This week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan try to keep it short, but still go over 90 minutes. With no big huge central stories this week, it is an all lightning round show. Topics include Trump's master plan, Flynn cooperating with Mueller, the Uber data breach, Plume Wifi, the Allison Mack sex cult, Star Trek and Star Wars, Trump being stupid again, initial iPhone X impressions, and much more. Those were only about half of the topics, so tune in to hear everything else they talked about too!
- (0:00:30-0:07:45) But First
- Slow News Week?
- Agenda
- Feedback
- Ivan travel
- (0:08:54-0:38:29) Lightning Round #1
- Ivan: Trump Fed Chair appointment
- Sam: Trump judicial appointments
- Ivan: Uber data breach and payoff
- Sam: Movie: The Princess Bride (1987)
- Ivan: Star Trek and Star Wars movies and TV
- Sam: Allison Mack sex cult
- Ivan: Nude Barton pics
- (0:40:12-1:31:38) Lightning Round #2
- Sam: Rogue Twitter employee
- Ivan: iPhone X impressions
- Sam: Plume WiFi
- Ivan: Flynn Cooperating
- Sam: Stupid Trump Family
- Ivan: Trump master plan
- Sam: AT&T / Time Warner merger
- Ivan: Stupid Trump