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Ep 892[Ep 893] Elephant in a Lineup [2:14:30]
Recorded: Sat, 2024-Jul-20 UTC
Published: Sun, 2024-Jul-21 07:59 UTC
Ep 894
On this week's Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan cover the Republican National Convention and the continuing drama over Joe Biden's future, and the motivations of those trying to influence it. Plus some discussion about the big Croudstrike caused outages and the plight of the Boeing Starliner. Probably more stuff too. You never know!
  • 0:01:15 - But First
    • Hating People
    • Croudstrike Outage
    • Boeing Starliner
  • 0:37:39 - The RNC
    • News Aggravation
    • Convention Speakers
    • Conspiracy Theories
    • Grindr 4 Delegates
    • Trump Speech
    • Projection
  • 1:20:37 - Biden's Troubles
    • More Pressure
    • Anti-Kamala Scheming
    • Political Shivving
    • Downsides of Switching
    • Circular Firing Squad
    • No Better Plan

Automated Transcript

Well greetings greetings programs any bad thing thing what.

Hang on hang on i'm i'm working on putting these things where they belong hold on.

Okay yeah headphones.

Buttons let's see.

Gain mostly down yeah hello oh jesus my ears and and you like i think.

You could i think you can hear me.

And you like it on the circle one the omni-directional one uh-huh very exciting so shall we just jump right in then as usual sure okay one place get my thingy and do the blah and here here we go intro intro coming coming soon, Welcome to Curmudgeon's Corner for Saturday, July 20th, 2024. It is just a few seconds before 2 UTC as we're starting to record. I am Sam Minter. Yvonne Bowe is here too. Hello, Yvonne.


So our plan, as per usual for the last couple months, is that we have no real plan. We're going to do our first segment with a couple of less newsy things to start with, and then we'll have a segment where Yvonne picks newsy things, and then we'll have a segment where I pick newsy things, and then we'll be done. And I hope we need to get back into the swing of being shorter again, Yvonne. Like, we've been tending to— Well.

First of all, last week we had to add— I know!

Last week we were already at, like, nearly two and a half hours. And then we added nearly an additional half hour on the assassination attempt.

Well, but that's not my fault that, you know— It would be real news if it wasn't your fault.


Yes that would be well that would be i mean that might make the podcast a lot more popular but.

It wasn't me i do not recommend that plus.

And plus you know i may be dead.

Yes true true you know but we we've been we've been routinely over two hours again our target is 90 minutes to two hours and we and we we've been once again like just yammering on incessantly and never stopping.

It's apparently an innate quality that we have.

It is.

As curmudgeons or yammers, you know, kind of a thing.

Yammerer's Corner could be one of our competitors.

Yeah, yammers, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Indeed, yes, yes.

So, do you have a non-newsy thing you'd like to start with? Or, you know, another way we could do it this time, because there is a non-politics news story like we could do that and then do other newsy stuff i don't know like whatever.

You want i mean i was gonna mention that on a happy note lou dobbs died oh.

On a happy note lou.

Dobbs died yes okay one less prick on this fucking planet, you know i i had i i mentioned on the slack that i really hate i hate this entire, fucking generation of right-wing assholes okay because they have made me i i was not like this i was not one that even with somebody as such a prick like this would die would i feel like this But these guys have made me now just basically be, oh, Lou Dobbs died? Oh, great. You're going to fucking hell if there is one. Beautiful. Say hi to Stalin for me, will ya? You sack of shit.

Okay. Yes.

So, yeah, I hate these people for that.

I get that.

And I'm not one that likes hating people.


I don't feel good about myself feeling like this. This is not something I'm proud of. But I am. I'm putting it out there simply because I don't want to lie about my feelings about it.

I get that.

You know? But I don't feel good that this is what these people have made me become.

Well, you know, I mean, along those lines, I mean, we all went, last week, we all went through the expected conversation about how it was good that the assassination attempt did not succeed because of all the bad things that could have occurred. Like, but I will fully admit, I've seen a lot of people online being like, how can you be that bad a shot? How did he miss? Why couldn't he, couldn't he have hit? And I admit it's a little bit tempting.

Yes, it is. It is. So yeah, I don't like this about myself, Sam. I don't like what these people have done to us.


No, I don't like it. So aside from the fact how these people have impaired my ability to empathize with people. Okay. This is. Yeah, we had a major IT outage. And then I happened to have this evening a major IT outage by one of my biggest customers as well. I don't think it was related to this from CrowdStrike. I'm not sure yet. They haven't like root cause analysis, analyzed it. But the outage happened where all of a sudden user access started being blocked for everybody for some reason.

Nobody can explain to me why that happened. It's like really weird. People are able to restore it pretty quickly, but it was very confusing as to why. I've never seen anything like what the hell happened tonight. and i'm and i'm and i'm saying it may not be related to this but we haven't really root cause to analyze it and i i don't know i don't know what the hell the cause of it was i just don't know but but speak i mean what a fucking cock up of a damn are we going to talk about yeah yeah yeah i mean what the what a fucking cock up of a software update man i mean i you know So, I mean, I've seen bad software updates cause problems, but the level of this stupidity is many levels above. And the one thing I saw was apparently they're saying that CrowdStrike did this to Linux in April as well. Well, so something with their process is just not working very well when they are testing these product updates. And, you know, we are in an era right now where many applications are moving from a...

From a system where, hey, we issue a patch, and then the IT organization or end user is responsible for applying that in some way. Sometimes he used to be with very complex instructions. Sometimes he had to bring down systems. But now we do a lot of hot patching. So basically, things are in production, and we issue these updates. and well i mean when you've got a system like this it brought i mean it's just such a massive outage this is crazy now so.

So back up a little bit describe what happened since we're talking about this.

Well my understanding is that okay so crowd strike is in many computers is deployed as an agent it's not like an antivirus in the in the traditional sense but it's something that monitors what is going on activity for anomalous activity in order to be able to block it on on endpoint devices okay okay so they issued some kind of fucking update for microsoft for for windows users like last night which basically blocked them blocked all these machines it now i i do I do think that you had to have, the machines had to be shut down. It was during boot up.

But presumably lots of places just have a standard procedure where everything reboots overnight or something, right?

No, they don't.

I mean, well, but if it has to reboot, then why does that?

Yeah. It's a monthly endpoint. Well, the thing is that the issue wouldn't crop up until you were rebooting, is what I'm saying.


They applied the patch, and then if the machine had to reboot, then all of a sudden you're fucked. Because it would block all access to, I mean, it just bricked the damn thing. Now, I saw that the method of unbricking it was, you could start up the computer in safe mode and delete this one specific file.


That was deployed, and then restart the computer, and it would start up. So that was the solution that I saw that many shared. But the thing is that I was talking to people or places where this was, and in fact, my understanding was, I guess if you hadn't rebooted, then you weren't impacted immediately. And so you could get an update because they issued another update, which fixed the problem. right but but you know so.

But but if you had the problem in the first place my understanding was to even get it to boot to the point that anything was functional you had to reboot into safe mode first yeah yes so like you had to go to say so like you couldn't automatically push a fix because it was too busy rebooting itself.

Well, right!


I mean, now I just think that not being not being you know an expert in this endpoint protection myself. I know of it because I know that my computer for work does have it deployed but but.

I just, it just shows the risks that we have with this kind of stuff. Then we have the solar winds outage that we had where there was this massive, or we had a hack for solar winds. And with a lot of this distributed batch, you see, I see a lot of people that are resistant to moving to this model because you're forced into updates. And I have seen so many people using applications in this method that especially if they have interdependencies with more legacy systems, because if you built something from the ground up as a SAS model, the cloud, usually this isn't a big deal. It's not as big a deal. But many people, you know, you get a lot of these cloud applications. They have so many integrations with other stuff. One of the problems is with any update in SaaS is that many of the updates, you can't like reject them. It's not like you can take it, test it, check what the problem is, and then roll it out. No. A day rolls around and an update happens and you don't have any control.


And if it breaks something, then you're fucked. And this is kind of like this.

This is the perfect example. I saw one person posting online that said like, Hey, you're an it manager at a company and this screwed you over. And you're like, well, it's not my fault. It hit everybody. And their response was, well, yeah, but you didn't set up a system that would, you know, test updates on a one box before you released it to everybody and all this. You can't.

Not with this stuff. You can't. You can't. This bypasses that process. Yes. I mean, that's the thing. I mean, that's the problem. Now, I do, you know, not speaking, I don't want to speak specifics to any companies. of course okay like right now but but you know there there are there are vendors that do provide, certain services in order to say hey this is the planned patch for in 90 days let's say a number okay we have an we have a test environment for you that's even on the on on the cloud for you to test it to see whether it'll work or whether you would have issues with that. So there are some vendors that do provide that. It doesn't seem that CrowdStrike works that way, as far as I can tell. Basically, there's been so much trust, I guess, in their client that it wouldn't do something like this. Now, one of our Slack people mentioned that. One of our Slack people, yes. one of our slackers, Mention that there is a distinct difference between why this is more likely in Windows and Linux versus macOS environments.


The main reason is that Apple, for better or worse, has far more restrictive access to the base operating system, to the kernel, to the root parts of the OS. You really can't get there.

Apple has been locking this stuff down more and more over the years in terms of making things that are you know programs are sandboxed ideally right there's very limited access if you if a program needs to have permission to do something it asks explicitly and the user has to say yes they can do this like you know i set up my new computer a few weeks ago and it seemed like for the first few few days, everything I was freaking doing was giving some program permission to something or other. Like this program can use the camera. This one can use the microphone. This one can access your hard drive. This one can access your documents folder, et cetera. And, and on and on and on because they are making it so that those choices are explicit.

And you can't even at that level.

I can't accidentally download like some program that's going to screw you over. And like you were are about to say, like there are system level stuffs, stuffs, their system level of saying stuffs.

I like it.

That are even more locked down that require you to like really know what you're the fuck you're doing. If you want to enable it to do it, you have to like jump through hoops and you know, to even get there.

But it's the one thing is that what our slacker was mentioning was Apple's infuriatingly restrictive attitude towards kernel extensions, okay, to be specific, okay? That at the kernel level, they're like, no, you're not doing anything there, okay? You're not doing it. Whereas if you use Linux or any of these other systems, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it. Say with iOS, for example, which is extremely restrictive, is one of the reasons why so many of the EU try to say, hey, you don't let siloed apps, you don't do this, you don't do this. And all of those reasons are precisely to try to avoid this kind of shit from happening. And this kind of shit, listen, this happened from what was supposed to be a benevolent actor, not a malicious actor.



Can you fucking imagine?

Yeah. They just screwed up. i mean now do we that's the thing do.

We know the details of the screw-up they made was it just like somebody missed.

A semicolon in.

A configuration file or something.

I i i have no idea i i i haven't seen any further details um i have not but but you know what i was seeing was that and somebody was making a joke that it depended on i think it was people were talking And I'm not familiar with it. There is this encryption with Microsoft that people use to encrypt their hard drives. I think it is BitLocker.

