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Ep 888[Ep 889] Poli-Tickle [2:13:00]
Recorded: Sat, 2024-Jun-22 UTC
Published: Mon, 2024-Jun-24 04:42 UTC
Ep 890
On this week's Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Ivan spend more time than usual on TV and Movies, plus for once a bunch of time on music too. But do not fear, they cover their more typical content too, with a segment on economic issues, and then one on US politics. So all your usual curmudgeonly goodness!
  • 0:01:13 - But First
    • Current Songs
    • Movie: The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)
    • Movie: Wrong is Right (1982)
    • More Current Songs
    • TV: House of Cards (UK Version) (1990-1995)
    • TV: House of Cards (US Version) (2013-2018)
  • 0:49:46 - Economy
    • New Tech Bubble?
    • AI Landrush
    • Bidenomics
  • 1:25:25 - Politics
    • Election Graphs Update
    • Trump Veepstakes
    • Flipped Democrats
    • Where's W?
    • Upcoming Debate

Automated Transcript

Hello greetings greetings salutations you've got like a got like an extra echo going on today oh well just because the microphone is like 10 miles from you yeah.

That would be that that could be the reason why you know that that that may be happening yes since i have the microphone phone completely away from me yes.

Yes okay very good okay uh we got that straight let me just finish checking one thing oh so should we start with our usual just go okay here comes wait wait wait i have to hit this button almost forgot to hit the button here we go, Welcome to Curmudgeon's Corner for Saturday, June 22nd. 2024. It's just after 2.30 UTC as we're starting to record. I'm Sam Mentorini. Yvonne Bo is with us again. Hello, Yvonne!




Hello. Anyway, we're going to do our usual. We'll do it, but first with each of us doing something non-newsy. And then as we've been doing lately, we will have a news-related segment that will be all Yvonne's choices. And then after that, we will have a news-related segment that will be my choices.


That's the plan.


That's the plan.


That's what we've been doing lately. lately is it we used to do yeah we've been doing that for at least like a couple months now before that each of the two segments was like one you and one me okay but recently we haven't been able to stop talking enough to fit two subjects into one segment so it's been like but we could still do multiple subjects within a segment but then they could all be you and then all be me or you know, whatever I did notice.

And I, I don't know if you noticed, but I did notice this earlier today that even though we had been sharing stuff into Slack.

There was absolutely nothing in our subject list.


Yeah. I know. I noticed earlier today I was, I literally here's, here's the course of events as it went. I was at work and like, I was supposed to be thinking about work and I mostly was, but this thought came into my head, you know, I don't think there's anything anything on our potential subjects list for this week at all yet yeah.

We had put anything great.

And i'm like i should i should go and add a couple things and say something about that and then i literally opened up slack went to the thing and one minute earlier you had dumped in four topics right and then you added a few more and i added a few more so yeah we've we've got a few at this point we could alternate the whole show you me you me you me you me you me you say you say me.

Say it together.

Naturally that's.

It yes shit you know the song, Holy shit.

I do know the song. I noticed I did not attempt to sing it, but yes.


And anyway, I, I may. Yeah, I do know some songs. I do. I know more songs. I've let's put it this way. I am more likely if you mention a song to have heard the song than if you mention a movie to have watched the movie.

Interesting. I'll tell you one thing today. say that because look.

A movie is like a two-hour commitment a song is like a two-minute commitment you know i could deal with that maybe three.

No yeah yeah no i sure sure and i and you know one of the things that used to happen like a lot before i don't see this happening as much is that you went to a lot of places and they were playing music there there there seems to be less places that just play music, you know, you.

Mean like background music when you're in a store, that kind of thing?

Like, well, well, I guess one thing is like.

Cause I, I hear background music when I'm out.

But not like the top 40, you know, it's seems like more.

It's like, well, have you looked at the actual top 40 lately? Like there's a lot of swearing and stuff.

I don't even know what they are. Well, that's my point. so they don't play that anymore i.

Don't know the billboard one is.

There i i don't even i i look look here.

But but on uh here you go here you go in apple's music app okay if you go to the browse menu and scroll down uh-huh uh-huh you have to scroll down a little bit then they have the top hundred global top hundred usa and then pick your country you can see the top hundred songs, are updated daily and this is by apple music stream let.

Me see it's now the billboard top 100 well let's see so to be more broad is that it's just apple i don't know since that's not i mean it is a big app but it's not all encompassing.

Well of course spotify has similar right right right spotify is something they're all big enough that they're probably going to be pretty similar i like apple they get they have the global list too where billboards us but yeah Yeah, go ahead. They've got UK charts and stuff too, but go ahead.

I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. I will say, holy shit, I don't recognize any of these songs. I mean, let's see. Number one on the Billboard Hot 100, I Had Some Help. Do you know what the artist is for that one?

Well, because I'm looking at it. It's by Post Malone. It's number three on...

Well, it's cheating.

It's on the Apple... It's number three on the Apple Global list today.

Okay, let's see. And then there was an artist called Sabrina Carpenter I never heard of that has a number two and number three.

I've heard of her. Please, please, please. Probably shit.


And espresso. Okay.

Yeah. That's the number two. Yeah.

I, I, again, I am looking at the list.

Okay. I heard a Kendrick Lamar and I've heard of Eminem. Okay. Who's on here? Well, I think the one thing, well, here, here's one thing. Yes. In the past. I, and this was something that a lot of people did listen to. I mean, this had a broad audience. You had America's top four.


You know, Casey case of that show. You know, I mean, even if you were, you know, music disinterested, it's one of those things that would be playing everywhere because it was on the radio. You were in the car. We didn't have, you know, most people listen to whatever the hell was on the radio. So we all heard that. So you've heard more songs and apparently you remember them.

Well, yeah, I remember a lot of songs. I mean, like, well, the one that's been shooting up the charts lately and I know because of Like it's all over TikTok. Do you know a bar song by Shabuzy?

No, no.

See, you are so out of it. That's been like hot for at least a week now. Maybe two.

I, I, I realized that the other day as I pulled the list of my top, like 50 songs that whatever the hell I listened to, nobody else listens to. And these are not, and these are new.

Well, a bar song by Shabuzy. Here's the thing. It is country rap.

Whatever the hell that means.

So yeah, listen to it. It's a good song. It's a good song. anyway like i've added it to my apple music library but no but my point was and the reason i like the apple list i don't know the list you're doing may have this too but apple has the little e next to ones that are explicit so like right now on the global 100 list if i look at the top 10, seven of the top 10 have the e for explicit lyrics and so like and they're just lots of like number And the top five, all of them, all of the top five. And so you are talking about things you hear when you're like out in stores or whatever, like most of them aren't going to go with the explicit lyrics.

Right. You're not. Exactly. Well, it's like the complaint I just saw.

You know, now most like a large number of people at this point are no longer offended by explicit lyrics. That's why they're in the top 10 here. but like if you're running a grocery store you're not gonna have the one where the guy's just screaming swear words all the time.

You don't want somebody going saying we're gonna fuck that bitch, you're like all of a sudden at the store you're like what yeah it's like because songs will say that kind of stuff i'm like you know so yeah so it's like not exactly what you want in the store And so it brings me, you know, I guess to talk about my, whatchamacallit thing.

Your actual choice of topic for today?

Yeah, yeah. You know, Donald Sutherland died. Okay.

Okay, yeah.

And so it brought, you know, listen, even though it was such a small, small bit part, okay, in that movie. The movie that I remember him most for, or most fondly for, is Kentucky Fried Movie.

See, never seen it. I know a bar song by Shabuzy, but I don't even know if I've even heard of a Kentucky Fried Movie. I mean, I think I have. I couldn't tell you anything about it that wasn't speculation. I assume from the title it's a comedy, and it's a parody of some sort.

It's a it's it's a comedy it's a comedy and they parody quite a lot of things you know it's just it's it's a it's a comedy from the 70s of course and it parodies quite a lot of things.

And one of the things about the movie is that it did have quite a lot of explicit stuff okay all right i mean there was there was there was a whole thing i mean for example there was there was this whole thing uh they had this they did these movie promos okay all right and they were parodying movies from the time okay okay one of them one of them was there was this movie called armageddon which in the 70s you had all these disaster movies for some reason yep i don't know what that like towering inferno and earthquake and the airplane series you know which i mean you You know, I mean, not the airplane, airport, because airplane made fun of airport movies. OK, and so you had all of these. So they were parodying a lot of this stuff. I can't remember what movie they were parodying, but there was one that was Catholic high school church girls in trouble. OK, and there was some explicit sex in that at that scene. And so one of the things is that the movie is available supposedly for free in YouTube, but I noticed that the the the one available on YouTube.

Is a heavily edited version. Okay. All right. Yeah. You know, which, because I, if I remember that they did do a cut of that movie, heavily edited, that took out a lot of the explicit stuff. Okay. Okay.


But the reality is, I mean, it made it not be very funny once you took all account, all of that.

Yeah, I can imagine.

Imagine so so yeah i i get the whole thing with like a store whatever it did people and there were a lot of people on youtube oh this is youtube censorship and i'm like you morons this was actually there was a a cut from the damn studio because you know look you're a studio and you want to sell this right and yeah and you know you you put it out theaters and stuff but you also want to try to put it on television somewhere well you know you need a you need one that's a clean version just like the songs or whatever so you know they made one that was a a clean version and i'm sure that was like a lot cheaper than the other one because i i believe that i couldn't find it and it were online and i bought a dvd of it which i have here which is weird and i i i have I have some DVDs of some obscure movies like that, that for whatever the hell reason, I liked, and they were tough to get. That one, yeah, it's on, but it's, you know, they have that clean editor. I haven't looked for a different version, but that movie, some friends of mine from high school, we thought it was hilarious. So we always... Had fun with with the clips from that movie, and there was just this dumb clip in it where they got some big time actors in the movie, for example. Now, I mean, they got like Bill Bixby was in the movie, which back then Bill Bixby was big from being in The Incredible Hulk.

Right, right.

Donald Sutherland was in the movie. But the thing is, Donald Sutherland was in the movie for, I mean, not even a minute. it okay and that's the thing so donald sutherland was in the movie they were doing this this this bit of calling it that's our the movie that's armageddon which they were making fun of all the disaster movies and in it for whatever reason donald sutherland is the clumsy waiter and he comes out without with a cake for birthday and he falls and smashes his face into the cake and for whatever reason that's in the promo for the movie and so all they say is donald Old Sutherland as the clumsy waiter. He comes out, just falls straight into a cake. That's about as cheap a comedy as you can get. It's just, hey, let me just throw a pie in the guy's face, which, you know, we're a cake in this case.


And so I don't know why that to me was all, it was just so absurd that he took his time to go and participate in a movie simply for that little bit, that I just always found it amusing. And so he passed away this week. And so I was reminded of that damn movie, you know, which is.

Which unfortunately is now going to be on my list.

Ah, good, good, good, good.

Because it's been mentioned on this show. So it has to be. That's a rule.

