, he's like, he's like making racist comments about his own wife.

You know, listen, it's not about, it's not about perfection. Yeah. Nobody's perfect, but it's what the, what humanity you display when something happens that may be her full that doesn't work and how you deal with it and how you go on still, you know, with care and humanity. Because people do shit sometimes. It's fine. But, you know, what we all do, you know, none of us are saints, so we'll do things. But how do you deal with it? That's what really shows your character. And that's why I keep saying that's what shows Trump's character, because the guy is just another douchebag.

None of us are saints. What are you talking about, Yvonne? I'm perfect.

Oh, you're perfect?

I am pure as the driven snow. I am the pinnacle of humanity, except for Elon Musk.

I can't compete there. I'm going to. No, we can't compete there. Look, I'm going to make sure that I'm going to bury my wife at a golf course in which she passes away before I do. That's the one thing I'm.

Going to do. Along with a couple boxes of classified documents in her casket.

Yeah, exactly. Yes, absolutely.

I think we should be done, Yvonne.

We should be done. Okay.

We probably should have been done 10 minutes ago. or longer but oh well but anyway you know all right okay the stuff at the end go to you can find out all the ways to contact us you can look at our archives their transcripts of more recent shows you can find links to stuff yeah stuff oh yeah a link to our patreon to give us money at various levels we'll mention you on the show we'll ring a bell we'll send you a postcard we'll send you a mug all that kind of stuff and at two dollars a month or more, or if you just ask us, we will invite you to our Commedians Corner Slack that Yvonne's mentioned a couple times during the show of some interesting discussions we've had there. We would love to have more of you. It's Yvonne, myself, a bunch of our listeners talking, sharing links, all that kind of stuff. Do you have one you want to highlight this week, Yvonne?

Oh, fuck. Yes. Well, can't talk about the boat.

Yeah, you already did that.

Yeah, I know. Donald Trump Jr. is launching a crypto platform to take on the banks. The son of presidential candidate Donald Trump Jr. has revealed that he will launch a new DeFi platform to compete with the banking world. Sam, the banking world is waking in its boots right now.

So let me get this straight because I'm a little bit confused now. when i liquidate my 401k should it all go into djt stock or should it all go into don jr's crypto.

Now don jr crypto i.

Think that's the way to go that's the way to go don jr crypto wait a second liquidate everything wait a second no i'll buy don jr's crypto and then take a loan using that as collateral and buy the stock with that and.

Buy the yes yes yes that sounds perfect i'm sure that That can't miss.

That can't miss. That would be perfect. Okay. Well, hey, everybody, are there any major news events scheduled for the next week? I don't know. I'm sure something will happen, but we're done with the convention.

Not next week.

We got a couple weeks until the sentencing and all that.

What's that, sentencing? Yeah, yeah, we got a couple of weeks.

We got a couple of weeks. I mean, I'm going to Vegas. We got the hearing. We got the hearings on immunity. We got the legal submissions first on immunity, then the hearing on immunity, and then the sentencing, assuming that the sentencing doesn't get delayed either because the judge agrees to delay it further or because there's emergency appeals that delay it, blah, blah, blah. So we shall see. Anyway, but we got at least one more show before that. Anyway, hey, everybody, have a good week. Stay safe, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. We'll see you next time. Goodbye.


And folks are really missing out they're not watching the live streams i'm so sad the the video you could chat to us in real time on the live stream and like comment while we're going you know but no no we're.

Not we're not exactly really like on at a good.

Time well you know it does say this time there were two views for an average duration of one minute and 21 one seconds, but I think both of them were me.

Oh God. Oh, well, it wasn't me.

That's for sure. Okay. Bye, Mr. Bo.


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