Okay, yep, yep.

And they were talking that if you use BitLocker, it's a Windows security feature that provides encryption for entire volumes. If you're using BitLocker, you basically have to wipe the damn machine and go back to restore from a backup. That was the one thing that I kept seeing people complaining. CrowdStrike outage. How to fix BSOD on BitLocker-enabled Microsoft Windows PCs and laptops. Apparently, this is... Yeah, it's... These instructions are far more involved. Well, you gotta have your BitLocker key, apparently. So if you don't have the key, then you're fucked. Let's start off with that.

Beautiful. Always good.

So that's an issue. and it is because you need the bitlocker key in order to be able to go delete the and it says here that it's a driver we still have drivers well we have drivers I know but these selfies don't whatever whatnot but yeah but you know it's apparently it says here navigate to the command prompt and you know this will delete the faulty crowd strike driver causing the issue, what a what a shit show but you know, look this week week, we also found out, was it this week or was it last week, that AT&T breach, the one where they were able to get all our information about all the communications, calls, and text messages that we've sent. Now, this is metadata, not the actual text messages. We found out it was another cloud. Okay, so AT&T apparently subscribed to this cloud provider called Snowflake. And apparently the breach happened at Snowflake. And apparently they were able able to get a lot more information, more than just the AT&T stuff from Snowflake, apparently. So, who the hell knows what other information they were able to get. But apparently Snowflake is a provider for this kind of information for the, telecommunications industry and the cloud, They also got breached. Nice. It's great.

Yes. You know? Beautiful.

Well, somebody wouldn't have said, by the way, which I did like the idea was that, hey, if somebody can find in that metadata file Clarence Thomas's phone, and if they could see who he was communicating with, there's a few people that we could look up to see who they were communicating. It'd be interesting to find out who they've been talking to.

Not that you would advocate anything criminal here.

No no no I'm already hey the data's already out it's out there I imagine.

There's still some rules about using it if you got.

Trapped I think.

Like if stolen data is.

Put out there on a public server you know this is the same shit the NSA was getting for years that Snowden was exposing so you know but I mean you know So Monday felt this week like it was Friday already. That's how long this week has been. I went to Puerto Rico on Monday. I came back on Tuesday and then my flight arrived. Somebody noticed this and I just noticed the stat. I've flown from San Juan to Miami seven times this year, which I'm shocked that it's seven times. Okay. All right. So basically like once a month. Okay. Every single flight, every single time my flight home has been delayed from San Juan. All of them.

Well, at least you weren't trying to fly anywhere today.

At least I wasn't trying to fly anywhere. I know.

I know you started to move on, but did we even talk about all the things that were impacted by?

No, no, no, we didn't. Because it was like everything, like all the airlines. there were like 20 some odd thousand canceled flights today okay i mean i heard ehr records you know the epic the emr they were down news organizations tv stations right i mean it was like everybody i mean everything got affected now i must admit whatever the hell i use if i hadn't seen the news i would have struggled to find out that it was down i.

Think like i my my main effect like our our our email was down at work.

Oh really yeah well there was a but but was that related to this because i know that there's an azure outage i.

I don't know it was outlook it was microsoft it was whatever.

Oh well now you're doing the same thing everybody's bitching well this wasn't microsoft well yeah i know it wasn't microsoft but you know it really impact everybody with with with windows but there was okay well no that was because there was a separate outage with azure last night and right around the same fucking time of all things nice so we had that going on you know, You know, somebody was saying that one of the, one of the things that you discover with this stuff is New York subways were all running without a problem.


Now there weren't automated announcements happening and some other stuff or whatever, but all the trains were what? In part because you know what that infrastructure is. So it's, it's for the most part analog.

So I don't give a shit about this crap. That didn't impact it. but you know you got you got people who couldn't like check into hotels you can't like you know call a doctor and book an appointment well lots of people had you couldn't check out and such yes because that because the freaking you know massive like electronic health records outage yes i mean yeah it's it's fucked up well you know if you go to a hospital right now yes you go to a hospital right now okay you think about all the technology that they have put in place in order to prevent medical mistakes that that is you know you go and like you're going to get medicines handed to you they usually will go around with a computer with a cart scanning it scanning your wristband to say hey this is your patient a this is the medicine for patient a the computer will tell you yes this is the person that should get it okay that person will get that okay you're gonna go make a surgery everything is in the damn computer so the x-rays documentation notes whatever the hell it is you're gonna do which leg you're gonna operate you know whatever all the instructions that they had placed it's all in there so you can't go and fucking operate on them you don't got any of the damn information right.

It's it's not like they can go to the backup There's no backup paper file.

Right. There's no backup paper file anymore. It's gone.

You could just be like, which kidney did you need removed again? Right, exactly. I'll guess.

Yeah, we'll guess. We'll guess. Oh, shit. Oh, well. Well, that was the wrong one.

So anyway, you also mentioned briefly, like this wasn't even like a cyber warfare act or something. It was just somebody screwed something up.

Who fucked the fuck up?

But I think it shows you like how much damage could be done if it was intentional.

Oh fuck. Yeah.

Like imagine.

Holy shit.

I mean, and it tells you, it shows you how easy it would be to like, presumably there's like one poor ass employee who fucked up here and accidentally like save something. They shut.

If I, if I, if I'm that fucking employee, I know I'm, I'm, I'm hiding. I'm fucking like, I'll tell you what, I'm fucking, you know, I mean, I'm finding, I'm like, how do I, how do I get the hell, you know, I'll shred my phone and I'll fucking like go hide somewhere for six months.


I'll claim I was hijacked. I don't know. Whatever. I was kidnapped.

Yes. Yeah. I could see there being a little bit of discussion there and, you know, everybody screws up, but, and there'll be a post-mortem. because you know if you have a scenario where a single person fucking up can have this kind of effect or again like maybe if a single person being malicious could have this kind of effect then you don't have the right systematic protections in place like in terms of things needing to be double or triple checked before they get released you know or the right testing or the whatever you there is a hole in the process that needs to be fixed and i'm sure they will work on that but again it shows like hey some some some poor employee hit send on something that wasn't properly tested and wasn't doing what it was supposed to and i'll be fine and this is what happened if it had been somebody intentionally trying to inject something malicious, it's it's, This does remind me.

We forget that we've had less incidents of this, but back in the 2000s, we had viruses like the Melissa virus or some others like this that did spread widely and cause significant outages. Now, we are even more dependent on technology, but we are already pretty heavily dependent on this stuff already then and how some of this stuff. And look, I will say this, that I, look, you're asking me, well, what am I going to do with that employee I've fucked up, right? Look, I will admit, listen, I will admit that I had an employee that made a fuck-up like this, a technical fuck-up, that cost the company $60 million, okay? About 20 years ago, all right?

I think you've actually told this story before.

Yes. And I and I will say that I, you know, now the reality is that this guy had a history of fuck ups and.

That makes a difference.

And so and that made a difference because that wouldn't happen. And I found out about it. He was on a business trip and I basically said, listen, dude, pack your bags, go home. You're going to HR. You're getting your termination. You're done. OK, because but that was the last straw of some.

Yeah, I mean, most generally, if you have somebody make a screw up that causes a major production problem, I mean, obviously this one was huge, but there are a couple of factors at play, right? One is... Did they do something that was actually directly negligent and bad?

In the case of my guy, yes.

Or was it a process failure? Like there was something in place that should have stopped it. This guy actually, in my case.

Overrode the process. No, no, what I'm saying. But to give you an example, that guy negligent. This guy overrode the process. So if you find out that this guy went and, oh, I'm overriding the process. Fuck this. This update's going out. well then you know what this guy is toast.

Yeah no there there are several different scenarios here one is they were intentionally trying to fuck with stuff in that case not only is he fired you're reporting him to authorities he's going to fucking jail right oh yeah the second is uh he screwed up but was generally following the specified processes and something that should have caught the problem failed in which case it's, it's a process problem, not that guy's fault. I mean, maybe that guy could have been more careful, but you should have had the protections in place.


And then, and then I guess third is, you know, the guy actively bypassed some processes, like you said, that he was supposed to follow. And then it's absolutely the guy's fault. And they're out of it. Yeah.

Of course, you know, we also got a couple of astronauts stuck in space.

Oh yeah. That, Well, actually, like you had started about another technical glitch. You had started to change topics onto something else. And I veered you right back to CrowdStrike. So I don't know if you remember the other thing or whether you just want to jump to astronauts.

No, no, no. So I jumped to astronauts. So we still got a couple of astronauts stuck in space, huh?

Yeah, we do. And and so they've been saying over and over. So this is the the Boeing. What is it? Starliner is Starliner. And it's had some problems with its thrusters. Right. And so these problems were detected, you know, it, it, it did not get in the way of them getting there, but they had to like, they had to take some extra steps. They did some testing of it before they docked to the space station. They had to do some things manually to compensate for anyway. But when they got there, the story that they've been giving for a long time is there's absolutely no issue with them getting home. But because the part of the spacecraft that is malfunctioning gets jettisoned and burned up in the atmosphere on the return trip, their only time to investigate the problem is now at the space station.


So the astronauts have been actually disassembling and investigating these thrusters and reassembling them while they're there, trying to figure out and diagnose the problem and deal with it. And as I understand it at the moment, but the latest update I heard, and maybe there's something more recent. But as of a few days ago, Boeing was for the first time admitting that maybe, maybe they haven't decided this for sure yet, but maybe they might have to take a different spacecraft home.

Oh, man. Go Boeing. What is wrong, man? Guys, come on, man. Give me a break. I mean, tell. hell set the set the fucking you know they can't they can't do anything right.

Well because i was like presumably like yes they jettison this part of the spacecraft but presumably i mean these are the thrusters presumably they need them to make sure that the spacecraft is oriented properly for re-entry i would assume so like it was kind of important that they work correctly.

Yeah i am so i would believe.

I mean i know they have some redundancy and some this and some that and blah blah blah but at the same and all the astronauts were expressing high levels of confidence that of course we're going to return on the spaceship and it'll all be fine we just have to investigate this before we go i.

Mean i guess yeah i wonder how many days were they supposed to be up there eight days.

Something like that like around a week how long.

How long How long have they been there now?

Nearly a month. I'd have to look it up for the exact number of days, but it's, it's, Oh God.

It's, it's, it's, it's getting a lot. It's going to be a long time. Let's see. What was the, let's see. When does it say they went? The. Oh, who knows? I don't know. It's not that important. No, I can't. Yeah. So anyway, well, but we've got more. We've got more people in space. You know, given what's the hell is going on down here. I mean, maybe that's a good option. We could go. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, one of the science communicators that I've that I see on TikTok all the time is all excited because apparently she's going up in Bezos's spaceship soon. So that's nice. That's nice. Yes. I forget her name. I think it's Space Gal or something. I don't know.

Blue Origin.