You know, we've had a whole bunch of like, I mean, I, you know, the other movie that I wound up getting that I couldn't find anywhere is this movie, the Sean Connery movie called Wrong is Right.

Okay. I also have not heard of that.

I think I may have mentioned this movie. The movie actually, It is a, is a, is they are making a prelude of the future of elections and the news, which I will tell you back then it seemed completely absurd. And now it's like, it's the same thing as when we were watching house of cards at the absurdity. And all of a sudden we're like, fuck, you know, we're beating fucking.

Which of course, as I previewed last week will be my topic when Yvonne is done here.

So yeah so so we've got i mean wrong is right it's he is a a tv reporter and i don't know we've got a terrorist plot with two atom bombs but the one thing is how they make fun of how the news is entertained okay and and that in the future that's how news is going to be and how the political candidates you know handle stuff it was i found it i i thought it's interesting this movie did not perform well at the box office and i i believe it has a pretty bad review but but yeah but but i i for some reason liked it and got it and so if it's not on your list then you can add wrong is right okay i.

Want to do one more exercise returning to music for a second before we.

Yeah yeah so so.

That we're looking at the same list actually open up your music app and go to that global top 100 list that i described how to get to.

All right let me let me go let me go okay hold on itunes there here we go okay we see the top songs go.

To browse and then scroll down to global top 100.

I'll go to browse and then go to.

You have to go down a little daily top 100 city charts.

Daily top 100.

Oh, there it is.

Top 100 global.

Yeah. That one.

Here we go.

Okay. Yeah. I just want you to do this and then I will go through the same exercise of the top 25 on this list. How many do you recognize.

The artists or the song?

The song?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I'm of the top 10. I'm over 10.

Okay. Go to 25. See if you get any.

All right. See? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. I'm over 25. Fuck. I'm over 25.

Okay. Okay, so I've got like, depending how you count, like five or six.


Okay, so let me go like number four, we already mentioned A Bar Song by Shabuzy. I have that. I have it in my iTunes library. Okay.


Next one that comes up for me is number 10, Houdini, the new Eminem song. I have that. I have it in my library. I know what it is.

Okay, I'm going down this list to see. I'm going through the whole top 100 to see if I know any of the.

Top number 13, beautiful things by Benson Boone. I, the first ones I mentioned, I could like, you got one in the top 100 beautiful things. I don't actually remember it off the top of my head, but I see that I have added it to my iTunes library. So I must've heard it at least once and liked it. I recognize fortnight by Taylor Swift. I have heard, recognize, and have added to my library Lunch by Billie Eilish. The next one up, I think I would recognize if I heard it, Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift, but I have not added it to my library. Last Night by Morgan Wallen. I have added to my library. I don't remember.

How many are you up to now?

You're supposed to be counting for me. I don't know.

I don't know.

That's the last one. Okay, let me do that again.

That's a lot.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. I recognize seven and five of them were actually in my iTunes library.

Wow. Okay. So that's out of the top 100?

Out of the top 25.

A top 25. You're at a top 25, seven. Okay. So look, I just went through the top 100. I recognize one. And the only reason I recognize this is because it became...

Okay, which one is it?

It is number 57, which is Fast Car by Luke Combs.

Right, right. I've got that in my library.

But the only reason I know this was because of this whole thing that happened with...

With Tracy Chapman.

With Tracy Chapman. That's it. If that hadn't happened...

Because, of course, it was a remake.

It was her song. It's a remake.

It was a cover of a Tracy Chapman song, and they performed it together at the Grammys or something.

Right. And that's the only reason I know that song, because if it wasn't for that, that it made the news, I would have been 0 for 100. I mean, completely. Holy shit.

One of my cousins was housemates with Tracy Chapman in college.

Wow. Cool.

My my three degrees of separation or whatever the hell from or i guess it's two from two sure, yeah so anyway now this actually is relevant to like a discussion that happened under curmudgeon slash slack because i shared a graph of like how most people's musical tastes ebb and flow with age that basically shows that like most people and yvonne was like not me but most people are most fond of the music.

What? Basically, but not me. I pulled out the list. That's what it showed. What the hell you want? Well, you're saying it like I said it without any data. Look, I pulled up the fucking list and that's what the fucking list showed. What do you want me to do?

Anyway, the point was like for most people, the music they remember most fondly and think is the best music comes from roughly, uh, from when they were older children up until the late teens maybe early 20s that's the peak and before that and after that like they basically most people don't like any music from before they were born or from after they were 25 you know basically and like we all like compared our apple music libraries and we're like look i've got lots of things that weren't in those age ages you know but.

Well i i i guess my whole thing is just that i i i just i'm i don't know i for whatever the hell reason whatever is the music that i mostly listen to it doesn't mean that i don't like songs from like the 80s and 90s it's just that it's not what i mostly listen to um right you know and i and i look that most of the stuff that i listen to is a lot newer than that But apparently.

Not top 2024 music.

But it's not top it, but it's not, but it's not top. It's newer, but it's not top 100. Like none of the artists I listened to are popular.


Well, well, I, I, well, I mean, I guess most people don't think they're good. I guess I, I just, I don't know. Let's see. What are the top 25 in Miami? I wonder, you know, I'm looking at regionally if it's like that, that different. I mean, I don't know. Let me see if there's anything I recognize more from like, oh, there's a Bad Bunny song. I don't even. OK, I know. OK, I know the artist. I don't know that song. I don't really listen to Bad Bunny. OK. Let's see. Top 25 songs in Miami. Do I recognize any of them? Let's see. All right, here we go. There's another test. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, for 25 again. Holy fuck.

Good job. You see, see now one of the things I have been doing lately. Well, first of all, most of the newest things I, I, I, I'm on tech talk a bunch until they ban it. and like if a song is trending on tiktok i probably hear it and if i like it i add it to my music library so like the the bar song thing and the the new eminem were both really hot on tiktok over the last few weeks okay so that that's why i know them but like also like of my i i just like just like i have for movies and books i of course have a very regimented system to decide what music to listen to and one of the things i choose randomly from are the the global and u.s top 100 lists here just to force myself to listen to some of the new stuff and every once in a while i hear something i like and i add it although i must admit i don't like most of it but go ahead okay.

So but now here's the one thing i think it has to do also i'm somebody that really likes edm music. And there had been a surge of new EDM music in the last 20 years. And I noticed that I went to the top EDM list and I actually know number one, number two, number... All of a sudden, on that list, I know a whole bunch of them.

Mm-hmm. On the EDM list.

On the EDM list, yes. I realized that, oh yeah, I know that one. Oh yeah, I know that one. Oh yeah, I'm like, all of a sudden, yeah. But those aren't really... popular right yeah i mean there was a there was a burst of like edm being popular like pop songs and some artists becoming whatever like it said years ago and then i'll that i'll you know kind of like uh yeah i mean i i know i'm looking at this list top songs oh i know these people oh i know this i'm looking at this i i'm looking at this oh i know all these so so so so that's that's That's interesting. So I guess it's really has to do with, with I, one of the things that with what's made it easier that we have digital, you know, excess of accessibility to downloads is that basically I've managed to do like, I guess just, just isolate myself from all this other music that I really don't want to hear.

You just get whatever you want. And like with music subscriptions at this point, regardless of like it, it apparently Like it's not good for the artists. Like they just don't get paid all that much for streaming. But from the point of view of, you know, the consumer, you pay a monthly fee and you get access to everything with no ads and whatever. Pretty much.

Well, I heard that it was like, so, you know, somebody was having a discussion recently about that and what I heard. It was pretty interesting. I heard that Apple pays more per song than Spotify does.

For example.

Than spotify but what happens is that i guess a lot more people use spotify so artists get more money from spotify but it's because there's a lot more spotify users right so that's that's that was the one thing that i that i got but per song apple does pay more than spotify okay so that was the one thing that i that i that i noticed uh but you know that it but but i i get it, I mean, I will say that I still buy songs occasionally.

I have not bought a song in at least a decade.

Oh, God, no. Come on. No, I definitely have purchased songs far more recently than that. Let me check.

Well, I don't know. Let me let me let me. I don't know when I don't know. Like, when did Apple Music launch their streaming service? Because that's basically the last day I bought a song. Before that, I was buying both from both from Amazon and from Apple. I bought music and of course before that I bought CDs but like but but.

Okay let's see you know I got out now is something something else to look up but since Apple music actually.

Started the streaming service I I just do that like.

Music service okay let's see it was launched drumroll okay you want to take a guess the.

Last time you bought a song.

No no no no one was When it was launched.

I don't know when Apple Music launched.

I do have the answer.


You're close. 2015.


Very close. Okay. Very close. Let's see. When was the last time I bought a song? That's a great question. Let's see. Where's my purchases? There's something here purchased. I'm sure there's still a place where I can see. Okay. purchased hold on god I can't, that's more complicated than I expected here we go purchased uh huh uh huh here we go songs oh man I.

Found my last purchases but I don't see oh I can can I get the date how can I get the date i can um.

It was in the last couple of weeks yeah it seems here we go let's see it hold on one second don't include copyrighted music come on i i i was not trying to do so but hold on one second i gotta why don't you show me the date, of when i purchased yeah you're showing me most recent yeah yeah i'm.

At the same point you have to go to the song go to go to your songs list make sure you add the date to the headings the date.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um uh when i was looking for made me forget got as we we entertain you all with with our our looking for stuff music as we do something here we go gear release date no beats per minute no album rating no date added there we go, oh purchase date purchase date there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah okay there okay all right so So interesting.

Last thing I purchased was July 31st, 2016.

My, my, my, my, my list doesn't want to sort. Oh, come on. Come on.

Anyway, I found the last song I purchased and just looked up that song. It was July 31st, 2016. And know what? It was a special reason that I purchased that song. It was when I made the Ray Lynch promo for this show.

So what day was that again?

July 31st, 2016.


And I did that because, like, We were talking to Ray Lynch's wife about getting official permission to use his songs at the beginning and end of the show. And she said, fine, just include a promo and credit and whatever. And so I made that promo that's still in rotation here. I promised to have it in our rotation of promos as long as we're using the songs. And in order to build that promo.

You have to get the song.

I bought every single Ray Lynch album so that I could pick one song from every album to include in that promo and that and that's when and that was what this purchase was because not all of it was available to stream and even if it was I probably would have bought it anyway because they were being nice to us so like by their music you know well.

They were being very they were being extremely nice with us.

So everybody buy Ray Lynch music. If you haven't already.

Yes, definitely buy Ray Lynch music by.

All of his albums.

All of them and.

Listen to them over and over again on streaming over and over.

Over and over. Just, just, just put them on repeat.

So are we done with the music?

I don't know. Are we, why is this thing refusing to do what I am asking it to do?

Okay. So do you know what song was the last one you did? and now you're searching for the song?

Okay, here we go. Yeah, hold on. So if you know what song.

Go in library menu, songs, then you can sort that list alphabetically, find the song.

Okay, it looks like it was May 8th, 2023.


Okay, so it was one year.

Much more recently than mine.

Yeah. Yes. There you go. That's what it's looking like, yes.

