This week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan again spend most of the show talking about Ukraine and everything surrounding that, from the current situation on the ground, to various Russian miscalculations, to the dangers of escalation, to the racist reactions to this conflict vs other recent conflicts elsewhere. But first, Sam apologizes for something from last week because of his experiences since then, and Ivan talks about aging and how that seems different now than 30 or 40 years ago.
- (0:00:01-0:01:24) Cold Open
- (0:01:45-0:32:56) But First
- Sam: Sick Kid
- Ivan: Aging
- (0:33:08-1:53:16) Ukraine
- WotD Delay
- Situation On The Ground
- Russian Weaknesses
- Avoiding Escalation
- Information War
- Putin's Miscalculations
- Racist Reactions