And of course, my immediate reaction is, you know that's not really space, right? It's just, well. I guess it's closer than I've been.

Right. Well, it's technically space.

Well, no. It depends on the definition. By most definitions, it's a little short.

It's right around. It's close enough.

You know you know i i figure come on you need at least an orbit not this up and well shit you know well.

I mean yeah i okay.

I mean no i understand you go up high enough the sky looks black you get a few moments of zero g but you get that you can get the zero g and the vomit comet too, right right you can do you know there are all kinds of ways to get zero i would like.

To do You know, I would like to do that.

The Vomit Comet?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would like to do that.

That's a lot.

That would be cool.

You can buy tickets on that. It's a lot cheaper than like the Blue Origin or the Virgin Galactic and all those things.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would like to try that. I would like to try that. That would be cool to do.

Okay. Well, if you do that, feel free to bankroll me. We'll do the show live from the Vomit Comet.

There you go. There you go. Kermudge's Corner from Zero-G. Yes.

Exactly. Okay. we we've gone on quite a bit already. So I feel like I should skip my movie and we should move on in the lines of like keeping the show under two hours this week.

Okay. We could skip a movie for this week.

But I will, I will preview that next week.

Next week, next week.

Next week, you will.

Start with a movie and.

The movie will be the grapes of wrath from 1940.

Oh, wow. Really? Yes. You know, I don't think I've, I'm pretty sure I haven't watched it.

Well, you know, Oh, you could do homework and watch this before next week, and then we could both talk about it.

I could try that.

There you go. I could. Okay, let's take a break. And when we come back, we will do actual newsy stuff. And I know you guys know the kinds of things we might be talking about. We had the Trump assassination attempt. I guess we can follow up on that. We've learned a lot since last week. We've got Cannon dismissed Trump's Florida case. We've got Trump picking J.D. Vance as his vice president. We've got the RNC. We've got the whole battle about will Joe drop out or not and all the pressure being brought on him and what happens if he does drop out and all the alternatives and blah, blah, blah. We've got general like, you know, how the polling's going and all that shit. it we we got we all we got and i mentioned rnc specifically we have trump's incoherent speech there we've got all the other stuff you know we got hulk hogan we anyway we got all kinds of stuff but first first the break is an apple dream so here we go ah cool this is apple dream 20 okay.

Except i had to keep changing my time zone like like alex and i do on wordle, like to be on the same game as him i had to change.

Where i normally keep things to pacific time and then if we miss a day we have to make it the previous day and then go forward again and somehow in.

The space battle it was like that too and that's all i remember.

And that that's it that's it oh nice there you go having to change your uh time zone in the space battle you know so that's great you know i i haven't published any new ones of those in many months now, but I've got a backlog of them recorded on my phone that I haven't published in TikTok yet, but anyway, so where do you want to start from all that crap I listed or something else entirely? If I missed something important.

You know, well, you, you were talking a little, look, I'm going to come out flat out and say, I hate all these subjects.

They all make you mad.

God, they all just, I spoke about how these people have changed my mood. All the subjects of discussion just aggravate me at this moment.

I'll say one thing on that before you continue. I got so pissed off this week on all of this pressure on Joe Biden to drop out. Whether or not you think that switching at this point would be smart and would be the best way to win, which I personally am not sure that it is. But regardless, the way this is all playing out is just really, really made me angry to the point where I gave Joe Biden more than I've ever given any political candidate in my life, other than money where we've self-funded my wife's campaign. But other than that, I have not been one to routinely give to political candidates or political campaigns or PACs or anything else like that. I had a few recurring donations, small dollar recurring donations, like 10 or $20 a month to a few things. But like, I, I was like, okay, I'll set up a recurring donation from now until the election to Joe Biden. And with amounts that I'd normally would never have thought of giving to a political candidate. Cause I was just so pissed. I'm like, and some of the reports were like how Joe Biden's funding had dried up and no one was giving him money anymore. And I'm like, okay, okay, fuck it, I'm giving him money. At the moment I can afford it, I'm giving him some money.

So basically, your mood is sour, my mood is sour, and my mood was sour. Forget about, you know, the thing that really hit me, okay, is I did not watch, I mean, maybe some short second clips with clips for a few seconds of the RNC, but I am not. I did not watch it.

But I saw some of the- I did not watch almost any of it. I listened to some of Biden, not Biden.


Yeah. I listened to some of Trump's, see, like the name thing. Like, I can't even keep Biden and Trump apart, you know?

Exactly. Anyway, well, I, I.

You know, so, you know, so I understand Joe confusing Kamala and Trump because I just confused Biden with Trump anyway.

I mean, because it's the word president in front.

Yeah, I mean, yeah.

It's not, it's, it's not, you know, it's not the most uncommon faux pas.


All right. That happens.

Anyway, I listened, I listened to a few minutes of Trump. up i did not.

Watch any but i.

Listened to a little bit but yeah go ahead i.

Mean but in between the the rnc gets together and it's it and they have these speakers where it's a whole bunch of like listen drunk people convicts uh uh uh uh uh you know domestic abuser porn domestic abusers porn stars i i'm i'm i'm just like what the hell is this man it's the party of reagan man fuck is this of reagan i mean listen and lincoln and lincoln matt gates's face, what the fuck happened to that guy's face oh and somebody pointed out they.

They they did a before and after picture of just the day before it happened with.

Yeah it happened.

Within 24 hours It wasn't like he went and had plastic.

Surgery. Holy shit.

They were saying it was Botox, probably.

Well, I read that somebody did an analysis. Apparently, the Botox takes a number of days. He must have really gotten a really big ass...

Like a rush job?

Yeah, a number of them, and it just all popped in the same day.


But holy fucking hell. I mean... It's just, I mean, it's just a fucking degenerates convention, man. And, and then, you know, the video clips of them on the floor acting like, I mean, like high schoolers.

Well, just to be fair, political conventions, if you look at the people on the floor, both democratic and Republican are always a little nutso. You have people in the weird hat.

No, no, no, no. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about, what's his name, the guy that was Speaker of the House who lost.



Onyer? McCarthy?

No, not Ryan. No, no, no. McCarthy. McCarthy and Matt Gaetz, like, you know, bombing him like he's some 15-year-old. And then Gaetz, like, screaming these insults and then other people and just, man, come on. The guy before Trump came on was fucking a drunk Hulk Hogan.

I did not watch it, so I didn't realize he was drunk. I saw he ripped off his shirt or whatever.

Yeah, well, of one of the few clips that I listened to is one of him speaking, and he was slurring drunk as all fuck.


So i mean what the hell man and then and then all these people i'm sorry but all the people with the little like ear pillows yes.

Yes out of you know.

Who does this shit man well they're.

They're playing paying homage to donald.

Trump's injuries who does this shit you know republicans i don't know yeah you know that mega republicans listen here's the thing about how fucked up this week is yes by today the news that they tried to assassinate trump basically was like who cares well.

He did live.

Right oh and so let's see if i imagine the entire last.

Week would have played out entirely differently if donald trump had not lived or if he was like in the hospital in critical condition or something it would have been absolute.

But i do i i do think that if if it was somebody if it if it had been another time right and they had tried to assassinate the president there would have been a lot more intense interest in coverage. In it, like right now. And like right now, it's basically old news. Like by now.

Well, if you think back, I mean, the only time that I directly remember, you know, is the Reagan attempt. But it was different.

Yeah, but he was shot.

Well, yeah.

I mean, not just that.

So was Donald Trump. But Reagan was serious enough that he was in the hospital.

No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no. But no, exactly. I mean, we didn't know if he was going to make it.


We didn't know if Reagan was going to make it.

We didn't know if he was going to make it. And even after it was clear he was going to make it, it was a long recovery. It was months until he was like sort of back in shape. And some people argue he never got back to the point he was before the gunshot. And so, yeah, I mean, but look here, you know, I mean, some people are still trying to say right now that, oh, it wasn't a gunshot wound at all. It was just some glass that from the teleprompter. or something. The teleprompter looked like it was intact to me on the video, but whatever. I don't know. One of the things I was going to bring up is all these conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination attempt. One of them is what I just mentioned. Oh, he wasn't actually shot. Trump is obviously lying. He won't release any medical records. He won't do anything like that. So he obviously wasn't actually shot. It was just a little bit of glass from the teleprompter. And while we're doing that, maybe it was all just a setup because he wanted to sympathy. I mean, after all, look how he like posed for like the hero shot before he left instead of just getting whisked out right away and, you know, blah, blah, blah.

Well, I have said, and I will say that that was like one of the most bizarre reactions I've ever seen by anybody to get shot. And by the way, you know, the reality is that, you know, Trump being so so so empathetic and so kind he quickly quickly went and like tried to deploy his sympathies to the uh family of the person that actually got killed or or no that's right no that wasn't it that was biden that tried to do it they didn't take his call because they were they they were i guess they were they were like really mega people well it seems that the only Specifically.

The wife said that she thought her husband would not appreciate her taking that call because he was so MAGA and so anti-Democrat. It sounded like on her own she might have, but she was trying to respect her husband. Whatever. Donald Trump did eventually get in contact with him, apparently.

Yeah, but come on. The only reason why he wound up calling is because he wound up being shamed into it.

No, I think it was because he wanted to talk about it at his convention speech. He called all the families like the day before the speech.

Okay, here, okay, I, you did not read Mary Trump's book.

You're right. I have heard your summary of Mary Trump's book. Go ahead.

Yeah, well, there is one thing that Mary Trump talked about is that, and that's in that family, and Trump specifically, is that anything related to death, he avoided like the plague. There is no way that he volunteered, he really wanted to call these people. The only reason that he wound up calling them is because he was shamed into it because Biden went and made a sympathy call to that. Otherwise, there's no way he would.

Also, I think the having the it's also operational. Like, yes, he was shamed into it, but also it's operational. He knew it would be useful politically to have made the call and be able to talk about the call in his speech. I think that has part part of it as well.

Well, but that's what I'm saying. If the RNC wasn't this week, you wouldn't have called.

Probably not. I mean, even so, he said he was going to attend the funeral and he didn't.

Oh, what? Well, that's the that's another part, dude. They know, you know, attending to funerals either. I mean, yeah, that's also a trait.

So let's talk a little bit since since our first your topic is apparently whether you intended it or not. it's the rnc so.

Yes i i did intend it to be the rnc and i i'm just like i i don't know look i i mean it's a it's it's it's an it's a a meeting of degenerates and sociopaths man and and liars you know this whole the whole grinder thing too that happened during the week so explain well apparently like grinder was like overloaded in milwaukee grinder which is a a gay hookup a gay hookup you know it's it's.

Basically the equivalent of like you know you know they're all.

I don't think there is an equivalent because in part like because because the thing is that yeah data has shown that homosexual hookups are far more frequent and casual than say lesbian or cisgender hookups i mean there's a whole spectrum.

Of dating apps some of which are more about dating and.