Now are we done with music?

Probably. Maybe.

Maybe we will never listen to another song in our lives. We're done with it.

I doubt that's the case.


Well, unless we get annihilated now today.

Let's try not to.

I would be great. You know, I'm trying to avoid that.

Okay. As promised, I finished a TV show and it was the American version of house of cards. I finished all six seasons of it before I talk about this.

So let me, Let me ask a question about this. So did we all just, was it like a massive group of people like, like us, we just all of a sudden there was somewhere along that house of cards, which is what just said, ah, forget it.

Well, what happened to me is I caught up with the present in house of cards. And according to my system, that meant it fell out of my rotation. And then it only came back on my rotation a couple of years ago.

Okay. Interesting.

Yeah, because I caught up to the present. So I moved it off my current list onto a backup list to come back to when I had an opening in my rotation, which took several years for it for me to get an opening and for me to pick randomly out of my list of backlog items to go back to House of Cards. okay um but before i get into my review of the american house of cards series let me put in a plug for the british house of cards series that it was based on yeah and it actually the way they it's actually listed like if you look on wikipedia it's separate shows that were sequels of each other house of cards then to play the king then final cut each of which was essentially a four -episode miniseries, but I considered them sort of as seasons of the British House of Cards because they follow one after another with the same characters. It's really seasons of a show. They just called it something different there. They called it three different miniseries. Anyway, the British version of House of Cards and To Play the King and Final Cut, excellent series.

So if you've only watched the American one, you should pull out the British version two. it was the three seasons were 1990 1993 and 1995 so a little older than this and of course that was the whole thing was based on a book from 1989 okay but i have not read the book so i cannot speak to the book but the british series is excellent go watch the british series it it is different than the american one is.

It okay is is it better than the american one in your opinion They.

Are very different. If I could only pick one to watch.

Yeah. Yeah.

The British one.

Okay. So there you have it.

But it's been many, many years since I watched the British one. Like basically when the American one came out, I said, okay, I'm going to watch the American one, but I have to watch the British one first.


So I probably, the American one started in, when did it start? Where are my years here? 2013. So I probably watched the British one around 2013, 2014. Okay. The British one. No, not the British one. The American one. Yeah. This is the one with Kevin Spacey. And a lot of people did stop watching. Like you were just saying, like it wasn't my situation because it was a little bit different, but I think there were two things that happened. One. Well, let's just, let's just get this off the bat. I think the first three seasons of house of cards were excellent. Fourth was. Eh. Okay. Five and six were utter crap.

Okay. Okay.

So a lot of people were dropping off because the quality started declining after the first three seasons anyway and then a lot more people dropped when kevin spacey got into his sex scandal yeah and got fired right you know and and even like the the last i forget the exact timing but even people who had were still on kevin spacey seasons of house of he was in the first five only the The last one was out without him. A lot of people dropped off, you know, a couple of weeks ago with Pete, I talked about sort of the whole notion of do you support and watch media that is done by people who are problematic? And a lot of people dropped house of cards simply because it turns out Kevin Spacey was a dick. You know, I mean, he was out there sexually harassing young men. And now apparently allegedly. Well, he was acquitted.


He went to court and was acquitted. So like, well, okay.

Listen, conviction doesn't mean that he didn't do it. Okay.

No, it doesn't.

And by the way, he recently gave an interview where he.

He, uh, he cried about not having his house in Baltimore because it was possessed. It repossessed.

Well, not that. That wasn't the part that I was focused on. I think I focused on the fact that even though he was acquitted, you know, one thing that I heard him say directly was that he feels, I don't know if it's, at least he expressed this. I'm not going to say that, I'm not going to parse whether it's truth or not. But what he was what he was saying was that it seems that he made a lot of people uncomfortable doing stuff that he felt that he felt bad about that.


And that he realizes that now. Now, look, I don't know if he's saying this for I mean, I can't judge whether he's being truthful or not. I'm just saying that unlike, because I've seen others that have done this kind of stuff and they will, you know, I never did anything wrong, like going down to the grave, but he actually got acquitted and he actually admitted that.

Actually, just looking, I'm looking up the, so three charges were dismissed and the jury found him not guilty of the remaining nine charges. This was for charges in the UK of sexual assault against three people who complained. And there were earlier, there were allegations from lots more people than the ones that actually went to court.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, no, I know.

So basically the C. blah, blah, blah. On October 2017, actor Anthony Rapp alleged that Spacey, while appearing intoxicated, made a sexual advance towards him at a party in 1986 when Rapp was 14 and Spacey was 26. Rapp had also shared this story in a 2001 interview, but Spacey's name had been redacted from the publication to avoid legal disputes. Spacey stated on Twitter that he did not remember the encounter, but he owed Rapp the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior if he had behaved as asserted. In 2020, Rapp sued Spacey for sexual assault, sexual battery, and intentional affliction of emotional distress under the Child Victims Act. In the subsequent federal court proceeding, jury found that Spacey did not molest Rapp and was found not liable on all counts, with Rapp subsequently ordered by the court to pay Spacey $39,000 in damages that was the first then 15 others came forward alleging similar abuse and then the charges i was mentioning in the uk were a later set of charges for conduct that was supposedly happened in 2001 through 2004 so so how do.

They write so how do they write them off the series.

So okay let let me get to let me get to that so the the first again the first three seasons i I think we're excellent. Maybe they declined a little bit as you went through one through three, but the first three seasons were really good.

No, they were really good.

Four was really kind of mediocre and felt like things were starting to get really stretched and we're like, okay, you kind of kid. It was still okay in season four. It wasn't bad in season four in season five though, which was the last one with Kevin Spacey. Things started happening that were like, what? That doesn't even make sense. One of the things that was cool about House of Cards is that the main character, who was Frank Underwood, was who Kevin Spacey played, would manipulate the American political system in creative ways. Now, some of them very, very illegal. They involve murder. Other things were happening, blackmail, blah, blah, blah. But the details of the politics were always kind of right. Like if I talked about how the Senate worked or how, you know, somebody gets appointed to the vice presidency or how, you know, all of this stuff, those details were right. And that was good. In season five, a lot of the details weren't even right. It's like.

It's just all like the shit. They just started making up shit.

I like get into the constitutional minutia of like how things like what happens when the 25th Amendment is invoked or what happens when the Electoral College doesn't have a majority and blah, blah, blah. And they went to a scenario where, okay, in season five, it's either end of season four, beginning of season five, I forget. But they had an election that went into the Electoral College because two states had their elections disrupted and did not declare a winner or whatever. And it was enough to throw it into the Electoral College. but what happened you know it goes into the house and the house votes over and over and over again out out of the top three categories until they come up with a winner that's the constitutionally mandated thing somehow they had a couple votes in the house and then we're like you know what, let's order new elections in those two states there is no mechanism for that to happen.

Yeah, I see that they completely lost. They went off the rails.

They went off the rails in terms of all that kind of stuff. And then you asked, how did they write him out?


Well, how they were, the scandal happened after season five, before season six.


They wrote him out by the first episode of season six, you know, his wife coming on the screen and saying, well, he's dead.

And now i'm you know what way to do it you know because the season five ended with him resigning the presidency and his wife who had also been his vice presidential candidate it was it was like he they ran for president with him as the presidential candidate and hers the vice presidential candidate and then it went into the house and because the presidency couldn't be be decided by the house. The Senate picked the vice president and she became acting president because there was no president decided on. And so she was president for a while. And then he eventually won. He became president, but then he resigned and she was president again. And that was how, that's how the season ended. Season five ended, something like that. And then season six just ended with, well, he died of our, it ended as it started at his funeral or something is he He had had a heart attack. He just had a heart attack and died. And then one of the things that was a mystery over the course of the last season was, was it actually a heart attack or did she kill him or did somebody else kill him? You know, and it wasn't even 100% fully resolved by the end. But like, look in season six, the thing is that this, this, the, the series had already lost the plot. Like, I mean, like it was just so convoluted and so unbelievable.

Season five was really hard in season six when they lost their main character. I mean, she was really good in the show. His wife was played by Robin Wright, and she was excellent in the show too, but she couldn't carry it the same way he carried it. And they also never quite figured out the right way to deal with her. Because one of the things is she'd been played up through this point as incredibly smart and incredibly savvy.


And and for the second half of season five and all of season six, it seemed like both her and Frank Underwood, when he was still alive, were being horribly manipulated by other people into really doing stupid things. And the first few seasons, they were the smart ones manipulating everyone else.

Right. They were the ones that. Exactly.

And then suddenly the tables are turned and it seems like these other people are suddenly really obviously manipulating them and they're falling for it. And, and it just like, and that went on throughout most of season six spoilers sort of towards the end. It seems like she somehow ended up getting the upper hand again over all the people who were trying to manipulate her for the whole season. But for like the longest time, it seemed like she was just doing stupid shit and falling into their traps. And, you know, so, yeah, so basically first three seasons, excellent. Fourth, eh, five, bad, six, really bad. You know, that's, that's my review of the American version of House of Cards.

Okay. Wow.

Oh, and I mentioned the British ones. Basically in season one of the American version, there are lots of parallels between the British version and what happened in the us version of season one after that they completely diverge and even in season one there were only sort of parallels it wasn't like it didn't it never seemed like they were just remaking the british version there were just some things that like you could that were similar there were some similar plot points but it was never like oh yeah this is clearly just you know they're just doing exactly the same thing with americans yeah so okay.

So what are you what's your ver i mean you like the seasons what would you you know i i mean you you rated the seasons okay you know it's not if you had to rate the overall package.

Overall pack like if okay if you stop after season three big thumbs up if you have to watch all six thumbs sideways like it averages out to a sideways because okay the the end was bad like yeah you You know, I mean, it was still it was still entertaining, I guess. It's just like it is. It had clearly lost the thread of what made it really good in the first few seasons.

I mean, I kind of remember and I'm remembering when I stopped watching it and I'm realizing that it was around the time of that season. Yeah, it's like one, two, three was great. and then it was in season, what the hell it was there was one where they tried to assassinate him and they when everything starts like completely like disconnecting from reality like you said that's really when it lost me and I was just like I don't need to watch this shit anymore yeah, So, I mean, because it wasn't that, you know, that it was like, it just wasn't, it just, it just seems sloppy. That's it.

Right. So. Okay. We've gone way too long with this stuff. Let's, let's move on and we'll come back with Yvonne picking what the first newsy thing of the show will be this time around. After this very exciting message.

You're supposed to say do, do, do. Do-do-do! Alex Zemzula! Alex Zemzula is awesome. Its videos are fun. And today, once again, we have one of our most loyal subscribers here to tell you how awesome Alex Zemzula is. I'd say, on a rate from 1 to 10, Alex Zemzula is awesome at, I don't know, 37? 82? He's pretty radical. His videos are phenomenal. They're full of creativity. And they're so funny and exciting to watch. Wow, what happened to your voice then, Amy? Was that dad pretending to be you because the audio was distorted when it really wasn't because I told him to? Yes. Good job on remembering, dad. Do, do, do!

