This week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan discuss the Republican Presidential contenders and the Debt Ceiling situation as the 'newsie' topics. But that's not all! Ivan discusses his son's 5th grade graduation and Britney Griner's return to the WNBA. Meanwhile Sam reviews an old kid's movie, and talks about returning to the office.
- (0:00:00-0:06:57) Cold Open
- (0:07:18-0:42:21) Washington
- Manu's Graduation
- Movie: The Great Discovery (2008)
- (0:45:48-1:28:16) Adams
- Republican Presidential Race
- Debt Ceiling Situation
- (1:29:21-2:08:08) Jefferson
- Britney Griner Return to WNBA
- Sam Return to Office