Some of which are more like but even like no no yeah no so you've got oh what the hell is it man the other tinder well the thing is that you know it so tinder is more like you know uh uh, whatchamacallit heterosexual relationship as far as I remember but it's just this thing.

Where you're not on it all the time no.

I probably listen I will admit that if I was single probably I would.

Yeah okay I'm.

Sure that I would.

I'm pretty.

Sure if I were single now.

At this point but at this point online dating apps of various sorts are the normal most common way for people to meet each other these days 89 i was like way way over everything yeah way bigger like back in the day when we were younger it was things like you were introduced by friends you met at school you met at work maybe you met at a like a bar or something but like it was all those kinds of now it's it's like you said 80 90 online apps and stuff so.

Yeah i'm sure that i most probably would be on tinder i mean for sure but But I'm like, what the, but the thing is that this is a party of anti, it is, it is the, this is the party of anti-LGBT, anti-whatever, the family values. We need to go back to the core family values. And basically they, so many of them logged on to Grindr that they basically like, you know, grounded to a halt.

And apparently this is an every four years thing, every Republican convention, this happens and they run the numbers and they do geolocation and everything. And like the majority of their all kinds of new accounts that are set up, new anonymous accounts set up that week that get geolocated within the arena where they're having the RNC. And when you run the numbers, it's like nearly 10% of the attendees at the RNC are apparently spending their time on Grindr as well.

It's just the hypocrisy of it.

Right. I'm like, no problem with Grindr. Have fun. No, you know, fun.

But it's just the whole hypocrisy. They go and they vilify transgender people, gay people, you know, every fucking chance they get. and you know these these fuckers like are just all like i don't know i guess is their way of dealing with how they're repressing their sexuality i guess that they do it like by displaying outward hate.

Yeah i it's like look it's despicable it's disgusting well just in general like you got to remember like people calling these folks out for hypocrisy for various things that it's not about being consistent with some set of moral views it's about power and control right you know and it's about like you being in charge and you telling what other people are allowed to do or not do but you especially if you're an apex white male should be able to do whatever the fuck you want right you know so anyway how about donald trump's speech i know you didn't watch it and i i mentioned i listened to parts of it but i didn't watch it well i.

Think that the epitome of the of the stupidity of the news coverage of today.

Uh-huh is.

Summarized by a series of tweets by nate silk.

Where you.

Know like like a dumb fucking moron that he is he starts off by saying oh look he's looking presidential and i'm like thinking how could Could you be so dumb? And then he cries, well, this doesn't sound that good. This is kind of dark. Then at the end, well, I completely retracted. This thing is a shit show. And I'm like, you dumb motherfucker. What the hell did he expect? How could any of these clowns go and say, oh, he's going to be a unifier. He's going to be presidential, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Which we were hearing all week long. All week long, we were hearing from people, oh, the near-death experience has changed him. He's mellowed. He's torn up his speech. He wants to be a unifier. He wants to reach out to everybody, blah, blah, blah. And of course not. Of course not. No! You know, and look... One, look, the speech did have a few.

Here's the best line. Here's the best line I just see about this. Donald Trump promised a softer image. He delivered Hulkamania.

Well, look, the speech itself, like there were a few phases of it. And I listened to some of these directly and some of them I'm basing on commentary. But here's the thing. The first part of his speech was him relating what happened in the assassination attempt. And for that, he was mostly going from a prepared speech. He talked some of the unified language.

Although even there, he said some words about the whole country unifying, but really what they were talking about was unifying the Republicans in their fealty to him. but whatever. But that part of the speech was really mellow, really slow. He did sound a little melancholy, blah, blah, blah. And he was going from the prepared speech. Then he seemed to somewhat get bored of that. And he started going off script. Another bunch of people pointed out, but I specifically, I'll point out Joy Ann Reed from MSNBC, but her commentary on threads was really good as this was going on. Because basically, they had provided a prepared speech. After the recounting of the assassination attempt was over, he sort of started ignoring most of the prepared speech. Like, well, I shouldn't say ignoring. He would get to a point at the prepared speech and then he would go off on a tangent for several minutes and then he'd go back to it for a little while so you know basically more than half of the words he actually said were not part of the prepared speech in the end and so which.

Is why i guess it went uh i think they said uh.

It was the longest half it was the longest convention acceptance speech since convention speeches speeches have been televised.

No shit. Really? It was, you know, wow.

Now I don't know if it beat Bill Clinton cause that wasn't an acceptance. I'm wondering. He was introducing the guy. Because that wasn't when Bill Clinton was running. It was the cycle.

No, no, no. That was like, right. That was like Bill Clinton doing this speech. I guess it was. Was it right? It was.

It was like four years before the year that he was. So it would have been 88.

So was that the speech? Yeah, no. I know it was in 88. But the question is, is that the speech was presenting?

No, no. He was the keynote.

I don't think so.

He was the keynote speech like the day before or something.

Yeah, it was the day before. yeah this was you know and and look i i that's a moment i never forget because the the thing the funniest thing is i remember how the speech was so long-winded i mean it's never ending and i still remember that when he went to and saying in conclusion i'm finishing everybody started going well and i was waiting when when donald.

Trump said in conclusion i was like wait is there going to be applause there wasn't at least not that i could hear but like i expected And the reports from the people in the place were, okay, I sort of, let me back up. We'll get to the end of the speech. He started doing his normal sort of campaign rally stuff. He started doing his, you know, rants against Joe Biden. He started doing all of his usual sort of divisive stuff. He started ranting about the last election.

And I was stolen from him.

All that. And it certainly was not unifying rhetoric. But one thing it was, was it wasn't really that energetic. It was all very sort of... And it was sort of much more monotone than he has been sometimes in the past and sort of... to use Donald Trump's own words, low energy. And so there were a lot of reports from the place that, you know, the people in the front rows were like checking their phones. There were some that were nodding off. There were some that were like.

Is this done yet? Well, I mean, Donald Trump seemed to have been nodding off on his kids. I mean, you put those clowns, his kids that give speeches, nodding off at those guys.

Well, yes. But the point is, Donald Trump, first of all, it was low energy. Second of all, there was his sort of usual stuff that we mentioned, but also just the rambling incoherence, which has also been normal at his rallies lately, to be clear. I mean, he did the whole Hannibal Lecter rant, you know, as part of his speech, you know, he and and like he would just go on meandering stream of consciousness, blah, blah, blah. And so one of the things Joanne Reed was saying was like, look, the one thing this shows us is, look, Joe Biden might be old, but God damn it. but so is Trump. And he's clearly not in the same place in terms of his mental capacity as he was even four years ago, let alone eight, you know, it is, he is declining and maybe it's not, you know, technically like, you know, clinical at this point, but it's definitely a decline is visible and obvious. And it's like, yeah, this is, this is your ranting old uncle. who's just like, you know, he's finished his Turkey at the Thanksgiving table and he's kicking his feet back and he's giving his little racist rants. You know, that's, that's Donald Trump.

You know, a little racist rants. Oh.

Wait, doesn't your uncle do that? You know, I always hear that it's uncles that do that.

Like, yeah, the, the uncles. Well, unfortunately, you know, my uncle's all passed away.

I, I, I have, I have, I have one uncle left, but I don't think he does racist rants.

Well, my, I have like my, my aunts, you know, uncles, like, like, you know, blood uncles. I have one that is alive, but they're by marriage. But my blood... Oh, wait, what am I talking about? Oh, Jesus Christ. My dad's brother's alive.

So you do have an uncle.

Yeah, sorry, I forgot.

You killed him off early.

Yes, that's... Sorry, that's the alarm that I... Okay, that's what I got. Yeah, no, I killed off my uncle early, but, you know i have you know he'll make off-color jokes but not go actually he's no he's not racist he may have a lot of other defects but but not not that i that i can tell that racism is not one thank god okay okay so yeah so anyway he's actually actually as a matter of fact i'll give a compliment he's actually very how do i say uh more inclusive than anything else that he's not So anyway.

A lot of people are pointing out the double standard of like, if Joe Biden had come out and given the same speech, everybody would be doubling down on the, oh my God, how can you possibly be thinking about this old incompetent guy for anything? anything and of course like the democrats have a multi-week shit fit about joe biden and like on the republican side nobody's gonna say a damn thing and the media like yeah might be a few comments about it i mean hey i'm quoting somebody from msnbc who is talking about it but for the most part you're not gonna get pages and pages and days and days of analysis of how donald trump Trump failed at his speech and how it indicates that he should drop out, whatever, whatever, you know? I mean, of course he is now the official nominee, which Joe Biden is not yet, but.

Well, it appears I I'm looking at this information. So this speech was 90 minutes.

Yes. Correct. About plus or minus.

I mean, we kept talking about how long that Clinton speech is and we remember it.


As far as I can tell from the information I'm looking at here, it was only 36 minutes.


OK, and that seemed like an eternity. So shit. I mean, it's literally double more. I mean, more than double the time that Clinton spoke. And we were like dying. But, you know, how long that damn Clinton speech lasted.

Well, and Clinton's speech was probably actually coherent as well, and not full of lies.

Yeah, yeah. It was just a little boring. But, you know, and apparently he wasn't using a teleprompter, which that was like the one thing about him. And I am remembering this, that apparently they had to resort to like hand signs to him to say, hey, you know, going like this, like cutting, you know, the slicing like a neck. You're done.

You're done yes you.

Know that kind of stuff for him to finish so yeah yeah so.

Okay and yeah i guess like the other you mentioned the cast of characters they had up i mean i mean and just as one example i mean you mentioned like a bunch of random types but navarro come got out of jail got on a plane and then got off the plane and spoke at the convention you know it's like and there were so many people like completely unaware of any ironies talking about how they're the law and order party and order and it's so important like to respect the police and put criminals in jail and all this kind of stuff and what like look who you're nominating right you know of course, that's just a witch hunt and it's it's all bullshit and blah blah blah and you know.

Look this i was reading a little bit about because i haven't read this idiotic book by jd vance.

Yeah i haven't um but.

I was but i was reading a little bit about what it talked about in the book.

Did you read the bit about what he did with the glove and the couch no.

No i that no but.

But i was I was reading the one bit about.

No, I have no idea. What are you referring to?

Our Republican candidate for vice president includes an anecdote in his book about his life, how when he was younger, and I mean, which of us haven't? Well, let's put it in an extremely delicate way. He stuck an inside out glove into the crease between couch cushions and fucked it.

Okay. Which I mean, put that in a book.

Well, he wrote about it in a book, you know, I mean, okay.

We've all done. Yeah. Exactly. At that age. Okay. But that wasn't a book. Yeah.

He put that in his book. It's in hillbilly ology when he's talking about his youth. I mean, it's not quite killing a dog.

No, it's not. It's not even remotely close. It's just too much information, JD. Okay.

It's just too much information. I really, and, and again, again goes with the squeaky clean image right and like all of the puritanical right wing stuff like you know.

In a.

Properly sex positive culture you could be like well of course every kid should do that you know but.