Okay. Topic. What are we talking about, Yvonne?

What are we going to talk about? Well, I'll go and I'll deviate the subject, I guess.

So there was this story this week. I can't remember what publication did this. I can't remember where it was published, but I know a number of people started talking about it, about the stock market right now with tech and looking back at the tech bubble. And they were talking about how certain companies, well, they were talking more specifically about NVIDIA, specifically as NVIDIA has eclipsed everybody else as the largest market capitalization company right now because the man for their ships is just through the roof. I and.

You know, the discussion was, hey, is this are we looking at the, you know, like what it was in the tech bubble back in back in the late 90s, 2000, you know, and the reality is that now it's just it's it's it's not. I mean, when you look at the metrics and, you know, at the numbers, it's just there is no. Nvidia right now is at a multiple that is well within a normal multiple that is also well within what their forecast for revenue and profits are. OK, and, you know, we're talking somewhere like.

Within sort of normal ranges that you would expect with a company, with their with their fundamentals, with the actual results they're making.

Exactly, exactly. Whereas back then it was just, look, the companies, none of them made money. Hell, a whole bunch of them didn't have any fucking revenue. OK, and we were valuing them at hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. OK, all right. I mean, I'm going to say, I'm going to look up to see, I mean, one of the big ones that was at that point, AOL, okay? AOL at one point was the be-all, end-all, okay? I mean, Yahoo and AOL, I mean, AOL was valued at $200 billion, okay? All right? At its peak. Okay. And I don't think it ever made money.


Yeah. Ever. Yes. Ever.

Well, I guess they spent enough on those damn discs.

Don't. Yeah. I mean.

I mean, how could they not? I paid them for 10 years after the last time I used dial-up for the dial-up service. They should have made money just on me.

That's true. I, you know, I get that, but I don't think it generated any accounting profits during that entire time. Whereas, you know. I mean, NVIDIA actually is making billions. I mean, their revenue is through the roof. They're really, they're raking in a lot of money. Okay. This isn't just, you know, we're buying the latest tech. There is meat on the bone on this company. Okay.

Well, let me ask a couple questions, though. is the meat that is on the bone because they are actually selling real stuff driven by its own bubble like they're big for a graphic cards right which are used for.

Two things okay let me let me just say whoa okay go ahead okay okay okay i just looked up this chart um uh of their profit they're only they made no money in 08 no money on 09 no money in 2010 no money in 2011 it appears Here's that they made money in one quarter in 2012.

AOL, you're talking.

Yes. No.

In 2012? They were still around in 2012?

Yeah, they were still around. They were AOL Time Warner. Remember, they had merged, and then there was a complete disaster, and the market cap crashed. And that's, I think, the only reason why they made money is because they had merged with AOL Time Warner.

Well, I was going to say, so Time Warner made money, and they just had AOL in the name now.

Correct. Well, yes. Yes.

Like, when you were talking about AOL making money, I presume you meant pre-merger.

Well, but they bought Time Warner. They bought Time Warner!

Yeah, I guess so.

You know, they bought fucking Time Warner!

Anyway no i was gonna say yes yes nvidia correct me if i'm wrong they're big money makers graphic cards right it's.

Not graphics cards anymore it's the gpus.

Well no no well yes gpu graphic processor unit well okay fine yeah but.

It's not a card we're not they're not shipping out fucking cards they're shipping chips.

Well not even well chips and like big units that use the the chips, all kinds of stuff. But here's the thing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on. Let me correct you on something.


Because a lot of people have their own hardware which they're integrating this in.

Yes, of course, of course.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's not, they will ship those, but the reality is that a lot of the demand, including my employer, is they have an infrastructure that they had created. And Chipsa, they use those for that purpose, yes.

Okay, okay. But here's the thing that I was going to, The point of my question was, isn't the demand for those things being driven in its own bubble by two things, first crypto and second AI? Those are the big uses of these things, right?

Well, crypto was the big one at first, right? And that had been.

But crypto, that's kind of going down, but AI is going up, right? Right.

Right. Yeah. But crypto, you know, wasn't a driver of this kind of valuation. OK, sure. I mean, crypto had had been something that that had made NVIDIA definitely grow over years.

Well, well, people were buying tens of thousands of these to set up crypto farms and stuff.

Yeah. Of course, it's become less profitable to do that.

That's no longer lucrative in the same way that it was. Yes.

It's not but but but for a while there.

Was a big you know people were going out and building huge data centers of gpus out in the middle of nowhere.

How was it even data centers they were fucking stuffing them they're trying to find it would find they would find the corner of the earth that they could find the cheapest electrical that they could that would stick these things over there yes yes Yes.

And then shove it full of these things. Yes.

Right. Yeah. Literally in literally in like trailers and closets. Yes.

Yes. And yes. And a whole range of them. But the point was there was a bubble because of that. And now it seems like the, the searches on people are doing the same thing in this land rush over AI that uses the same kind of chips that's coming from Nvidia.

Nvidia well i guess the question is whether the ai land rush is real well here's one thing right now the ai land rush is making money okay that's the one thing unlike a whole bunch of land rushes that we did before okay like like you know the real estate one didn't make money okay the the that internet one where we had the web vans in a world uh the the buy.coms of the world what the fuck i gotta think of another one that was famous that went away i don't know which you know, Web van was a big one. That one was a big disaster. Of course, that turned out. It's just most of those, remember, it wasn't that they were shit. They were just too early.

There were a bunch that were too early. And that's actually something that if you look back a few hundred years, this has played out in many industries where the first innovator in the industry goes out and builds the infrastructure, then goes bankrupt because the infrastructure costs so much. and then new companies come in utilizing the infrastructure that was built by the first players at a cheaper price and then they are huge successes.

Listen, from that implosion, okay, all right, a company I do a lot of business with, America Mobile from Mexico, they picked up, so a bunch of American companies had invested in all this fiber. Well, one of the companies, Global Crossing, for example, do you remember, does that name ring a bell?

It rings a bell.

There was a company that was laying fiber all over the world and all the fiber went dark and they got bought listen this guy from america mobile bought global crossing bought all these telcos that all these people u.s companies european had spent tens hundreds of billions of dollars at cents on the dollar and is now minting you know minting money off of it basically because it was built that way but i guess that listen the one thing with ai and what we're talking about is i know we got this land rush this goes back we're going to talk about ai again shit well is ai I real or not.

It keeps coming up. It's all, it's almost like Donald Trump keeps coming up.

Fuck keeps coming up. Look, I do think that a lot of the stuff that's happening, there is a land rush and there's probably going to be a, uh, an adjustment at some point. Now the one, but the key question is right now, look, are you paying, are you paying for vapor? Are you paying for vapor right now? The answer is no. Could that, could that demand fall off because so much right now there's, there's such a big bubble on it. Yes.

Well, I mean, this is, this is so common that there are cartoons on the cycle, right? There's always a hype cycle where people get super, super excited of something. It like it rises and rises and everybody thinks it's a great new thing. And then reality sort of hits in that. It's not living up to all of the hype. Things fall back down a little bit and then reality catches up.

But I'm going to tell you something. I think I've got to tell you something. I'm going to give you my, my, listen, I don't think, I think that in a lot of things with it's like

[1:00:41] bubble is a perfect example, right? There was the big pop, and then it went down for a little while. And right now, the stuff that came out of that, when it re-rose later, and it took a while, but Eclipse is anything we had during the dot-com bubble. The entire world is dot-com now, essentially.

Basically, yes. Yeah.

And so I remember after the dot-com bubble burst, when I worked at Merrill Lynch, and And they started getting rid of their web divisions and stuff, saying, we told you so. We told you this was all nonsense and it was going away. And so we don't need the web people anymore. We'll go back to buying TV ads, whatever. But wait a few years and everything's online. Everything is online.

But look, listen, we've been playing around with some of this AI shit on here. And I've seen, you know, you've talked about some of the stuff that you've been able to do. And I've seen a whole bunch of this stuff that a lot of people have been able to do, even with just the stuff in its infancy. And I got to tell you, okay, it's not hype. It's not bullshit.

But at the moment, but like every time I use chat GPT right now, doesn't it lose money for open AI?

I don't know. It's a good question. But I don't know. But if you're a buyer of NVIDIA, who cares? But I'm like, fuck them. I don't care. OK, you know, I mean, that's the thing. I think that the people that are, you know, obviously a number of people are monetizing it around that and building certain things around it and extracting value out of it. I think, look, just the biggest difference between back then and now, I don't know because about the financials on the company itself, but all the big players that are around it, that are investing in it are profitable entities. Okay. And so it's unlike that moment back then where basically nobody was making money. And there was like, you know, the valuations were all just based on, on, on, I mean.

Like to, to avoid talking about either of our companies. Yeah.

It's a good idea.

Apple announced a whole bunch of AI stuff, right?

Yeah. Let's talk about Apple. There you go. Yes.

Let's talk about Apple. But like, this is going to cost them a shitload of money. And Apple has a lot of money to burn, but, but does, but will.

What's a few billion, what's a few billion down the fucking, you know, down the pike.

Well, and that, and that's the big question though, in the end, is that money down the toilet because it doesn't end up going anywhere.

Can I tell you something? One thing that I've realized that we had this discussion, online about about how smart intelligent assistants are okay and and you know one thing is that we had beat up on siri a lot right let me tell you something i started going because i think a while back i backed off of asking stuff you.

Mentioned this a few episodes ago.

No no no but but this is like even more after that i did but we we did one where i think the The question was related to the, you know, who won the presidential election and we had that thing.

No, no. But you talked recently about how much better Syria has gotten recently.

No, no, no. But this was just based on stuff I read. Okay. Now I'm telling you that I started asking it. Okay. So after the last time we talked about it, I just started asking it more questions. And I started getting a lot more correct answers. Okay. Than I expected on some shit. And I'm realizing, wait a minute, what the fuck? This thing is actually, you know, shit that it failed miserably before. It's answering correctly on the first try. I'm not being thrown off into some stupid bullshit.

And of course, part of what they announced last week was that the next version of iOS and Mac OS that's coming out this fall will, of course, double and triple down on all the AI stuff. All kinds of new AI features are included, including some integration with chat GPT.

Well, and good news for Apple is that, I don't know, I guess I think, who was it? dell ship oh we've shipped our new ai laptops apparently they're crap as you would expect that they're just utter crap.

Well so and this is the whole question of like you know your point on nvidia and some of these other things are we having another bubble that's going to burst part of it is like okay well nvidia is actually making money unlike the dot-com boom but sure Like for, again, to me, the next question down is, are they making lots of money based on a market that itself is a bubble that will burst at some point? And I don't know. Like, I feel like this AI stuff, like I said, I think that the current hype is a little bit overboard. board. However, I think like all of these other technologies, it's going to, there'll be a crest. People will be disappointed by it for a while. And then in the background, it will continue to develop and get better and better and better. And when we get five, 10 years down the road, maybe not even that long, we will stop. We will eventually have stuff that lives up to the initial hype it's just it'll be a second wave.

By the way open ai is not you know yeah that's what i thought open ai is private we have no idea what their financials are oh.

I know i know it's it's private and they've got this weird non-profit private profit hybrid thing.

Right but they haven't even published but but but you know some private companies like that do publish some stuff, In terms of financials, for whatever reasons that they have to sometimes, and now they haven't published anything. So we have no idea about really their revenues. When you ask whether they're making money or losing money on everyone, there really is no good way to tell.

But, and of course that whole thing with their CEO, like being fired and then being brought back and all that was all related to the interrelationship between the nonprofit that owns it and the profit that's owned by it and the relationships it has with other companies. And there's all kinds of craziness going on there. I like, yeah, I kind of wish it was a public company because I think there's a lot of like weird shit going on inside there that I think would be interesting to know. But like, I.

Think there's a lot of competition coming in the pike too.

Oh, there is. There are a lot of other places that are doing stuff right now. And anybody who's not doing anything right now, like, you know, Apple's doing a partner with chat GPT in addition to everything else they're doing, because like everyone else, there's this big fear of missing out thing. Like this is the big new thing. That's finally going to be the big growth thing that, you know, we've been talking for for years about how tech got boring and how like, you know, we had the, the iPhone and the iPad and it revolutionized everything. But then for quite a while now, it's been sort of like, yeah, there's, there's the newest update to the iPhone it's blah. And, and now the question that all of these companies are doing is, is this finally the actual next big thing that's going to revolutionize the the world and make the, you know, forget about billionaires and a hundred billionaires is one of these going to make the first trillionaire, you know?

Hopefully we'll tax them so that we don't. Okay. That's my hope.

Yeah. Good luck with that. They'll just move to the moon.

Well, they can stay over there anyway.

No, Elon's going, Elon's going to Mars, not the moon. So, you know, perfect.

Beautiful. He can stay over there too. He doesn't have to come back. It's fine. Okay. I will pay him the one way ticket to it. One thing, it's just that we, the question I have about systems like this is what is the change that it's going to instill in how we live and work, okay? OK, because if you think about 60, 70 years ago, well, how an office environment worked, OK, completely different from what the heck it was in the 90s, 2000s. And then now, OK, even like right now, where we went from these offices that were populated by all of these people that were doing administrative work, you know, paper shuffling, organizing, collating, pushing, you know, record keeping. That was all manual. That was, look, the job of record keeping and accurate record keeping.

There were file cabinets everywhere. everywhere even even when i first started in offices there were file cabinets everywhere.

There were file cabinets everywhere and but sam i still remember like banks how they kept track of your fucking money back then it was crazy you had these fucking books yeah you had this passbook that you would go over there and they would print the balance on your fucking passbook of what the the hell you had? And they had these these, you know, big machines in which they would do it on and I don't like what the, you know, I, it was just how the hell they kept track and they sent, Statements, you know, one thing I learned about while I worked at Kodak, for example, is that credit card processing, international credit card processing. I learned about this about American Express because I talked to some of the people that did this for American Express. But think about if you were in Argentina, which was a country where most of these people were based out of, you spent money on an American Express card there. The slips would go first from there. They would go to a bank. They would go to American Express and they got them in the office. And then over there, they would first, they would, they have these machines that would, that would microfilm all of those receipts every day. Okay. They would put them on a microphone. They would load that microfilm on a plane and send it to New York. Okay. Then in New York. Yeah.


A whole bunch of people in front of an IBM mainframe started keying away each one of these fucking transactions. Okay. that you did internationally that arrived in a microfilm in order to process a credit card transaction. This could take days to do this right now. Whereas right now, I go down there, I fuck with Apple Pay, I just tap a fucking thing and it immediately dings my account in one second. So we've moved from that.

And they're finally getting rid of some of the vestiges of that too. Like, you know, it used to be several days to clear a stock transaction or whatever.

Oh, shit. Now we're like one day down to one day.

Yeah. And, and even one day is like, come on, like you, you could do that in seconds. Come on.

Yeah. It should be instant. So, so the one thing is, you know, we went from, from all that manual work to, into an electronic era, okay, at first, and how this will transform that as well. Because I think, you know, we arrived at this era of the ERP, of the mainframe computer, of all of these things, and how, and I think that this is a changer of what the next evolution of work is going to be. I really think, because of a lot of the drawbacks that we've talked about, no, I keep looking at my work, and I realize it's like how I've been doing some PowerPoint points lies at using the AI. Listen, this thing cannot replace me yet. It's not even close and it may be decades before it is. It's the same problem that they've got with making a car make a fucking left turn on its own.

But it can save you time.

It can save you time. It can make you work faster. It can make you more efficient. It can make things happen that it would take forever ever, 20, 30 years ago, that even like now take me a long time. I, you know, for certain things that I have to do, I have to go through several systems, one that does this, one that does this, the other one that does this, integrate, do whatever what now. And I've seen like some of these AI, real working AI, you know, models that I've seen now. automate a whole bunch of these things. Okay. When they're implemented properly, not, you know, not this, not some of this bullshit.


You know what I'm looking at? I'm like, shit. I mean, you know.

It's, I'll get, I'll give you another example of that. You know, I've mentioned before that for election graphs, I want to do this modeling that takes into account the amount of time told the election, et cetera. I'm taking next week off to do it. But one of the prep things that I need to do is just transform the data that I had manually in spreadsheets in 2008 and 2012 into the same format that I want to have it that matches what I've used in 2016 onward, so that I can do my calculations and stuff based on that. And so I was thinking about like, okay, how would I do this transformation? Because it's rote stuff. It's very, you know it's it's just copy and paste and change the format and blah blah blah yes.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh.

It's all that kind of stuff and what i and at one point i'm like thinking do i want to export this and then write a script and do this and do that or do i want to copy and paste here and then export in excel what do i want to do and then like you know let me just give chat gpt a shot.


So I just said, I've got this Excel spreadsheet and I want to re I want to transform this into this other format in this way. I want these columns. I want to throw, I want to throw out everything else. I only care about these columns and I want it in this format. And I said that, and then I copy and pasted the cells I cared about from Excel directly into chat GPT, Just control C, control V, I hit return, and it spit out exactly what I fucking wanted. You know, I mean.

That's, that's a massive time saver.

And like, could I do it? Could I do it the old way? Yes.


Is this faster? Absolutely.

Absolutely. And this is the shit that I look like right now. I am helping quite a lot of people be trained right now on systems. We actually brought a whole bunch of new, new people on our team and, you know, shit. shit, I, well, I'm very good with systems, okay? You know, it's what I've done. So I'm like, I already, you know, I'm like, now everybody's like, yeah, Ivan knows how to fucking fix that problem. Like, yeah, just ask him. So I'm doing a lot of that. And I'm, I know, I know seeing some of those things that you were talking about right now with that transformation. Shit, man, with proper use of AI, we could automate a lot of this. So this new salesperson comes in and isn't really dealing with this bullshit that i'm having to teach them right now okay some of it anyway it just focused on selling so anyway all right so that's it so we wound up back at ai again we.

Went and i i want i want to take us back to your original question before we move on to mine which is you you we very quickly went from you saying is there a bubble overall to nvidia specifically and then we talked about ai but like overall market wise economy wise are we in a bubble.

Oh the the numbers don't the numbers don't support that if you look at the multipliers of the s&p 500 and any of those like right now based on what's going on no i mean you look at the absolute valuations people are like oh my god but But, you know, it's not now it isn't it isn't anywhere. None of the data would indicate to you that that is what is going on right now. We're just getting a lot of growth and we're getting a lot of growth because I know it's difficult to believe. But once again, we've had me remember my proper economics education. You see, you're having, like, instead of these fiscal stimulus that are in the economy, which instead of trickle-down tax cuts and whatnot, which is what we've had before, what we've had is actual, you know, macro policy, which targeted investments in certain areas, okay? And...

You know everybody and you know one of the clips from the kentucky fried movie if you looked at it was a was a making fun of a point counterpoint you know one of these like it used to be on tv they would show like like a conservative and a liberal argued about something and the whole fucking argument was the same bullshit argument the republicans are having right now on on biden's fiscal stimulus and the and inflation okay you know any programs that give money to the poor causing inflation don't you understand i'm like fuck man it's the same fucking horse shit story i've been listening to that for the past 40 years but but biden what he did with with the programs that he put in with infrastructure and the inflation reduction act okay yeah it's created jobs real jobs not jobs for like you know not like what happened like in the bush era okay and i'm talking bush's junior okay where we created a whole bunch of fucking mortgage brokers okay right it's not you know they're not actually producing anything no we're making houses we're doing financial you know if i you know financial hocus pocus you know we weren't we weren't having industrial jobs. Donald Trump talked about bringing back manufacturing jobs. He'll bring back dick.

But tariffs, Yvonne. Tariffs.

Oh, the tariffs, yes. And so now his proposal, of course, it seems the ones, well, whatever the last bullshit that he spewed was that we're going to get rid of all income taxes and we're going to make it all tariffs. Which, of course, would be the most insanely regressive tax regime ever.

He still doesn't understand that it's not the other countries that pay tariffs.

Oh, yes, it's your fucking consumers!

Anyway, anyway.

I mean, but the thing is that you've had this, you know, You know, you've had these stimulus that targeted certain areas of the economy specifically in order to promote growth instead of what we've had, unfortunately, with Republicans over the last 30, 40 years have been their orthodoxy, which has been to just, oh, we'll just cut taxes and the rich will spend. And no, they haven't. No, they haven't. They haven't been investing in shit. They've just been hoarding money. They've just becoming billionaires. They've been buying mega yachts and, you know, more expensive houses and shit and whatnot. Not really, you know, investing in the economy. And so, you know, you.

Somebody has to build those yachts, Yvonne.

That's true. That is true. I will grant you that. But most of the stuff that they're doing is just, you know, unfortunately, they're not buying enough yachts to make the same stimulus that, say, shifting our economy. Building more sustainable energy production in the U.S., manufacturing chips in the U.S., and moving away from where there is this supply chain rebalancing that is happening across the world where people are nearshoring a whole bunch of stuff that they had completely offshored, realizing that there are risks in being completely offshored, which should have been obvious. But for whatever the hell reason, I don't. Sometimes I I still remember that we had when I was working at Rico, that when this tsunami that hit the Fukushima, you know, nuclear plant, when that happened, we had this one factory and it was only made one factory only that had this super critical part for all our printers. And it was only made at this one damn place.

Well, you bring up several different risks. There's the, you know, having everything offshore. There's also single sourcing, which is its own risk. And also just the risk of the whole just-in-time philosophy as well. Right. That also relies on a bunch of assumptions of things working smoothly. And as long as it works smoothly, great. If something gets disrupted, you're screwed.

You're screwed. And so, you know, definitely what has happened with this administration has definitely been, It's given the economy lasting foundations for many years to come.

Oh, I don't know. Once Donald wins, he can rip it all apart in a few days.

Well, you know, it's easier to destroy than to create. I will say that.