Well yeah i mean it's like i you know we were i was having those discussions with a friend of mine or whatever about about just making sure that any conversation we have with our child or her child is about you know about that kind of stuff it's not to make him look look it's it's fine whatever you're doing it's fine don't worry about it we're not as long as you're not you don't want to shame them exactly certainly you're hurting anybody you know you know you whatever the.

Was it blair with the pig the british prime minister or was it.

Cameron i think it was cameron.

Who has a like.

Okay you're paying a lot more attention to this What did they do?

It was a fraternity initiation ritual or something where he had to have oral sex with the severed head of a dead pig.

Okay. This is the reason why I never joined any fraternities.

Okay. Sorry. As you said, I've apparently paid way too much attention to these types of stories.

Going back to the J.D. Vance book.

Yes, yes.

And the one thing that he, and it goes with this whole thing about also crime. It's this whole thing where he was talking about how he's getting really, really angry when he was working as a cashier. And he saw people paying with food stamps or food assistance or whatever that had cell phones. And how that made him angry for some reason.


And it's this whole thing where it's, you know, any benefit, it's this whole thing that you see regularly in many of these red states where they are all like, well, the benefits, as long as they're mine, I'm entitled to them, but not those people. You know, not them, but I earned those. Okay. And it's the same thing with crime and law enforcement. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, they're the criminals, but now those laws, none of that applies to us, you know? And it's just this entire bankrupt morality where, you know, you believe that everybody... I've seen this with other people where, uh, what the people that are really the worst crooks are the first ones that say that everybody else is crooked.

Right. Well, it's, it's all projection, right? It's like the, it's all the people who, whose morals are corrupted in the way, like, for instance, Donald Trump's clearly are, can't imagine that anybody would operate different. Like the idea, for instance, that somebody might actually do something motivated by helping someone else rather than for their own aggrandizement is completely alien. That's that's somebody being stupid. Why would you do that, for instance? And so, of course, everything anybody else possibly does has to be motivated by the same things that would motivate them. and there can't possibly be another reason for people's actions and of course if somebody has an opportunity to screw you they will there's no way that they would not take that opportunity if given it because you would take that opportunity wouldn't you like etc so.

Now so back to vance.

Sorry i tangented again tangent no.

So it's this whole thing about vance where you know he goes and that's just a bit what what he wrote in the book really epitomizes this entire attitude from all these people that are in in part of maga and and this entire attitude towards law enforcement it's everybody else is a criminal but but i'm you know against me it's a witch hunt, you know it's that entire modality but the other thing that i saw today and how this entire thing is like making, you know, I spoke a little bit about the behavior that Matt Gaetz was showing against McCarthy and some other stuff or whatever and sniping in between all of these people. But one thing that I that I saw was there was this quote that this clown, J.D. Vance, had written about about Trump, where basically he said that I'll never vote for this guy, that he's he's just, you know, he talked about he was he was a Hitler. Right. Okay.

He referred, well, he, he, he said he wasn't sure if Donald Trump was X, Y, Z, or if Donald Trump was America's Hitler was the full quote.

And so, but, but then, you know, Tucker Carlson also spoke at this convention. Okay. All right. Praising Trump. Right.


And I will quote Tucker Carlson by text. Okay. From, from the trial against Fox news by dominion, where he goes and is praising him. and he sent a text on January 4th, 2021. We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait. I hate him passionately. I can't handle much more of this. And how it's this entire, you know, bunch of suck ups, man, that have publicly, you know, said that this guy is evil. Right. But now are all just under his thumb.

I mean, we're basically talking like, I mean, at this point, the people who are left in the Republican Party, the elected levels anyway, reserve judgment for the moment for the general voters, but divide into two categories at this point. One is true MAGA believers who actually believe all this bullshit. I guess there are three. There's true MAGA believers who actually believe all this bullshit. it. Then there are people who don't really believe it, but are going to pretend for the purposes of manipulating and getting ahead. And I guess a subset of that category, my third category is really a subset of that, are people who used to say exactly like you were. They're sort of the old traditional Republicans who had all the sort of traditional Republican beliefs and were anti-Trump at some point and at some point, and then just decided, well, I can't do that and still have my career and my career matters more. And so now I'm all on board wherever it takes me.

And i i actually you know all three of these categories suck but like i i feel like i almost have the least respect for that last category, Cause you know, they know better cause they've said so out loud in public and then completely reverse themselves because of that's what it takes to maintain power.

And then, and then you have all these other tech bros that have come out all in favor of it. And I'm the, the, all these guys are interested. This is all about grift and money.


I mean, it's these guys all want fucking oligarchy. They really, really, really want an oligarchy. I mean, that is what they want.

I mean, as if they're already close enough to that already. I mean, like if you're if you're if you're already a billionaire, you've got so much influence and you can do whatever the fuck you want. And I want more.

Listen, they want more. That's I mean, that's it. I mean, that's it. Listen, they do. They do want more. They want a lot more. They want this to be more like Russia. Let's be clear about this. That is the model that they want, where Putin picks the winners and losers, Putin picks who makes the money, and those people get supremely awarded, and the other people get punished. That is what they want. They would love that model.

As long as whoever's making those decisions have them in their favor. Exactly.

Correct. Yes. That is the model that they want. You know, one of the data points that came out this year is that over the last, just recently, we've had better statistics under Biden at increasing middle to low earners' wages. And one of the biggest narrowings of income inequality that we've had in like 30 plus years. Right. Okay. And we've had an economy that is really booming, that the rich people are making a lot of money. Right. And these fuckers still don't think that's enough.

Well, and also they don't like that the lower income people are also getting stuff.

That's right. They want, they want serfdom. They want them to get nothing.

Right. Like, God forbid the person at the fast food restaurant makes a little bit more money.

Oh, that fucker loser. I mean, you know, they're all losers. You know, they really think that all these people are losers, you know, and and by the way, that was part of fucking J.D. Vance's book bullshit thing.

Yeah, apparently, like from reviews, I've heard of it in the last week. Like, I mean, the reputation it had at the time, and I'm sure it's on my list of books to read someday. was that it was sort of an explainer for what were Trump supporters thinking? Get into the mind of the white working class. And it sort of was one of these things that people were reading after Donald Trump won to try to understand what the appeal was and stuff. But apparently, like from what I've heard in the last week, a lot of the book is him dumping on the people who grew up that way. that like he grew.

He grew up in that background and.

Then escaped it and became like a wall street financier and then was involved in all kinds of tech companies and blah blah blah.

He went to yale i mean he went to fucking yale he he has an he has a he has a his wife is that a is an attorney and she's of indian descent right and and and well i i by the way this is something that i Well, that I saw today, one of these things that, by the way, there.

Were people at the convention talking about what kind of guy is this really? Because, look, he has brown children with Indian names.

Listen, Nick Fuentes, who, if I remember correctly, he's some kind of like one of these psychopath.

Yeah, yeah, something. Yeah.

Right wing lunatics. OK, his take was, I'm not leaving my house to vote. Vote for what? But for J.D. Vance and Usha, I'm not voting for this. I'm not lending my credibility to this. And you understand what this means. You know, I mean, this guy married a non-white woman. I mean, what the fuck?

Anyway. Yeah, big surprise. Welcome to R2024.


So anything else to say about the RNC before we take a break and then we'll do Biden?

Yeah, absolutely. Fuck the RNC. Fuck the GOP. Fuck everybody that was there. Fuck them all. I hate them all. They can all go fuck themselves in hell.

Okay. Hey, I have no idea what you really think because you're very subdued and not descriptive.

Yeah, I really keep my feelings.

Yeah, you do. So let's take a break. And then we come back. When we come back, we'll do the whole Joe Biden thing. Yeah, because that's the other big news of the week. It has not gone away. Back after this. What? No, Bye. Okay. We are back.

Was I clear on my feelings?

No, not at all. I was confused. I think you're advocating to vote for Donald Trump, right?


Okay. Okay. So Joe Biden, when we last left this a week ago, it seemed like things were kind of dying down. And, you know, there was an expected sort of dam breaking last week that didn't happen. And Donald, see, I did it again. Donald Trump, no, no. Joe Biden, they look the same. They sound the same. They're nearly identical twins. How am I supposed to tell them apart? part. Anyway, Joe Biden and his team were doubling down on saying he's not going anywhere. There were reports that there were a bunch of congressional Democrats who were sad about this, but were starting to resign themselves to it. And then another wave of this stuff happened over the weekend, eclipsed by the Donald Trump assassination attempt. Schumer and Jeffries apparently came to Donald Trump. Gabe to Joe Biden. what you know listen.

I gotta talk to your employer because we gotta put you on disability for you know this mental acuity that has declined completely where you cannot.

Man woman camera names like pencil pencil yeah pen whatever i i yeah i can i may or may not be able to properly identify the elephant in a lineup you know uh anyway oh god forbid if they ask me who's currently president you know no i'm screwed you know yeah um anyway they went to joe biden and apparently like laid it out for him they showed him a bunch of polls they're like look joe this isn't working you got to get out essentially i mean that and there's been no denial from their teams that they went and said that.

Also, apparently, there were reports about Obama saying similar things. There were reports about, and there were a whole bunch of additional congressional people have come out. Even in the 24 hours before we're recording this, there were like another 10, including several senators, several representatives saying Biden should leave. there were reports over the course of the week that Biden is softening and starting to consider it and starting to realize that maybe he doesn't have a path. And then his team denies that over and over and over again and says, don't believe who you're listening to. There were reports that said Joe Biden may step out of the race as early as this coming weekend. Now, obviously, if that happens, I'll say something at the beginning of the show, know if it happens before I put this out.

But like here is, I'm going to say that here's the one weird thing that I have noticed this week. Okay. I, all of a sudden, you know, I had been getting quite a lot of like posts and I, well, here's the one thing I was, I was going to say that I've noticed that I've seen a decrease in the posts that I've been seeing by Joe Biden for the campaign. And I've been seeing a big surge in Kamala Harris posts, but, but, but I do recall that over the weekend after the assassination attempt on Trump, they had said that they were suspending a whole bunch of their posts and then they didn't also got covid yes oh yeah they did for a couple of days we.

Hadn't mentioned that yet.

And then biden got covid and so i i am now realizing that they may have been part of why the hell i'm seeing far more camilla she's doing all the duties.

While he is holed up in delaware recuperating.

Exactly um.

But like all of these reports like here's the the thing. It is really, really hard at this point to tell sort of what's really going on versus how various people are trying to spin it. Like everything seems to be part of the pressure campaign to get Joe Biden to say he's dropping out. I mean, you know, everything going back to like, Pelosi saying he's still got time to make his decision after he'd already said he'd made his damn decision. So it's clearly like all of these people saying he has time to make his decision are really saying he has time to say he's going to drop out. Like they don't want him to, they don't want to accept his answer that he's already given over and over and over again.

And I, you know what the person today that, because I, I think I had been like a little bit on the point of, look, Joe Biden's my guy.