Okay. The question is, of course, you know, I don't know. I don't even want to talk about it. At one point, I thought I wanted to talk about it. And I realize right now I just want to stick my head in the sand and I'm just, I'm just.

The if Donald wins scenarios.

Yeah i i don't even want to i don't even want to i don't even want to think about it i don't want to think about it i don't want to fucking think about it i've i've i've thought about them in all different ways you know really you know there's all sorts of different scenarios that i that i that i've gone through from like all none are none are really good some's less worse than than others i mean the scenario that i still like is the one that i dreamed about and And maybe, you know, we'll get into debate next week. I dreamt that during the debate.

Yeah. You mentioned he has a heart attack.

Yeah. I mentioned this, that he has a heart attack on stage.

So I think this is a good moment to take our second break. And then hell, since you brought it up, we'll do politics for the end. And it won't be that long. We've only got like half an hour left. So we'll do miscellaneous politics, including some of the debate. the donald trump's vp selection process some other crap like that i don't know you.

Mean donald trump suck up auditions you mean.

Yeah something like that anyway we we will be back with that just in a moment and since we're talking politics here comes the the election graphs break here you go Do.

You want to understand what is really going on with the presidential election cycle? Then go to right away. There you'll find charts and graphs covering the nomination processes in both parties and the general election race for electoral college votes. For the delegate races, we track not just delegate totals, but also the ever-important analysis of how each candidate has to do with the remaining delegates in order to actually win. For the electoral college, we track state-by-state poll averages to categorize which states are actually in play and which are not in order to show you the range of likely electoral results and how that changes over time. Sure, you can get some of this stuff elsewhere, but not in exactly the same way, and not from me. Sam, your prime curmudgeon. I think my election trackers are better than the rest, so come look at mine,

Okay, before I do anything else since there was an election graphs thing, let me give a quick summary. I mentioned I'm gonna, I'm taking the week off. I'm gonna try to do those models that take into account the amount of time left until the election. I'm crossing my fingers that I have enough time to do what I wanna do. I have them in my head. I know exactly the steps I need to take. I just need the time to do it. And so hopefully a week will be enough. But of course, there's always going to be other things demanding my time, even though I take time off.

But anyway, but of course, you're going to come back to work, you know, with a holiday like coming up a couple of days later. I figured you would go straight, you know, take the two weeks.

No, I only wanted to take a week now because I do want to make sure that by the time I to get to the end of the year i still have three weeks because i'm going to take the last two weeks before the election and one week after the election off so oh.

You know you you guys don't have unlimited vacation thing.

No we we do not i.

Thought you guys did okay now that's that blows okay all right.

We do not, we do not, but, but I've, I'm constantly up at the limit. Like I keep getting the notices that like, I'm not accumulating time anymore because I've met the max. So I figure I'll take a week, you know, and then I'll probably take the Friday after the fourth because the fourth is on a Thursday this time. So I'll, I'll take that Friday too, but I will come back for the three days in between, even though it'll be like, yeah, whatever.

Oh, okay. So I have shit. So that Friday. Okay. Well, it's a good thing. You just told me that.

Cause you didn't realize.

I hadn't looked at the calendar that far ahead. I've been, oh my God.

Calendars are complicated things.

Well, I try to like, you know, I do try to schedule everything and put it in the calendar. We have a family calendar and stuff and whatever that we keep. And we try to put everything there. And we, you know, we have, you know, try to make sure we've got everything there. Speaking of this, you know, one of my, did I put this down on my calendar? that i have my happy my my my colonoscopy is next week.

Oh fun fun thanks for sharing yeah but.

You're welcome uh you're welcome as though.

The the those are exciting those yeah those.

Are oh yeah very exciting i'm so excited.

Okay can i get back to the election stuff i was gonna mention election stuff so.

We don't want to talk about colonoscopies okay all right no.

No it's so it's okay well you know everybody of a certain age you should get them whenever your doctor recommends on a regular basis, whatever cadence they suggest, because they're important. There you go. Did I say enough colonoscopy? Good. Have fun. Yeah.




So I want just the high level summary of what's been going on with election graphs. If you look at my tipping point metric, which is the margin in the state that would put the winner over the edge. I'm not going to go back too far, but starting when the New York trial started, for the first little bit of the New York trial, things were trending towards Trump, actually. And maxing out, the tipping point was 4.5% on Trump's side in Michigan, on May, May 8th. Okay. Okay. That is about his high watermark for this time. It had been up and down. There was a higher point in December, blah, blah, blah, or early January. Actually the, his highest point so far, this entire election cycle was at the very beginning of January, but this particular time he peaked on. On May 7th, May 7th, 8th, yeah, 8th. There you go. And then ever since it's been dropping. So that's before the verdict. Since the verdict, it has dropped further. So from May 8th to the time the verdict was, it dropped from that 4.5% to 1.7.


Since the verdict, it's continued down from 1.7 to 0.08 as of the time we're recording the show. So Trump is still ahead in that tipping point metric, but by a lot less than he was. His leads have been deteriorating. However, and so my uniform swing odds of a Biden win have gone in that same period from only 3.4% up to 27.2%. So big improvement for Biden, given where that tipping point has moved on the uniform swing one. But the uniform swing one is entirely based on the tipping point, essentially, because it just says how far does the tipping point have to move to win, given historical blah, blah, blah. The one thing to note, though, that has also been a trend in the last few weeks, including after the verdict, is that states that are on the Biden side of the line have been getting less strong for Biden.


So states like Virginia and Minnesota are looking much, much closer than they used to be. and so if you look at my, the expected median value of what might happen for my probabilistic view and also even for my categorization view, it's actually moved a little bit back towards Trump in recent weeks. And that's partially, well, the categorization view is because Michigan moved back and forth across the line. But the independent state's view has been moving a little bit towards Trump because some Biden states that had fairly decent Biden leads are now fairly narrow Biden leads. So that's the dynamic that's been happening lately.

We're still not 100% with my averages being after the trial, but things are bouncing around a little bit. And next week, we're going to have the debate. So at that point, we're not going to be able to separate what happened with the trial versus what happens at the debate, et cetera, et cetera. Anyway, I'll, and hopefully by next week, I will have done the stuff I talked about, about like odds that take into account how much time there is left before the election too, instead of being, if the election was today. Okay. Enough about that. So other, other political tickle things, political, is that what they call them? Tickle?

Political. Tickle. Tickle.

Political. Political. Yes.

Is that what Trump is doing for the beeps takes? He's doing a tickle off?


Yes, it would be interesting at Mar-a-Lago live.

I mean, apparently the three finalists are Burgum. Oh, what's the Burgum?

I can't remember fucking.

Which one's Burgum North Dakota, South Dakota. He's a Dakota.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's one of the whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Now I remember who he is. Burgum. Is that the guy to beat somebody?

No, that's different.

It's a different guy. Okay. He punched a reporter or something. Okay.

That was like a House candidate in Montana or something. He was now in the House.

I believe. Of course.

Anyway, we got Burgum. We got from, I'm just trying to confirm.


Which Ohio, which Dakota? Was he South Dakota or Burgum? North Dakota. North Dakota is Doug Burgum. bergham south dakota was the lady who got herself out of the vp race by killing a dog oh.

The one that oh well i i.

Know no you.

Know i still i'm i'm still surprised that that played against her in the gop.

Anyway we got bergham we got vance and we got rubio were the the last three apparently okay i.

Mean it's a parade of fucking hypocrites.

Now yes all three of these people by the way had a phase in their careers where they where they significantly criticized donald trump and now they're sucking up to try to be vp all three of them yes.

Look i am really at this point and i i i mentioned this that all these fucking people are just Just, I, it is the, these people to me are the most appalling of all. Okay.

The ones who know better, but suck up anyway, because they want the influence power or whatever.

Or did they, or no more. Well, that, well, yeah. Or the ones that choose, you know, conveniently will. You mentioned, the one that I loved is the guy that you mentioned at that Washington State Convention.


That you told me that the moment that he saw that Bernie Sanders...

So let me tell the story. Let me tell the story.

Okay, you go tell the story. You tell the story, because that one was the best.

I've told it on the show before. In 2016, I attended the Washington State Democratic Convention. convention and for those of you who remember there was a curmudgeons corner episode you can go find it in our archives i don't know the exact date but you can go find it in our archives and it was probably about this time because actually the washington state democratic convention is right now in.

June okay so it was june 2016 it.

Was in june 2016 probably my wife is at the convention right now like i said i anyway i think was that what she's at right now i think that's what she's at right now. Anyway, I went there and I recorded curmudgeon's corner there. I did interviews with a bunch of people at the convention. I talked about what was going on at the convention, et cetera. It was a long show. It was like a three hour show or something. Crazy nonsense, bullshit, whatever. But one of the people I interviewed was a Sanders delegate. And I actually, myself and a couple other people had dinner with him, blah, blah, blah. But one of the things, He was all in for Sanders and he was talking about like all these Sanders folks to the very last minute were thinking that somehow something was going to happen and they were going to change things around and get more Sanders delegates that they deserved and they were going to somehow win after all, even when the numbers were all against them. when we were we were talking to this guy at like some restaurant after the thing and it was absolutely clear that sanders was not going to be the nominee at this point he literally says well, that's fine because and he opens his backpack and pulls out a maga hat and puts it on and takes off his Sanders gear.

I mean, how did everybody that saw this react? Because they had to be like, You know, I mean, what was the reaction?

Well, I was incredulous. I was like, are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? But I don't remember what other people around were, but like, and he's like, no, no. And it's because that is, if we can't have Sanders, they're all the fucking same. And at least Donald Trump is the blah, blah, blah. Cause it was, it was 2016. So it was Hillary. And there was absolute hatred of Hillary amongst a lot of the Sanders folks. Not all of them, not all of them, but a lot of-

But a good number of them, a good number of them.

A good number of them. And there were probably enough people like him that out of the many things that gave us Donald Trump, the Sanders folks who either sat home and didn't vote and or voted for Trump, you're one of the reasons we had Donald Trump and still have him today. day not as president but still bothering us in many ways.

Well well you know you well that example for example i mean i think back then there was a lot of the i do think that a lot of these were kind of like delusional about the whole damn thing and so oh.

Yeah go you'll you can hear a whole interview with this guy on that curmudgeons corner go go find it.

And so the one thing that happened to me this week was that i'm looking through my facebook and all of a sudden i get this ad by this guy or it wasn't an ad it was a post on his facebook page that used to be for his campaign showing him posting shit like he was a republican okay and that he was running for the for for the primary for the house but but this guy my entire life that i knew him and he had run and won several local elections was the Democrats. Okay.


I mean, forever. He had been, you know, he was running for the school board, was trying to run against these very right wing people that were trying to get on the Palm beach school board. He had been on the city council and, you know, this guy had been a Democrat the entire time talking about, I mean, all the things, you know, that a Democrat is usually been talking about. And then all of a sudden, at the flip of a switch, he had lost a whole bunch of elections recently, okay? This is one of these people that just seemed like bent on winning a seat of some kind.


Okay? For whatever reason. And so, well, the Democrats won't have me. I'll just be a Republican. And I'm just like, I'm sorry. but this isn't like i'm gonna wear a white shirt today and now i'm going to go with blue this isn't i mean i'm sorry but right now the political positions of both parties are so diametrically opposed that i'm sorry you can't go from the party that is trying to defend women's rights to the one that's trying to take them away for example or oh one that is you know inclusive of minorities and immigrants and the other one that basically wants to throw them all out.


I'm just... I'm just... I'm just stunned by this guy who I had, you know, had a good impression of and had, you know, talked to him about some local issues and supported him. And then just all of a sudden, just like that, that guy just whipped out the fucking hat and just went and like, oh, well, you know, fuck the immigrants. And because literally, because that's literally he was posting. I'm like, how do you now hate the immigrants?


You liked them before.

Well, and to bring this back to the vice presidential thing, I mean, part of the reason to talk about this is Burgum, Vance, and Rubio have all talked about how Trump was a problem many years ago. Right. like bergham ran against trump at the beginning and like dropped out really quick because he wasn't doing well but rubio had this whole thing like i mean in 2016 he was the one that like sort of dive he.

Was gonna save us.

He dive bombed like like trump at that one debate and started talking about right small hands and stuff and like anyway he he self-immolated his sort of a to murder suicide with Chris Christie or whatever. Anyway, there are all sorts of quotes out here of all three of these people talking about Trump being problematic, and now they're sucking up to him. Before I forget, I looked up that episode. For anyone who wants to look for it, go to, go to the 2016 section of the archives. It is episode 472, entitled Failing to Predict the Past, recorded on June 23rd, 2016. published on June 25th. It's two hours and 42 minutes long. And unfortunately, back then, like on the website, it's old enough that descriptions just say, show notes prior to Saturday, September 9th, 2017 are wonky. We are slowly fixing them. Apologies for the inconvenience. The description that should be there is this week on Curmudgeon's Corner, Sam and Yvonne's big topics are the gun control debate and the apparent Trump campaign implosion.

No, fuck, we're so wrong.

Other topics are kids' summer activities, Brexit, recorded before the vote, and the process of choosing presidential electors. For a change of pace, Sam wraps it up with interviews of several delegates to the 2016 Washington State Democratic Convention. So that's that show. And yeah, like I said, it recorded June 23rd. It is now June 22nd. This was almost exactly eight years ago today. So anyway, so back to the vice presidency, the yes, the three candidates are all hypocrites. They're all sucking up to Donald Trump. Apparently Rubio, while not fully Fully eliminated right now is probably about to be eliminated for one reason specifically.

Which is?

The Constitution prohibits the president and vice president from being from the same state. And right now they're both technically from Florida.

Ah, okay. There you go.

Now, so there has been some talk that Rubio could move.

Move but he's a senator from florida.

He's a senator and he might have to like resign the senate in order to do that which meant if him him and trump lose he'd be out like whereas he could he could run for vice president and stay in the senate oh he's.

Not doing that no he's not down.

Yeah and theoretically trump could move his registration too he could like registered or badminster in new jersey or something i don't know but you know and you know so apparently the two finalists are bergham and vance now this is as of reporting in the last day or two trump trump could change his mind up until the very last second well.

That's that's the thing i mean i don't believe i i mean knowing trump it's going to come down to whatever the fuck you know all he woke up that morning and feels like.

Well, and also, I mean, I heard somebody talking like somebody on some news show earlier today asked whoever they were interviewing something about like, would, if they were vice president, uh, Would they be fully loyal to Donald Trump and not do like what Pence did? And I'm like, you know, Donald Trump's entire process is going to be make damn sure that they will do whatever you want without question, no matter what.

Right. Exactly.

And if he has the slightest bit of doubt that says you might not, you are not going to be the candidate. it you know you.

Know you know one of the problems with those guys that i've noticed like the ones that he chooses that have that that that unwinding loyalty is they all wind up in jail, all of them have you not noticed yes.

Like you know basically his all his staff choices.

Are all like cons well.

No there's two possibilities either.

They end up showing.

Showing some sort of backbone or independence in which case he stabs them in the back.

They're done or.

They do undying loyalty and end up indicted in jail whatever.

Exactly and.

And these are the two kinds that come out of of a trump administration.

It could i could i you know as we're looking here and talking about the people the administration or whatever And I was talking about hypocrisy. I pulled up the Wikipedia page for Marco Rubio. There is a picture here where he is hugging the Senate, the Florida House, and he is the Senate president because he was the House speaker in the state of Florida. Right. And he is embracing him after the Florida House's unanimous approval of the Florida Senate's resolution to formally express deep regret for slavery in March of 2008.


Could you believe that a GOP House actually passed such a legislation? Yeah. now now you know they would probably be passing one you know talking about the benefits of slavery.

Well here here's the thing since 2016 like the republican party before 2016 and after 2016 are not the same thing at all it's not even comparable not.

Not even remotely close i mean I mean, anything that if you're a Republican that went into a coma, okay, in the year 2000, okay, and you woke up now, you're like going, what the fuck happened?


I mean, you would be like, what happened? Oh, you know.

Which honestly makes you wonder why people like George W. Bush don't say more than they do. they just he he's been very quiet i mean he he clearly doesn't like trump but he's not willing to like he's not gonna well it would be a shock let's put it this way it would be if if like he showed up at at biden's convention or something well.

I think his family and things have said things and they have been so they have been so vilified.

Yes there there there was a quote in the, there's a yeah there there's a quote in the 2016 thing when we were in 2016 before george hw bush died there were reports that he had said that he was voting for hillary clinton and that he supported her and liked her and she was a great lady blah blah blah but it was all sort of like ah he's getting old he doesn't know what he's saying you know but you know i i think you're right like Like a lot of it is like, Even the people who say, who think those who are like, you know, there, there's many forms of cowardice on the Republican side. There's a people who are in office who realize it would be political suicide within the Republican party to actually go straight up against Donald Trump and say all the kinds of things that Chris Christie said, or that Lynn Cheney says, or any of these folks there, they've basically been exiled from the party. Their political careers are over. and then there's people who are honestly scared for their physical safety yeah you know, for like somebody like w i don't like he's got secret service protection he's not running for office again you'd think he could say something but like you said they go after families and stuff too like they.

Go after family.

People are scared like you know i i think if if you got W in a candid moment by himself, he'd tell you like that he agrees with everybody else that Donald is dangerous and bad and blah, blah, blah. And I, you know, I don't know, maybe not, but I don't know. Maybe I think too much of W, you know?

No, no, no. I think you're right. And there has been a whole bunch of indirect indicators that that is the case.

Yeah anyway so we talked about we're pretty much out of time so like other other things just quick hits scotus came out with some decisions this week as sort of mixed bag they've been doing lately but the key ones that the key ones are still waiting right theoretically, on their normal calendar they should finish next week but every once in a while they've They've slipped into July in order to finish things up, and they've still got a lot of cases left. And the Trump immunity case is one of them. I predicted before that that's going to be the very, very last case that they announce is going to be the Trump immunity one on whatever day that is. We'll see. There are a few other big cases expected. This week, what? They had the gun case. SCOTUS 8-1 said that, yes, you can prohibit people convicted of domestic violence from carrying guns. Yeah. Of course, the one was Thomas in the 8-1.

Oh, you don't say.

Wow i'm shocked yes anyway so there's scoda stuff there'll be more scoda stuff that's still waiting we do have the debate coming up next week as of today it's still on you know people keep saying well maybe trump will skip out on it maybe something will happen we'll see it's it's next week it's coming soon look.

Every time i keep listen every time i look at at at the rules for with this debate and i i am thinking how did he agree to all this there is you know objectively, nothing in this debate helps him i'm still confused as why he's going through with it.

I mean when we did our predictions in december we said if if trump was the nominee there would be no debates i am surprised that's.

Right i'm shocked i don't understand.

Like what's in it for him.


I mean, the only thing I can think of.

Yeah. What do you think?

I think he believes his own hype about Biden being senile and thinks he's going to be able to walk circles around him.

That may be it. And that may be it. And the thing is, so the only thing I mean, the thing is, all I'm seeing here is how Biden could make him look like an idiot. Because you know that he is going to be out of control. I mean, how is he not going to be out of control? You can bet your ass that they will mute that microphone and he's going to be trying to be yelling and, you know, hollering and being angry and.

Still be heard. Yeah, that's right. Because, and I said this before, like, yeah, they're going to turn off his microphone, but they're only going to be standing a few feet apart. Biden's microphone will pick up Trump, you know, when he's like acting up. You remember in the Hillary debate, he was pacing and walking over to her and blah, blah, blah.

Yes, yes, yes.

He's going to do all that nonsense and shit he does. There have been more and more stories the last few weeks about Donald Trump's own cognitive issues. shoes.

Holy shit.

Like problems with his memory, him being like incoherent in his speeches. Last week we talked about the thing with the sharks and the batteries, you know, I, I, I don't know if you listened, I included the actual clip in the final episode, you know, all of this. So we'll see. Now here's the thing on all of the other debates that Trump has been in both against Hillary and against Biden, um, he's managed to kind of hold it together. Like you always expect him to go off the rails and he sort of goes part way up to the line.

But listen, I, I don't think you're, listen, I don't listen. He did really, really.

But he's a different person than he was four years ago.

And no, but, but not just that. Listen, I think you're forgetting it. Don't you remember the debate against Hillary that he did so fucking bad that he ripped up the fucking, you know, know he ripped up his notes like at the end that was like the thing yeah he did he did not do well it was a disaster no.

He we we said this last week he's lost every debate he's been in it just doesn't end up mattering.

Well here's the one thing though i i will say that in one of the things that we, that is a huge difference right now is that this debate is happening in June. Yes. We never have these debates now. No. And one of the things that we have been going on about is looking at the polling data, what the hell is going on, is where the low information voters that have not been engaged are. Right. And so a lot of the things that happen is that when that debate happens, like in September, OK, well, the conventions happen. So they all know who the candidates are and everything being like whatever. So, you know, for sure, it's, you know, like a whole bunch of people. It's not, you know, there's still a whole bunch of people clinging to like, you know, I don't know, somebody else's.

Maybe it won't be them.

Maybe it won't be them and shit like that. They are so low information. They have no idea. And so having this debate now, I think will have more of an impact than the usual debate because it's now. So all of a sudden it cuts through that bullshit of people that people are just thinking that this election is not going to be Trump versus Biden.

And another thing I saw, they did dump the presidential debate commission specifically to like freeze out Kennedy. He didn't qualify like CNN made some rules and Kennedy didn't qualify anyway. But one of the reasons that both Biden and Trump were like.

Let's say you want this clown in there.

They didn't want this clown. They also like felt like I agree. They felt like the presidential debate commission hadn't run well. The ones in the last couple of cycles, whatever. But CNN is doing it. But unlike like some of the like like the primary debates and I think even debate like this will be simulcast. CNN is running it, but this is going to be on all the networks.