Right. But I'm like, well, I mean, it doesn't matter. Even before this, say even if like Biden had died last month. Look, I'm voting for, listen, if Biden's corpse was on the top of the ballot in December, on November, I was voting for that.


So it's not like this really changes my stance on who the hell I'm fucking voting for. but i had been like well look if biden decides what i had thought look if biden looks at this and he thinks that the best path forward is that kamala is that is that head of the ticket because by the way people talking about an open convention because i see this this post like pelosi talking about an open convention there's a whole bunch of problems with this they're all kinds of.

Problems and here's one of the things one of the.

One of them is money let me.

Just say one of the reasons I was really pissed off and gave Biden money this month and, and recurring monthly until the election was specifically because most of these people calling for Biden's head are not just saying, and therefore it should be Kamala. They don't want her.


And they are looking for some scenario where they can get rid of both of them. And so the latest, there was a report since we've been recording here from the New York Times, I think, I haven't read the whole article, I just saw the headline, where Pelosi is now also saying that assuming Joe Biden drops out, she would be in favor of an open convention.

And look, I recognize that maybe you don't want a pure coronation of Harris, like it looks better if you have some sort of process. But at the same time, it's got to be fucking Harris. If you go with anybody else, you will rip. I mean, you're already ripping the goddamn Democratic Party apart and demoralizing everybody through this whole thing. If you push Joe Biden out against his will and then put anybody in this spot other than Harris, you're going to have open warfare inside the Democratic Party, and you're almost guaranteeing a loss in November.

I'm sorry, you know, because I mean, you're right. Like lots of people are like Yvonne and I will basically vote for any Democrat on the fucking ticket because, of course, they're going to be better than Trump. But at the same time, you know, you need to excite people and you need to get them out there. And if you do something like push Joe Biden out when there are lots of people who still want him there, and then you push Harris out, who seems like the natural successor and lots of people would want her. and you go with some other random jackass, then yeah, there are going to be lots of demoralized people and motivating them to vote is not necessarily going to be easy. And you're going to have a lot of people who are pissed off. And I would hope that most of them would vote D anyway in the end, but you're ripping everything to shreds. I mean, one of the things I saw, people are talking about potentially a Whitman Shapiro, not Whitman, Whitmer. Whitman's different.

Whitmer. I'm like, Whitman, Jesus Christ, not that woman.

Whitmer Shapiro.

She's a Republican. That's why I'm saying.

But Whitmer Shapiro, because then you get Whitmer's Michigan, I believe, and Shapiro's Pennsylvania. They're the governors of those two states.

That's insanity.

Yeah, but those are two critical states that you need to win. If you get those two governors on a ticket together, then maybe you win those two states and it changes those dynamics, right? There are a bunch of things that people have said along those kinds of lines. I've been watching on election graphs, obviously, I've been tracking all the state polls, and there had been very sparse Harris versus Trump polling. But of course, over the last couple of weeks, there's been a lot more of it. And practically with every new poll that comes out, the Biden situation, I mean, the Harris situation starts converging with the existing Biden situation.

It's no different.

It starts getting closer and closer. It's like at the moment on election graphs, I still show Harris as being slightly better off than Biden, but that's only because the polls haven't fully fleshed out yet with like good new data, right? I am almost convinced that if you did that immediate swap, there wouldn't be, it's not the miraculous, oh my God, now she's ahead by 10 points, you know, that's not, and that's, I mean, I guess the argument, the argument is maybe she does start out behind. Maybe she does start out behind by just as much as Joe, but she's got more energy to catch up than Joe Biden does. But again, like you hear more and more, there was this hour long live stream AOC did on all the reasons she's for Joe Biden and thinks it would be a bad idea to change candidates at this point and look she wasn't the biggest joe biden fan in the world no no but no but you.

Know what i mean damn it she made one of the best damn arguments in there for the reason why this is idiotic and it's the same argument you and i have been making.

Go for it how no.

Well no what i'm saying it.

Make the argument i mean what did What was the argument that you liked?

Well, I did not see the whole live stream, but the whole thing is what you were mentioning right now.

I did not have an extra hour.

It's this entire thing that it's no simple solution right now. You don't have anybody that you can fucking put in there that's going to replace it. That's going to just, like you mentioned, they're not getting a magic lead. This isn't like some magic bullet solution that we've got somebody out there that is just going to go in there and just take the lead now that Biden is in there. I mean, it's just, that's all sheer nonsense. And by the way, and the other thing that I know that AOC has said repeatedly right now is that, you know what? Man, this guy has done a lot of the shit that she wanted to, you know, and made a lot of progress on things that those groups have been wanting. He has been a big champion of their things. We're talking about income inequality, Equality, rights, student debt, all this shit.

And Bernie Sanders said the same thing, by the way, in a couple interviews this week. You know, like, and so the sort of progressive side of the party, like the elected advocates for the progressive side of the party recognized this. That maybe he doesn't agree with them on anything, on everything. But he has accomplished more for their goals than anybody else has.

Than anybody else!

But the other things that she mentioned, and I've heard a lot of people say, is all of these people who are talking about a change who are not willing to just say, okay, well, then obviously it's Harris, are not... Like, if you ask them what their plan is, who are they going to put up? What's the process going to be? they have nothing it's just like who the magical substitute like we're gonna we're gonna put pick the magical democrat off the shelf who's gonna be strong and we want an open process to do it because well obviously it's not kamala harris you know i.

Mean fuck i mean pelosi herself has said it and by the way we you and i talked about this this week on the on you know with the rest of the slackers.

On the curmudgeon's car lock which they'll they'll be instructions at the end you should join anybody listening who's not on there you should join okay go ahead yeah.

You know that this whole thing with adam schiff going out and saying what the fuck he said was a fucking shiv job.

Yes it.

Was just a fuck i mean this was shit this was shit.

This whole this whole thing by the way and i've said this on the show before and i'm going to reiterate it now yes the debate was damaging. But all of this stuff since the debate has been way more damaging. And I understand, I'm not asking anybody to sort of pretend that he had a good night. But at the same time, all of this weeks now, we're more than three weeks past the debate at this point. And there has been nothing but shitting on Joe Biden. This does not help the Democratic democratic cause at all.

And, and not just, you know, that, but those three weeks, oh, all you guys said, Hey, he needs to go and speak in public. Hey, he needs to be, and then he did do this and that he did. And he didn't, they didn't do just fine. He did very well.


And, and one thing that's a little bit upsetting me is that his, his team should not have Adam. as i know why they were keeping them close to the vest but they should have had them out but the reality is they they should have had them out there all along even with the flubs yes whatever yeah he does the flubs fuck the whatever fucking own them whatever he did great like when he flubs all the job they were like they were like laugh they were like laughing it up it's like perfect whatever you know it's like you know yeah it's fine own it you know own it own it whatever you You know.

But here's the only justification.

But my whole point is that their whole thing was, well, that's the way he is. He's senile. He's done. He's dead. He's whatever. And then he goes and he shows you very clearly where he had a fucking entire press conference, unscripted, talking in depth about very complex subjects. Did so very well. And you guys are still like, ah, well, well, now he's behind the polls. Well, OK, great. He's behind the polls. Maybe you wouldn't be so fucking far behind the polls if you motherfuckers were all just standing there shoulder to shoulder with him showing support instead of fucking shitting on him.

Yes. Instead of stabbing him in the back, basically. Yeah. I'm not all about loyalty. Like, I would throw out loyalty in a second if there was a good reason. And so the only justification for all this that I could see is if personally they have direct knowledge that for reasons that make sense that they will not speak of publicly, where in their one-to-one experiences with Joe Biden, they in fact do see the confused, addled Joe Biden who isn't capable of doing things.

And by the way, none of these people have said it.

Well, no, and I understand why they wouldn't say it out loud, even if they had.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But listen, bullshit. At this point, with the shit that they have said, they would have. Yeah, come on. They would have said so.

And, you know, I don't know, maybe, maybe, maybe not. But like, if that's what's going on behind the scenes, like if they end up pushing him out through this process, I want to see that because I don't think the public evidence is enough to justify what we've seen here. Like, I know people are nervous about him being behind in the polls, but like he was is behind, not in an unrecoverable position. And I know that there, I know the fear is like, if what happened at debate happens again and again, and his situation gets worse and worse over the next few months, then we're done. So we have to cut the cord now. But again, like, Like, I feel like absent the true evidence of that, like, this is hurting more than it helps. Like, you know, and I know there are all kinds of polls, like one of the issues that has all these Congress people and governors and even like that are in tough districts for reelection is that there are a bunch of polls that came out, the private polls, apparently, that said specifically that if you as a senatorial candidate continue to defend Joe Biden, it will make people think you are a liar and untrustworthy. and make them less likely to vote for you as well.

Yeah, well, I think that's a bunch of bullshit because especially I've seen how these polls are being posed with the questions that they are making that aren't exactly that. But here's another thing. You're saying, well, you're endangering the House and the Senate.


Fuck, man. I just saw all the generic polls right now for the generic ballot. Have the Ds still ahead?

Well, and one of the arguments people are making about Joe Biden being bad is that he's running behind the senatorial candidates. Which means they're still doing better than him.

Exactly. So what the fuck? So he's not dragging them down either. And I don't none of the none of the facts that they keep bringing, bringing up are add up, you know, in any way, because if you showed me, OK, great. The Democrats are seven points behind in the generic ballot for the for the House. Then you're like, oh, fuck, let's that's bad. OK, but the last time around, this is around where they were. Actually, there was a saw there was slightly they're better than they were. and you guys are trying to argue to me that we're going to have a completely different effect. And you're saying that this is based on facts. Well, the facts don't support what the fuck you're selling me. So I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get these arguments. These are all emotional. I'm freaked out that Trump might win. That's all. All I see in this is a complete freak out that, you know, that Trump might win.

And look, AOC in her hour-long video apparently gave a bunch of concerns and reasons and things to think about, one of which is that has been reported elsewhere. Republicans are already preparing legal challenges all over the place if the Democrats nominate someone other than Biden.

Which that is an issue.

And basically, I mean, technically speaking, the Democrats haven't chosen a candidate yet, and all of the states are in place to expect the candidates to be chosen at the conventions. So that shouldn't be an issue. you. However, they're prepping all kinds of like sympathetic Republican secretaries of state who are receptive to challenges that say, hey, people voted for this guy in the primary, but that's not who you're putting up. So that's not right there. And you've got judges all through the system that are now potentially receptive. So you just don't know what's going to happen in those challenges. is at the very least there's going to be mischief made like at the very even if they fail you know there's gonna.

Sam you know what can you imagine if all this fucking energy that is spent in this circular firing squad had spent in battling trump.

Yeah what.

That what the results would.

Be huge because i'm sorry ridiculous and not not just a missed opportunity a missed opportunity where where instead of doing something helpful, you are harming the cause. And again, the only way I can mentally justify it is that if they have private knowledge that Joe Biden is much worse off than anything we have seen in public so far. That's the only possible justification that I could see for this. Because otherwise, even if, like in any scenario, whether you end up keeping Joe Biden, whether you replace him with Kamala Harris, or whether you replace him with someone else, the process of doing this change has hurt the cause.