Lots of people are going to see this, you know, and yeah, lots of people are going to be tuned out, but like this is going to, because it's going to be everywhere. This is going to be the ones where people flip, you know, the old fashioned people who are still watching linear TV and flipping channels are going to hit this and be like, Oh, debate, debate. You know, it's the only thing on, I guess I'll watch it right now. Right. For, For most people our age and younger, we're not linear TV anyway anymore, but still.

Well, but it's going to be streaming. It's going to be on a whole bunch of, yeah.

It's going to be everywhere. It's going to be hard to avoid. I mean, the people who want to avoid it will be able to do whatever they want, as they always will. But lots of people are going to see this debate. And so you may be right. It may have an impact. And of course, it all depends on how it goes, right? Right. Does everybody sort of do both candidates basically behave as expected or are there surprises? Do we actually see like Donald Trump completely incoherent? Do we see Biden completely incoherent? Does one of them have the heart attack that you dreamt about? You know, I don't know.

Oh, listen, if that happens, if my fucking dream becomes a reality, I'm going to be scared. I mean, I'm going to be scared. I'm like, what the fuck?

Yes. Well, you know. not not predicting or what anything but you know and then there's the usual like you know debates usually don't have an effect but every once in a while there's a really memorable line that gets talked about a lot every once in a while somebody screws up entirely in a way that like causes a major problem you.

Know the one thing that right now because there's so much shit that's happened to Trump, there are so many good lines that you could have prepared to fucking torpedo him. I was just practicing. The other day, I don't remember, but I was just thinking of something. It's like, well, I'm going to be the first president ever to something. You can tell, yeah, the first convicted felon president, that's going to look great on everybody. You could hit him with shit. Holy shit, you could have a field day.

You can't, but you, you can have a field day on sort of serious stuff like that. You can also like a number of people have said, if you really want to get under Trump's skin and get him to lose control, the way to do it is mocking him.


Like treat him like a joke, treat him with no respect whatsoever that he is beneath you because his whole personality personality, or his whole personality disorder, if you want to put it that way, is around propping up his ego and about how he is important and wonderful and great. And having someone directly confront him with, no, you are a fucking joke, is the thing that injures him the most. Now, I don't know how good Biden would be at that or whether Biden wants to be the one to do that, as opposed to, you know, sort of more, you know, like, you know, Michelle Obama's, like when they go low, we go high thing didn't really work all that well in 2016.

No, no.

So maybe, maybe try something different, but Biden very much like Biden very much has the the mindset that he, he so much wants things to go back to, you know, we are, we disagree, but we all love the country and we'll work together in the end and blah, blah, blah.

Listen, I. His ads lately have been different. Okay. Related to this.

Oh, they have. Yeah. There've been a couple that have been really pointed.

You know, they, they have been, he has been mocking him repeatedly on shit that he said and so forth. So, so they, they.

They, oh, and the, the, the, the Biden, Biden Harris HQ account on threads is just constantly it's whole modus operandi is just posting things that Donald Trump has said himself and basically where he looks like a jackass.

You know, but, but what a one thing that I'm saying is that you see a lot of posted Biden videos in which, you know, like, I can't remember the one that he's, which one of the crazy things that he said that, you know, he was like, wait, oh, the, the one about the Nazis. okay you know where he was like wait he really posted this the hell you know so he they've been doing a lot more of that so we'll see what what the debate brings so next thursday right where it's like well.

And there is a different there is a difference though between things the campaign does or people do on biden's behalf versus things he says himself to donald trump's face and like Like how that dynamic works, I guess we'll see. I want, I'll tell you what I want. I want aggressive, pointed, state of the union style Biden.

Yeah, that's what I want. That's the guy I want.

And, you know, Donald Trump has been all about like, oh, Biden's going to come out all drugged and stuff. And that's partly to like, you know, to sort of set expectations there. Both camps, everybody always wants set expectations low for their candidate and high for the others. so that, you know, if they don't do well, they can say, well, we always knew it was going to turn out that way. But honestly, you know, Donald Trump and his camp of all and Fox News and everybody have been like, you know, Joe Biden's going to come out all hyped up. He's going to be on like whatever drugs they need to pep him up. You know, I'm like, if that's what it takes, okay, give him some Adderall, fine, whatever, you know, whatever you need to do.

You know listen considering what we know about all the drugs that were being dispensed without any control at the white house in trump's administration in trump's administration okay all right which violated every fucking rule related to this everybody.

Was on every sort of upper drug you could possibly think of there.

There it says handing them out like candy okay OK, and then I'm sorry, but if you haven't seen, you know, Donald Trump Jr., like in every video that he's been on lately, look, I mean, seriously, that guy has to be on cocaine regularly. There is no other explanation for how he looks.

And back to Donald Trump himself, I mean, back in the other debates, you know, in 2016 and 2020, there was talk about, is Donald Trump on something? Yeah. During the debate, you know, because one of the people talked about how much he sniffled during the debates.

Oh, the sniff. I forgot about the sniffling.

And nobody, who knows? There's no proof of anything. thing. There was also talk about how sort of the first half of the debate, he basically kept it together and he sort of deteriorated for the second half.

So the dose was wearing off.

But yeah, so the dose was wearing off. But frankly, you're doing a two-hour debate. I would wear off by the second half too. Whether I'd taken anything or not, I'd be flagging by the second half of that debate.

I don't know. It really depends. I don't know. On those things, Well.

I say that, but here we go. We're over two hours into this podcast, and here I go.

Exactly. And we're, exactly. You're still yapping away.

I'm still jumping up and down talking, and I am going wild. I did not take any drugs before this podcast started.

It's the cocaine, right? Cocaine?

Oh, yeah. I'm all about the coke.

A lot of cocaine. Okay. You're all about. Okay, great. There you go. Well, that's good.

Coca-Cola. Right. That's what you mean.

Oh, that kind. Well, it used to have cocaine back in the day. So you old style.

It did. It did used to have cocaine. Anyway.

Yeah. Hey.


All right. Anyway, so speaking of two hours plus, let's wrap it up.

We need to be done. Yeah. I was going to mention Judge Cannon. She's just continuing to do her delay bullshit. shit you talked about fake democrats we talked about the veep stakes we talked about scotus we talked about the debate i think we covered it are we done are we done we're done okay so, curmudgeons corner go to go check out episode what did i say 472, failing to predict the past from eight years ago, June 23rd, 2016. You'll get the interview with that guy at the end. I don't think he says the mega hat thing in the interview. I think that happened otherwise, but I don't, I don't actually remember. So maybe he says it in an interview. I don't know. Like he's, he's interviewed in any case. And yeah, He ran for something the next year and lost as well, by the way.

So, Oh, well, well, that's a shame.

Yeah. I forget what he ran for some, some city council or something or whatever.

I feel awful.

Anyway, go there, see the archives, see all the ways to contact us, see all the transcripts. Not for that old episode. I didn't do transcripts back then.

But now you're getting auto a transcripts on the fricking Apple. Do he key?

Yeah. So I, I've, I've started to add the automatic, the, like the transcripts that'll play in your podcast player. If it supports it, Apple has apparently for months now been adding their own like AI transcripts to every podcast. So there've been curmudgeons corner transcripts in there for a while. Now, like I'm uploading my own, like the automatic ones don't identify who's talking, but I'm uploading my own now, which will identify who's talking. however i uploaded them for four episodes and apple only accepted them for two or no one only accepted it for one of the four episodes so i don't know the magic formula yet i don't know we'll see i.

Listen i will say that those automated transcripts that it added are actually pretty damn good.

Yeah no like the only thing that using the ones i upload would give you that those don't that.

Identifies the who's the speaker yeah yeah.

It identifies who's the speaker yeah yeah but but But yeah, and then also by me uploading it myself, other podcast players other than Apple can also show them. But only a few podcast players have that feature now. Like a lot of them still don't. But I presume they're all going to add them over the next year or so because it's now podcast 2.0 or whatever. Anyway, there's also our Patreon where you can give us money at various levels. We'll send you a postcard. We'll send you a mug. We'll send you talking about you on the show and ringing a bell. Well, speaking of sending mugs, by now Pete should have his mug. And I replaced my mug. My old one had cracked a long time ago, so I'm using it to hold pens or something.

Well, mine's fine.

And so I ordered a brand new one. The new ones are different. So if you have the originals, I just splashed water on myself out of my mug.

That's very good.

The originals included a thing that said what our Facebook version of Reconvention Corner page is. I took that out. so that if you've got the original mug collector's item oh it's gonna be worth millions it's.

Gonna part of my retirement fund.

Because the new ones the new ones only have our our web address not anything mentioning facebook so yeah so if you have the old one.

My retirement is set thank you for reminding me to make sure that i i i saved that yes absolutely Absolutely.

You know, keep that under glass and you know, one day it'll be worth millions, millions for that mug.

Millions, millions, millions.

Exactly. So anyway, at $2 a month or more on the Patreon, or if you just ask us, we will invite you to the curmudgeons course Slack where Yvonne and I are chatting throughout the whatever and doing the whatever and with a lot of listeners and blah, blah, blah. So Yvonne, what's the article.

Whatever, with a whatever, the thing and the thing?

The thing and the thing.

Okay, yes, of course.

And yes. So, so Yvonne, what's the highlight of the week from the slack?

Uh, there's a Vermont lawmaker that apologizes for repeatedly drenching a colleague's bag. So amazingly, oh my God, are you surprised? Wait, what do you think? The lawmaker that was dumping the water into the colleague, Republican or Democrat? What do you think?

Vermont, you said, right?


A Sanders Democrat. No, of course it was a Republican. what you would i don't i didn't i didn't even read the article i know it's a republican come on.

It's a fucking republic i mean this this fucking bag of shit and for some reason for no you know was just going and every time would walk up to this person's bag and just dump a fucking glass of water in it just to be a shit and.

Specifically you said it's a mega republican which is most of of them now but still like yes because this is the whole ethos now of like what acceptable behavior is in the republican party.

Mother fucking hell i got one that's talking about the 10 commandments and every school is jerking off her fucking boyfriend and i'm in a damn play okay and she's talking about having the fucking 10 commandments at every fucking school what the and.

Didn't you Didn't you share an article? I did not click through. Somebody was chasing a stripper or something, too.

Yes, that was another Republican. Yes, there was this guy who, let's see, what the heck was it? Here he is. Michigan GOP State Representative Neil Frisk arrested after alleged altercation with a stripper involving a firearm. Michigan State Rep Neil Frisk was arrested early Thursday morning after he reportedly chased a stripper with a gun after a disagreement the two had. And, you know, let me tell you something. I have experience with strippers. My wife knows this, so this is not a secret. I can tell you something that if you're having to chase your stripper with a gun, you're doing it wrong.


Good God almighty. The hell.

The hell. Okay. And with that, we will end the show. Thank you. Every for the, the, the, the, thank you everyone.


Yes. Thank you everyone for joining us as usual. Have a good week. Stay safe. Have fun. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah and we're gonna wrap it up goodbye bye, and with that I'm going to hit stop bye Yvonne have a nice night alright.

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