Now, here's one thing I will say that has hurt like right now. Look, this is, we're in July.


Okay? It's not November, all right? It's not October. It's not September. It's not like anything that has happened right now is irreparable.

No, but that is absolutely true. Although lots of people have pointed out, by the way, early vote ballots start going out in mid-September. So it's not as far away as we think.

But now, well, yeah, but that's still, the ballots that go out that early is a very tiny I know.

I know. But they build dramatically starting in September, and it's not like the old days where like 90% of the vote is on election day. There's a lot of early ballots.

Well, not a lot of September voting.


Not a lot of September voting. But what I'm saying is we're still in fucking July. It's not it's July 19th still as you know, July 20th UTC as we're recording this. It's not exactly like we're still, you know, in a place where all of this is irreparable. But it's just silly. Right now, at this point, it's silly. These guys, if they really wanted to have replaced Biden, I'm sorry, but the moment was you wanted to mount a primary challenge. Nobody went to mount a primary challenge. OK, and to be clear.

The entire party apparatus discouraged it. That one that one congressman did run in the primaries, did miserably. But like what they did miserably. But at that point.

If there was but but but but any of the I'm talking about any of these fucking senior clowns.

No, I know. At that point, a year ago, they were all against it. They were all...

Exactly. Exactly. So don't give me this shit. That was the fucking moment for this horse shit.

Well, of course, they would say we have new information now. Joe Biden has deteriorated since then, et cetera, et cetera.

Bullshit. That's not even what the fuck they're arguing. Let's be clear about this. None of these people are arguing now. They're just saying, hey, Joe, look at the polls you're going to lose. We need to replace you. That's what they're saying.

Well, and even there, it seems...

Without any viable plan.

Without a viable plan, without just jumping on and saying, okay, we want Kamala. And honestly, and going back to your description of it as a political shiv job, it honestly, a good deal of this looks like people positioning themselves for the future who don't want the, Don't want a future where Kamala is the heir apparent. Whether it's now or in 2028.

Because think about it. Well, because think about it. For these guys, say it's Kamala, and maybe she wins re-election. You know what the fuck that means? That means that all of a sudden you're throwing a window out. You know, these fuckers are thinking eight years from now then. You're talking about a window of 20, Jesus Christ, what the fuck? 2032?

12 years, yeah. Yeah. Like because you would have potentially the rest of Biden's second term.

Then two terms of exactly 12 years. Yeah.

And so, yeah, they're and they're thinking like, hey, I'm complete speculation here, but it's just, you know, they're looking at, hey, if we get both of these two guys out of the way, then one of us can be president sooner. her right and whether and whether it's just.

As fucking craven.

Whether and one of them fucking whether it's one of them being the candidate now or whether it's one of them being the candidate in 2028 and.

I'm like pelosi's behavior and all this i i'm just like what is i said and i'm gonna tell you right now she's still better because look she didn't really leave she got pushed out.

It was.

A nice push out but she got pushed out.

Well at the same time like what's her what's his name uh jeffries is like her protege she works with him all the time like she's been mentoring him so i don't think i mean maybe she's a little upset by that but at the same time also by the way this whole exercise has shown that she retains a massive amount of power anyway oh.

Fuck yeah for sure.

But yeah, like this, I'm so I again, I just have been so angry this whole week about this, how this has all been playing out.

You know, I will say this, that these people need to fucking get together in a fucking meeting and fucking just enough of this shit. Hash it out, get it over with, come out unified and end this, which I thought was going to last time they had a meeting.

Well, except, yeah, except the way it's happening apparently is like all of these congressional leaders have determined that they will not accept I am staying as an answer from Joe Biden. And so they're going to continue this.

And Joe Biden has gone, and Joe Biden, I understand why, pissed off and said, listen, you all go fuck yourselves. themselves.

Now, again, there are reports that he may be dropping out as early as this weekend. So it's, it's very possible that by the time I even put out this episode, Joe Biden's out, you know.

He, I, I, I, I hear it. And I I'm like.

Cause the reports are he's softening, he's considering it. It's now not a question of if, but a question of when and how. And so they're negotiating the timing of him dropping out and what the process will be to pick the replacement as opposed now here that kind of stuff is going on now according to those here.

Is what listen my scenarios are into this either you circle the wagon so you stay with a guy or you have a plan you have a you have a properly solid plan b whatever the fuck that.

And the plan should not right now let's go have a contentious fight at the convention that leaves everybody pissed off yeah and and look yeah i've heard people argue that no no no a robust, debate at the convention and will leave everybody excited.

Well, look, listen, there is an argument to be made for that. I don't discount that, okay? Look, I went and I shared weeks ago the story about what the hell happened with Truman at the convention.

Last week's show, you talked extensively about the Truman convention.

Yeah, and it was like that. It was a complete shitshow, but yet You know, Truman wound up winning. So, I mean, listen, there is a possibility that that scenario could be a winning scenario. But the reality is that my—and the fact that we don't have any real history with this, I don't see how the hell this—I'm having trouble seeing it that way. I really think that it becomes a very corrosive event.

Yes, I agree. I feel like we've got... What's that noise?

Now, it could draw a lot more attention, but at the same time, look, reality TV being what it is, what the hell? You know, we talked about how nobody pays attention to the convention.

Oh, hell, people would pay attention if that was going on.

Listen, I haven't watched a convention, any of these fucking conventions in years. Look, if we're going to an open convention, I've got this thing on wall to wall.

We've dreamed of this scenario for every four years We've talked about maybe this year we'll have a broker convention.

The broker convention. So we've talked about it. So, I mean, I mean.

OK, I mean, there's no question it would be exciting television. But here's the I mean.

And there is no question that the audience paying attention would be I mean, would be enormous. So, okay. I mean, but man, man, man. I mean, it feels like way riskier than any of the other candidates.

And I think everybody is underestimating that risk. I mean, if you have a technically open convention, but Kamala Harris is the only real candidate and everybody consolidates around her almost immediately, okay, that's one scenario. But if you really have a contentious process where you've got like five or six candidates and multiple ballots and people arguing and people getting really passionate about their candidates, you're just going to end the process with a lot of bruised feelings and unhappy people, especially, and I've heard this over and over again from people in the Congressional Black Caucus and from, you know, you know, the, the, the black community and black women in particular, that if you fuck over Kamala Harris.

Oh man, oh man.

There are so many people who will be so pissed off in a critical, absolutely critical Democrat demographic group for the Democrats. Absolutely. You know, You cannot, if you go through this process and fuck over Kamala Harris, you are screwing over the whole election cycle. Is it possible you would still win? Maybe. But you are definitely hurting things. And people will not forget.

Oh, God, no. Hell no.

No, like, even if you end up pulling out a win, blah, blah, blah. People will not forget that you screwed her over.

No, no.

And it's not like, look, let's be real here too. Like the vice president is always in the running for the presidency after the end of their president's term, but they're not automatic. You don't assume that they will always be the candidate.

But not always, but usually, you know, So, like, I mean, Reagan wound up with, you know, with Bush, H.W. Bush, Clinton wound up Gore, President Quayle. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and uh that would have been hilarious yes um who was uh oh oh no darth vader didn't run no cheney.

Did not run but you know.

But but of course he's running on a fucking i mean he was look he was i mean he was literally darth vader so yeah if.

Joe biden two years ago had said i'm not running there would have been an open process and kamala would not have automatically gotten that.

She might have gotten it. She might have won that process. But at that point, you would have expected a whole bunch of people to throw their hats into the ring and a competitive process and primary debates and then the whole primary process and blah, blah, blah. You would have expected all that and she may or may not have won that process. But at this point, if Joe Biden leaves, it's got to be her. It's got to be her. Yeah. And, and, you know, there's some question about like, they're trying to push, you know, Joe Biden to get out, but not to endorse her. They're trying to push Joe Biden to get out, but to have this open process at the convention where everybody can do things. And even those people sort of admit, well, Kamala Harris would be the front runner, but they don't want to just come out right out and say, Hey, we want Kamala, you know? And I am immediately suspicious of any of these jackasses who are pushing for Joe Biden to get out. If they don't include in the same damn breath, and we've got Kamala, then I question their motives right off the top. And also someone posted a little graphic of all of the Congress people who had come out asking for Joe Biden to leave as of like a day ago. So there've been more since then, but almost all of them were white men.

You know, there were a few that weren't. And the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus to come out to say Joe should leave came out today in the last 24 hours. But like, but for the most part, you know, no, it's the, the, I don't, anyway, it just pisses me off. Now, at this point, just to be clear, if all the rumors are true and Joe Biden is coming into the acceptance phase and now they're just trying to figure out when and how for him to drop out, I am ready to get excited about Kamala Harris. I think she's got.

Oh, yeah. I mean, I got I, you know, yes. Yes.

She's got a lot of good things for her. And especially in the last few weeks, she has really been putting on a good performance. And for the last year, she's been putting on a good performance. There are lots of people who talked about like, oh, how bad she did a job in the vice presidency. And she didn't take care of that immigration scenario she was put in charge of and blah, blah, blah. She has been doing a damn good job for a vice president. And once we've been in campaign mode for the last few months, she's been an exceptional advocate. She's been giving really rousing speeches to people. She has been pushing the abortion argument. She's been the designated person in the campaign to really hammer home the abortion stuff, and she's been doing a good job at that. I am ready to get excited about Kamala Harris if we do a switch.

I'm going to tell you what. Whatever the fuck happens, it needs to be decided this fucking week.

It needed to be decided. I mean, it needed to be decided already. ready. And like, frankly, one of the things that pisses me off is it was decided. Joe Biden came out there. He issued a letter. He issued multiple statements saying, no, I recognize your concern, but I'm in, I've got this. The decision was made. All of the, every single thing. Okay.

Let me, let me be clear. Okay. Let me be clear. Not maybe the decision made, but that these jokers had to accept the decision.

It wasn't the decision they wanted. It wasn't a decision they were willing to accept. The only decision they were willing to accept from Joe Biden is, I'm out. And that's part of what pissed me off is that, yeah, okay, we've got a limited time to make the decision. Sorry, the decision was already made by the person who needs to make the decision. So like, you may not agree with that decision, but that's the decision.

But it is what it is.

And everything that's been done since that moment that Joe Biden, after the debate, put out a statement saying, I understand your concern, but I'm staying. saying, everything since then has been hurting the chances of the Democrats actually catching up and winning in this election. And that pisses me off no end. And like you said, they seem to still not be taking no for an answer. And at this point, I'm not sure if they will accept anything else up until the very moment that the delegates vote, which, oh, by the way, like I'd mentioned on last week's show that they were going to start the virtual balloting on the the 21st. That has now been delayed probably till like around August 6th, if it happens at all. And that's because Schumer and Jeffries both advocated for it to be delayed because they don't want the vote locked in because once it's locked in, it becomes much harder. Like the process of Joe dropping out after he's officially the nominee. I mean, it's already hard. It becomes even harder after that, you know, and more legal implications and more that has to be done and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so like the fact that this is stretched out three weeks and they won't drop it. And again, I, the, if, if they have private knowledge that is not public, that Joe's condition is much worse than anything we've seen publicly.

Okay. I can understand. But then that needs to come out.

But then they need to make that public. Yeah.





That needs to come out. Like if you're going to do this and I recognize you may not want to like, you feel like that's publicly stabbing him in the back, but so is everything else you've been fucking.

Oh, Jesus Christ. I've been stabbed in the back with everything the fuck else. Yeah. Give me a fucking break.

Because at least if you, if that kind of information was public and look, there were a few news stories with anonymous sources that did in fact say exactly what I just said, that it is worse privately and that lots of people have confirmed that Joe is more like what he saw in the debate than what we've seen everywhere else. But there are these anonymous background sources without- Exactly.

None of those were with anybody going on the record saying any of this shit. And most of the stuff that they were saying were saying that he was worse was this kind of shit that was like the generic stuff. Well, you know, he sounded bad. Well, he didn't talk a lot at this meeting. I mean, it was all just shit stories. It wasn't, you know, no, it was just a lot of.

And again, and no one cares.

It was just a lot of shit.

No one cares, but every single one of these things, Donald Trump is just as bad or worse, you know?

Oh, God, he's worse.

He's worse. He didn't look quite as weak at that one debate where Joe Biden was sick.

But other than that, I mean, that fucking speech last night, everybody was saying, oh, my God, what the fuck? Yeah.

Now, again, though, you're absolutely right that this every day the shit goes on is harmful. And I recognize all these congressional Democrats don't want to accept Joe Biden's answer. But every day they're pushing it is hurting the situation. And and again, they don't have an alternative lined up. They can't articulate a plan that is definitively any better. Like, yeah, we can flip to Kamala Harris, but I can't say with any level of confidence that we'd be in a better spot after that.

And I mean, listen, I will tell you this right now. If you told me that the polling showed Kamala was up across the board, like she was kicking it, she was kicking Biden's ass.

Trump's ass.

I mean, she was kicking Trump's ass.

You did it too. You did it too.

Fuck, Jesus Christ.

We all need to be wheeled off into the old people's home.

Oh, fuck me. Yeah. You know, if she was kicking ass, okay, if she was like 10 points ahead of where Biden is, okay, that I would be, look, I will say flat out, I would be like.

Fuck. That's where like, you know what? Like, I've seen people argue that like, we're not a cult of personality like Republicans. We shouldn't be like all about loyalty. and I'm not all about loyalty. If you had the situation that you just outlined where it was absolutely clear that Kamala Harris or even somebody else would actually do much better.

By the way, okay, well, there's only one that's polled that we know is the possibly better, but she's not going to fucking run for president.

Michelle Obama.

It's Michelle Obama. Now, if you told me that Michelle is coming in and going to take over, And I know what the polling data says that I'd be like, shit. Okay, look, we have to do this.

I would also argue that even if like, let's say Michelle Obama did agree to that and was in, I think as soon as she transitions from being a theoretical person to an actual polling.

That poll that. Yeah. Yes. Yes. That narrows a whole because all of a sudden she.

Will get attacked. All of a sudden she will have actual positions.

Yes all of a sudden people will.

Be looking at her actual experience not just hey the charismatic wife of a popular ex-president and.

Well look let's let's hey hey let's not be paid but you know she is a fucking harvard graduated oh.

She she administered a hospital system.

Whatever i forget exactly i mean she is she is a very capable woman okay like i'm not saying exactly you know she's not she's not she's got a i will denigrate she's got a she's not melania okay She wasn't just some fucking model on airplanes. No.


All right.

She's very capable, but of the traditional things, she hasn't been a senator. She hasn't been a governor, whatever, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course, neither was Donald fucking Trump.

Neither was, exactly. She's a bazillion times smarter and more capable than that bastard will ever be. That's for sure.

Right. So anyway, I guess we should wrap it up. We are once again, like- Yes, we need to wrap up. Long. We need to wrap up. Like any efforts to keep the show short fail utterly. We need to bring back the fucking bell and the timer and all that crap that we had a couple of years ago.

My cleaning lady hit my bells. Here's a bell. Where are my fucking bells? I don't. Here's another bell. Where the fuck are my bells? Multiple bells. Oh, there, there, there, there. I got a bell. I got a bell. Here we go. Bell.

Okay. So having said all that. Okay.

All right. You want my concluding remarks?

Oh, concluding remarks. I was just going to say like, hopefully by the time we get to the next show, we have either the congressional people capitulating and we're on with Biden or Biden drops out and we're not still talking about the drama. Okay. Go ahead. Your last thoughts.

My concluding remarks fuck all these people I'm so sick and tired of them they can all go fuck themselves let's just gather around Biden and go fucking beat this asshole.

Yes okay with that the stuff at the end of the show go to, wait yes Alex quick quick quick we're trying to wrap it up quick, is like a few seconds. Okay, I'm going to hit play on the thing that Alex has queued up.

Okay, that's it? Okay.

Okay, yeah, very exciting.

That was a clip from Blapature episode 20, which was episode 110 on

Okay. Very not exciting.

So I don't know exactly what was happening there. I'll make sure the...

You were trying to say bye.

Oh, yeah. Anyway, go to There you will find the archives of our show, including transcripts on more recent shows you will find all the ways to contact us facebook mastodon email you will find what else will you find yvonne our patreon uh links a patreon yeah you can give us money at various levels we will mention you on the show we will ring those bells for you we will send you a postcard we will send you a mug all that very importantly at two dollars a month or more, we will, what will we do Yvonne? Oh, we will invite you to our Commodions Corner Slack where throughout the week, Yvonne and I and various listeners are sharing links and chatting about the news and chatting about other things and sharing Wordle scores, everything. It's a lot of fun. You should join us if you're not there already. So Yvonne, what was one thing from the Commodions Corner Slack this week that we have not talked about on the show?

Fuck, I was just about to talk about something and i realized that i can't talk about this i'm sorry i i have to very on the fly change something else pick something up yeah yeah confidential information no confidential information no no if you want to know the confidential things.

Apparently you should join the curmudgeon.

You have to go on to slack, Well, the one thing I shared, there's a New Yorker cartoon showing J.D. Vance that I shared and the caption read, and again, sir, I'm so sorry that I called you America's Hitler and so relieved that you took it as a compliment.


I'm sorry I had to switch on the fly. I was going to say something else.

Say something you shouldn't say.

Yeah, there is another thing that we shared is that there are these new Trump sneakers that are released that have a apparently picture of Trump bloody with a U.S. flag with him saying fight, fight, fight on the side of it. Look, look, they look amazing, of course. Yeah, I think I also shared that there was a trading card almost issued immediately. It's amazing. You know, there were so many grifts that came right after the shooting attempt like that. It was like, I mean, within 24, 48 hours, they had merch. Okay. That was like, just, you know, of the shooting. It's just incredible how these guys just are monetizing everything. You know, it's not like the Democrat, you know, if we were that creative as Democrats, we would have an image and we were to try to monetize a biden's bad debate performance somehow i don't know what we could do with it but some kind of like a voice generator like yeah ask me like like you you two can sound.

Like a confused.

Old man and we yeah i mean it's obviously easy for both.

Of us but i.

Mean we do it that way we do it very well every apparently every week exactly Okay, so that's it. That's all I got.

Okay, so I have one more thing to mention. It is my intention that when I edit this show, before I put it out, I will do some things a little bit differently than I have in other recent episodes. I'm just changing some stuff around to see how it goes. So I would like to know from anybody who's made it this far in the show. No, please tell, tell if you're on the Slack, tell us on the Slack. If you're not go to the website and contact me in one of those ways and tell us, tell me first, did you even notice any difference at all? And yes or no. And then if, if yes, do you like it better or worse than before? And the answer may well be, no, you may, you don't even notice a difference, but if you do notice a difference, tell me if you like it or not. and we'll we'll see i i just i want to try something different with the with the editing process and want to get feedback and depending on that feedback i'll either do it again or i won't so and i won't say what those changes are because i don't want to bias anybody towards you know what i will or will not do but.

But let me know. Okay. Well, with that, we're done. Thank you everybody for joining us as usual.

Stay safe. Have a good, good, good, good. Have a good week and we'll plan to be here again next week. Oh, and I should mention, we tested it last week for the first time and we did it again this week. And I I'm willing, I'm going to keep doing it for a little while just to see, but if you i am we've been live streaming while we're recording and so if you're interested in that at all you can go to us on youtube just i mean you can go to youtube and search on curmudgeons corner but we're not the only curmudgeons corner on youtube they're at least we're they're at least three curmudgeons corners on youtube we're the one that's curmudgeon hyphen corner but if you if If you want to go to us directly, it's slash at curmudgeons hyphen corner. Because if you leave out the at sign, it goes to one of the other curmudgeons corners. It's just, it's stupid and weird. It goes to a curmudgeons corner without the hyphen, but whatever. Anyway, you can check it out on YouTube for video versions of the podcast unedited after we're live streaming. If you want to catch us while we're actually live, I am posting that we've gone live when When we go live on Mastodon on the curmudgeons corner Mastodon account. So if you don't follow that, you can follow it and start finding that out or just guess we're usually around Friday evening around two UTC.

But it, it varies week to week. Anyway, have a great week, have fun, but not too much fun. And we'll see what happens next week. I expect it's going to be another crazy week full of news. I think we're, we're in for a roller coaster, roller coaster, roller coaster ride from now until november or hell probably till january so january yeah okay bye everybody here comes the outro say goodbye yvonne bye you know you're supposed to you know the routine from you know way back and when was it with the 20s you're.

Like really just dragging.

This thing out.

I've never had you drag out an ending for like any longer. Does your God say goodbye?

You're supposed to say goodbye, Yvonne, because that's part of the, you know, what was it, Gracie? What was the guy with Gracie? The old guy?

The guy, the guy who played God.

The, who is, you know, George, George, George and Gracie, like their radio show back before television, George Burns and his wife, Gracie, she he'd say, say goodbye, Gracie. And she'd say goodbye, Gracie. And that's how they ended their shows. Don't you remember?

Can we add this fucking thing?

Weren't you around in the golden days of radio?

Jesus Christ. Christ, I mean, you know, George Burns on the radio. What is this like? It's before I was born.

It was probably before our parents were born. I don't know. But like, it was a long time ago. It's like the 30s or something. Maybe the 40s. I don't know. Anyway, I don't know. Look it up. Go to Wikipedia. I'm not going to. Look up when George Burns and Gracie Allen had their show on the radio. Anyway, here's the outro. Have fun. Bye.


Bye-bye. Okay. Okay, now I'm hitting stop.

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